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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Six Reasons Why You Are Affected By Easy Bruising, Reason 2 - Disease!

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are concerned about why you are subject to easy bruising, you may need to evaluate whether you could be afflicted with a serious medical condition. Even though easy bruising acts as a primary or secondary symptom for several medical disorders, generally speaking, those particular medical conditions are fairly rare.

If you have decided that your easy bruising is due to some sort of medical disease, you need to get hold of yourself and stay calm so that you can realistically evaluate your situation. Making certain that you carefully assess what your risk level might be is a much better course of action than working yourself into a frenzy. If you don't educate yourself enough to thoroughly understand what conditions might be a cause of your easy bruising, you are much more likely come to a faulty conclusion.

In your education process, you will learn that some of the diseases for which easy bruising are symptoms are genetically based or inherited in nature. Von Willebrand's disease is one that has easy bruising as a symptom, and it can be either inherited or contracted later in life. This is a disease where the body has problems manufacturing its own auto-antibodies, and it frequently is a result of your contracting lupus.

Bruising easily is a prominent symptom of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which is a disorder of the connective tissues. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is actually a whole group of diseases that can variously affect internal organs, blood vessels, the ligaments, and joints, and this group of diseases is comprised mostly of disorders that are hereditary.

Perhaps the most famous inheritable disease associated with easy bruising is hemophilia, where the body lacks the ability to clot its own blood. The bruising that occurs can be dark and extremely dramatic, even if the original trauma was quite small, and at the end of the day, this is generally known from birth. At one point, hemophilia was very common among the royal families of Europe.

Of course, there are also diseases that can be contracted that can lead to bruising as well. Diabetes is a disease that can develop independently, but there is also a very strong genetic link in most cases because of immediate family members also contracting the disease. Diabetes is defined as an issue of disordered metabolism, where abnormally high blood sugar levels are present. Diabetes can slow the healing ability of people who are bruising, and the bruises can show up large and dark and end up lingering much longer than they should.

Easy bruising is also a symptom for scurvy, which is basically defined as being deficient in vitamin C. Vitamin C is a vital nutrient that your body requires to heal itself and to enhance collagen production, and the body cannot make vitamin C on its own. If you have a shortage of vitamin C in your system, you will discover that your body can't heal itself efficiently, and the any bruises that you do get are significantly darker and more severe than they would likely otherwise be.

If you have taken the time required to educate yourself on the different diseases that can have easy bruising as symptoms, and you still think that you may be at risk, having a consultation with your doctor is absolutely necessary. In most cases, your bruising easily is not a function of your having some particular disease.

Once you have eliminated some serious disorder as the cause of your bruising easily, it's an excellent time to evaluate the benefits of adding a daily all natural program like Bruises Be Banned to help overcome your easy bruising and help reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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