Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, October 2, 2009

Unearth The 5 Top Weight Loss Rules

By Paula D Bryant

Some people believe that "all diets work" and that our problem is not that we can't lose weight it is instead that we can't keep it off after it is lost. We go on the diet and lose the weight then we get off the diet and the weight comes back. Except for the resistant dieter who never drops a pound in the first place.

As a experienced dieter who had for many years been trying various ways to lose weight I knew that this was not a fact. The issue was that there had been many diet programs that I tried and followed the advice exactly only to see the scale not budge. True story, the scale did not record the drop of even one pound. My body was totally resistant to losing weight.

It is a biological thing for women. Men are always able to lose weight and gain muscle easier and faster than women because women are biologically programmed to hold onto the fat. In the rare event of a famine our bodies are programmed not only to make sure we stay alive but also to keep any offspring that we may be carrying alive. Biologically it is just more challenging for women to lose weight.

But in the past few years and throughout this struggle, I have learned quite a few things that can help a woman to lose weight. I will share my top five rules for weight loss here.

First rule is to Eat. That's right; never starve yourself if you want to have lasting weight loss. Eating regularly will keep you from getting over hungry which in turn will keep you from eating everything in site later on. It also keeps your metabolism pumping and your body keeps on burning calories. If your body thinks it is starving it will shut down your metabolism and conserve the fat so eat, at least 3 meals and as many as 6 small meals every day.

The second rule is to be aware of what you do eat. Empty calories in the form of "white foods" and empty carbohydrates do nothing to fill you up and just pile on the pounds. Choose quality and you will automatically reduce quantity. Many cravings are caused by a deficiency of sufficient nutrients so choose quality, high-density nutritious foods when you do eat. Remove the junk out of your pantry and out of your life.

Third, make sure that you add some protein with every meal. High protein diets work because protein digests slower than carbohydrates; especially simple carbohydrates and they will not cause a sugar spike in your bloodstream. When you add protein you are not nearly as hungry later on and you wind up consuming fewer calories.

Fourth rule is to select quality carbs. Simple carbs, like donuts, cakes and sweets of any kind and anything that is made from white flour will spike your blood sugar, which will cause more hunger, and it will just add to your fat deposits. Complex carbohydrates give you fiber and nutrients that benefit your body. Complex carbohydrates are whole grains and vegetables.

The fifth rule is to start moving. Start an exercise program. Begin walking and take the stairs. You can begin slow and move up to a more difficult program as you become stronger but if you want to lose weight and keep it off long-term exercise is critical.

It may be that you'll have to work at it. Few people with weight problems solve them once and for all for and never have to think about it again, but if you adhere to these rules most of the time, you will lose weight and you will be able to keep it off. - 17268

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