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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Best Treatment For Hair Loss Unveiled

By Jim Stevenson

Are you striving to detect the best treatment for hair loss? The classic causes for hair loss are tension, illness, food intake, heredity, hormones, or merely not taking care of your hair. Food intake, stress, and infection are the temporary reasons, where the hair loss ceases as soon as you grow to be more healthy, control your constant worry and take care of your hair.

Heredity and hormones are different matters, however. Heredity is an irreversible condition - you are a product of your parents, and hair loss is often inherited. Hormones are tricky, hidden things, however, and they have different effects on an individual basis. In a male, testosterone abides abundantly.

Furthermore, testosterone is often altered by enzymes, which results in DHT. DHT causes many things when it circulates in the bloodstream, including the shrinkage of hair follicles. These smaller hair follicles battle to force through new hairs to replace any that are lost, which ultimately leads to hair loss.

Hormonal imbalances are one cause of hair loss in women. The hormonal changes caused by pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause can impact both your physical, emotional, and mental well being. Both temporary and permanent hair loss can be caused by these changes.

Believe it or not, the most effective hair loss treatment has actually been available for centuries. The Egyptians, Aztecs, Mayans, and American Indians all used oil-based and herbal remedies in ancient times with some effectiveness.

Hair can regrow naturally thanks to modern developments which allow "dead" hair follicles to be re-opened and stimulated without damage occurring to already healthy follicles. As a result, various products (both prescribed and over-the-counter) are available. All a person has to do is query for "hair loss" to find hundreds, if not thousands, of websites and items to check out.

Minoxidil is the one ingredient that is the best treatment for hair loss. Research studies stated that 80% of the products helps in fighting with the hair loss problem and helps in regrowth of the hair. Rogaine is most likely the one most people recognize by name, and it can be found in any drug store, in formulations for either men or women. Due to the differing hormones and hormonal levels between men and women, many products come with a line for each, specifically tailored to that gender.

An additional product containing minoxidil is Provillus, and, again, studies have shown it to be effective. The difference between Provillus and other similar products is that the makers have added Azelaic Acid, an additional ingredient which appears to enhance the follicle repair in both men and women.

Provillus may be the best hair loss remedy; just as other products it has been subjected to vast testing, and its level of effectiveness may be higher. Provillus is available for males and females alike, and the treatment is a mixture of a topical liquid put on the balding areas, and a capsule or pill to be taken in addition to the liquid.

The critical key to effectiveness, according to its makers, is the addition of the azelaic acid, however, the correct amount of this acid is most important piece of this treatment. As with most hair loss products, the makers recommend patience. It may take from 3-6 months for improvement to occur, however, there is a money-back guarantee up to 90 days if one is not satisfied that it is working for him/her.

Therapeutic research is constant in the topic of preventing the loss of hair and the replenishment of areas of lasting hair loss. Those who make particular products will make changes as more and more guidance is provided. On the hopeful side, big bucks are being used to support research in hopes of discovering the best treatment for hair loss, so if you are a sufferer then take that as good news! - 17268

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