Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bingo Wings-How To Get Rid Of Them With Less Insulin

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you can lower your levels of insulin, you will reduce your bingo wings. So your main goal should be to control this sexy arm gatekeeper.

And keep in mind that you could spend all day running, all day lifting weights, all day walking, but if your levels of insulin are high, you will not be able to reduce those bingo wings. There is no way to get around this effect.

So here are some strategies for lowering your insulin to get rid of bingo wings:

1. Stick with legumes and beans. Many health experts recommend whole grains as a healthy source of carbohydrates. The problem here is that whole grains digest very quickly, even the ones with lots of fiber. And fast digestion equals more insulin.

2. Do not leave out any major food groups. And this includes vegetables. After all, vegetables have an immediate effect on lowering digestion. In fact, having a lot of vegetables with every meal is the simplest thing you can do to accelerate bingo wing reduction.

3. Deal with dopamine. If you have become accustomed to a high intake of carbohydrates, your levels of dopamine may be a little skewed. After all, research has shown that high sugar intakes have similar effects like drugs on the dopamine system. Preempt this issue and you will be way ahead of the game.

4. Stay away from the spirits. By spirits I mean alcohol. You see, alcohol is one tricky drink. A little of it is great for you, but a lot is absolutely horrible. Specifically, it increases abdominal fat which has a direct impact on insulin.

5. Squash emotional black holes. If you tend to over eat in order offset negative areas of your life, you have to attack the problem at the root. You should only eat because your body needs the food, not because your mind needs it. This can be a tough feat, however. If you cannot do it alone, then please seek professional help.

Lowering insulin is the only way to get rid of bingo wings. There is absolutely no equivocation with this statement. So make it a priority to master your insulin. - 17268

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