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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Colloidal Gold is a Super Food Supplement

By Kathryn Barry

Colloidal Gold is gaining recognition as a super nutrient valuable for its broad spectrum support of a healthy high performance body, mind and mood.

Commonly Reported Experiences and Benefits:

Motivated with a sense of optimism

Increased overall sense of well being

Focus, memory, and concentration levels increased

Increased ability to cope with or release stress

Feeling more rested upon waking from sleep

Sense of energized yet calm zen-like awareness

Ability to remember dreams

Supports your mood during the winter

Support in relief of cravings and addictions

How was Gold Used as a Supplement in History?

Tonics made from gold have been used for rejuvenation, maximization of potential and well being for centuries.

The Mayan culture has revered gold for thousands of years. It is interesting to note that it seems that they used this precious metal to a high degree for their eating utensils.

Could this be based on drinking glasses, plates, and bowls made from gold enabling microscopic amounts of gold to be absorbed by the human body?

Paracelsus the modern forefather of Pharmacology studied alchemy and created metallic minerals such as gold for use as medicines.

He was a bit ahead of his time and had a reputation of curing patients that where beyond the help of a "normal" physician.

Is a Super Food Made from Metal Safe?

Yes,-- of the most crucial nutrients in human metabolism are metals which include magnesium, manganese, iron, selenium, and zinc.

This noble element is non-toxic and will not chemically interact with any other chemistries within your cells or even medications.

People with allergies are told to wear high quality gold jewelry because allergies to gold are almost non-existent.

Is Colloidal the Best Type of Gold Supplement?

Yes, you must be able to ingest and absorb gold if it is to be of any value to your body.

Your cells can absorb colloidal forms of gold easily.

Smaller forms such as ionic supplements of gold are being pushed as a better form of gold because of its smaller size.

It is true that ionic forms of gold (Angstrom Gold for example) have an even smaller particle size than most colloids.

This truth doesn't necessarily make ionic more desirable.

At the cellular level, the ionic form of gold behaves more like a drug. It has had electrons removed and has been radically altered.

Ionic charged particles will seek out atoms in your cells that have a negative charge and bond with them.

Just like the rush you get from coffee, eventually this form of gold will cause an over sensitization of your nervous system.

You Can Find Pure Colloidal Gold at Elements for Life!

Gold Rush is made in small batches with maximum commitment to the creation of an exceptional product that exceeds the expectations of even the most educated and discriminating element connoisseur.

The concentration of this gold is 10 ppm or parts per million and has a particle size of 1.2-3nm which makes it almost 100% bioavailable.

Gold Rush is not an ionic gold supplement.

It has a light ruby pink color which only comes with real Colloidal Gold.

It has a very smooth yet tasteless sensation and needs no refrigeration. - 17268

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