Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Toned Abs, Nicer Clothes

By Dan Solaris

The fast-food culture people in the Western countries have combined with the hectic schedules that leave little room for daily exercise are causing more and more people to fall victim to obesity. Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention puts the percentage of overweight Americans at 66% and almost half that number already obese.

Indeed, as the pace of life becomes increasingly faster, our waistlines are growing and wearing tight, sexy clothes have ceased to be an option for most folks. Working the daily grind has made it quite difficult to stay in shape these days but not at all impossible if we really put our mind to it.

Keeping our weight down through constant exercise is the fastest way to trim the inches around our bellies and fit in those favorite pair of denims exiled deep in our closet. True that maintaining a regular workout regimen seems impossible with our hectic schedules, but with the myriad of benefits we get through regular exercise it's ridiculous not to.

Regular exercise not only gives us the obvious benefits of toned abs and a lighter, better-looking physique. Making it a point to work-out everyday lowers blood pressure and significantly lowers the risk of cancer, diabetes, and hypertension while boosting our immune system.

Maintaining a regular exercise routine is also the best way to combat the stress and pressure we accumulate throughout the day. In addition, hard physical activity triggers the production of endorphins in our brain- giving us a lighter, happier mood.

Nicely toned abs and a better disposition- what better way to offset the ravages of an unhealthy diet and job stress? Having a tight schedule is no excuse because with the right combination of exercises, it's possible to create a daily calorie deficit in just 30 minutes a day.

Cardiovascular exercises have long been known to be the best way to burn calories from body fat, but one needs to keep at it for at least an hour in order to burn enough calories and facilitate fat-loss. For folks whose schedules are packed, intensifying cardio and muscle-building routines will let them reap the same weight-loss benefits for less than an hour each day.

Fact: Fat burn doesn't occur until after the first 10-15 minutes of conventional aerobic exercise. The heart rate and metabolism need to reach a certain point for our bodies to start burning energy from calories. Starting cardio sessions at higher intensity will jump-start our metabolism- resulting in immediate fat burn. Shortening rest periods in between weight-lifting sets will also increase our heart rate during anaerobic workouts- allowing us to get the benefits of cardio while building muscle. - 17268

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