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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How To Become Taller - 10 Ways How To Become Taller Fast

By Shaun Davids

Are you trying to figure out how to become taller, without having to rely on those useless height pills? If you are willing to work hard towards it, it will be easier than you think. Stop asking yourself, "How can I grow taller?" and follow these 10 ways now.

1. Do some stretches:

The first thing you should do when you get out of bed is to stretch. You can even do some of these stretches while still lying in bed - to help get your senses going. Extend your arms and legs outwards, as if you are getting your body pulled apart. This is a good way to get you ready on how to become taller.

2. Breathing exercises:

It is good to work on your breathing when you wake up. What you should do is take in a slow, deep breath through your nose, and then let it out slowly through your mouth. Do this about 5 times to get oxygen circulating through your blood.

3. Suntan:

If you did not know, sunlight helps our bodies produce vitamin D - a vital nutrient when learning how to become taller. After you wake up, go outside and bathe in the weak morning sun for a few minutes. You will feel your body getting revitalized.

4. Walk:

Once you have stretched and done some breathing exercises, you are ready for your morning walk. This is a great exercise that can be done anytime, in fact.

5. Stimulate your growth hormones:

After your walk, you should finish by rubbing and massaging some of your body's pressure points to help release height growth hormones. This type of massage is considered both an exercise and a way to relax tired muscles as you learn how to become taller.

6. Stand/Sit Up Straight:

Remember that you should maintain a very good posture. Do not slouch when you are sleeping . Let your stomach in and put your chest out. Your chin should always be in an upright position to maintain that posture, In doing this, you will know how to look taller.

7. Get enough rest:

After your exercise you may feel a little tired - that is fine, but make sure you get some rest then. Your body has refuel itself so that your muscles can grow and become taller. So whenever you feel tired - have a short 20 minute "power nap" and then get back to what you were doing.

8. Straighten your spine:

When you are lying in bed and are about to go to sleep, try lying with your back flat and your spine straightened out.

9. Keep hydrated:

With all these stretches and exercises, you need to be getting plenty of water to stay hydrated. This helps your body detoxify itself and replace any lost moisture.

10. Avoid Bad Habits:

Last but not the least, you should avoid nicotine and alcohol. Unhealthy habit won't lead you to your success in how to become taller fast. Instead it would hinder you to do so, because of the toxic it gives your body. - 17268

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