Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, August 3, 2009

4 Things Not To Do When Reducing Caloric Load For Toned Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you really want to tone up your arms, you have to reduce your caloric load. But don't think that more is better, because it's not!

How many times have you heard of someone going on a 1000 or 1200 calorie diet? This is extremely common and very unhealthy.

So by how much should you cut calories? No more than twenty percent. If you go further, expect a decrease in hormonal output. Said output burns through arm fat like a knife through butter.

And keep in mind that cutting calories does NOT have to give you a drop in energy. In fact, if you do it the right way, you can have an INCREASE in energy. So here are 4 things you shouldn't be doing when cutting calories to get toned arms:

1. Using supplements to substitute whole foods. Strive to eat as much whole food as possible. Don't fall for the marketing hype. Whole food will leave you feeling fuller and will leave you much healthier. Also keep in mind that very few supplements actually work.

2. Only eating once or twice a day. This is a horrible method for reducing caloric intake. In reality, increasing meal frequency becomes more relevant when restricting calories to get toned arms.

3. Staying out of the gym. Muscle needs to be fed lots of calories and your body doesn't like that-especially when it's being deprived of calories. So the best way to make your body keep your muscle when dieting is to lift weights.

4. Eating unbalanced meals. Don't simply cut out carbs or fats to reduce your caloric intake. Balanced meals are crucial for accelerated arm fat burning. And vegetables are really important for slowing down digestion which in turn speeds up fat loss.

If only we could eat everything under the sun and get toned arms at the same time. Unfortunately, the reality is that we have to control what we eat in order to optimize arm fat loss. The good news is that it doesn't have to be painful or ultra-restrictive. And if you follow my above tips it will be that much easier! - 17268

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