Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, August 3, 2009

Is the 6 Week Body Makeover a Scam?

By Rico Kidd

The 6 Week Body Makeover is not a diet, it's a program that re-teaches you how to eat so that you lose weight and stay thin for the rest of your life. Many people are too quick when judging a program and will shout out "scam!" if they do not lose weight (or lose weight at slower rate than what the plan states).

One un-happy person that has done the program can make thousand other people not buy the program. All they have to do is post their negative opinion on a consumer review website and people will flock to the site, read the post, and ultimately be discouraged that the program doesn't work. Note that in any program, you will always find people that can point out the imperfections. Some people are just born to complain.

I would like to give a fair review of the of the body makeover program as I am currently on this eating plan and have enough knowledge to give an un-biased review. I can say that my review is un-biased because I'm not trying to sell you anything. You will not see any affiliate links to a product within this article (this diet does not have an affiliate program). There is absolutely no benefit for me, except to share a rebuttal towards all of the negative complaints towards this program.

Does the program work? Will you lose weight? The plain and simple truth is, yes, you will lose weight. Matter of fact, you might lose a lot of weight. I've been on this diet for over three weeks and have lost around five pounds. Five pounds might not seem like a lot to you, but I can tell that I've lost fat weight and have put on muscle. My goals are different from other people and if your goal is to lose a lot of fat weight, you will have the ability to do so.

Many people who are unhappy with the program have actually stated that they lost A LOT of weight. They were just un-happy with the program because it was too restrictive to them. These people quit half way through the program and ended up gaining all the weight back. They claim that they lost mainly water weight due to the restricted sodium intake (salt and sodium is very restricted on this program). Yes, you will lose water weight; however, you are supposed to be drinking at least 100 oz. of water a day on this program so you can't blame all of your weight loss on water weight loss due to retention.

The 6 Week Body Makeover focuses on eating foods that help you metabolize calories at a faster rate. In order to do this you have to eat more food throughout the day. However, the portions that you consume tend to be smaller than what you're currently used to. Also, the food is rather bland as you are not allowed to add salt or oil to any of the food you consume. The Infinite Meal Planner and recipes cards help you create meals that taste decent while restricting sodium intake. Another complaint is that the meal planning process and preparation is tedious. This is true in the fact that it will require you to plan and prepare your meals ahead of time. I tend to think of things positively as I realized that I ended up saving a lot of money eating meals at home (lots of leftovers). Also, when you think of what you're going to eat ahead of time, it actually causes you to eat healthier. When you are eating whenever you feel hungry or on a sporadic time schedule, you tend to grab food that is convenient. Convenient food tends to be pre-packaged, processed, high-fat, high-sodium and generally un-healthy food.

How badly do you want to lose weight? I have to admit that I do not like dieting (I think no one in their right mind does). However, I do love the end result of losing 10 pounds of fat and gaining 10 pounds of muscle. I love that I can fit into my pants that were once too tight for me. There are small sacrifices that have to be made in order to lose weight and get that beautiful body you've always wanted. You are not a victim and neither are the people who haven't lost weight on this program. They are the people who reached for that extra donut instead of reaching for the carrot. - 17268

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