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Monday, August 3, 2009

How Juice Fasting Can Detoxify the Body

By Jay Collins

Many people who are looking to detoxify their body are looking towards juice fasting. A lot want to get rid of the toxins in their body so they can feel healthier. These toxins often make people feel sluggish and can affect the immune system. Any detoxifying or cleansing method such as juice fasting can help people to feel healthier and give them more energy. Juice fasting is good because it is easy to do and the fruits are readily available.

Starting slowly is advisable if you are just embarking on your fruit fasting quest. You have to remember that you will be limiting yourself to fruit juice for one whole day. Diabetics need to take extra precautions as fruit is high in sugar and could affect the glucose levels. It is important to consult with your physician first before embarking on a fast. Also, I would advise to keep to a fruit juice fast for no longer than three days. Again, seek medical advice first if you plan to pursue a fast for longer.

I have compiled some good recipes below which are great combinations of fruit and vegetables to get you started on your fast:

Recipe 1: The is a vegetable juice combination of half a beetroot, three carrots, one celery stick and two swiss chard leaves. Add to this a few sprigs of watercress. Make sure to wash them initially, dice and then put them through the juicer.

Recipe 2: Again wash with distilled water, cut and put through the juicer three green apples, one carrot and a few fresh basil leaves. This is simple and one of my favorites.

Recipe 3: This is a carrot juice with a little extra. Mix together a handful of dandelion leaves. mint, basil, one kale leaf, four carrots and coriander leaves and just juice for a quick drink.

Recipe 4: Adding four peaches into the juicer makes a very simple but surprisingly cleaning juice.

There are many types of juices you can make to fast with. Some fasts recommend just fruit and others just vegetables. It does not really matter at the end of day. you will soon start discovering your own favorite combinations. - 17268

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