Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Add Weight Training To Your Health And Fitness Regime

By Jose Bautista

There are many important parts to maintaining proper health and fitness. But one area is frequently neglected in women and that is weight training or some type of weight bearing exercises. Over 70% of all women do not do any weight resistance training. Weight training can help you lose weight faster and keep your bones stronger and body more flexible, stronger and mobile.

Most individuals think that to lose weight you just need to do cardiovascular exercise. While you will burn more calories in a 30 minute session of cardio exercise, in the span of 24 hours you will burn more calories by doing 30 minutes of weight training. By adding weight lifting you can lose 3% more fat then by just cardio exercise alone.

Additionally muscle is important for your metabolism as the amount of fat you can burn is directly linked to the amount of muscle you have. You burn more calories throughout the day because you have more muscle that needs energy. If you replace fat with muscle you will burn more calories just by sitting down.

Additionally muscles can help to increase your metabolism because with an increase in muscle you also can increase the amount of fat you burn. Muscle needs energy to work so just by having more muscle you are automatically burning more calories as you move during the day. The best thing to do is replace your fat with muscle and you will burn more calories, be more toned and feel great.

It is also important to realize that when you do aerobic activity you burn fat but you also lose muscle. However when you lift weights you only burn fat because you are keeping your muscles strong. Also weight lifting makes it possible to lose that pesky abdomen fat that can be very difficult to get rid of.

Because weight lifting adds muscle you should not rely solely on measuring your weight as your success story. You should also take your measurements as you may not lose weight, as muscle weighs more than fat, but you will find that your clothing size will decrease. Weight lifting has exceptional results and should be added to your exercise regime. - 17268

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