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Friday, July 31, 2009

Ten Diet Tips to Help Lower Blood Pressure

By Esther Dacanay

Many treatments for high blood pressure focus solely on treating the symptoms, however there are alternatives such as diet and nutrition which focus on the underlying cause of this disease. There are some forms of hypertension that if diagnosed in its early stages can be reversed without the use of medications if a strict diet is taken seriously and followed on a daily basis. Everyone, whether experiencing hypertension or completely healthy will benefit from the dietary and nutritional guidelines listed below.

1) High Fiber - Low in Fat - This diet consists of plenty of oat bran, fresh fruits containing pectin such as apples, bananas and melons as well as vegetables such as peas, beets, cabbage, carrots, broccoli, prunes and spinach.

2) No on Salt - A high intake of sodium can promote the retention of fluids and increase blood pressure. A large reduction of salt in your diet can help alleviate this problem. Furthermore, you should double-check food labels and watch for the symbol na or the word sodium in products. Monosodium glutamate is found in some canned vegetables, soups, ibuprofen medications, diet sodas, meat tenderizers, most sugar substitutes, soy sauce and softened water. Definitely watch for this!

3) No Sugar - Some studies show that ingesting white sugar can increase sodium retention and can also stimulate adrenaline production, which can cause blood vessel constriction.

4) No Blowing Smoke - Studies show that smoking can cause high blood pressure, but not only that, all things smoke are bad for you. Apparently, studies show that even smoked or aged cheeses and meats are bad news right along with animal fats, gravies, broths, processed foods and CHOCOLATE!

5) Celery - Recent studies show that celery stalks contain properties that are highly beneficial in lowering blood pressure. It seems that Chinese physicians and folk healers were ahead of the game as they have implemented the use of celery seeds and oil for the treatment of high blood pressure throughout the ages.

6) Choose Oils Wisely - It is no secret that hydrogenated fat and margarine is extremely unhealthy, however there are some oils that contain beneficial properties. Olive oil, flaxseed oil and fish oil are just a few of these healing oils.

7) Red Meat Bad - although we love to partake in a delectable burger or a juicy steak, it is very important that these delicious treats be limited to a once a month regimen. Lean white meats and coldwater fish are excellent in fighting the battle of high blood pressure.

8) Say Yes to Garlic - Many studies have shown that garlic is extremely effective in lowering high blood pressure; however it is also highly beneficial in decreasing cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. While garlic is a fantastic element, most people do not ingest enough on a daily basis in order to experience its benefits, so an odorless capsule is highly recommended. In addition, onions also contain some of these extraordinary properties as well.

9) Become a Vegan - Recent research studies show that people who live a strict vegetarian lifestyle have significantly lower blood pressure than those who partake in meat in their diet. Many people experiencing hypertension can decrease this disease by implementing more vegetables and less meat into their daily diet. Furthermore, adopting a vegan diet is the most effective, rapid, safe and permanent way to eradicate high blood pressure.

10) Try the Dash Diet - This diet is a formulated plan specifically designed for those with high blood pressure and is highly recommended as the first course of treatment by physicians. The medical community recognizes that high blood pressure is not only dangerous to the body but can affect the functionality of other life giving organs as well. It is for this reason that the Dash Diet is endorsed by such organizations as The American Heart Association, The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the U.S. Guidelines for the Treatment of High Blood pressure. - 17268

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