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Sunday, September 6, 2009

4 Cons Of High Carbohydrate Dieting And Losing Arm Flab

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Figuring the right nutritional approach for losing arm flab can be like finding a needle in a haystack. How so? Because with all the marketing campaigns out there the truth has been hidden amongst all the falsehoods.

I'm pretty sure you're having a challenge finding the perfect diet

If so, you're not alone. I suspect that most women are utterly lost when it comes to solid nutrition for arm flab loss. I know I was.

Thus, here is why you shouldn't go high carb to lose arm fat:

1. Sugar overdose. Being around lots of carbs means being around lots of sugar in one form or another. And if you have a sugar addiction you should definitely stay away from high carb eating. After all, once you start having sugar it will be very hard to stop.

2. Can increase insulin resistance. The research has shown time and again that those with insulin resistance do far better with lower carb diets. So if you're insulin resistant, high carb dieting is not for you.

3. Massive hunger spikes. If you do not eat a LARGE amount of vegetables when going high carb expect some major hunger swings. Why? Because carbs will drive your blood sugar levels up and then down.

4. Very slow arm flab loss. If you want toned arms now and not later, then this diet is not for you. With high carb intakes, weight loss comes at a slow crawl.

Do you want to lose that arm flab ASAP? If so, high carb is not for you. In my experience, moderate to low carb intakes are best. Going low carb, however, isn't necessary unless you are insulin resistant. How can you tell? If you have a relatively large abdomen, then you could be insulin resistant. Ignore all the marketing hype and stick to what has been proven by research. Only then will you achieve sexy arm success! - 17268

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