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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ten Steps to Reduce Bruising, Step 5 - How Using Vitamins Can Help Overcome Easy Bruising!

By Carolyn Cooper

There are a variety of reasons that you desire to be rid of easy bruising, but one of the most significant reasons to think about is that bruising easily can really be a a symptom of medical condition. Easy bruising for most people is simply a function of aging, but it could also be caused by a vitamin deficiency. Even if you do not have a vitamin deficiency, you should consider adding some particular vitamins into your daily regimen to help you overcome bruising easily.

Keep in mind that the reason for adding vitamins to your diet and your daily regimen is to replenish essential nutrients that your body cannot regenerate for itself in essential quantities. If your body cannot replenish these nutrients on its own, your body will require that they be provided from some outside source. Spend the necessary time to consider how well your diet is set up, and consider whether you may be under serving your body of nutrients that it really requires. In your quest to reduce bruising easily, there are a few vitamins that you need to make sure are available in sufficient quantities to your body.

Vitamin C is probably the first vitamin that you need to evaluate when looking for something to help prevent bruising. Many doctors consider vitamin C to be beneficial for a lot of circumstances. I'm sure that you've probably noticed that when you increase your intake orange juice at the onset of a cold, many times the affects of the cold seem to be reduced. Vitamin C is a major contributor in keeping your immune system in its optimum condition. Vitamin C is essential for your body's ability to produce collagen, which provides elasticity to the skin and acts as lubrication for the joints.

If you want to add more vitamin C to your system, increasing your intake of citrus fruits is an excellent way to boost your vitamin C levels. Eating oranges, limes, and grapefruits are all good ways to increase you vitamin C level, and eating these fruits raw will enhance the passage of these nutrients more directly into your system. Considering Vitamin C supplement tablets will increase your vitamin retention as well.

If you are trying to augment your body's strength and prevent your body from its easy bruising, you must consider increasing your vitamin K intake. Vitamin K has a great deal to do with keeping your circulatory system in good working order; after all, the K in vitamin K comes from a German word that means "coagulation". Vitamin K used externally as a serum has been proved to help heal bruises and when taken internally as a supplement to help prevent bruises from forming so readily.

There are several ways to increase vitamin K levels in your body. The easiest way may be to eat increased amounts of vegetables that are high in vitamin K content, which include kale, spinach and collard greens among others. Also understand that vitamin K can be applied externally as a topical salve or ointment, and it can be obtained as a supplement for internal use.

Finally, keep in mind that vitamin E should be considered for external use only, especially if you are trying to heal existing bruises. Seeds like sunflower seeds and nuts like almonds are the primary source for vitamin E. A liquid form of vitamin E can be obtained for external, topical use.

If you are really ready to overcome your tendency to bruise easily, you have to add critical vitamins to be successful. You should consider a daily natural supplement program like Bruises Be Banned, which combines the proper dosage of essential vitamins and other important nutrients to help you prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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