Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, September 27, 2009

How To Get Thin Arms-Ditch The Fruit Juice!

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you really want to learn how to get thin arms and you drink lots of juice, please stop! Fruit juice causes arm fat gain. Period.

The big companies, however, would have you believe that fruit juice is healthy. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. So please don't buy into all those infomercials promoting juice that will solve all your physical ailments.

What's so bad about juice? It's the sugar. What's so bad about sugar? It raises levels of insulin. And once insulin goes up, arm fat burning completely shuts down. There are no exceptions here!

And here are 4 more reasons why you should stay away from fruit juice if you want to get thin arms:

1. It causes your liver to secrete not so good things. What type of things? Excess fatty acids and bad cholesterol! Now you really do NOT want these two floating around within your body if your main goal is to get thin and slim arms.

2. It will increase fat storage. Solid research has clearly demonstrated that small amounts of juice are directly correlated with obesity. Why? It's all about the sugar.

3. There usually isn't any pulp. Most commercial juice is completely devoid of pulp. And pulp is loaded with fiber, the one thing that could potentially slow digestion and control insulin levels.

4. Little nutrition. Most of the nutrition is concentrated in the pulp, and more importantly, the peel. So if all you're having is the juice, don't expect a boost in health. An apple, for instance, loses over 2 times its nutrition without the peel. Not good!

Now I don't recommend going on an all-you-can-eat-fruit-peel-buffet. Some peels taste absolutely horrible, I know because I've tried them! Tip: stay away from banana peels. However, I do recommend staying away from fruit juice. And if you absolutely have to have some, make sure it has lots of pulp, and if possible, peel, and also make sure you only have a very small glass. - 17268

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