Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Thin Arms Are Unobtainable With Trans Fatty Acids!

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Your body needs healthy dietary fat to function properly. However, were you aware that one type of fat is hidden in many foods and causes a high amount of deaths every year? This killer is called trans fat.

How was this killer born? Well, during the 1900's a couple chemists figured out that hydrogenation extended the shelf life of vegetable oils. Too bad they didn't know how much damage their new discovery would cause.

And they became the number one nutrient responsible for the largest amount of deaths in U.S. history.

Because of the effect trans fats have on your metabolism, it's almost impossible to get thin and slim arms if they're in your diet. Regardless of how hard you train, they will blunt your efforts.

So just how bad are trans fats? Well, check out the following list:

1. The lowest estimate from Harvard predicts 30,000 annual deaths. That is a lot of death from a single nutrient. The U.S. population, and the rest of the world, has never dealt with such a common yet lethal killer.

2. There is no safe level of intake. The food industry would have you believe that 40 calories per day of trans fat will have NO negative impact on your health or arms. Yet Harvard and Stanford research has clearly proven otherwise.

3. They increase triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are the storage form of arm fat within your body. Do you think increasing their level will help you get thin and slim arms? Absolutely not!

4. They raise the worst type of cholesterol. What's the worst type? Dense LDL particles. In other words, they clog up your arteries which is not good for your heart and they reduce circulation which is not good for getting thin arms.

I hope this article doesn't scare you. You shouldn't be afraid of food! However, I do hope that it educates you and motivates you to stay away from trans fats. It's quite rare for a single nutrient to have such harmful effects on the female body. Usually, a whole range of factors are too blame for excess body fat. Yet trans fat are an exception here. So if you want thin and slim arms, make sure you adopt a zero intake policy! - 17268

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