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Friday, September 18, 2009

Work Lower Abs Fast: 3 Steps to a Full-proof Workout Routine

By Travis Hunt

I always hear people say to me that they are having a hard time working their lower abs. Out of curiosity, I asked them what things they do exactly to achieve this, and I discovered they all made similar mistakes: they all focused on working their abs. That?s it. They forgot about cardiovascular exercises and proper diet.

If your fitness process only involves performing workouts which only targets your mid-section, then believe me, it is not going to be effective. Without a healthy diet and full body exercises, you would not go anywhere close to being physically fit.

You can have all the workout equipment on the planet, hire the best trainers, join all the prestigious gyms, and still not build lower abs if you do not include ALL 3 steps in your exercise plan.

1. Follow a low fat diet

2. Do Consistent Complete Body Workouts

3. Execute targeted lower abs exercises

Yes, even just one step done will be beneficial for you. Yet, will it be adequate? If performing just one can be advantageous to you, imagine what it can do if you combine all three?

If you do not reduce the fat you consume, your muscles will stay concealed by all your excess body fat. So it is best to lessen the fatty foods you eat to allow your body to burn existing fat.

Adding lean meats and sufficient amounts of good fats, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, will have a great effect on working lower abs.

Avoid eating deep fried foods, pastries, sweets, and carbonated drinks because they contain unhealthy fats and high sugar content which will prevent you from achieving your goal.

Doing complete body exercises can precisely boost your diet. Cardiovascular workouts done 2 up to 3 times per week will get lower abs quickly. These routines will aid you in toning your muscles and intensify your metabolism.

Full cardio workouts include running, walking, swimming, and yoga. If you feel like doing something new, try a workout video. There are so many to choose from.

Finally, the third step to build lower abs is to do workouts that concentrate on that area.

Simple and full body crunches are one of the most effective abs targeting workout you can perform. These are also easy to do, so start a weekly routine of 3 to 5 times doing 20 to 25 reps for each workout. These will give you six pack abs in no time.

So if I were you, I will include these three steps in my fitness program for this can lead me to success in getting lower abs fast. What more can you ask? With less than an hour of exercise each day, accompanied by a nutritious diet, you will get your six pack abs real fast. - 17268

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