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Thursday, September 17, 2009

What You Need to Know About Colon Cleanse Diet

By Jared Rite

Many people do not want to get sick. In as much as they can they try to pay close attention to their health to prevent illnesses and at the same time to keep their bodies strong to be able to do their daily duties and responsibilities. They pay close attention to what they eat. They avoid foods that cause health problems. They instead choose those that give them the required nutrients like foods rich in carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. At times, they also choose foods that are said to oppose the effects of the unhealthy foods they have eaten before or those that they still continue to eat 'when no one is looking'.

All the foods that they eat go through the process of digestion to convert them into useful energy for them to be able to do their daily tasks. This digestion process is carried out by the body's digestive system which also happens to be responsible in removing wastes through bowel movement. The colon found in the rear portion of the digestive system acts a waste management system. Before partially digested food is excreted, the colon absorbs water and nutrients to separate them from other wastes and toxins that are due for elimination. When the colon is in its optimum condition, the process of elimination of wastes and toxins should go on smooth and easy. But when the colon is unhealthy, it could lead to health problems because of the accumulation of wastes and toxins. One way to prevent this is by adapting a colon cleanse diet. A colon cleanse diet involves eating selected kinds of food that will keep the colon clean and healthy.

Foods rich in fibers are very important components of a colon cleanse diet. Examples of these foods are fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains. A colon cleanse diet needs both soluble and insoluble fibers. Soluble fibers are those that can be dissolved in water and good sources of these are barley, rice and apples. Insoluble fibers are those that water cannot dissolve and good sources of these are cabbage, broccoli, rye and wheat. If you want to have both soluble and insoluble fibers from one food source, you can have flax seeds and oats.

Apart from sweeping away wastes and toxins, it is also important to maintain a natural balance between good and bad bacteria in the colon. To prevent bad bacteria from overpowering good bacteria, you need to eat foods that promote a healthy growth of good bacteria. Your choices are garlic and onion and milk and yogurt.

A colon cleanse diet can never be complete without drinking plenty of fluids particularly water. It is important to drink plenty of fluids because it helps flush away waste materials and toxins out of your system. It dissolves substances in the colon for easy removal. Aside from water, you can also drink diluted fruit juices and herbal tea. However, avoid drinking coffee since it can cause dehydration.

To maintain you overall health you need to follow a colon cleanse diet. You need not wait for you to have health problems before you start taking care of your colon. Eat right and experience a lighter, cleaner and healthier you. - 17268

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