Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Good Liquid Diet for Weight Loss

By Jesse Regan

People who have problems with obesity use many weight-loss methods, such as exercising in the gym, jogging, or take up strenuous sports activities. There are also people who use liquid-diets for almost the same reason, but they also use it to detoxify themselves. Now, these liquid-diets consist mainly of different kind of juices to be taken in replacement of solid meal. This kind of diet would certainly make you lose your much-hated fats and help you go slimmer. But despite that, you still have to consume considerable amount of vegetables and fruits so you will still have a supply of your much-needed vitamins and minerals. Some of the popular liquid-diet programs are shown below.

Medifast is a low calorie diet that will bring about rapid weight loss - in the region of 2-5 pounds per week. The diet is undertaken by purchasing meal replacement products from Medifast that will provide an optimal calorie and nutrient amount for both men and women.

In the Medifast diet plan, the person consumes 5 times a day a variety of shakes, bars, oatmeal, puddings and soups as his or her meal replacements. There is also a "lean and green" meal to supplement the diet program and is composed of just a piece of lean meat and a cup or two of vegetables. The 5 times meal is taken every 2 to 3 hours and must only consume 64 ounces of fluids (preferably water) everyday. Intake of calories must be limited to a maximum of only a 1000 cal with a minimum of 800 cal. This liquid-diet plan recommends its usage accompanied by a physician's supervision although you can order the food without it. There are a variety of Medifast foods top choose from but it seems that the shakes are more preferred by many. Medifast food products all vitamins and minerals to keep sustenance to its diet plan users while losing weight.

The second liquid-diet featured in this article is the Optifast Therapy, a medical approach believed to reduce or get rid of a person's huge amounts of body fat. Not only available in clinics and hospitals in the United States and Canada, this therapy has already been licensed to many other similar medical establishments worldwide, particularly in Australia and New Zealand. This liquid diet program is purposely created to help people suffering an obese condition. Those who are overweight and also experiencing health problems because of that will benefit from this weight loss method.

Shakeology is one of the latest innovations in Liquid-diets. It is a product from Beachbody that is packed to give you a full supply of vitamins, reaching 23 vitamins in all counts, minerals and other essential compounds that will allow you to effectively absorb the nutrients you take. This is still a liquid-diet because it is in shake form.

So, there you have it. A list of popular liquid-diet weight loss programs for any person obese enough to demand such overweight remedies. But remember, never fully substitute these liquid-diets to solid foods and always try to balance it up with supplements such as tonics and juice supplements so to keep you healthy as you undergo these weight loss programs.

There you have the best samples of tips about weight loss and getting fit. - 17268

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