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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Is MonaVie A Potential Arthritis Remedy?

By Markis Grisham

MonaVie is a delicious liquid blend of the essential nutrients in berries and fruits. The acai berry is the featured ingredient, coming from the Brazil, and is one of nature's true super foods. That and the other 18 fruits and berries can contribute to the Mona Vie arthritis remedy.

There is a product that specifically addressed the problems with our joints, and that drink is called MonaVie Active. This feasible arthritis remedy contains exceptionally large amounts of antioxidants and phytonutrients that are able to significantly reduce the damage that free radicals cause. These free radicals are the culprits in many of the problems in our joints, and the antioxidants that come from these super fruits can really aid in pain relief.

Free radicals are neutralized by these anti-oxidants and phytonutrients, which then allows the joints in the body to be more flexible and mobile. In addition, the glucosamine that is in the drink promotes glycoproteins. These specific nutrients are extremely important to the health of joint cartilage and the maintenance of the healthy connective tissue in the joints.

Most arthritis sufferers have difficulty with their range of motion. Significant rewards can occur in that range of motion, because the ingredients in the Active formula effectively "lubricate" the joints, allowing for better movement. It's very obvious that when you give the body what it needs nutritionally, the better it will perform.

There has been significant research done regarding this arthritis remedy, and what it can do for you. The science behind it relates to the tremendous ability of the super fruits to solve the free radical problem. The acai berry is the kingpin of these fruits. It contains a powerful family of antioxidants called anthocyanins, which taken in the drinks' concentrated form, dramatically neutralizes dangerous free radicals and what they can do to your body. Drinking 2-4 ounces of the product enables you to get those antioxidants and phytonutrients that are in our most nutritious fruits.

A very exclusive freeze drying process is used to fully capture the total nutritional value in the fruits and berries. To make the Active formula and enable the arthritis remedy to be feasible, this freeze drying capability allows the formula to maintain its ORAC score (a method to determine the antioxidant power). Because the preservation of the nutrients, especially the acai berry, is so important, freeze drying has greatly enhanced the ability of the product to benefit its users. The fantastic ORAC rating, which has been tested on a gram for gram basis, beats most any other fruit or vegetable powder.

A few more interesting facts have been associated with the arthritis remedy. The first one indicates that regular consumers of the product have shown an increase in vitality and healthier joints. Secondly, a 12 week study indicated that every one who took part showed a large increase in the knee and lumbar region as far as range of motion goes. These same participants realized a significant decrease in their overall discomfort in general.

The benefits that occur by using the very feasible MonaVie Active arthritis remedy, are numerous. From the massive antioxidant delivery of the super fruits comes a much better and healthier lifestyle, largely because of the diminishing effect of the free radicals and their destructive action to our cellular function. Since the free radicals are no longer as capable of hurting our health, we can actually slow down the aging process by filling our bodies with the proper nutrition. - 17268

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