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Sunday, October 25, 2009

How Do You Identify Acai Scams?

By Travis Van Slooten

There's no denying how the acai berry has dominated the American market which is why acai scams have been very common. While the Brazilian fruit itself is an undeniably healthy food that can provide the body with a lot of nutrients, the scams associated with it make people think twice before trying it. And with good reason. Opportunists are using the high demand for acai and take it as a chance to lure unwary customers and get as much money as they can. There are still many legitimate companies out there but it's best to always be cautious. Keep some of these tips in mind to keep yourself guarded all the time.

Free Trial Offers

If any website or company attempts to entice you with a free acai berry trial offer, that should be fair warning for you to turn your back completely on that promoter. Scams often work that way; giving you free samples while requesting for your personal and financial information, purportedly in the guise of needing it for shipping purposes. While the product itself may be free, these companies can still charge you in other unexpected ways, like for instance newsletter subscriptions or continued shipments for acai you may not even be aware of. More often than not, the information is available in very fine, unreadable print within the website.

They Disappear in a Snap

Fraudsters and fake companies often do a vanishing act. When you continue to trick people out of their money, chances are, you'll eventually be found out. So one thing you can do to avoid being a victim of acai scams is to stay away from new companies and purchase only from those that have been around for some time already. While acai berry is still relatively a new product, those manufacturers who have been around since the beginning are most likely those selling the real thing. This is not to say however, that all new companies are scammers, but just to be on the safe side, you may want to transact only with those with a solid track record.

Know the Product, Know the Seller

Another way of protecting yourself from scams is by finding everything you can about the brand of acai supplement you're interested in and the company behind it. A simple yet effective way of evaluating them is to find out exactly where they are based or how you can contact them. If they seem to be hesitant in giving a complete address, then you might consider moving on to another brand. Know everything you can about the product as well. Buy only pure, organic acai berry that has been processed using the freeze drying technique. Settling for spray-dried supplements or those with additives would only defeat the purpose of taking supplements in the first place.

If you trust your gut and go with companies that are forward about their product and honest about what you can expect, you should not have any problems. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Companies telling you to expect dramatic weight loss or a cure for all your ailments are just fishing for customers who are willing to take their bait. Don't be one of those people who gets scammed. Know what to look for and you can avoid those acai scams. - 17268

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