Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Here Are Seven Workout Rules to Build Muscle Fast

By Cecil Kelly

When it comes to structuring the best training program for skinny guys looking to bulk up fast, there are 7 things you need to work out.

How to choose exercises: If you want to know the best way how to bulk up fast, avoid machines at all costs. Stick to free weights or use your own bodyweight as resistance. Such exercises provide ample motion that is needed for strengthening your joints and muscles. And make sure you lift the heaviest that you can.

How many sets per workout: Skinny beginners do well with low volume. All you need is 12-16 sets per workout to get fast results. Low volume training has several benefits over high volume training. There's no chance of overtraining, you recover well and allow your muscles to grow in the recovery intervals, and you don't feel sore as with high volume training.

How many sets to do per exercise: Although most exercisers especially those working out for a long time are prescribed just 1 - 3 sets per exercise, raw beginners need to perform 3 - 5 sets as their muscles need that stimulation to grow.

How many reps to perform per set: Most muscle building programs promote the 8-12 rep range but it is a much generalized range that doesn't help skinny people grow any muscle at all. Use much heavier weights and get into the 5-8 rep range to stimulate muscle growth. Hypertrophy happens only with heavy stress that is not very repetitive.

How fast should be the reps: High rep speed is recommended for the hard gainers. Slow concentric and eccentric will not help at all. Although the lowering of the weight (eccentric) must be controlled, it should be over in 2 seconds. Don't count and slow down the process.

How much to rest between sets: Depending on the intensity of the exercise, take a rest of a minute to a minute and a half between sets. Advanced exercisers need much more rest - from 2 to 4 minutes. You will need more and more rest as you build more muscle and gain weight.

How long to work out in each session: Always work out for a short session of 30-45 minutes. The release of anabolic hormones peaks at around 30 minutes and halts at around 45 minutes. Thereafter the catabolic hormones like cortisol take over and eat away muscle tissue. - 17268

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