Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fat Burning Food - The Best Three

By Gerard Francis

One thing I have noticed while serving as a professional Nutrition specialist, is that most of my customers are amazed when they find out what foods I would recommend for fat burning.

These foods are not only delicious, but are helpful in the fight against unwanted fat. They are pro-actively involved in the body's fat-burning process.

I'm not going to bore you by mentioning the obvious ones - fruit and vegetables. It goes without saying that they are beneficial. I want to look at some food that is delicious, and also is very healthy, and great for fat loss.

1. Egg yolks. Yes, Im talking about those eggs, with all the fat and cholesterol. Actually, if you have heard that eggs raise cholesterol, thats not correct. In fact, they increase good cholesterol and help to keep the balance with fat. The free-range types are especially good, with their high omega-3 content.

Egg yolks are a good source of vitamins and they also contain minerals and other nutrient traces. To give a full list of what these are, would take about a page. You can rest assured that the yolk of the egg is where the goodness is.

So you may enjoy those eggs, knowing that you are assisting in the fat burning process. I'm glad that I don't need to give up eggs - they're one of my favorite foods!

2. Avocados - another example of a food that has a reputation as a "fatty" food, but actually is very effective in helping to burn off fat. That is surprising, because of the natur eof the food - so rich and creamy, and of course it's a delicious additive for salads or even dessert dishes. But they are full of "healthy fats" and antioxidants and they are also rich in fiber. They're also a great source of minerals and vitamins, and they can help to curb one's appetite, and they help in the production of fat-burning hormones.

3. Grass-fed beef - The beef sold in the grocery store is mostly of the grain-fed variety, but this tends to be from less healthy, weaker cattle. You should always insist on getting the grass-fed variety. This is invariably tastier and has a higher ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 than grain-fed. Omega-6 is the one we get far too much of, and the omega-3 type fatty acids are the ones that help in the fight against bely fat.

Another plus with grass-fed beef,is that it contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). This is one of the "healthy fats", and it helps to build muscle and burn fat.

So, you can enjoy your beef without being concerned about the fat content. You don't need to listen to anyone who claims that you will put on lots of fat - you know better. Just make sure that you get the grass-fed beef only. - 17268

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