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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Sound Nutritional Advantages Of The Acai Berry

By Derek Gardner

Lately there has been quite a bit of promotion on the acai berry, (pronounced ah-sigh-ee), a little purple berry that hails from the rainforest in Brazil. This diminutive berry has been marketed as a exceedingly helpful dietary supplement that can help you to lose weight and continue good physical condition by preventing illness and the troubles of aging.

However, as of March 2009, there were no controlled studies on humans that backed up any of these claims. Even so, when you know the essentials about this little berry common sense will tell you that it is an extremely wholesome addition to your beneficial food intake.

Advertising claims on the acai berry scale from improved energy levels and better digestion to detoxification and improved sexual functioning. There are claims that it can enhance your heart health, improve the appearance of your skin, lessen your cholesterol levels and it has regularly been marketed as a weight loss product.

The details are that the acai berry is one of the most healthy foods ever found on the planet. It boasts one of the utmost antioxidant levels of any food as measured by the ORAC or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It has a good for you synergy of nourishing monounsaturated fats and Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, and it has an nearly flawless essential amino acid complex, along with a healthy quantity of fiber.

All of these nourishing wholesome components can be a aspect in the claims that are being made. Fiber, essential healthy fats and antioxidants can all be a factor to weight loss. Antioxidants have been established to be a cause in the deterrence of sickness and anti-aging. And superior nutrition has long been implicated in our all around good health by providing the components our own bodies require to create great health.

However, the acai berry is not a miracle food that has just lately been discovered that can make us all slim and fit. This berry is just another in a long line of beneficial foods that can all contribute to our good health.

Wholesome and highly nutritious foods are abundant on our earth. The berry group alone, of which the acai berry is a part, includes exceptionally wholesome and nutritious blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, blackberries and more. Spinach, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower are especially wholesome. And there are many, many other especially wholesome foods such as pumpkin, tomatoes, oranges, grapefruit, sweet potatoes and more. All of these enormously wholesome foods are valuable to our healthiness and most of them also add to the exact same healthiness benefits that the acai berry has been touted for.

The acai berry is a extremely nutritious food; in fact it is one of the healthiest of all. It has up to 10 times the antioxidant power of red grapes, twice the antioxidant power of blueberries. A healthy diet is positive to our wellbeing so even without the controlled studies it makes sense that this naturally nutritious fruit can be beneficial to our health. Try the acai berry and see how it can help you. - 17268

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