Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, September 6, 2009

HCG and Exercise

By Amelia Handley

Everyone's heard it...if you exercise and east less you'll lose weight. It seems so logical and it seems so easy. But what about those who have a hard time accomplishing this simple directive. What about those who turn to popular diet plans that discourage exercise? For instance, the HCG diet strongly discourages dieters from exercising while on the plan.

Eliza G., a successful HCG Diet Direct dieter, explained, "I was bothered when I realized that I'd have to stop my exercise program, but as soon as the pounds started to fall off I couldn't care less. I lost 6 pounds the first week and when it was all said and done I'd lost 23. It was amazing."

The way the HCG works is that it stimulates the Hypothalamus to make the body feel full. This makes it possible for the body to function at normal levels while on the very limited 500 calorie diet. It does not make it possible for the body to function at very high activity levels on the very limited, 500 calorie diet.

Dieters who insist on sticking to their exercise program while navigating the HCG diet meet with lowered levels of success. The intense workout inhibits their weight loss. As a compromise, we suggest incorporating a 20 minute walk into your daily routine in exchange of the intense workout. This way you can still enjoy the drastic weight loss offered by the program. Intense exercise will increase your hunger; a basic no, no when on a low calorie diet.

And intense exercise will often cause the dieter to go into starvation mode. The body will start holding on to the fat instead of letting it to. It also lowers your endurance, your stamina and your ability to stay committed to the program.

HCG dieters who were upset by the lack of exercise incorporated in the program eventually realized that the weight loss and fat loss were worth the lack of exercise. When they got back to the gym they had better work outs than ever before. The weight loss leaves you with more energy and you'll feel the effects of a more healthy weight as you pick up your exercise regime where you left off. - 17268

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