Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, November 2, 2009

Develop Quick Weight Loss Plan With These 3 Tips

By Walter Marsaki

1. Take less amount of sodium in your daily diet. High sodium content can lead to water retention and thus weight gain. Decreasing sodium intake is a simple tip for quick weight loss.

Too much salt will make your body retain water contributing to weight gain. So patients who suffer from water retention are advised to decrease their sodium intake.

Your diet should not contain more than 1000 milligrams of sodium in a day. Keep this up until you see reduction in water retention.

2. Moving on to the next quick weight loss plan tip. It is to drink more water as this will quickly fill up your stomach. When you aren't too much hungry, just have a glass of water. Eat only when you are too hungry.

Drinking lot of water has other big benefits too. Firstly, the more you drink the less water the body stores. So you will not face the problem of excess water retention by the body.

Excessive water retention will make your body bloat up and cause weight gain. We can prevent this to an extent by drinking more water.

Whenever you drink a lot of water, you would notice the need to rush to the washroom often. Do not worry about this as toxins are being released from your body through urine.

Drinking water has another big advantage - it raises metabolism rate. Metabolism refers to the rate at which our bodies burn calories.

Faster metabolism usually means faster burning of calories and hence good for quick weight loss. You can improve your metabolism rate quite easily by drinking plenty of water.

3. Another simple tip for including in your quick weight loss plan - eat more fruits and vegetables if you want to stay slim and healthy.

Fruits and vegetables contain many essential nutrients and have less amount of calories. So, you will be getting excellent nutrition without taking in too many calories.

They are best eaten raw. A good tip is to eat a lot of salad with each meal. Another way of consuming more fruits and vegetables is to make juice from them (preferably without or with very little sugar) and drink the juices at regular intervals.

They are so good for quick weight loss as they provide nutrition for healthy body functioning and contain so less calories.

If you follow the above tips, you can notice some quick improvements in your weight reduction. There are a lot of other things you might want to do in order to ensure quickest and permanent weight loss. - 17268

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