Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The right motivation is the key to building muscle

By Jon Cardozo

What is the first thing you thought about when you decided to begin a muscle building program? Was it the exercises? Maybe it was about your nutrition requirements or which supplements you should buy. These things are important to consider, but there may be something else you're ignoring. Knowledge is crucial for success, and learning about things like specific weight training exercises and which supplements to take is certainly important. However, you may actually want to take a moment and look at your motivation.

Before you begin to obtain this new knowledge, understanding the motivation behind your goals could actually be quite helpful. Lack of knowledge can make you fail, but a lack of planning and not really knowing why you're doing something can ultimately lead to failure as well.

So, why not start off by defining exactly what it is that you want? Now, obviously we're referring to a weight training program, but this can apply to any area of your life. With regards to building muscle, decide what you want in terms of your future weight and body fat percentage.

If you don't know the answer, you should stop and think about how many pounds you want to gain based on your current situation. You may even want to discuss your fitness with your physician before you get started. You should also talk to a trainer or purchase a good muscle building course so you know exactly what you're getting into. Then you should divide your big goal into smaller goals to make things simpler for you.

Knowing what you want to accomplish before you start your weight gain program is very important for your success. You can visualize what you will look like at the end of your program and how long it'll take to get there. The other pillar of success, however, is proper motivation.

When you start a new project you'll probably be pretty excited to get going. However, you'll almost certainly reach a point when things get tougher and you start to doubt your goal.

Remind yourself of what it is that you wanted in the beginning. Better yet, answer these questions before you ever begin your weight training program. Determine exactly what it is it that you want and the price you're going to have to pay to get it. This goal should be your goal and not something that has been forced upon you by peer pressure.

It just means that you need to have your own reasons for wanting to achieve something along with a deep desire to overcome obstacles. You are far more likely to succeed in achieving your goal if it is truly your goal and not just the result of peer pressure or some other outside motivation. If you keep these things in mind, you are well on your way to muscle gain success. - 17268

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