Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Discover the Right Way for Women to Lose Weight

By Patsie Adams

Weight loss for women is not the same as weight loss for men. To begin with, men and women have different fat composition, with women having the higher fat percentage. Women tend to gain weight easily. And losing pounds can also be harder. It's just the way we were built.

We need that extra fat for reproductive reasons.

Since women are physiologically different from men, it makes sense to tackle weight loss considering these differences.

Most diet books treat women and men the same way. But that should not be. How male and female bodies differ goes beyond the plumbing. There is a right way for women to lose weight.

Hormones are a key difference. For women, regular monthly periods also bring on regular hormonal fluctuations. Factor in a pregnancy and the hormones can go haywire. Diet programs have to address this significant factor.

It has been proven that some foods can alleviate the ill effects of hormonal shifts. Some foods can aggravate this as well. Hormones also play a key role in weight loss for women.

A woman can never lose the battle with the bulge with fresh food - particularly fresh greens and fruits.

On top of this, choose locally grown food that did not have to travel far packed with preservatives.

Agricultural chemicals used used can wreak havoc on your already raging hormones. No surprise that these organic fresh foods are the very kind that should compose a healthy diet that is key in weight loss for women.

On top of hormonal issues, women have to face body image issues. This is all thanks to media and how it bombards us with unrealistic images of how women should look like. Truth is, most of us are not built to be an anorexic size 1 or 2. Yet this is the ideal held up for every woman.

For women to lose weight, they should adopt a lifestyle rather than a diet. These fancy, sometimes bizarre, diet programs often lead to yo-yo weight patterns. They can make you lose weight quick, yes... but once you're off the program the weight just comes back. Sometimes it comes back with a vengeance.

Choose healthy foods you can find in your favorite grocery or farmers market, build your meals from here and you will get thin - and healthy!

Another problem in modern America is that most of what we eat is prepared by someone we don't know. Think about it. Most of our meals come from restaurants and fast food joints. Most of the people who sell us these meals don't really care about our health. They care about making a profit.

Even when we eat at home much of the food is processed. It is no longer uncommon to heat up pre-cooked meals from the grocery store. Open a box of powdered mash potatoes, microwave some corn and a pre-processed meat and call it dinner. Even salads are pre-packed these days. But the worst are frozen dinners. Sure they have low-fat or diet varieties - but they are loaded with sodium and preservatives.

But easy meals do not have to be unhealthy. There are simple recipes out there that use fresh, healthful ingredients. Women just need to practice a bit of our cooking skills to prepare our own healthy, low-fat, low-sodium meals sans preservatives and chemicals that not only make us fat... they could make us sick.

Weight loss for women really involves a conscious effort to watch what we eat, not to mention take charge of our own food. - 17268

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