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Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Prevention of Low Back Pain

By James W Nolan

Low back pain affects hundreds of thousands of people each year. Unfortunately, statistics point out that almost everyone, at some point in their lifetime, will experience low back pain. We may not be able to completely prevent all possible occurrences of it, there are many things we can do. We will look at some of the practical preventative tactics such as diet, posture, lifting and massage chair therapy which can help to minimize the possibility of low back pain or speed its recovery.

Diet is essential to maintaining the health of the soft tissues and bones of the spine. Many people with low back pain have very poor diets. Their diets may contain many processed foods and sugars and fast food high in fats. This can cause obesity which increases the load on the spine. Maintain a diet using fresh foods over processed foods.

One important area to look at is reducing the stress on your back in your daily activities. Simple activities like sitting and standing and lifting can directly affect your spines health. You must learn the correct ways of lifting, sitting and standing. If these activities are done incorrectly then they will put extra stress on the lower spine.

There many simple techniques to preventing low back pain. If you sit then make sure that you sit upright with your shoulders back. This takes the pressure off of your spine. If you are standing, do you slouch? Many people stand with their shoulders hunched forward. Instead put your shoulders back and your chin up. This not only improves your posture but also portrays a positive image.

Lifting techniques are very important as you are adding additional weight to your body weight. You can hurt your back lifting all sorts of objects. Most people just pick up items by bending over using their back to pick them up. The strongest muscles of the body are the leg muscles. Use your legs do the lifting even of lighter items. To use your legs you must bend your knees. Then just stand up with the object keeping your back straight.

Exercise is another great preventative practice for low back pain. Start with a stretching course for the muscles. You can then do light exercises. Just going for a walk for 20 minutes can contribute greatly to good spine health. This will help to strengthen the muscles of the back as well as your heart.

Massage chair therapy is used extensively to restore flexibility in the lower back muscles. There are a variety of massage techniques that are used to stimulate the muscles of the lumbar area. Slight stretching of the soft tissue areas is important for them to maintain their elasticity. Massage chairs use techniques such as kneading, vibration, compression and tapping to soothe and relieve the sore muscle areas.

One often overlooked area is your sleeping position. We spend between 5 and 8 hours sleeping. This is most likely more time than we spend doing almost anything else. Avoid sleeping on your stomach which will increase the stress on your lower back. Instead sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees. Another position is on your back with a pillow under your knees. Another relieving position is sleeping with a small towel rolled up under their lower back is comfortable.

While most people will suffer from low back pain at some point in their lives there are specific treatment protocols and methods of prevention that can help to speed the recovery process and reduce the risk of the problem happening again. Diet, exercise, lifting techniques, sleeping and massage therapy can all help to minimize potential problems and low back pain. Massage chairs can be an excellent asset in the prevention and healing of low back problems. Check with your doctor for more information and what might be right for your situation. - 17268

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