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Friday, July 31, 2009

Defeat Acne and Other Skin Related Disorders

By George Alarcon

Before treating acne, it is important to understand the main causes of acne. There are three main causes " stress, skin irritation, and genetics. Obviously one may not change their genetics, but stress and skin irritation are easily controlled using a variety of methods.

The cause of acne comes from excess oil in the skin that eventually clogs pores. As it deepens, those clogged pores can cause lesions which cause the acne to spread to other parts of the skin, creating a chain effect of bacteria.

Typical, blue light treatment consists of eight sessions given over a period of four weeks. A normal treatment session lasts about 15 minutes. Side effects are mild and can include temporary pigment changes in the skin, swelling around the treatment areas, and skin dryness. Studies have shown that 55% of treated patients see noticeable improvement.

Getting regular exercise is another fantastic way to get rid of stress since it stimulates an endorphin release in the brain. Exercise consistently and soon you will find it hard not to exercise.

Also take a look at your vitamin intake. The wrong foods can cause outbreaks in your skin. Greasy foods, or foods filled with lots of acid are hard for your body to process and cleanse from your system. These foods can cause a surge of insulin which makes your body work harder and therefore creates more waste products. Excess insulin can also cause an increase in male hormones which leads to acne. Healthy foods loaded with B vitamins help to purge free radicals from the body keeping acne clear from your skin. Carrots and foods containing vitamin A are another healthy source of keeping the body clean.

Skin irritation is easily solved by keeping yourself fairly hygienic and not picking at your acne. A shower every day and washing your face gently with soap will work wonders. Picking at your acne may be a great instantaneous cure, but it is so much worse in the long run. Popping zits and especially cysts can cause nasty, unattractive facial scars which may never fade away. I know what it is like to have a big nasty pimple on your face that is so tempting to pop, but if you allow it to go away naturally you will thank yourself in the future. - 17268

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