Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Stretch and Strengthen Your Muscles for Better Performance


An important component of any fitness, bodybuilding, or strength training is stretching because it prevents injury and prepares the muscle groups before each workout. If your goal includes perfecting your technique and exercising good form -- a complete stretching will help you move on the right track.

The first part of the stretching routine that is responsible in the supply of blood and oxygen to your muscles and joints is warming up. You can warm up by using a stationary bike and alloting at least 5 to 10 minutes in it, do some fast-paced walking, or utilize a jumping rope. This is meant to activate pumping of blood in your entire body and speeding up your heart rate.

Next, you'll need to prepare your joints by completing movements that encourage your muscles to extend through their entire range of motion.The author of the book Getting Stronger, Bill Pearl, explains how it helps to prevent the self from injuries by preparing the joints before engaging in a workout through stretching.To lessen the body's soreness after lifting and stress on the muscles, it is also necessary to do stretching.

Ideally, beginning bodybuilders may do stretching for 15 - 20 seconds only or until such time that you feel some pressure in your muscle group. Relax for several seconds, then push just a little further for another 15-20 seconds.Take in fresh supply of oxygen at each step and see to it that you inhale and exhale thoroughly at each push.

Protect your muscles and joints by ensuring that you are not bouncing your muscles as you perform the routine.A common misconception among beginning bodybuilders is the belief that it may be safe to bounce or jerk the muscles during stretches. An intensive weight training may require you to go through longer stretching routines to ensure that increasing flexibility is your focus. Bodybuilders and weight lifters become especially flexible and limber because of the continuous stretching practice. Increasing flexibility over time will also help you perform your exercises with better control and good form, which means better returns of muscle gains when you increase the intensity and resistance.

Maintaining the proper stance throughout your stretching routine is essential for preventing injuries and making the most of your core muscle groups. Avoid injuries by making sure you're wearing the right types of shoes or boots to balance your center of gravity, and keep your head and neck straight as you perform each movement. Abdominal muscles can also be tucked to support your spine.Although mastering these movements takes time, it will help you significantly when you aim to practice consistently all the basic routines in stretching.

Most importantly, breathe! With adequate supply of oxygen in the body, you can sustain your energy throughout your workout and and may be able to do each movement well.This can be done by breathing in as you start your stretching, holding your breath when you push, and exhaling as you transition to the next routine. - 17268

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