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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

About Water Filtration Systems for Convenience and Savings

By Joseph Nagy

With a huge trend of people turning towards natural health, it has been emphasized that drinking pure water is one of the most important things we can do for our health. Sadly, there are over 2,100 toxins that can be in our drinking water, including chlorine, lead, chemical run-offs from large farms and corporate pollution. These toxins are found in your tap water, whether you have well water or municipal water.

A lot of people are buying bottled water, thinking this is the only solution. Some reports claim that bottled water isn't much better. Not only is it very expensive, but it harms the environment with the millions of plastic bottles that are being manufactured, transported, then dumped in our landfills, slowly killing our planet!

The solution to protecting your health, your family's health, and the health of our planet is a home water filtration system. There are many different water purifying systems that can be installed in your home. When you begin to research water filtration systems, you will notice significant differences between products, including their cost.

The reverse osmosis system is very popular today. It does a great job of removing toxins from your drinking water, but it also removes the beneficial minerals that our bodies need, like magnesium, potassium, calcium and many more.

There are other systems for filtering your drinking water. You will find that some systems do not filter all the toxins; therefore, you will still be drinking contaminated water.

If you are truly conscious of your health when it comes to water, think about your shower or bathing water. Heat and steam from warm water opens your skin pores for water to be absorbed into your body. You breathe the steam into your lungs. There are contaminants in water that can cause dry, itchy skin, rashes, and upper respiratory irritation. A shower water filter makes a great difference here.

A whole house filter would be an easier solution, saving time and money on maintenance and replacement filters. One system that purifies drinking water and our shower water would be very convenient. A whole house water filtration system also purifies laundry water and cooking water.

Though we are very health conscious today, we also need to watch our budgets. If you figure out how much water you drink each day and how much per unit you're paying for it, you might be surprised to find that it's just a expensive as gasoline! Multiply your daily expense to figure out how much you spend per year; keep this number in mind when shopping for a home or business water filtration system.

One thing to look at is the cost of maintenance and replacement filters for the system you are purchasing. The filters should be rated to indicate how many gallons of water can go through them before they need to be replaced. A good system is homeowner-friendly with easy to read maintenance instructions so you can easily change the filters yourself. You should find that maintenance of a water filtration system is not as costly as buying bottled water.

Price is not the only thing to consider. Be sure to get a system with multi-filtration to remove all the contaminants. The system you purchase should be one that has been around for a long time and is popular, so that filter replacements will be easier to obtain. Find out if you can purchase filters at local home-improvement stores or if they must be ordered. Check the warranty of the product to be sure it will hold up long enough to be worth the cost.

Now that you have an idea of what you are looking for in a water filtration system, consider the purchase price and cost of installation. Also think about the added convenience of pure water right from your tap. No more lugging in cases of bottled water; no more contributing to the millions of plastic bottles in the landfills. If you chose a whole house water filtration system, you will have improved the quality of all your water, including bathing, showering and laundry.

There are many water filtration products available today; take your time and do the necessary research before selecting a water purification system. Be sure it provides all the benefits that your family needs while working the cost into your budget. - 17268

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Whey Protein Information

By Travis Killian

In order to fuel life, our body needs a constant supply of three major macronutrients: carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Carbohydrates and fats help to supply our bodies mostly with energy. Protein however is a bit different.

Proteins are different because they are composed of chains of nitrogen. This is further divided into little units called amino acids - and these are the basic building blocks of muscle. Amino acids also serve as an essential source of dietary nitrogen, which is an essential element for your body.

These amino acids are the building blocks of lean muscle. This is where whey protein enters the picture. Whey supplies all of the essential amino acids and digests very quickly - usually within 30 minutes. Whey protein is also very inexpensive and, especially chocolate whey, can taste great.

Why is it important to take whey protein after you workout? After you workout, your body is highly sensitive to insulin. Insulin helps to shuttle macronutrients to your muscles instead of fat cells. This sensitivity declines within an hour or two after you workout.

During this period after you workout, it is very important to get as many macronutrients to your muscles as possible. You really want to build up your glycogen reserves and muscles so that you can get stronger and recover faster. This means that you can hit the gym quicker and get results faster.

So this sounds great, but is it safe? Whey protein is very safe for you; in fact, there is little evidence to suggest that it has any harmful side effects. Since it is found naturally in foods, especially milk, you can rest assured that whey protein will not do any damage, unlike steroids.

You want to make sure that you take whey protein especially after you workout and wake up. Your body is highly sensitive during these times and the fast absorption of whey protein will be fully utilized. You can take it at other times during the day, but don't let whey protein take the place of natural foods.

For the rest of the day, just stick to your healthy foods. Make sure and eat plenty of nuts, dairy, lean meats, vegetables and fruit. All of these serve a purpose that whey protein will not do, and without proper diet you will never see results. Remember that diet and training is greater than supplements.

Whey protein is any bodybuilder's, or person who wants to make a positive change in their appearance, best friend. Its benefits are astounding and you should always value the health of your body. Build confidence through an impressive physique and a better life through feeling great about you. - 17268

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Fish Oil Used as Treatment for Psychosis

By Michael Byrd

Fish oil for the treatment of psychosis has surely been the subject of so many researches.

Quite a number of scientists were impressed on what they have discovered and I know you will also be thrilled to know.

Psychosis is defined as "loss of contact with reality. This typically includes delusions (false ideas about what's taking place or who one is) and hallucinations (seeing or hearing things which aren't there)." by the Medline Plus online encyclopaedia.

Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, dementia, hallucinations, unfounded fears, extreme excitement, abnormal emotions, delusions, confusion and delusions are among the general definitions of psychosis.

If you suspect that you have the above symptoms, do not worry right away and get a diagnosis. Take note that psychosis is a chronic illness and does not occur just immediately.

There can be many factors that may bring a person to psychosis. It may be attributed to the use of illegal drugs, alcoholism, or any condition that could cause the brain to be damaged, like a stroke or Alzheimer's Disease.

We should be aware that proper nutrition can be a factor for psychosis. Nobody can just eat junk food and expect to live a healthy and longer life. Eat well!

What has the research found?

Some new research has revealed that fish oil gives major health benefits and it includes psychosis treatment. Here is what they found out.

A research report in the Journal of Affective Disorders shows that "Major depressed subjects showed significantly lower total omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids?than minor depressed subjects and healthy controls." (Vol. 26, No. 38, 35-46)

In other words: a diet rich in fish oil fatty acids will make a person less depressed.

Based on another research done on patients with depression that was published in the American Journal of Psychiatry "Highly significant benefits of the addition of the omega-3 fatty acid compared with placebo were found by week 3 of treatment." (Vol. 159:477-479)

Meaning: in a matter of 3 weeks, fish oil can give you great health benefits.

The Archives of General Psychiatry published a research by Harvard University which found that, "Omega 3 fatty acids were well tolerated and improved the short-term course of illness in this preliminary study of patients with bipolar disorder." (Vol. 56 No. 5)

Meaning: The condition of bipolar disorder patients improved after taking fish oil.

Further research reported in the American Journal of Psychiatry, had a conclusion that "The results of this study suggest that EPA may be a safe and effective form of monotherapy for women with moderately severe borderline personality disorder." (Vol. 160:167-169)

In other words: Fish oil can help women with extreme personality disorders.

The research conducted by the UK University of Sheffield that was published in the Journal of Affective Disorders reveals "The findings [of their study] raise the possibility that depressive symptoms may be alleviated by omega 3 PUFA [polyunsaturated fatty acid] supplementation." (Vol. 48(2-3):149-55)

Meaning: Depression can be minimized with a supplement of good quality fish oil.

That's the rundown ? short, sweet and to the point. The above researches should help you make your decision on using fish oil as treatment for psychosis and minor depressions.

Let the health benefits of fish oil speak for itself naturally. - 17268

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