Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yoga Blocks Maintains Your Your Poses In Yoga

By Thaya Kareeson

Yoga is not the easiest of the many fitness trends or practices or disciplines to get into. However, it may very well be one of the most beneficial. Yoga affects all parts of a person's life, body, mind and soul. Getting into the art of yoga as an exercise can often require help. Yoga blocks are helpful tools that might make becoming addicted to yoga a bit easier.

Yoga is a traditional exercise method or discipline that originated in India. It is a practice in which the mental, physical and verbal beliefs of Hinduism first were expressed. Now, at least in terms of today's fitness world, it is a healthy way to stay fit, build strength, tone muscles and increase flexibility and agility.

While doing yoga, people twist and turn their bodies and teach themselves to stretch into different positions and postures. These are called asanas. To the beginner, trying to do asanas can be very intimidating. However, with a little encouragement from an understanding instructor and perhaps some help and support with yoga blocks, beginners can try easier postures and experience success.

Yoga blocks in a general sense can help someone who is learning yoga to stretch a bit further. The blocks can be placed beneath hands and bottoms and heels and heads to help someone see how far their bodies can stretch and what muscle groups should be working. These tools can help yoga postures be a bit less intimidating to newcomers to the discipline.

Another thing that yoga blocks can do is help those who have trouble twisting or maneuvering their bodies into some of the more difficult yoga positions. There are hundreds of asanas that can be used in a yoga session. The blocks are ideal for people who have tight hips or hamstrings, or who have yet to improve their flexibility.

Some positions in yoga are more difficult to obtain than others. Some require more support than others. For the beginning or struggling yoga practitioner, yoga blocks can help these asanas be obtained. The Sarangasana, which is a shoulder stand, could be improved with four blocks beneath the shoulders. The 'hero lying down' or Supta Virasana pose would be better supported with a few blocks under the spine. In yoga, spine and body alignment are crucial to proper and safe exercise. By keeping posture and alignment, people are less likely to experience strain or injury.

Yoga blocks can come in many different types and materials. Part of practicing yoga means having an open mind and earth-friendly consciousness. Many blocks come in materials that are friendly to the earth. Bamboo, pine wood from New Zealand, cork are all specifically chosen to be renewable resources. It's also helpful to have natural materials in one's yoga practice to help with meditation and tranquility of atmosphere.

Taking on the challenge of a good yoga routine is meant to help people get more fitness in their lives. Yoga should compliment strength training and fat burning exercises. With the help of yoga blocks, people practicing yoga need not worry about strain or injury. These tools make yoga that much easier to incorporate into a healthy lifestyle. - 17268

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7 Minute Muscle Review - Is 7 Minute Muscle A Scam?

By Kenneth Lim

Do you wish to find out more about the 7 Minute Muscle Guide? Muscle building can be a very tedious process as I have discovered myself. Not only do you need to find the time to do your workouts, you must also make sure that you do the right exercises or you will see very little results.

When I first discovered the 7 Minute Muscle guide, I thought that it was exactly the type of workouts and results that I wanted to achieve, but I was still quite skeptical at the same time about whether it would really work.

By restricting each exercise to only about 1 to 2 minutes, you are working your muscles within the best time period to ensure that they grow quickly.

1. Who Created 7 Minute Muscle?

Many magazines and websites have given a positive review for the man who created this system, Jon Benson. He has created a workout routine that can help anyone build muscles and improve their overall body health with just 7 minutes of their time every day.

The author has also written various other books related to fitness and health. His earlier books are more focused on explaining the concepts of body-building and keeping fit, whereas in the 7 Minute Muscle, Jon really goes into the detailed steps that anyone can implement into their schedules.

2. The 7 Minute Muscle Concept

Having used the system myself, I am impressed that I started to see results on my body only after about one week of using it. My workouts every day last about seven to ten minutes just like the ebook says, and these intense exercises have made my body much leaner now.

Using the 7 Minute Muscle has helped me learn many real concepts about fitness. A shorter workout is definitely more effective than a longer one, provided you do the right exercises and keep your resting periods limited. - 17268

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Still Rolling on HCG...Day 16!

By Amelia Handley

I've got less than 10 days left on the low calorie portion of the HCG diet. That makes Day 16 one of my favorites so far. Here's a quick reminder of the program layout. It started off with 2 days of loading. Loading is eating a whole lot of food with a whole lot of fat content and therefore calories. While loading you start taking your HCG three times daily. It's supposed to increase the ability of the body to absorb the HCG product. After loading you start a 500 calorie per day portion of the diet. I chose to do the program that had me dieting for 23 days, but there are different lengths you can choose from.

Once you complete the low calorie portion of the diet you start what they call the maintenance diet. I'm all for being prepared (or over prepared as some might call it) so I've been looking into the maintenance diet lately. During the maintenance diet you can eat as much food as you want. (But no more than a total of 1500 calories per day). And there are a few exceptions when it comes to the actual foods that are okay to eat while on the maintenance diet. You can't have any sugar or dextrose or honey or molasses or high fructose corn syrup or corn syrup or artificial sweeteners. You can't have any nitrites or fast food. You can't have any trans fat. And you can't have any starch of any kind.

Whew! That's quite the list I thought. So while the food intake is going to jump considerably I have to point out that I'm still going to be feeling strapped when it comes to what I can and can't eat. But that's just me. And I'm getting accustomed to the feeling. It's not too bad; especially when my weight is going down so drastically.

The recap is now officially over and we need to get down to the nitty gritty of day 16. I weighed in at 156. I'm not really sure why I stuck at the same weight because I did really well with my foods yesterday, but sometimes that happens. In response I went ahead and forced down some green tea today and aimed to drink tons more water.

I took my HCG and my B-Total as required for the HCG diet. I'm getting used to the timing required; no eating/drinking for 15 minutes before or after you take the drops three times per day. And the hold under your tongue for 15 seconds thing isn't a big deal. The stuff doesn't taste disgusting or anything. It's fine.

On day 16 I focused on leftovers. At lunch I had leftover green onion burger with Melba toasts and grapefruit. For dinner I had leftover chicken (the last of it) with strawberries and more Melba Toasts. I drank a ton of water. And I'm hoping I'll drop down in weight again tomorrow; fingers crossed! - 17268

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Dieting For Obese Children

By Owen Jones

It is difficult to see so many children literally overburdening their bodies at such young ages by being overweight. These kids cannot run, jump or play with other children because their bodies just will not permit them to do so. Dieting is a necessity for these kids in spite of our best efforts to protect them from the self-esteem problems that often go together with obesity.

If you have a child that is well outside the average weight range for his or her age, you are the one who must take the required steps to ensure that they shed those excess pounds in order to live a life that is as close to average as possible. The first thing you have to do however is consult your child's physician about the best possible course of action to safeguard the health of your child.

Put quite bluntly however, if you do not make the effort to help your child to lose those pounds you are placing the health of your child at risk. We do not let our kids play in the street, we do not let them run about with knives, why on Earth would we allow them to commit suicide by candy? If you have a child that is overweight, the following advice should assist you and them with their dieting.

First of all, do not make food a penalty or a reward. Food is part of the problem with your children and you should not use it against them. Instead, introduce them to healthy alternatives. Do not keep junk food in the house and do not let them buy lunch at school. Pack their lunches for school so that you know what they are getting. If you do not give them junk food to take away and they cannot have it when at home, they will be better off.

Incorporate healthy snacks into your family's eating plan rather than junk food. Fresh fruit, chopped vegetables, nuts, and frozen yogurt are good healthy snacks for your kids. When in doubt, consult the food pyramid but watch calories in the process. You want your children to eat a well balanced diet and stop eating junk food and sweets.

Cut out the juices and pop. This may be a huge problem in your house but the best gift you can offer your child is a deep and long-lasting appreciation of water. Water works to make their stomachs feel full and keeps them hydrated for the added exercises you should be introducing into their lives.

Have them take dance lessons, take up a sport, or simply get out and run around the yard. The worst thing you can do is to allow your children to become comatose television, computer, or video game zombies. Get them out of the house and get them active. This helps in two ways. First of all, they are not eating if they are outside playing and having a good time. Second, they are burning calories as they play which is a big bonus in the dieting process of your children.

As your child starts to lose weight, you should start to see a very profound change in not only the way he or she bears his or herself but also in his or her relations with others. Your child will notice a restored self-confidence as the pounds come off and the teasing at school stops.

If you are at a total loss as to how to help your child take the weight off there are camps that are intended specifically to deal with weight issues and building self-esteem in children aged 7-19. A camp may be just the answer you are looking for. Another thing to consider is to lead by example. If you do not eat junk food, if you are active, and if you do not engage in emotional over-eating your child will not be learning those behaviours from you or having them strengthened by you. - 17268

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Green Tea - Skin Tea That Will Improve Your Healthy Glow Skin

By Aoife Joyce

Green Tea holds multiple properties that can improve the health of your skin. The main antioxidant found in this skin tea that can enhance your skins appearance and overall health is EGCG, Epigallocatechin Gallate in scientific terms. Keep reading to learn some extremely interesting facts about how Green Tea can prolong your skins life span....

A two year study that was completed by Stanford University revealed recently showed the following - A group of volunteer Green Tea drinkers were monitored and a number of exciting results were shown. The antioxidants in the skin tea, mainly EGCG, showed improved health of the skin overall. The specifics being, smoother skin and reduced pore size. Skin damage (age spots) appearance was reduced significantly. 'Red vein' emergence was lowered in appearance on the skins surface.

Consider that your skins life cycle is that of 28 days, when new cells are formed from stem cells, it takes them about 20 days to travel to the very surface of the epidermis (outer layer of skin). When they reach the surface they are then ready to die off. However it materialized that EGCG reacted with these dying cells and they began dividing and renewing themselves again. So if dying skin cells can be re-energised, then the skin in turn will improve in condition and will naturally look and feel transformed.

Another study carried out, this time by Harvard Medical School declared that "in test tubes, catechins (antioxidants) are more powerful than Vitamin C and E in delaying oxidative damage to cell". In reality, EGCG catechins are 100 times more valuable than Vitamin C and 25 more efficient than Vitamin E.

UV radiation is a massive problem for the skins ageing. When UV rays hit the skin, Free Radicals are then activated. These free radicals are electrons that are in an unpaired state. Because of this they then search for electrons that they can pair up with. By doing these they latch onto healthy electrons, and because they are unhealthy themselves they damage the healthy electron they have become attached to.

With regards to the skins ageing, the skins healthy cells are damaged and destroyed by these Free Radicals. This causes the skins cells to either become so damaged that they cannot divide and produce new cells, or they are destroyed completely before their life term should end. This is how sun damage has the effect it has and why your skin can look older and more ragged than it should. The good news is that EGCG can destroy the Free Radical electrons, it does not allow them to attach to healthy cells. Therefore, it prevents sun damage.

In saying that, this does not mean it is safe to lie under the sun as long as you like and think that a cup of Green Tea will save your skin, however it does mean that for those rays that get through your sun lotion, most of them will be destroyed before they can do any damage. So you can see how Green Tea can compliment your sun protective routine and help keep your skin looking as young and healthy as it should. Considering that 90% of ALL skins anti ageing is due to UV radiation, I would be quite excited about introducing Green Tea into my diet, for that and the many other reasons as above. - 17268

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Find Out How The Ebook Fit Over 40 Can Help You In Lifelong Fitness After 40

By Scott Fisher

Once you are over 40 it is absolutely essential that you get healthy. More and more middle aged men and women are being diagnosed with age-related illnesses such as arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's. Deaths related to heart disease are increasing at an alarming rate. It is not a coincidence that the number of seniors who are overweight, sedentary, and unfit is increasing at the same rate.

There are many reasons you may not have begun an over 40 fitness program, but one of the most common reasons is that you do not know where to start. There are too many so-called experts out there promising miracle results through "one size fits all" fitness plans. However, most people never achieve success on this type of plan.

This is why Jon Benson and Tom Venuto's e-book Fit Over 40 is an incredibly useful guide to everyone over 40 looking to get fit. Jon and Tom have learned that everyone is unique, with different body types, fitness goals, and lifestyles. Therefore, there is no one plan that will work for everyone. Instead, they share their own personal fitness journeys, along with those of 52 other men and women your age, so that you can build a plan that will maximize your results.

Jon and Tom come from totally different backgrounds. Tom is a publicized personal trainer and has more than a decade of experience. His acclaimed "Five Pillars" fitness program addresses the many aspects of fitness including different exercises, nutrition, and lifestyle. In the e-book, you will learn about his program so that you can use his insight towards your own success.

Jon has a different story because he was overweight and unfit when he turned 40. He had lived this way for many years and was now suffering from many related illnesses. He finally realized that he needed to become fit to save his life. He had a journey of ups and downs, but he eventually succeeded and is now fit for life. When he shares the details of his journey with you it will help you prepare for your own journey.

The e-book also includes the success stories of 52 men and women in their 40s. 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond. While some of them are competitive athletes, many are normal people who knew they could regain their youth through fitness. Their stories address how they began, where they are now, and how they stay motivated. You will soon learn that they all started at different ages and levels of health, but they all achieved success. They all faced and overcame unique obstacles. They also describe their individual exercise routines, including their exercise choices and schedules. This is where you will learn that everyone has different training and renewal needs based on their body type. Additionally, you will learn about their nutritional choices and how they support their fitness goals through diet. Finally, you will also learn the important lifestyle changes each made to support fitness for life.

The major benefit of these stories is that you will realize that every person has unique over 40 fitness needs that are met with a unique fitness plan. If you want to create your ideal plan then you need to study what was worked for others. Build your plan based on the aspects of their plans that best suit your specific fitness needs and goals. The more stories you study, the better your fitness over 40 plan will be.

Jon and Tom have compiled these stories to help you create the best fitness plan for you. They have done the research for you and found excellent role models to follow. If you let the examples and techniques in Fit Over 40 guide you, you will be on the right path to lifelong health, youth, and happiness. - 17268

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By Preforming Core Muscle Workouts do I Get Any Benefits?

By Cody Campbell

Without a doubt, core muscle workouts are among the most important physical activities one could take part in when looking to reduce injury and increase physical performance. With this in mind, some may wonder why core workout programs have only become popular recently. Well, core workouts have always been part of weightlifting and fitness. Any ab workout or lower back exercise program is a core workout. However, through the advent of recent studies and physical fitness programs, more people have become aware of the ability to maximize these workouts via a complete program.

Yet, there are still those that may not be all that interested in venturing into the realm of core strength workouts. It is just "not their thing" because they have grown accustom to the traditional heavy weight lifting workouts they commonly perform. While there is nothing wrong with pumping iron, it is never a good idea to gloss over the benefits of a core workout. This is particularly true when one is looking to enhance the quality of one's life.

What are some of these benefits associated with core training workouts? Here are a few:

1) You will strengthen your frame and acquire greater stability and balance. This happens because you have developed stronger more stable muscles in your mid section. Some may not see the importance of this but it is nothing that should be taken lightly. A lot of people hurt and injure themselves when they slip or fall but when you strengthen your core you will increase your balance and you will be more stable so accidents like this will be greatly diminished.

2) People that perform core workouts on a regular basis will notice that other injuries that they have will diminish or vanish. Core exercises have an amazing ability to strengthen our core where a lot of injuries originate.

3) Core muscle exercises will help in the reduction of body fat. This happens due to the fact that you will be burning calories while you perform your workout routine. You will also stimulate your metabolism, which will be your greatest companion in your journey of developing 6 pack abs. Just don't make it more difficult then it actually has to be. It really comes down to how often you do your exercises. The more you do them the more fat you will burn.

4) When you perform core exercises you will find that your day-to-day activities will become less strenuous. This happens because 95% of your day-to-day activities require the use of your abdominal and lower back muscles. When you strengthen these muscles it becomes so much easier to go about your regular activities.

5) Finally one of the last benefits would have to be how core exercises make use look and feel. Your body's core muscles get worked quite vigorously with all core muscle workouts so as a result we develop a nicely toned midsection. Most people find this section of the body the hardest to tone so just make sure you do your core exercises and that fat will just start melting away. - 17268

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Do You Need A Gluten Free Diet

By Lindsey Neville

If you feel bloated or lethargic after eating you may need to be on a gluten free diet. We all eat too much at times and then we feel tired of so full we have to lie down. This happens now and again. But if this is a regular feeling for you then you might be allergic to gluten. Gluten is found in wheat, and barley, and in rye. It is the part of the wheat that makes bread dough gooey.

However it is also the ingredient in wheat that causes the immune system to attack the body's digestion system. Several men and women have this sensitivity and do not know it. If fact one out of every 150 people in the U. S. Has this problem with a gluten allergy. It is not easy to avoid eating gluten. Wheat is in a lot of common foods, breads, pastries, cereals.

But if you consciously try to eat gluten free you can. The key is to realize you have a problem and work around it, or eat around it as in this case. It is interesting to note that parents of autistic children are having good results with a gluten free diet. It seems that gluten also affects the brain cells of people with autism.

If you have an autistic child make sure to meet with your doctor before you make a diet change. For your own diet you want to also consult with your doctor before changing your diet. If you have nutritionist consult with him or her also.

If you do need to change your diet there are many tasty gluten free foods on the market. There was a time that all people could do was to make their own gluten free products from soy flour and other gluten free ingredients. Gluten is an amino acid. It is a protein. Many companies have found a way to eliminate this amino acid without affecting the flavor of the food.

Now you can find many gluten free foods on the super market shelves. There are gluten free pretzels made from potatoes. There are bread mixes gluten free you only have to add water to make. But if you are thinking about how hard it is to eat out at restaurant you are right.

But today there are many eateries that offer gluten free meals on their menus. If you are having problems after you eat you may have a gluten free diet need. The challenge is that this is a problem hard to diagnose by even the most trained doctor. The usual medical procedure is to cut out various foods until the right one is detected that is causing you the problem.

You might have to go through a lot of pain and discomfort before the right diagnosis is made. But if gluten is a problem you can rest assured that there are many products you can eat without worrying about the bloating, abdominal pain, and even diarrhea. If you think you might have a gluten sensitivity consult with your doctor and seek his advice as to whether or not you need to be on a gluten free diet. - 17268

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Are Eggs Nature's Best Diet Foods Friend?

By Rose Miccolis

If you want to be sure your getting superior lean protein include a lot of eggs in your diet foods list at least three times a week. Eggs are the crme de la crme when it comes to low cal nutrition. They are rich in every vitamin except C and contain all of the amino acids to build a perfect protein.

You will find so many different kinds of eggs in the dairy section. Free range, brown and white shelled - how do you know which one to chose? When considering, remember that the brown shelled eggs were laid by large hens and the white eggs were laid by the smaller hens. That's the only difference! One is not nutritionally better than the other. The reason the brown eggs are usually priced higher is because it takes the farmer more grain to feed the larger hens. Therefore, the price of the eggs the hen lays are more expensive!

The colors of the yolk differ too by what the hen has eaten. If they are raised on corn the yolks will be darker. If they are lighter they were feed wheat. Whatever the color - their nutritional content still remains the same. They are both shock full of vitamins and minerals.

Pay attention to the sell by or expiration date when buying eggs to make sure they are fresh. Sometimes it is printed on the egg itself. Other times it is on the carton. Also, open the carton and check for cracks.

You can tell how fresh they are by sticking one in a glass of water. If it floats -it's no good. Don't eat it. If it sinks, it's a keeper!

What you can cook with eggs seems unlimited. Hard boil them for great diets foods and tuck them into your purse or briefcase for low calorie mid-day snacks. You can fry them, soft boil them or make egg drop soup. The possibilities are endless. However you cook them - make sure you eat eggs at least 3-4 times per week. You can even eat them everyday. People always thought they caused high cholesterol, but that has been proven false. You can confidently eat eggs knowing there is no better filling low calorie food for your health! - 17268

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How To Lose Weight Effectively With A Colon Cleanse

By Jim McCarthy

There are many different techniques you can use to lose weight. If you feel a lack of confidence due to your size, or maybe a GP has expressed concern about specific medical problems that are obesity related, then you will want to know how you can lose as much weight as possible in the shortest time. Thousands of people have discovered that with a colon cleanse the result of any weight loss program is more effective.

Most modern diets will be much harder for the colon and digestive system to cope with. Our bodies were simply not designed to rapidly break down effectively the type of fatty and processed foods that most of us now consume. It is for this reason that we often find we quickly put on extra pounds. By choosing a colon cleansing treatment you will be able to shed excess weight faster and also you will feel much healthier. Your metabolism will start to work more efficiently and you will be able to break down foods easier.

Over time there is a build up of waste in the colon. This lessens the gut's ability to absorb nutrients and vitamins from a diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. The result is that we have less energy then we should. If you try to work out you will become tired much sooner than you should. After you have a colon cleansing you whole body will work more harmoniously and your stamina will be greatly enhanced.

There is also an instant weight loss that comes with the treatment. As there will be a large amount of waste that is stuck inside the colon, the cleansing can often produce a drop of five pounds or even more in a typical person's weight.

By getting rid of these unwanted bodily products you will be removing a large amount of bad bacteria. If you have been frequently suffering from constipation or diarrhoea then the problem can be cured by cleansing your colon.

There are many health benefits that will be felt after a professional colon cleanse. Apart from a healthier digestive system you will also notice that other medical problems can clear up. You will suffer less from bloating, piles, and stomach cramps. Differences may also be seen in the number of fungal and bacterial infections that you suffer from.

The only results from a colon cleansing will be positive; it is a very safe treatment. If you want to quickly lose weight and also acquire more energy then there is no need to delay any longer, help is at hand. - 17268

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Tips for Safe Travel

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Here come the holidays - Thanksgiving, Channukah, Christmas, and New Year's. And the travel - Thanksgiving is one of the biggest travel days and the day before Christmas is just as busy.

If you're flying, you know what to expect - long lines, delays, crowded flights. But knowing what's to come doesn't necessarily provide reassurance. Traveling - particularly traveling by plane - makes many people crazy. Sitting in the terminal, waiting for your boarding call, you can see the deep lines of care, worry, and anxiety etched into peoples' faces.

However, whereas air travel may not be the most enjoyable thing in the world, there are many action steps individuals and families can take to de-stress the experience. Traveling doesn't have to mean losing your mind and getting all wound up with tension and mental and physical strain.1,2

Here is a Top Eight List of things to do in the days before your flight and then during your flight - Before the flight -

Start packing early Organize your healthy snacks Organize activities for the kids Light exercises and stretches See your chiropractor During the flight - Walk around Wake up your muscles by doing gentle torso stretches while in your seat Breathe! Starting your packing early will make a huge difference in how you feel on the day of the flight. Imagine what it would be like if you didn't have to dash all over your house minutes before you are supposed to leave for the airport, searching for that critical thing you must bring with you.

Make a list and make a plan. Promise yourself you're going to have everything packed, including the kids' backpacks, by the time you go to sleep on the night before you travel. You will be amazed at how relaxed everyone is on the actual travel day, in sharp contrast to the usual mayhem and fighting.

A good supply of healthy snacks will keep everyone's energy level up, and minimize in-flight crankiness due to hunger and low blood sugar levels. 3 Most airlines do not even serve food anymore, and even if they did, you don't want it. Bring your own low-fat protein energy bars; little plastic cups filled with peanut butter; low-calorie muffins; trail mix with nuts, dried fruits, and chocolate; string cheese; low-fat crackers; and plenty of water.

Be sure to do light exercise and stretches the week of your flight. You're going to be lugging heavy baggage, and want to be ready for some awkward schlepping, dragging, and lifting.

Seeing your chiropractor before your trip will help ensure your body is in peak condition for any unexpected jars and jolts. And even when you're well-prepared, travel still has its stressful moments. Chiropractic treatment helps ensure that your nervous system will be flexible and adaptable, adjusting to whatever surprises are in store during your trip.

1Waterhouse J, et al: The stress of travel. J Sports Sci 22(10):946-965, 2004 2Reilly T, et al: Jet lag and air travel: implications for performance. Clin Sports Med 24(2):367-380, 2005 3Waterhouse J, et al: Factors associated with food intake in passengers on long-haul flights. Chronobiol Int 23(5):985-1007, 2006 - 17268

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Tell Me How I Can Prevent Bruising Easily Altogether

By Jan Doan

When capillaries break and blood accumulates under your skin you get a bruise (also known as a contusion). You can bruise your bones, your muscle or your skin. The skin bruise is the least painful. The bone bruise and muscle bruise tend to be the most painful and disrupting to your everyday life. You can prevent bruising easily altogether by observing safety rules.

Most of the time bruising is caused by injury. You can run into a counter, get hit during a sports game, when you are doing home repairs and fall off the ladder or by simply tripping. To prevent bruising in your day-to-day life, take the proper precautions for the activity you are doing. In sports, wear protective equipment, such as a helmet, knee pads or elbow pads. Wear your seat belt when driving or riding in a car. Watch where you are walking to avoid tripping and be careful on icy patches during the winter.

There are those of us who seem to find bruises appearing out of nowhere. How come this happens? How can you prevent bruising easily altogether? Bruising risk increases if you are a smoker. It also increases when you are overweight, have anemia, leukemia or a bleeding disorder like hemophilia.

Certain medications also make people more prone to bruising. If you are taking a blood-thinning medication, such as Coumadin, anti-histamines, penicillin, anti-depressants or cortisone this could be your answer as to why you are bruising so easily. Talk to your doctor. He or she can change your medication if bruising is intolerable. Other causes of easy bruising include getting older, being deficient in B12, folic acid, and, very rarely, being deficient in vitamin K.

You just cannot stop bruising completely. Sometimes people are just plane klutzy. Sometimes life just happens. There are things you can do to minimize your risk of bruising.

First and foremost is to stop smoking. Next, get your weight down to a healthy level. Switch over-the-counter pain relief medications from aspirin, ibuprofen and other NSAIDs to Tylenol. NSAIDs and aspirin thin your blood.

Very few people in the developed world have vitamin K deficiency unless there is some underlying medical issue. To give your vitamin K level an extra boost eat your vegetables, especially dark, leafy vegetables, broccoli, seaweed, kelp and alfalfa. You can purchase alfalfa or kelp tablets cheaply at your local health food store. In addition, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and other types of berries, as well as citrus fruits, are high in bioflavinoids (anti-oxidants). Bioflavinoids will strength connective tissue. Increase your intake of lipoic acid by eating yams or carrots. Levels of zinc will remain healthy by consuming soy products and wheat germ. Taking a multivitamin daily is also worth consideration.

If you do get bruised despite all of your efforts at protection, applying Arnica cream to the bruise or taking a homeopathic or herbal Arnica tablet may help speed healing and reduce pain. One thing you never want to do to a bruise is try and drain it using a needle. This will only make it more painful and more bruised looking.

So, as you can see, you cannot really prevent bruising easily altogether. But, there are definitely some things you can do to strengthen your body's defenses and to minimize your chances of getting bruised. If your bruise does not heal, hurts badly or you find that you are spontaneously bruising, make an appointment with your doctor. - 17268

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