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Sunday, April 5, 2009

All About Goji

By Oliver Ryan

A goji berry is actually one of two very closely related berries, Lycium barbarum and L. Chinense, which are two of many small, red berries in their genus that are members of the Solinaceae family. This means that goji, although rare, is closely related to potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, tobacco and chili peppers, too. Other names for goji include; murali, Chinese wolf berry, bocksdorns, barbary matrimony vine, red medlar, matrimony vine, Duke of Argyll's tea tree, and of course, simply wolfberry. The berries are native throughout all of China, but likely came from the valleys between the Himalayan mountains in pre-history.

The small, lavender goji flower will appear as one to three flowers on each stem. It has long stamen in the center, and the oblong leaves are nothing out of the ordinary to look at, however, the berry is a bright red square looking oblong shape. The main area that you find these plants is in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and Ningxia province in the west of china and the north central areas of China, respectively.

Our western-world health food industries advertises two main types of Goji berry. Tibetan goji and Himalayan goji, both types being very common in our health-food stores and of course online. However this berry does not grow in either one of these regions! The Himalayan mountains are simply too cold to grow Goji trees in today. Once upon a time they were said to be the birthplace of all goji, but today the frost will simply wipe these fragile trees out.

In the early 1700's, the goji plant was brought to the United Kingdom. That is where it got the nickname of Duke of Argyll's tea tree. It has been growing wild in the the UK for over three hundred years now, and has been naturalized as an ornamental and edible plant for that area. Near Ipswich, and in surrounding areas of Suffolk Sandlings, Hadley, Walberswick and Bawdsey, this plant can be found growing wildly in hedge rows, although its nutrients are suspected to be reduced from those of its Chinese cousins.

Wolfberries, in their fresh form, cannot make the trip safely across the oceans to other countries. Therefore they cannot be exported fresh, but rather are shipped dried like raisins, and sometimes frozen. They can get quite hard during the drying-out process though, so generally the frozen berries are preferred. Goji berries are found in Chinese cuisine country wide, cooked until they are soft. They are added to many soups, put in with rice and Chinese vegetables, even meat, fish, and chicken. They are used also in a few Chinese teas.

If you want a tasty goji treat, you could try the ale made from these berries at the New Belgium Brewery, or at least get your hands on some 'Wolf Berry Beer.' The Chinese have made a flavored brand of coffee from them too, which isn't any surprise since they also use the leaves for nearly infinite medicinal uses already. - 17268

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Conquering Mistakes: Important Advice for Gaining Muscle

By Brad Morgan

If you are undertaking a muscle building regime, there is a lot of information out there to help you get started. The problem is that there is so much information, and often conflicting advice, that you may not know how to start.

There is more than one way to build muscle, more than one exercise that works, but there are also many things that can hurt your efforts to build muscle. Let's take a look at some things to avoid.

1. Overspending on gym memberships

According to gyms, their equipment ? fancy, shiny computerized and hydraulic machines ? are the only way to build muscle safely and effectively. Before you buy into that line and into an expensive membership, consider that the exercise can do at home is low-cost and high-effect. Save yourself some money, and work out at home.

In the privacy of your own home, you can workout with moves like squats and lunges, which require absolutely no equipment, or with free weights, which are relatively cheap. The best equipment is your body, some free weights, and hard work.

2. Not changing your workout.

When you start working out, you may see results and be so happy that you stick with the same routine. After all, it worked, didn't it?

Perhaps, but doing the same workout after your body has adjusted to the exercise will cause your efforts to stagnate. Your body is an incredibly efficient machine. The more you practice a move, the less your body actually has to work to execute it.

Therefore, doing the same workout routine causes your body to burn much fewer calories. Add some variation. Up the intensity. Never let your body get used to anything ? it needs constant challenges. The upside is that you won't get bored with your exercise routine.

3. Ignoring Cardio

You may think that if you want to build muscle, you restrict your exercise routine to weight training. This does not work. If you want to build muscle, you have to add cardio.

We all know that cardio can help you burn fat. For muscle builders, it also helps the body rest and recover from weight training. To get the best results, do intervals of high intensity cardio for about twenty minutes right after your weight training session.

4. Not resting enough.

Working out everyday can also hurt your muscle building efforts. Since muscle repairs itself and develops during rest periods, it is vital to build some into your workout routine. Two or three rest days per week should be sufficient to allow your muscles to do their work.

Another mistake novices make is working the same muscles day after day. Instead, try alternating the muscle groups so they don't become injured or fatigued. You can work on your abs and legs one day and your chest, back, and arms another. Let your muscles have the appropriate rest so they can build muscle for you.

5. Ignoring Diet

Not eating properly is a big reason why many people fail to build muscle. Food is necessary for your body's health and to put it into optimum muscle building mode.

Make sure that you are getting plenty of protein. This nutrient, which is found in lean meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy, is a key to muscle growth. Try eating a protein snack after your workouts to maximize their effect.

6. Abandoning your goals.

Everyone's body is different, and it takes some people longer to build muscle than others. Quitting because you are not seeing results fast enough is a huge mistake.

There are several things you can do if you notice your efforts are stagnating: look at your fitness routine to see if there is anything you can change. Look at your diet to see if you are eating properly. If your body just takes more time to build muscle, giving up will be a great loss.

Whatever the cause of your stagnation, don't quit. If something is not working, change it. But don't stop; it will only put you back where you started and you won't have the body you want. - 17268

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Durom Implants Recalled Leading to Class Action Lawsuit

By Maxwell Schmickman

As we age, our bodies don't operate the way that they used to. Every day it's just a little harder to get out of bed, and there are new aches and pains to behold. But for some of us, the pain is deeper than that. Joint pain and deterioration can be debilitating to the point that it robs us of our ability to walk and care for ourselves. As we live longer and more active lives, joints which weren't meant to take 60 or 70 years of heavy use start to wear out.

If you've ever had joint pain bad enough for the need or a replacement, you know how difficult it can be to have so much pain that even walking within your own home can become impossible. This is why artificial replacements for knee and hip joints were invented. If you have had a hip replaced, keep reading for more information on the Durom implant recall.

A hip replacement, like the Durom implant, can greatly improve quality of life for many patients. A patient who could not walk or care for themselves due to extreme pain will be able to take part in many of the activities that they have long enjoyed. The biggest drawback to a hip replacement is their limited lifespan. Due to the nature of their task and the stress put upon them, they tend to fail and need replacement themselves within ten years. For a patient in their 70's, this is less of a concern, but for an active younger patient, perhaps in their 50's, this ensures the prospect of at least one future surgery, if not two.

This is why the Durom implant was invented. It was sold to doctors as a good hip replacement for their patients under the promise that it was longer lasting than a standard implant. A normal hip replacement implant will last around ten years before it begins to wear and needs to be replaced. For a younger patient, this will mean that they may need as many as three hip replacements over the course of their lifetime. The Durom implant was supposed to last substantially longer, lasting for longer than ten years and making further surgery unnecessary. For a younger patient, a longer lasting implant would of course be the ideal.

Unhappily for patients who received the Durom implant with these claims, this promise has not held up to scrutiny. At one clinic where the implants were used, twelve percent of those patients receiving them needed to have them removed and replaced within two years. This is a failure rate that is much higher than a standard implant, and is much worse than the promise of the company. They chalk the high rate up to surgeon error, but in the controlled setting of their clinical tests, the implants failed within two years for seven percent of patients, which is still very high.

Because of the high failure rate of the Durom implant, a class action law suit is being considered for those with failed implants, or for those who have this type of implant which has not yet failed. If you or a loved one has received a hip implant before July 2008, contact your doctor. - 17268

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Fitness Tips - Weight Loss Center

By Dani Maurer

Weight loss centers are often used to describe weight loss programs that are locally operated. If this is your first time looking to join a weight loss center, you may be unsure as to what you should look for in one. An important part of joining a weight loss center is finding the weight loss center that is perfect for you and your own personal needs. For that reason, there are a number of factors, which are outlined below, that you will want to take into consideration.

One of the many factors that you will want to take into consideration, when looking for a weight loss center to join, is the location. With gas prices high, many individuals find it difficult to travel long distances. You will have to pay money to become a member at a weight loss center; therefore, you should be careful about adding on extra costs, like the cost of gasoline, to your membership. If, at all possible, you should look for weight loss centers that are conveniently located either close to your home or your place of business.

Speaking of costs, as previously mentioned, you will have to pay to become a member of a weight loss center. This cost will vary depending on the weight loss center in question. On average, most weight loss center memberships are around twenty or thirty dollars a month. With that in mind, it is possible to find weight loss centers that cost more money. If you are on a budget, a weight loss center membership fee may have an impact on the weight loss center that you chose to become a member at.

You will want to take the time to examine each weight loss center that you come across. For instance, you should be able to find some weight loss centers that only have weekly or monthly meetings or weigh-ins for members to attend. On the other hand, there are weight loss centers that may have exercise classes or a fitness gym, which you should gain access to as a member. If you are able to find a quality weight loss center or one that comes highly rated and recommend, higher membership fees may be worth it.

With the internet, it is easy to review a company or a program, like a weight loss program. With a standard internet search, preferably with the name of the weight loss center in question, you should be able to come across program reviews or online discussions. Research is not only a great way to find weight loss centers that have great reviews, but it is also a great way to learn of any weight loss centers that you should avoid or ones that are known for not being worth the costs.

The above mentioned factors are just a few of the many that you will want to take into consideration, when looking to find a weight loss center to join. Although many weight loss centers come highly rated and recommended, it is important to find the weight loss center that can best fit you and your needs. - 17268

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Mangosteen Juice and Its Dietary Benefits

By Julieanne van Zyl

This article discusses Mangosteen Juice and its nutritional benefits. As our awareness of increased and better health continues to grow and we become a lot more conscious of all that we eat and feed our bodies, it becomes very necessary to eat and drink only the best things that will really nurture our bodies and not kill it. These days, it is common to have some fruit alongside our daily meals. Even better, some people take fruit juice during the course of the day. Fruit juice like Mangosteen juice, apple juice, and orange juice is very common these days, but of all three, none claims the amount of antioxidants, xanthones and phytonutrients that Mangosteen juice has.

Some schools of thought have even proposed that its xanthones quantity is almost 10 times that of the average fruit. While this might be just a way to sell more quantities of the product, it is noteworthy to see that this single fruit juice has between 20 and 40 xanthones in it alon -whereas most fruits can only boast of between 10-20. It also contains a lot of phytonutrients. Mangosteen juice can be found in numerous different places now, but not all mangosteen juice products at the same - they all have different amounts of xanthones and phytonutrients, so be careful about getting value for your money.

If a distinct brand of manogsteen juice costs less than another, then be wary because it probably doesn't provide the same nutritional value. Because of the sales efforts put into it and the amounts of nutrients existing in it, mangosteen juice has in fact turn out to be one of the most touted and recognised nutritional supplements in the market. Keep reading to find out more about the remarkable mangosteen juice.

Mangosteen juice is regularly referred to as the "miracle" fruit juice is unique . With all of its qualities and nutrients, it is only common that it is receiving a lot of publicity. If you are considering drinking Mangosteen juice - but are not sure of the benefits - then you can read some of them below:

1. It is antibacterial in nature. The xanthone content in this distinct juice makes it a successful natural antibacterial juice available. This is why the Mangosteen fruit is often used as a poultice to cover up open wounds in countries like Thailand and Malaysia. It is even more dynamic now that many bacteria are becoming resistant to antibacterial drugs.

2. While it could not really kill off all fungi responsible for fungal infections, it was able to reduce the growth rate of some fungi that it was tested against.

3. It works as a antioxidant, which is common with most fruit juices. However, the mangosteen is more powerful because of the high amount of xanthones contained in it. Antioxidants naturally fight free radicals, which are very easily found in the body as a consequence of both natural cell breakdown and extra cellular activities. Smoking -both passive and active- are also recognized to increase the presence of free radicals existing in the body.

4. Since Mangosteen juice has phytonutrients, it makes it a possible candidate for productively combating cancer. This is based on the premise that phytoceuticals such as tannins and catechins, which are very effective carcinogenic cell combatants, are lavishly present in the product.

Now these are not all the benefits of taking this fabulous mangosteen juice, but it should provide you an idea of what optimum potential it has. - 17268

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The Acai Berry The Natural Energizer

By Carter Sinclair

The Acai berry is one of the most amazing natural wonders of the world when it comes to nutritional and healthy food. The studies that have come out showing how poorly nourished most people are has lead to a craze in the health food industry and Acai berries are at the top of the list of the healthiest and best for you.

The Acai berry is about one inch in diameter and is very small in size. The seed makes up about 80% of the berry. The berries are green, or the most known ones are purple. The seed doesn't have nutritional value but is used for livestock feed and top soil.

It is the pulp and skin that are the most prized and most well known outside of their native habitat. This is what is what ends up in the various food items such as juices, yogurts, and ice creams as well as being sold dried or frozen. The reason why it is so eagerly sought after is due to the fact that it has one of the highest ORAC assay results ever recorded for a food.

The ORAC measures the level of antioxidants in a fruit and their ability to fight off harmful free radicals. Acai berry scored over a thousand on the assay. This means that it is very potent and very good at fighting off free radicals. Current studies on the Acai berry are revealing benefits such as amino acids, fatty acids, and other nutrients that the body needs for energy and metabolic functioning.

Acai berry is an energy drink that provides the body with more energy than coffee or other caffeinated drinks and still maintains great nutritional value. It provides you long lasting energy that isn't in the form of drinks laced with sugar.

The Acai berry is so versatile in that it tastes great in a number of different diet choices. It is a great addition to many different types of foods and has a taste that is a mix between chocolate and semi sweet berries. - 17268

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