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Friday, August 28, 2009

Natural Herbs to Increase Libido: Increase Your Immune System

By Roy Gonzalez

From the earliest attempts to treat erectile dysfunction back to Muslim physicians and pharmacists these problems were treated with tested drugs, then John R. Brinckley initiated a boom male impotence cure with injections and surgery despite the increasing availability of effective of these treatments, plant-derived and herbal remedies continue to provide the best alternative for men seeking to improve their sex life.

When viagra was introduced, it became the best selling drug in history and it continues to be a pharmaceutical best seller to this day despite the high prices of it. Due to high prices and a prescription required to buy viagra, herbal male sexual enhancers have flooded the market with a brilliant reputation of being safe as well as cheap. Experts have gone as far as to recommend a few of these herbal products to certain patients as an extremely effective alternative to viagra.

With the intense research and studies carried out on these herbal products it was discovered that when certain natural herbs were mixed, it created a powerful dietary supplement that boosted the libido to a new level. Having an erection problem such as being unable to get or maintain an erection long enough for satisfying sex, is extremely common. It's also a condition that can be treated.

Now lets look at the most common causes of male libido linked to age. Testosterone the male hormone critical for sex drive declines as we get older and so to does the chemical nitric oxide which is vital for an erection to take place. Quite simply put, if you don't get enough nitric oxide you will never get an erection. This chemical helps the blood vessels expand, relax and open wide enough for an increased blood flow to enter and create an erection.

Male enhancements prepared with natural ingredients helps with erection problems without causing any side effects; it improves the blood flow to the penis which helps with better and long lasting erections, natural male enhancement products also help improve the penis size by slowly and gradually stretching the penis and enabling it to contain more amount of blood. Increased amount of blood to the penis helps increase the penis size and girth.

All the above can be tackled with herbal remedies which have been used for thousands of years and today herbal sex pills are blended with potent mixes of natural herbs to give your libido and general wellness a lift.

For testosterone you can use the following herbs, Epimedium Grandiflorum or Horny Goat Weed, Mucuna Pruriens and Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longfolia) which have all been proven in medical testing to increase levels of testosterone within the body. For nitric oxide production again Horny Goat Weed and another Chinese herb Cnidium are proven to increase it. Cnidium is also a blood tonic, nourishing the blood and helping overall circulation. It you add the well known herbs of Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba, you have a great blood tonic combination. The combination will pump blood and oxygen throughout the body and help keep the blood vessels healthy at the time.

For more energy some of the herbs mentioned work well namely, Ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba and Horny Goat Weed. All lift energy levels, enhance mood and help to relieve stress and fatigue. You can also add in Tribulus Terrestris which also acts as circulatory tonics but is a favorite of serious athletes for the enhanced energy and stamina it provides. - 17268

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Top Five Dietary Guidelines to Help Manage Symptoms of Dementia

By Esther Dacamay

Although there is no cure for dementia, the effects of dementia could possibly be reversed if diagnosed and treated in its earliest stages. Much of the treatment has to do with diet.

Elderly adults who do not receive the proper amounts of vitamins and minerals in their daily diet will begin to exhibit signs of dementia. It is imperative that an accurate diagnosis of this disease is made by a medical professional before pharmaceutical drugs are prescribed. In addition, diet plays a major role as it is the foundation for which our bodies build strength against ailments and disease.

Listed below are the top five diet and nutrition guidelines essential in fighting the effects of this debilitating disease.

1) Hugh Fiber, Low Fat - Adding high fiber foods such as millet, brown rice, seeds, nuts, pressed oils, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and low fat foods is very beneficial in the fight against dementia. In addition, it is very important to remember to eliminate saturated fats from your daily diet without removing essential fatty acids such as omega 3s.

2) No Processed Food - Any food that comes in a box really can't be considered food. In addition, foods such as hot dogs and sausages are really processed foods. These are very bad for the body. Instead, implement the benefits of foods that actually resemble their 'natural" state. Organic foods contain live enzymes that are very beneficial to the body. Furthermore, it is important to implement foods high in antioxidants into your diet. These include zinc, selenium, carotene and flavonoids. There is a simple saying to help you remember; live food - Live body, dead food - dead body.

3) Brain Power - It is very important for the neurotransmitters in our brains to be fed. This can be done by incorporating foods that contain Acetyl-choline. Foods that contain this beneficial element include beans, liver, whole grains, foods rich in chlorophyll, soy, lecithin and egg yolks.

4) Protein - Having a breakfast rich in protein is highly beneficial. A whey smoothie or soy smoothie can contain lecithin and ground flaxseed. To achieve mental acuity, partake in a high protein lunch comprised of a salad and a tuna or salmon sandwich. To enjoy a relaxing, restful night's sleep, try utilizing a high protein dinner comprised of spaghetti made from brown rice with ground turkey and a low sat sauce.

5) Keep It Broad - A low-calorie diet of 1500 " 2000 is best. Select your nourishment from a broad cross-section of foods to include fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains (brown rice, soy beans, oats, millet, buckwheat). In addition, take a high-potency multiple vitamin on a daily basis in order to prevent nutrient depletions that are associated with this debilitating disease. - 17268

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Obtaining Great Fitness And Health Through Proper Diet

By Peter Werth

If you watch TV or read magazines, there is always some intriguing commercial asking for money to help you get into shape. That's because more and more people are now going back to basics in terms of food and health practices, because they would want to achieve prime health and fitness.

Experts say that because of the busy courses of people's lives, many of them tend to forget some of the vital fragments in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which is diet and nutrition.

Identifying the thin line

Although the terms 'diet' and 'nutrition' have different definitions, they are greatly connected to each other. When defined, 'diet' refers to the food and liquid intake of a person while 'nutrition' pertains to the science of dealing with food and nourishment. Sometimes, many people get confused with the meanings of the two because they automatically assume that less through diet will not affect their health's overall condition.

While many people think a diet is a set of rules you follow to try to lose weight, your diet is actually the food that you eat to supply your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly. Without a healthy diet that supplies the body with much needed nutrients, you are more susceptible to colds, infections, and illnesses. Your diet, in other words your nutrition, is what sustains your life.

You must remember that it's never too late to redirect your eating habits, but before you take that drastic change, learn what are the common diet and nutrition mistakes so you can avoid them. Here are some realizations that can help you get by:

1. Nutrition comes from vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Food sources that are rich with nutrients are whole, living foods that are supplied from the earth. Dark leafy greens offer more calcium than milk, while beans and grains offer high amounts of iron. It is easy to turn your focus from diet to nutrition. And when you do, you might find yourself eating a diet that is rich in nutrients and optimal for losing weight.

2. Since your neuro-endocrine system doesn't know you didn't fight or flee, it still responds to stress with the hormonal signal to replenish nutritional stores -- which may make you feel hungry.

3. Don't think you're eating too much when you're actually not. Doctors say that one of the most common mistakes people make is that they overestimate and underestimate the amount of food their body needs. People are advised to monitor the portion sizes of your food to ensure that they are getting the key nutrients that their body needs.

4. Consistency is very important for an exercise routine to have the desired effect on our body. Getting started is the easy part, it is sticking to a regular exercise routine that is difficult and this is what makes most people give up in between.

5. Don't neglect the importance of regular exercise. There is now denying the wonderful benefits that regular exercise can do to people especially to those who want to achieve optimum health and fitness. To ensure that you stay healthy despite being on a diet, make exercise a regular part of your life can definitely contribute to your overall wellness. - 17268

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Back Pain and Herniated Discs

By Dr. Jason Fowler

A 30-year-old mom bends over to pick up her four-year-old and feels a sharp stabbing pain in her lower back. A 60-year-old man bends over to pick up his five-year-old grandchild and feels an electrical shooting pain in his lower back. For both, the pain is so severe they need to sit down.

The very next day, both the mom and the grandfather notice they now have pain and numbness radiating down one leg, and they are having trouble walking.

What's going on, how did it happen, and what can be done about it? First of all, a little basic anatomy is useful. Spinal discs are weight-bearing shock absorbers. They contain a gel-like ball-bearing center, which is surrounded by tough fibrous cartilage, arranged in concentric, criss-crossing circles.1

As a person gets older, the discs naturally lose some of their water content. Cracks and fissures naturally develop in the fibrous cartilage. If a weight-bearing stress is unusual and unexpected, the gel-like material in the center of the disc can push through one of the fissures and possibly irritate a spinal nerve.

If enough of this material pushes through, the nerve can become inflamed and cause symptoms. Radiating pain and/or numbness, and possibly weakness, in one leg can occur.

Typically, such pain and/or numbness radiates down the leg, traveling below the knee and possibly into the foot.

Such symptoms, with or without back pain, are highly suggestive of an inflamed spinal nerve. In fact, the person will usually say the leg symptoms are much worse and of greater concern than any back pain that may be present.

If an MRI confirms the disc herniation and suggests an inflamed nerve, the diagnosis is complete. What's next?

In the best scenario, conservative treatment may be sufficient and the nerve inflammation improves with time. Anti-inflammatory medication may be helpful. Chiropractic conservative therapy may include physical therapeutic modalities and gentle trigger point therapy to relieve the associated muscle spasms.

A spinal surgeon should be consulted to provide additional opinions and input. If pain is severe and there is neurologic loss, surgery may be the best option.

Of course, the best management, as always, is prevention. Pay attention to safe lifting procedures. Exercise regularly and get sufficient rest. Your chiropractor will be able to provide guidance and recommend effective protocols to help you achieve and maintain good health and wellness.

1Postacchini F: Lumbar Disc Herniation. Springer, 2004, Chapter 2. 2Rothoerl RD, et al: When should conservative treatment for lumbar disc herniation be ceased and surgery considered? Neurosurg Rev 25(3):162-165, 2002. 3Lumbar Disc Herniation. New Engl J Med 347(21):1728-1729, 2002. - 17268

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The Health Benefits of HCG

By Amelia Handley

The health benefits of HCG are numerous; so numerous, in fact, that it could be said that they are infinite. The wide spread issue of obesity is one that causes a myriad of health problems. The fact that this particular set of common health problems are (for the most part) preventable makes it even more sad that the issue of obesity has reached epic proportions.

It can be said (and has been) that obesity is only a matter of vanity or a cosmetic issue. But it's much more than that. Obesity puts a large portion of today's society at risk for many life threatening health problems. People who find themselves in the obese category are two times more likely to experience and early death.

Obese individuals live with higher risks of heart disease and stroke. They are also more likely to have diabetes, elevated blood pressure, gallbladder disease and gallstones, cancer, osteoarthritis, sleep apnoea, asthma and gout. And that's just to list a few.

Theoretically the risk of heart disease would be enough to bring the epic problem of obesity to a screeching halt. Everyone would immediately begin exercising on a regular basis. Everyone would immediately stop eating unhealthy items and only intake healthy foods that benefit the body. The risk of these severe, life shortening health problems should ensure that not even one individual allows themselves to even approach the edges of obesity.

Doctors and experts in the medical field all agree that the risks rise with the weight of the individual. The more overweight you are the more likely you are to experience negative health. So even if you aren't obese...but you're overweight you still have increased risk for several severe (and life threatening) issues. To avoid increased health risks many have taken it upon themselves to look for the most effective method of weight loss and a large portion are finding homeopathic HCG.

This particular method results in high levels of weight loss and high success rates of maintaining healthier weights post-program. Many dieters are able to drop an average of one pound per day. And when you consider the serious health risks that are attached to not losing the extra pounds it becomes even more vital to get rid of the extra weight laying around. It's not hard to stick to the meal plan at all when you consider the alternative: heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, gallstones, cancer, osteoarthritis, asthma...that's no alternative at all. - 17268

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Common Rashes - Types of Skin Rashes

By Linda Robison

Just hearing the words skin rash may make you feel itchy. The term itself covers a lot of territory. Basically common rashes alter the look and feel of your skin. Some are very small, while others may appear throughout the body.

There are different causes of skin rashes and many different types of skin rashes. A person could have a bacterial rash, viral rash, sweat rash, stress rash, fungus rash, or a sun poisoning rash.

Looking at pictures of skin rashes might give you a basic rash diagnosis. However, many rashes behave alike so getting a medical skin rash diagnosis and treatment protocol is always a good idea.

Common Types of Rashes: One of the most common rashes is Atopic dermatitis, which is a kind of eczema. This rash is one tied to genetics and usually manifests in childhood. The general symptoms include patches of dry, scaly skin on the legs, arms, and chest.

A second common rash is contact dermatitis which happens when your skin comes in contact with an irritant or allergen. A perfect example of this would be poison ivy rash.

Two other types of rashes that are scaly in nature are psoriasis and pityriasis rosea. Psoriasis is often times genetically linked and can appear as a leg rash, elbow rash and on the knees.

Internal Rash Aid: If you experience any type of common rashes such as prickly heat rash, fungal rash, or HIV rash then you might consider using a natural supplement to cleanse the skin from the inside. Ive been recommending a natural herbal/biochemical tissue salt combination product.

These homeopathic tablets are taken internally to boost the immune system and hydrate the skin keeping it healthy. And its much cleaner that messy lotions, potions, or creams. - 17268

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Where To Find Sexual Health Information

By Vincent Roumou

Sexual health should be on every person's mind as soon as they start to have sexual relationships. There are so many people in the world who have STD's that they are on the increase and need to be dealt with. Apart from the obvious health risks there is also the risk of pregnancy, which the majority of people will want to avoid.

Here are a few places that can help anyone of any age to get the info they need and stay sexually healthy. So take a look and see if any of them can be of use to you.

Websites can be really useful also. Here anyone can find vital information about their health sexually. These are also tailored to various aspects of a person's health sexually. So if anyone wants to find out about something in particular, websites can be a very useful resource indeed.

Visiting your nurse or your doctor is also a fantastic way of getting the facts on sexual health. Here you will be able to ask any kind of questions and know that you will be getting good information. Nurses and doctors have treated thousands of people during the course of their career so there is no need to feel ashamed.

You might also want to visit a family planning clinic. These are staffed by medical professionals and they will give you the facts that you need. Some clinics will test you for sexually transmitted diseases and give you advice on pregnancy.

Now that you know a handful of ways to get facts on sexual health you can do this quickly and easily. So don't sit and suffer in silence, get the facts you need when you need them and be clued up on all aspects of your health. - 17268

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Proper Foods Can Keep Disease Away

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

Research has shown that a traditional Mediterranean diet provides assistance in protecting the body from type 2 diabetes.

Mediterranean meals are rich in olive oil, grains, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and fish, but have very little meat, dairy, or alcohol.

The current studies are showing that the body has a positive effect in regards to cardiovascular disease when a diet such as the one explained is implemented.

Researchers gathered 13,000 graduates from the University of Navarra in Spain with no history of diabetes and recruited between December 1999 and November 2007; each graduate had their dietary habits and health were subsequently tracked.

The subjects started the study off by answering a questionnaire that was designed to gauge their overall dietary habits. The 136 questions that were given to the participants, specific questions were asked on how they cooked their foods, what types of oils they used, and dietary products they used.

The participants were then notified every two years by a questionnaire that asked each about their diet, lifestyle, and other medical conditions. From this information, researchers were able to pick up new cases of diabetes

The researchers found that participants who stuck closely to the diet had a lower risk of diabetes. A high adherence to the diet was associated with an 83% relative reduction in the risk of developing diabetes.

Interestingly, those participants who stuck strictly to the diet also were thought to have the highest risk factors for diabetes, premature aging, a family history of diabetes, and a higher proportion of ex-smokers.

This was not the case. In fact, they had a lower risk of diabetes, suggesting that the diet might provide substantial protection.

The primary compounds of the diet include a high intake of fiber, vegetable fat, trans fatty acids, and a moderate intake of alcohol.

In addition, a key element of the diet is the abundant use of virgin oil for cooking, frying, spreading on bread, and dressing salads.

The scientist finished by calling for larger cohorts and trials to confirm their findings. - 17268

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Buy Pau D'arco Bark: Get Natural Remedies For Less

By Marcus Harrison

A thousand years ago, the Incas of Peru found the inner bark of the pink-flowered lapacho tree indispensable for treating fever, sore throat, dysentery, snakebite, bladder and yeast infections, and even cancer. They also used its wood to make bows for hunting.

Now called pau d'arco (pow-DAR-co), which is Portuguese for "bow stick," the term refers to various trees of the Tabebuia family that grow in the mountains of Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Peru.

In spite of this negative report, pau d'arco has since been used successfully to treat such things as fevers, arthritis, infections, malaria, skin problems, cancers, and even complications of AIDS. Two reasons for the discrepancy between the research and reality are these.

The pau d'arco tree is an evergreen tree that grows in the warm parts of Central and South America. It is a broad-leaf evergreen that grows to a height of 125 feet and has pink to violet-colored flowers. Its extremely hard wood makes it resistant to disease and decay. The inner bark of the tree is used medicinally. In recent years there has been an increasing demand for pau d'arco and, as a result, the trees are endangered.

Pau d'arco has effectively treated malaria, yeast infections, tuberculosis, strep, and dysentery. Pau d' arco in small dosages increases immune system activity and in large doses suppresses some immune responses such as inflammation. Its anti-inflammatory work have given pau d'arco promise as a treatment for arthritis, allergies, ulcers, skin problems, and other similar conditions. Add to that list diabetes, flu, lupus, parasites, and skin diseases, and it is easy to see why it was once toted as a 'wonder drug.'

Pau d'arco is sold as tablets, dried bark tea, and tincture (which contains alcohol). The chemicals that give pau d'arco its medicinal effects dissolve poorly in water, so a tea is not recommended.

Early reports declared pau d'arco to be useful in treating leukemia and other cancers, but the National Cancer Institute's research into lapachol (the constituent with the most anti-tumor activity) was halted due to mild side effects. More recent lab tests in Korea determined that another constituent, beta-lapachone, kills cancer cells of the lung, colon, and prostate. Pau d'arco is some time away from being used to treat cancer, but the Incas may have been on the right track.

The use of herbs is a time-honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. Herbs, however, can trigger side effects and can interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications. For these reasons, herbs should be taken with care, under the supervision of a health care practitioner. Talk to your doctor to determine the proper dose of pau d'arco, because too much can be dangerous. Pregnant and nursing women should not take pau d'arco. - 17268

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Caring For Your Eyes - Vitamins And Foods That Nourish Your Eyes

By Amy Nutt

Our eyesight is a precious gift, so no matter what your age, taking care of your vision is essential to good health. The brain is primarily responsible for managing the vision process. The brain processes the light information our eyes collect to create the images that allows us to see. In order to make sure our brains vision process maintains optimal performance, we need to nourish our eyes with healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

All of the vitamins that are good for the eyes are Vitamins A, B, C, D, and E. Some of the most important vitamins needed to maintain optimal eye health include:

Vitamin C: This vitamin has been associated with the prevention of cataracts, delaying macular degeneration, and reducing eye pressure in glaucoma patients. Our bodies are unable to store Vitamin C; therefore it needs to be replenished regularly.

Vitamin A: This vitamin is essential for eye and vision health. In our bodies, vitamin A is essential for the retina to help it function properly. One of the causes of night blindness is Vitamin A deficiency.

Lutein: Lutein reduces the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Low Lutein levels have been shown to be a risk factor in age-related macular degeneration. Lutein may also help to prevent or slow the rate of atherosclerosis.

Vitamin E: This vitamin helps protect against cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

Copper Gluconate: This is an absorbable form of the mineral copper. It is one of the most important blood antioxidants which help the blood carry oxygen and other nutrients to the rest of the body. The eyes are one area that requires oxygen. If there is a decrease in the transport of oxygen to the eyes, eventually vision loss can take place and you may end up needing glasses or contacts. Copper can be found in such foods as seafood, beans, nuts, organ meats, and whole grains.

When you choose foods for promoting and maintaining good eye health, you need to choose leafy and green fruits and vegetables. The brighter and deeper colored produce are full of the highest levels of vitamins and minerals. They are packed full of antioxidants, which are essential for the eye lens, as well as for retinal, conjunctival, and corneal health. These vitamin and mineral rich foods nourish your eyes.

Among the foods that help you strengthen your eyes and see better are carrots, celery, parsley, spinach, bean sprouts, turnip greens, beetroots, cucumber, raw egg yolk and liver. Also recommended are tomatoes, beets and red peppers, apricots, raisins, sunflower seeds, pecan nuts, wheat germ, sweet potatoes, mangoes, cantaloupes, peaches, soy beans and lecithin. Blending the red foods with the dark green foods will give you all of the essential vitamins and nutrients required for good eye health. Dark green foods can include broccoli, kale, spinach, collard greens, and water cress. Avocado, asparagus, and yams are a great source of Vitamin E. Foods rich in Vitamin A includes sweet potatoes, carrots, mangoes, spinach, and cantaloupe.

It may seem difficult to change ones diet. For the health of your eyes, you should adopt a health diet rich in vitamins and minerals. By including eye nourishing foods in your diet, you will not only find your self seeing better, but feeling over all good health. - 17268

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Losing Weight Tips That Really Work

By April Kerr

There are many fad diets around these days, which promise quick weight loss. Most include testimonials, and even photos, claiming results that would be tempting to anyone who has a few pounds to lose. An individual who has a large amount of weight to lose may feel desperate, depressed, and overwhelmed. As a result, this group will shell out an astronomical amount of money, chasing this promised miracle. More often than not, the diet fails, the overweight person starts to believe that weight loss is impossible for them, and the diet industry becomes more wealthy.

It is important to understand that the "diet industry" exists as a money making enterprise. It is not a charitable organization, and they do not operate out of the goodness of their hearts. Notice, most will not tell you "here is what you need to achieve healthy, permanent weight loss. Here is everything that you need, no charge". Why is this? Because they are in the business of making money, not the business of making people successful, and healthy.

Now, the truth of the matter is that lasting weight loss requires very little financial obligation. Most of what is needed in order to become strong, slim, and fit is available to everyone. The ability to change, the desire to succeed, and the determination to stick with a healthy plan is what is most needed. Most overweight individuals have been taught that this is what they lack, and therefore why they have "failed". The truth is that if these individuals did not posses these important qualities, the "diet industry" would not be generating the amount of wealth that they have. There is no magic cure, and no easy solution. Fad diets are a sham. Overweight individuals have made this industry quite wealthy. This has shown their determination and desire to change.

It is very important to forget just about everything that has been learned about weight loss through the "diet industry". It is time to except the truth, which has existed all along. Just about all individuals possess the ability to achieve healthy weight loss, with very little, and usually no assistance. Stop blaming yourself, and lay the blame where it belongs. Now it is time to move forward to success.

Here is the truth of successful weight loss, and here is what you will need. Get a comfortable pair of sneakers. They do not have to be special or expensive, just comfortable, and well fitted. You will also need loose fitting, comfortable clothing. A sweat suit, or shorts and a tee-shirt are fine. You will also need a water bottle with a cover. Follow a healthy meal plan, which includes mostly fresh vegetables and fruit, and eliminates most sugar.

Permanent weight loss will be achieved through healthy eating, regular exercise, and good habits.

Eat foods that are good for you, and taste good. Find ways to have fun with exercise. Drink plenty of water, and be good to yourself. You will eventually find that you are achieving your weight loss goals. - 17268

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Solid Protein is good for Muscle Growth

By Dr. Dorothy Nevelestein

Protein powder can be an extremely effective tool in helping you build muscle mass, but it's not a miracle worker. A scoop of most protein powders, for example, is about 20 grams of protein, that's the same as a 3-ounce chicken breast. So it's no miracle worker.

Dairy products as well as eggs, cottage cheese, soy and vegetable protein also contain good amounts of protein. Nevertheless, none of these sources compares in quality or ease of use like whey protein. Whey protein has the highest value in providing branched-chain amino acids, which result in building and retaining muscle tissue.

Research has shown that ingesting protein powder every day can boost immune system health, facilitate the healing of wounds after surgery or injury, and promote healthy skin - in addition to fostering muscle strength and development.

A human body needs daily protein because that is what muscles and tissues are built from, and there is no place where the body can store extra protein. The need for adequate protein in the human body is second only to the need for water.

Luckily, it has been found that most varied diets - including vegan get plenty of protein through daily intake of various food combinations. However, some people like to supplement their protein intake, or occasionally substitute a fast, easy protein shake for a meal.

Whey protein also plays a role as an antioxidant and helps support a health immune system. Most importantly, consistent whey protein intake coupled with exercise will result in consistent muscle building.

Protein powders can also be a combination of one or more ingredients.

These concentrated sources of protein are processed into the powdered form, to be reconstituted into liquid form as a protein shake, or mixed with fruit juice or milk. Additionally, protein powders can be sprinkled on cereal, stirred into soups or stews, and cooked into baked goods.

Such as glutamine (a muscle enhancer, endurance builder, and muscle deterioration reducer), the content from high quality whey protein not only can, but will help one's muscles recover and grow faster by bring up the levels of protein. - 17268

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