Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What Does Dr. Phil Say About Losing Fat?

By Peter W.L. Owen

Dr. Phil's fat loss diet explains that you have to be really honest with yourself before you decide on the next weight loss plan. You're never going to have a gorgeous and strong body if you're not willing to make big sacrifices and to change your lifestyle. You might have the best fitness gurus around with all the right foods you can eat. The truth is that it won't do you any good if you don't change the way you think.

We all know Dr. Phil and how he has helped millions of people with almost any problem imaginable. He has also tackled one of the most serious issues in our society. Being obese is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States. Therefore Dr. Phil has focused on getting to the root of the problem to help normal people to break their way of thinking and to start taking control.

So few men and women are willing or have the determination to make a shift in their lives. I know so many men, women and kids who've amazingly lost all of their fat, but managed to get it back in less than 8 months. I've thought to myself if it's possible for any overweight person to get rid of their weight forever. I realized that if you love to be thin more than you want food, there might be a chance.

In the first step of Dr. Phil's fat loss program is where he explains that you need to take a look in the mirror and be completely honest with yourself. Then he begins to ask a couple of questions for you to realize if you're ready to change. Here are a few of his questions:

1.Are you willing to follow the steps of his fat loss diet even if you've failed with previous diets before?

2.Are you willing to get rid of all the problem food in your house?

3.It's possible for you to fall for temptation in certain times. When that happens, will you admit it and work even harder?

4.Dr. Phil's diet plan expects you to do proper exercises. Are you willing to do that?

5.Do you realize that you're the only one who can change your body?

6.You might have healthy food in your fridge and a gym contract, but do you understand that you need to start with a plan of action and see it through till the end?

According to Dr. Phil, the answers to these and other questions will determine if you're able to change your body. You can have the greatest fitness masters around, with all the knowledge in the world, but if you're not willing to make sacrifices, you'll never have a healthy body.

What I like about Dr. Phil's diet program is that it doesn't promise the world to you and provide you with the best before and after pictures. Realistic goals are given and a complete new way of thinking. Never be untrue to yourself or even the people around you. Take the giant leap and get out of your "safe place". Start making some changes. Keep tiny and realistic goals in mind and take every step slow and with caution. Don't let anyone stand in your way. That includes you. - 17268

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How to Increase Muscle Mass Fast

By Mark Petterson

Almost everybody wants to have some muscles with the exception of sumo wrestlers. If you want to achieve muscles the fastest way, then you need to strictly follow a very effective muscle building routine and remain faithful to it. Set your goals and really push yourself in realizing them.

In addition to the usual fitness equipment, there are some products that have surfaced that claim to help you increase your muscle mass in less time. But you need to be wary with these products if you so decide to include them in your routine. Bear in mind that not all you hear and see are true, especially if they promise quick results.

You have heard of protein bars and shakes that are supposedly designed to help you gain muscle mass, right? Well, some of them do deliver expected results. Some of them do not. The same can be said on other fitness products. When you want to try out any product to get you the muscles you desire, it is prudent that you seek expert opinion first.

But still, nothing compares to building muscles the old fashioned way.You have to carry some weights, stick to your exercise routines, and really watch what you eat. You might be in some pain but as what the old saying says, no pain, no gain.

Speaking of diet, you can help gain more muscle mass by greatly reducing or eliminating your saturated fats intake. You need to feast on essential fats since they really take good care of your body. Take out some fatty items from your menu like French fries, burgers, and hotdogs.

You can also increase your muscle mass by taking in essential vitamins and minerals. Your body will need them provide you with an energy boost when you do your workout routines. Also, give your body adequate rest. Overworking your muscles hamper the development of your muscles and making them more prone to fatigue. It would be better if you can sleep at least six hours everyday.

There is always no substitute for hard work. You have to understand that muscle building is a long process and that there are no fast and easy solutions to get what you want. You have to work for it. It might take you a lot of time, but if you persevere and stay true to your course, then all your effort will be worthwhile. - 17268

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Eat Healthily and Live in Health

By Jesse Regan

There is always a condition for a disease. This is something that a physician can easily point out to you. The sad thing is that, despite the explanations, he may provide you; breaking the unhealthy bad habits that can result to an ailment can be quite tough for you to do. Especially if these have been embedded in you for a long period, such as diet habits, these are really hard to get over with. The fact that the easily available food is usually processed only makes it even harder to stop.

However, not doing anything about it means running the risks of getting the worst illnesses, including cancer. If you go on eating the unhealthy stuff you are so used to, you will certainly suffer the consequences soon. Therefore, it is important that you know what types of food can make you healthier and deliver you from the possibilities of serious diseases. The logic is simple: eat healthy and live healthily. If not, expect medical bills to saddle you in the future.

The initial step can be hard, which is to quit eating foods that are processed and are rich in nothing but sugar and fat. Process foods may seem to satisfy your hunger but it also gives your body free radicals in generous amounts. Too many dairy and fatty items like pork and fried food unload bad cholesterol into your cardiovascular system and drag you near to a heart disease. Having a sweet tooth, on the other hand, makes you an applicant for diabetes.

Now that you know what to shun, your next step is start eating healthily. Of course, the principal items on your table would be fruits and vegetables. These are loaded with antioxidants, elements that combat free radicals in your system. These are also your source of phytonutrients. These are natural chemicals that provide your body the minerals and vitamins that it needs in order to build defenses against dangerous bacteria and viruses.

To enhance your health even more, you should eat foods that are prepared or cooked with less fat and sugar. However, you should take note that your body also needs an amount of good cholesterol. Therefore, instead of eating the usual greasy stuff made of pork, chicken, or beef, your meat should be that of fish rich with omega 3. Instead of pies or chocolate bars for desert or snacks, take fruits that are also sweet but does not increase your blood sugar levels.

Just like everyone else who just started, you would think the change is cruel. However, if you do not want to hear your doctor tell you undesirable news and filch you with the medical bills later, then you should do it. Always put in mind that preventing a disease is nobody's responsibility, not even the doctor's but yours. By making sure that you have a healthy diet today, you erase the chances of living a shorter and sickly life.

These are some samples of information about healthy diet respites you can find online. - 17268

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Caralluma Fimbriata and Weight Loss

By Alice Drew

We all know that to lose weight, one needs a strong resolve to help lose the desired weight to get to the point where one looks beautiful and no longer needs to concentrate so much on the desire to lose that weight.

So, what is there to do besides just go at it? Well, there is a lot you can do to keep you going and make sure things are actually more efficient than if you were just trying to stop eating all together.

So, what do I mean exactly when I talk about losing weight and this life long commitment and everything else about shortcuts and all the rest of it.

There are substances such as vegetables out there that can help you lose weight faster because their inherent properties make it so that your metabolism increases.

This helps you lose weight even quicker because it is very powerful in getting you to the desired place for losing weight.

There is a plant, for example, called caralluma fimbriata which is very powerful in helping you lose weight. It is not known very much in America or other parts of the English speaking world because it is not native to those parts.

It has been used by hunters to keep their hunger off when they were unable to eat during an important hunt.

It is also used in South India by laborers in order to keep working all day so that they do not have to stop for meals.

It is a very important plant, caralluma fimbriata, because it naturally works to help you lose weight and keep off your hunger. This is very useful if you are looking to lose a particular amount of weight so give it a try today if you want. - 17268

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4 Things You Should Eat To Lose Arm Fat

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

It's the small things that count when learning how to lose arm fat. And if you learn all the small things, your arm fat loss journey will be that much easier.

The bad news is that you might be jaded by all the false promises and bogus marketing out there. After all, every marketer seems to be out for a quick buck with the rising obesity epidemic.

The good news is that I've already navigated all these waters for you. I've tested everything out there on myself and on my clients. And I'm ready to show you some of my secrets.

Thus, here are some nutrition tips for arm fat loss:

1. Load up on fat. Seriously! Dietary fat will increase the levels of arm fat burning hormones in your body. And make sure you have saturated fat. Despite what you've been told, saturated fat is GOOD for you. Coconut is my favorite choice here.

2. Drink small portions throughout the day. You have to drink small amounts of water during the day, not just with meals. They have to be small amounts because too much at once goes straight to the kidneys. And make sure you have some in between meals because that's when your body becomes dehydrated as a result of digestion.

3. Have a little stimulant. Caffeine is your best option here. Have a little before working out and enjoy the benefits of faster muscle firing and delayed fatigue. Having supercharged workouts will keep you burning an excess of calories many days after. And more calories burned equals more arm fat lost.

4. Load up on Ceylon cinnamon. Put Ceylon cinnamon on as many meals as you can, especially the bigger ones. Why? Because Ceylon cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants and increases insulin sensitivity. And better insulin sensitivity translates into more calories going to active tissues while arm fat starves and disintegrates.

If you apply the above tips, you'll definitely have an edge when it comes to losing arm fat. So make sure you take action on this advice and don't let it sit in the back of your brain. Act now to get results tomorrow! - 17268

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Building Muscles Fast Using Supplements

By Molly Robbins

If you work out and you want to build muscles fast, you should be aware that in fact, your diet may not provide everything you need in order to accomplish this. Having a good diet is very essential, of course, and you have to eat as many of the right foods as you can. However, it still may be that you're not getting enough to support you. Because of that, you may want to take certain supplements to help you in building muscles fast, so that you can reach your goals.

Ideally, you should eat five or six meals a day and make sure you get enough calories so that your metabolism both gets and stays high. For most of these meals, you'll want to take in real food, but you can also add in two or three meal replacement shakes so that you can be more assured of fast muscle building.

Most meal replacement powders are about the same as far as the macro nutrients are concerned so you should be fine finding ones that are cheaper. Just make sure that they come from a reputable company. They will be cheaper than most trips to a fast food restaurant per serving, so make use of this great tool to help meet your daily caloric needs and make sure that you are getting the right nutrients.These are usually great to have before or after your fitness routine.

Use whey proteins to best effect, because these are very good source of protein that your body can easily absorb. Taking them both after workouts and before bed will help your body rebuild the muscle that you've broken down during your workouts. Again, whey protein is very inexpensive, but make sure you find a source that's reputable. The whey protein you get should have under 100 mg of sodium per serving, and be low in carbs, at under 5 g a serving.

It's also important to take multivitamins, especially if you want to build muscles fast. You should have higher levels of vitamin C, at least 500 mg, and high levels of vitamin E, at least 400 mg. You're putting your body through a lot of stress as you do your workouts, so you'll need higher amounts of these nutrients than other people do.

Many people have found great success with Creatine that helps supply energy to muscles and nerve cells. There are many ways that it is made available but try to source it from companies with a good reputation. Try to get it in the unflavored variety as with the flavored type you will be paying for the dextrose to make it flavored. It works best using protein powders after your workout rather than before. Take it with grape juice or some kind of high carb drink.

Glutamine, too, is a great supplement if you want to work on building muscles -- especially if you want to build them fast. It can fully comprise 60% of the amino acids your body uses, and helps with protein metabolism, which is important when you're interested in building muscles. After your workout, you've used about 50you're your glutamine stores, and if you don't supplement glutamine come, body will take it from your muscles to replenish it, something you don't want.

Whatever the supplements you decide to use, make sure they come from reputable manufacturers. Taking supplements and meal replacement powders in the right amounts along with a good healthy diet (and great workout program) should have you building muscles fast. - 17268

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Bodybuilding Workouts - Lose Weight, Burn Fat And Build Muscle

By Jace P. Andersen

There are several different types of bodybuilding workouts you can use and your workout of choice will be determined by your desire to either build muscle, lose weight or build muscle while losing fat. The most popular reason for body building is to burn fat and get muscle definition. No matter your weight lifting goal a body building workout can help you achieve that goal.

When body building you need to increase your body's calcium intake as calcium lowers the blood pressure and regulates fat storage. This means that a high calcium diet will produce a lot of heat without turning calories into fat. Calcium is also very important to keep your bones strong and healthy. You need to make sure that the high calcium products are within your daily calorie limit.

Body building is also used to build muscle besides just staying in shape. There are many different types of workouts depending on what your goals are. Many individuals want to tone the muscles that they have, other want to build overall muscle mass while others may want to focus on increasing and defining specific muscle groups.

If you are interested in adding to your muscle mass then it is recommended that you change your diet to eating 5 to 6 small meals spread throughout the day. You should also be eating about 500 more calories than you normally consume. Try to get these extra calories through protein and low fat foods to keep your fat intake to a minimum.

To gain the maximum amount of muscle as possible you should aim for performing 5 to 12 repetitions of each exercise. The exercises that you do for each muscle group should change every few weeks and you should look at lifting as much weight as you can with proper form with a day every now and then lifting lighter weights to allow your muscles to recover. By following these guidelines you will not be in danger or overtraining.

If you are interested in losing fat and gaining some muscle then you need to closely look at your diet. To lose fat you will need to decrease or restrict the calories you are consuming each day and make sure you are eating low fat foods. The key to building muscle and losing fat is adding resistance training to your aerobic or cardio exercise.

Resistance training at least twice a week has been proven to burn more calories over a 24 hour period then just aerobic exercise alone. You want to change between high intensity and lower intensity resistance training and make sure you normally lift for about 30 to 45 minutes a minimum of twice a week. It is important that you first do resistance training and then afterwards or the next day perform aerobic activity.

It has been scientifically proven that individuals will burn more calories and fat over a 24 hour period by using strength training then if you were to just do cardio exercise. The best way to do any exercise is to switch between periods of high intensity and low intensity periods. - 17268

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What You Should Know About Dual Colon Cleanse

By Jared Rite

Research shows that most of the common health conditions known to man has come from toxins in the body which has not been properly flushed out in the course of one's regular bowel movements. This is why colon cleansing or detoxifying has become a popular trend. To be able to fully expel these toxins in the system, most physicians (holistic and not) advise a Dual Colon Cleanse.

The digestive tract is similar to that of the tires in one's bike; when it has been exposed in different terrains and the dirt has stuck in the thread, simple flushing with a hose would not be able to clean it all; and at times the dirt in the crevices will stay there for long periods of time. This is the same case with the digestive system, even if one uses natural fiber to clean out their system, there will always be some areas which will be left unclean. Especially in this time where processed food made from a number of ingredients one barely notices to have a negative effect in the colon. Which is why it calls for a more potent and effective treatment such as a Dual Colon Cleanse.

Contrary to popular belief that the Dual Colon Cleanse procedure is only done in clinics by doctors, one can efficiently accomplish this at home. Salt water flushing has been found to be the most popular procedure for the Dual Colon Cleanse treatment. Sea salt is used to achieve the goal of this procedure; though one must make sure that they are indeed using sea salt and not just the regular salt as the effect may be different as it is expected.

Cleaning is always a messy process; though some may find colon cleansing to be a rather dirty task, it's all in the mind. One must be able to prepare for the ordeal and anticipate every aspect of the procedure. The mere fact that the procedure will be done within the comforts of one's own home should be able to give one the peace of mind to go through with the Dual Colon Cleanse procedure. The evening before the system is done; one should take in a light dinner and rest for the evening for at least 6 hours. The morning after, one must not take breakfast and instead drink the salt solution. For about an hour or two, one can still go about their morning routine and in a few moments, they will feel the urge to relieve themselves. Several bowel movements are to be expected which is why it is best advised to have this scheduled and done on a free day.

Among the expected results form a successful colon cleansing are weight loss, better mood and concentration, greater skin, nails and hair. One will have a better level of absorption of nutrients and can expect to have some weight loss as mounds of waste will be eradicated from the system.

A regular Dual Colon Cleanse procedure should be observed to be able to keep the digestive system healthy and clean. Though, salt flushing is safe and effective, it should be done with proper caution. It is called flushing as it flushes out everything it can all including some of the good bacteria in the system. To be able to replace these good bacteria, one must drink or eat foods which is high in Probiotics. - 17268

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Back To Basics - The Core Factor For Successful Muscle Weight Gain

By Peter Anderson

In this article we will be looking at a critical factor when it comes to gaining weight. While other factors like eating enough calories, working out at the gym, taking in enough proteins, etc are all vitally important, there is an even more important factor for successful muscular weight gain. And that my friend is your mentality. What does that mean? Well, it simply means the mind set you have when it comes to gaining weight.

While it is true that skinny guys who want to bulk up may feel that they will only feel better or more confident if they had that extra mass, it is very important that they see in their own mind that they already are so. Huh? What does that mean?

Allow me to elaborate. Lets say you are going to break a piece of thick wood with a karate chop. You've never done it and you don't know if you could. You might have prepared for it by training with easier materials. How do you make sure that you are able to break that piece of wood? Simple. You see it in your minds eye that you have already done so.

There is no difference between a vivid imagination and an actually real world experience for your mind. It just reacts the same and stimulates the necessary conditions in your body to perform that function. So what Im saying is that you should visualize your body already muscular and bulked up. You already are beaming with confidence and strength.

Repeat this mental movie in your head until it becomes real and tangible to you. This is not some silly mind game and it works. Studies have shown athletes who did these kind of mind exercises actually fared better than those who didn't (given that their skill levels were all similar).

As a side-effect, it also gathers all your mental energy and allows you to focus and keep your eye on your bulking up goal. Many people fail in gaining weight not because they didn't know what to do. On the contrary, they knew exactly what to do. What happened was that they did not really believe that they could do it and just tried their plan. Well you could guess the ending " all of them without exception gave up half-way. So don't let that happen to you. Take the time to play around with this mental exercise and get your mind and body really fired up for your weight gain goal. - 17268

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3 Astounding Benefits of a Raw Food Vegan Diet

By Alistair Bedingford

Raw food is generally defined as food that has not been heated beyond 115F. Generally, people on a raw food vegan diet eat raw at least 75% of the time. There are some great reasons to consider such a diet.

Benefit 1 - Rapid Weight Loss

It is a widely studied fact that consumption of raw food results in rapid and drastic weight loss. The reason is incredibly simple. Raw plant foods have a very high fiber to calorie ratio. They are packed with very filling fiber but are comparatively low in calories. As a result, people on raw food vegan diets eat as much as they feel like and still lose weight.

Benefit 2 - Improved Health

Beyond the benefits of weight loss (i.e. less chance of heart disease and diabetes) there are even more health benefits to a raw food vegan diet. Such a diet allows us to consume vitamins, useful bacteria, and helpful enzymes which are normally killed in the cooking process. The result is that raw food vegan eaters have seen higher levels of energy and have experienced much easier digestion.

Most of the food we eat is highly processed and laden with preservatives and simple sugars. These types of foods can disrupt bodily systems. Proponents of the raw food vegan diet have noted higher energy levels and better health and well being.

Benefit 3 -More Environmentally Friendly and Ethical

The vast majority of the meat consumed comes from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO). These industrial operations are notorious for very unethical animal treatment, significant environmental degradation and disease. An organic raw vegan diet is a vote against a system that is unhealthy, unethical and unfriendly to the environment.

Vegans should make sure to supplement their diets with B12 since it is only found in animal products.

Make the change, look better, feel better, be healthier, and treat the planet better. Enjoy a raw food vegan diet. - 17268

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Good Muscle Building Secrets

By Mark Benson

These days there is a lot of craze about building six pack abs, four pack abs, chest muscles and arm muscles. People want to look great with well toned muscles and a slim body. If you really want to build your body muscles then it is very essential for you to follow a strict diet and a work out routine with experienced trainers. Muscle building is a not an easy task, you need to put in a lot of effort and have a lot of willpower.

So, now let me tell you about some essential things that you must surely try out for muscle building.

1. Nutritious snacks are must Muscle building is a very time taking process because you need to pay attention to a lot of things. While you are engaged in muscle building process you must take strict care of your diet. Try to keep nutrition snacks like almonds, peanut sandwiches and fresh fruits with you. You must be careful of what you eat, because proper diet can really increase your chances of having a great body.

2. Lose fat before building muscles Before building muscles it is very important for you to loose extra fat. You should do cardio exercises at least for 30 minutes every day. Cardio exercise will burn your fat and would also keep your body well toned. For loosing weight, you should also cut the calories that you intake. Have low fat diet which has fewer calories and more fibers.

3. Proper sleeping habits Try to have proper sleeping and resting habits. Try to sleep for at least seven to nine hours per day. Proper sleeping would relax you mentally as well as physically. Sleeping also relaxes your body muscles and keeps you fit and fine all the day long.

4. Strict to your diet even if you eat out Even if you are going out to eat with family or friends, you should always strict to your diet. You will see that almost every restaurant offers grilled meat and steamed vegetables which are very healthy for you. Avoid eating friend, creamy or oily preparations.

5. Work out with determination Building muscles is not a very easy task and it is not something that you can achieve overnight. You have to work very hard for it and you should never loose hope even if it takes you longer to build muscles.

These are some effective exercises and tips that you must follow to build good chest, arms and stomach muscles. - 17268

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Burn Fat Fast: Important Advice for Muscle Gain

By Brad Morgan

Everyone wants to burn fat fast. If you have ever been on a diet or workout regimen, you know how hard that can be.

The two most important aspects of weight loss? Diet and exercise, of course! While everyone knows this, you may not know about some easy changes you can make to get more from your routine.

Get your body going and drop those extra pounds with these helpful tips.

Eat to Burn Fat Fast

Everyone knows what to eat for good health: fruits and vegetables, whole grains, protein, etc. The following tips will help your body become better at burning fat.

1. Add more fiber to your diet.

Not only does fiber contribute to your overall good health, it helps your body burn fat. The average American gets about 10 grams a day, which is too little. Aim for about 25 grams of fiber each day.

Eating plenty of whole wheat pastas, breads, and cereals, fruits and vegetables, and nuts can help you get the fiber you need. They are easy to add into your meals, and they can help you see results sooner.

2. Don't go to bed hungry ? but choose a good snack.

Eating foods with simple carbohydrates (white breads, pastas, cereals, fruit, or juice) before you go to sleep may increase fat deposits and keep your body from staying in fat burning mode. If you have to eat a bedtime snack, choose a vegetable.

3. Eat smaller meals more frequently.

Eating smaller meals throughout the day help stave off hunger and prevent overeating. Because our main courses tend to be heavy foods, like meat, load up on your vegetables before eating your entr?e.

Doing this can help prevent you from eating too much of your entr?e, which typically consists of heavier moods like meat.

4. Cut back.

Americans are notorious for having a skewed sense of proportion. We eat until we are stuffed but sustained. By using smaller plates and eating slowly, you can help keep yourself from overindulging.

5. Eat before you workout.

Having a low carb, high protein snack 90 minutes before your workout can help you exercise longer and burn more calories. Don't eat any sooner than 90 minutes prior to your workout because it may actually decrease the efficiency of your exercise.

As anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows, diet alone won't help you burn fat fast and keep it off. You need to get active. Exercise is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

6. Use your nose to breathe.

Practice inhaling and exhaling through your nose. It helps your heart rate stabilize so your stamina is greater. This means more exercise, and of course, more calories are used up and burned off.

7. Adding intervals helps increase efficiency.

For instance, if you are walking, walk for two minutes at a very brisk pace. Then slow down for three minutes. Gradually increase the amount of brisk walking time.

This benefits your walking routine and can help you ease into jogging or running. Either way, it burns a ton of calories and will help your burn fat fast.

8. Save cardio for last.

When you workout, try doing your weight training first. This will allow your body to warm up for 15-20 minutes, which puts it into fat burning mode. When you're ready for cardio, your body will already be burning so many calories. As always, stretch before and after you exercise.

8. Mix it up.

Variety is the key if you want to burn fat fast. Doing the same workout each day dooms you to a weight loss plateau.

For effective fat loss, add some variety. Your routine should feature a mix of cardio, strength, and flexibility workouts. By doing the same exercise, your body becomes an expert at it. It doesn't need to exert itself to perform it, meaning you burn fewer calories.

Don't take the path of least resistance: always give your body something new to do.

10. Add weights to lose weight.

Adding weights to your routine helps you burn more calories and build stronger muscles. Even adding some bicep curls while you're on your treadmill can help you see results sooner.

These tips can help you get the most out of your diet and exercise program. You'll burn fat fast and lose those extra pounds ? all from these simple changes. - 17268

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