Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Dangers of Vitamin Deficiencies

By Richard Straufhl

In order to keep our bodies and our minds healthy we need to have always well provided of the necessary nutrients and foods that help us. Vitamins, as the name implies are essential for the sustaining of life, and hence must be included in our diets.

Most people acquire vitamins through good nutrition and a well rounded dietary regime, still, in some cases people don't get enough vitamins, this could happen because of malnutrition, but it can also appear as a result of poor absorption problems and diets with some lacks.

An example of the last case is the vegan or vegetarian diets, although they are natural and certainly have some great benefits, they also lack of a vitamin needed by your body: vitamin B12, over time vegans develop a deficiency unless they get proper supplementation.

What can occur if we don't obtain enough vitamins? Over time we'll develop the signs of vitamin deficiency. These symptoms will vary greatly depending on which vitamin are we talking about. For example a D deficiency will lead to poor bone and muscle development.

Vitamin deficiencies are treated through proper supplementation over a period of time. For the treatment, the doctor will first need to evaluate the severity of the deficiency and then act according to the data gathered.

Nowadays we can encounter different kinds of supplements, such as oral pills, sublingual vitamin drops or tablets and even injections that provide vitamins straight to the bloodstream. For example, B12 shots are used to elevate levels of energy in the body.

It is essential to learn that vitamin deficiency symptoms are not exclusive to this condition, some signs can be cause by other underlying conditions, the best thing you can do is pay a visit to your doctor and undergo testing to see if that is your case. - 17268

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Which Energy Drink Rocks?

By Joseph Young

With the hundreds of energy drinks on the market today, it would seem rather difficult to compare them all. However, we do have the list of most popular, such as Red Bull, Rockstar, and Monster energy drinks. Of course, if you really want to compare you can visit various forums, and Youtube to get an idea.

The Taste Of Energy Drinks

I think what draws some people to drinking energy drinks besides the rush is the flavor. Some are looking for something that really tastes good. Flavor is a huge point. When manufacturers create these they know that the energy drinks they make must have appeal, not in looks only but particularly in flavor.

The energy drink that rocks the most is the one that contains the best ingredients such as the acai berry and the mangosteen. Quercetin is also a great antioxidant that is best when used in combo with the energy drink. So, only the best energy drink ingredients make the product rock! Other elements such as green tea, ging sing, taurine, and guarana are used to stimulate the experience.

The Look Of Energy Drinks

The appearance of the energy drink cans themselves can be one great way to compare product to product. Why? Because, in some cases looks is everything. When companies create attractive looking products that lure the consumer based on flashy looks, bright colors, cool looking text, and half naked ladies - like the Blow energy drink, walla - sales! I am not saying some of this is right to do, just saying it is a method to use to compare.

Does Your Energy Drinks Measure Up?

Okay, so they look good and taste good, but are they good? We can debate the health issue here but we do that on another page. The question here is:

* Will the energy drink do what it says it will do?

* Is the can you drink over rated?

Performance is one of the main reasons these drinks get sold. Looking good and tasting good is only part of it. It is the advertisements of gained energy, better athletic performance, the stay awake power, you know, the mega effect that makes coffee look like a cup of water. Indeed, energy drinks are NOW the new craze of the 21st century and the beverage industry. When Coca Cola and Pepsi, make their own energy drinks, you know it is huge.

So, is my energy drink better than your? I will not know until you tell me what yours is. You tell me and I will tell you. Also, leave a comment explaining why you like that certain brand, give me some detail, okay.

Cheers, Joe - 17268

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Resveratrol - The Secret Ingredient in the Fountain of Youth

By Dan Smith

When it comes to health and anti-aging, it is hard to find better guidance than that offered by Oprah Winfrey. Several months ago, Oprah invited Dr. Mehmet Oz, a doctor originally from Turkey who specializes in cardiac problems and is known as an expert concerning reducing the problems caused by growing older, to speak on her show. What Dr. Oz presented was resveratrol; a scientific breakthrough in the fight against aging with which we all are forced to struggle.

Fight Toxins, Fight Aging

Antioxidants are naturally occurring substances that protect the body from oxidants-toxins that damage the tissues of the body, causing the visually evident wrinkles on the skin, as well as the less obvious damage to the body's internal systems. Antioxidants help to defend the body, particularly its organs, brain cells, and the nervous system. Moreover, they help to remove the oxidants and even repair damage caused by the aging process.

What is Resveratrol?

Among antioxidants, resveratrol is one of the (if not the most) powerful found by our scientists and doctors. As a catalyst, resveratrol sends out a kind of "call to action" to one of the protectors of our immune systems: "Sirtuins." Sirtuins are durable genes that assist in stopping cellular decay, allowing other cells to rejuvenate themselves. An aging individual who ingests resveratrol regularly-in large enough doses of course-will therefore notice that he or she has more energy, reduced fatigue, and a healthier appearance, complete with softened wrinkles and lines.

There are in fact numerous blessings derived from regularly imbibing resveratrol. This amazing antioxidant is capable of preserving the body's immune system and even aids in the struggle against cancer. If your body is subject to radiation it will help to prevent radiation sickness. In addition, it is extremely beneficial to those of us who need to shed a few pounds.

Nevertheless, we have only begun to skim the surface of the possibilities that resveratrol has to offer! The pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline has funded analyses of the antioxidant with close to a billion dollars, and there are no signs to indicate that we have come close to comprehending all resveratrol's beneficial aspects.

A Naturally Occurring Substance

Chances are you have already consumed resveratrol at some point in your life, though you probably weren't aware of it! Utilized for ages in the East as a restorative cure found in Japanese Knotwood, resveratrol was given the name "ko-jo-kon" in'63. Japanese Knotwood is not, however, as exotic as you might imagine. In more than thirteen states it has been designated as a hostile and overwhelming weed, with the capacity to overrun your backyard in no time. The power of this plant is generated by-you guessed it-the large amounts of resveratrol contained within it. Knotwood has so much resveratrol that companies have begun using it to create dietary supplements, although some people simply cultivate it and cook with it: Knotwood is a tasty replacement for rhubarb.

Peanuts, believe it or not, are an important resource for resveratrol. Think about that the next time you're at a bar, and snack away! Indeed, long-believed to be a danger due to its high fat content, the peanut has been redeemed through studies which exhibit that people who eat peanuts daily are healthier than those who do not. Eating fatty peanuts actually reduces the amount of fat in your body, and it does so by means of nothing other than resveratrol.

Yet another source of resveratrol was found in'92: the grapevine and, accordingly, red wine derived from it. A glass of red wine a day is now considered to be a healthy option for most heart-conscious adults. Nonetheless, when it comes to resveratrol, consider the fact that it would take nearly a thousand bottles of red wine to generate the amount of resveratrol that you will find in a single dosage of a resveratrol supplement! - 17268

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Benefits Of Diet Meal Plans

By Clyde Chu

Diet meal plans are a great benefit to people who are trying to lose weight or wish to maintain a healthy weight. They are also very beneficial to individual who would eat healthier if they had the foods on hand to eat. By taking time to create diet meal plans a person can begin a life-long habit of eating healthy.

Creating diet meal plans that are effective require some thought and planning. If a person is going to make an effective meal plan they will want to do so on the days they are paid. A person who is paid weekly, will want to make weekly meal plans. A person who is paid bi-weekly will want to make a two-week meal plan. When meal plans are completed based on pay-days food does not run out before the next payday and there is less likelihood that junk food will be used as the alternative when healthy food is not available.

Another benefit of diet meal plans is the ability to save a great deal of money and time on shopping. When people plan their meals and snacks and purchase all of the supplies they need to make those meals and snacks, there is no need to purchase groceries on a daily basis. A person who has planned for several snacks a day and has them on hand, does not have a need to purchase a fast food snack during the day.

Diet meal plans give an individual more control over how many calories are in the foods they eat on a daily basis. In addition, a person has control over the types of foods they are eating. The key to a healthier lifestyle is to eat healthier foods.

When each food group is covered on a daily basis in diet meal plans a person can easily lose or maintain weight. They will feel better, save time shopping and have a lower intake of fast and fried foods.

Some people find that by including vegetables in the diet plans as a snack food, they can not only lower calorie intake but also get the daily fiber and vitamins that are needed to be healthy.

There are many diet meal plans available through different sources. When deciding on the meal plan that will be right for an individual it is important to think about eating habits and how a meal plan can be used to adjust the foods that are eating during the times when a person would normally be eating junk food. By incorporating healthy alternatives into the meal plan and having them on hand, one will find that staying on a diet is much easier. - 17268

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Fish Oil Benefits For All Ages

By Daniel Fittman

Fish oil is truly a wonder supplement when it comes to your health. It can be used to treat all kinds of health problems with amazing results and should be taken daily to prevent many health problems that are associated with ageing. Fish oil benefits people of all ages.

Fish oil is rich in Omega 3, 6 and 9, which have been extensively studied and have many benefits on the body at all stages of life. Omega is essential for brain development in children and is often given to young kids to strengthen their cognition or used by pregnant mothers to aid brain development.

Children who have ADD or ADHD have also been shown to benefit from taking fish oil supplements. There are now specific fish oils for children that are orange flavored to mask the fishy smell. There are many paediatricians that are now trying fish oil in attention deficit children before turning to medication.

Fish oil can prevent heart disease and has been used very effectively to reduce cholesterol levels. Fish oil benefits cholesterol levels by decreasing the amount of triglycerides in the blood and increasing the production of healthy cholesterol. People who have already had a heart attack or stroke can reduce their risk of having another one by 50 per cent when taking fish oil regularly.

As we age the cartilage that cushions our joints wears down and many people develop arthritis and inflammation in their joints. By taking fish oil supplements the omega fatty acids can reduce inflammation and pain around the joints. When used in conjunction with pharmaceutical pain relievers the fish oil can be very effective.

Omega oils in fish oil have also been shown to reduce the risk of some kinds of cancer. In particular breast, colon and prostate cancer can be prevented by taking fish oil supplements regularly. Fish oil has actually been shown to have the ability to attack and kill some cancer cells present in the body.

Eczema or psoriasis patients can get a great deal of relief from taking fish oil. The anti-inflammatory properties of fish oil can soothe the skin and the fatty acids can also moisturize the skin from the inside out. Fish oil also helps skin to produce collagen and elastin more efficiently, which keeps the complexion clear and wrinkle free.

Some degenerative illnesses such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's can be helped or prevented by taking fish oil capsules. There is also some scientific studies that show that fish oil benefits depression and can reduce mood swings. It can also help your memory and making your thinking more clear and lucid.

Fish oil has such tremendous benefits on so many different health conditions as a treatment and prevention that most people would benefit from consuming fish oil regularly to keep themselves in shape. The great thing about fish oil is that it is safe for use with medications and pharmaceuticals and can be used by everyone without any problems. - 17268

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Thinking About the HCG Diet...

By Amelia Handley

You're in luck. I'm volunteering myself for your online analysis while I subject myself to one of the most stringent (and effective) diets on the market. The diet that I'm talking about is the HCG diet. Some dieters opt for the HCG diet Weight Loss Clinics. I, myself, decided to go for the online (so very convenient) options offered by HCG Diet Direct.

Here's how it started. The first step was to do the research. So I got online and I did what anyone (and their child) could easily do; I googled HCG. I read articles and press releases from a variety of companies. I browsed testimonials and case studies.

Then I got a bit more in depth. I looked into the actual requirements of the diet. I found out that I didn't need a prescription. (I saw this as a HUGE bonus as I don't have health insurance that would cover visits to any HCG diet weight loss clinics). I also discovered that the diet program as outlined at HCG Diet Direct is all natural and homeopathic. Their formula is called the homeopathic HCG weight loss formula.

There was plenty of detailed information on their site about the diet: its origins, its recent popularity surge, its effects (and lack of side effects). I appreciated that the site was well laid out and easy to navigate. (I also appreciated the "immediacy" of the entire process. I really dislike waiting and I think I'd dislike waiting even more if it was in one of the many HCG diet weight loss clinics I've heard about).

After reading and reading and reading...I felt like I had a pretty good grasp of the diet in general. And I have to say that I was really excited about the weight loss possibilities that it seemed I'll have access to...1 to 2 pounds per day? That's absolutely amazing. It definitely makes me intensely dedicated to sticking to the rules so I'll get the best possible results.

So now I was ready. So, of course, I called up a good friend of mine and made a bet. What would you do in my place? She's considering starting the diet simultaneously. Whoever loses the most weight by the end of the time period will be the recipient of a brand new pair of jeans courtesy of the other. I think it's an altogether reasonable plan. New jeans and a bunch of weight lost. That's a big dang reward for limiting my food intake and sticking to a regime of oral drops 3 times daily.

So she's talking to her hubby about it. I think she's going to be in. As soon as she decides we'll pick a date and let you know what's next! So keep an eye out for the daily progress. I'm hoping it's all positive! Keep your fingers crossed for me! - 17268

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The Value of Training Analysis for Over Forty Bodybuilding

By Scott Fisher

Competitive bodybuilders and other fitness experts know that keeping an exercise journal is an important part of their success. An exercise journal allows you to analyze and track your progress. If you are able to analyze how you achieve both forward progress and set backs, you will know how to adjust your training to make yourself stronger, healthier, and better.

Your exercise journal should be a detailed record of the muscle group trained, specific exercises, and how many reps you performed. As an example, you might train your biceps using arm extensions and dips. A typical journal entry would look like this: Triceps- Dips (6 reps), Arm Extensions (12 reps). Also, you should record the time of your total workout and each movement.

The more information you include, the more you will be able to analyze your progress. If you are just beginning with fitness over 40, there is no such thing as too many details. Eventually, you learn how you body responds to strength training and will be able to recognize which information is most helpful to modify your entries accordingly.

Another benefit to journaling is to be able to quickly identify when you overwork a muscle group and correct it. If you overwork a muscle group, especially in the beginning of a session, you will notice that you are unable to do as many reps later in the session. Also, if you notice unusual pain or need an unusual amount of rest you should be able to pinpoint the aspects of your training session that caused the injury. Therefore, you can keep yourself from repeating the injury or causing more damage.

Your warm up routine should also be tracked, including cardio, weights, and stretching. If your muscle gain is not what you expected or if you are sore afterwards, this could be from an inadequate warm up. You will want to compare periods of substantial progress to period of little or none and see how your warm up varied. Then, you will be able to adjust your routine accordingly.

Bodybuilders often chronicle their nutrition in their journals as well, including daily amounts of carbs, proteins, and fat. If you are bodybuilding over 40 this will be important because of your changing metabolism. You should also track the amount of calories you consume and when. If you are not building muscle appropriately, you may not be eating enough calories. If you are gaining unwanted weight, you may have to eat fewer calories or do more cardio.

It is also good to track your energy levels and motivation. Create a numbered rating system to describe your mood. Everyday, especially the day after training, record your number. Pay attention to the days you have the most energy and, more importantly, the days when you feel sore or sluggish. If you notice that changes you have made to your training program overly exhaust you or cause pain, you may have to lower the intensity a bit until your body adjusts.

It does not matter how much you have researched bodybuilding over 40. No one ever starts with a program that is perfect for them. Champion bodybuilders know they can get maximum results if they use exercise journals to track their progress and adjust accordingly. You can use your journal to create a great fitness plan tailored to your body, your life, and your goals. - 17268

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Competing with 20 year Olds at 35 Years Old

By Landon Corton

At age'-23 I was in very good condition. I played all the high school sports at a very high level and went on to play college sports as well. I was able to control the field or the court and was generally in control off the field as well. I thought those days were behind me, I was wrong!

A typical sports practice will prove to many how important being in shape really is. The practice schedules are designed to keep players moving around the field and working at a high level during the practice and then at the end they use a "conditioning period" to focus strictly on getting the players into shape. It is a really good idea from a coaching stand point because you want the most out of your players during the games.

Prior to ever making it to the field we were asked to participate in pre-season training. This was typically weight lifting and plyometric workout (jump training) coupled with regular sport drills. All of this was designed to get into shape and to hone your athletic skills. All of this activity put me in very good shape and I was ready to play my chosen sports.

Get out on the field and participate with some of these younger guys and I think you will surprise yourself. If you have taken good care of yourself and put your fitness knowledge to good use you should perform better than most of the younger guys. Many of them just lack the short cuts and think that working harder will make up for working smarter. You are proof you can workout smarter not harder.

Smart workouts for me all started with intensity. I learned that looking pretty in the gym or socializing in the gym was the quickest way to waste time and the shortest path to no results. Turning up the intensity will give you better results than you ever thought possible and be the best use of your time.

Food was my second secret to a great workout. Once I shifted the way I ate not only did I workout better I worked out smarter. The food you eat has the power to take you and your fitness ability to the next level.

I hope these few secrets give you the vote of confidence to get back on the court or field and participate with these young guys. I think it will shock you to see that you can actually keep up, well until you get your first injury, those take longer to heal. - 17268

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Targeting Nutritional Deficiencies - Getting Healthy Quick

By Dr. Gary Gendron

Unfortunately, this is a precarious process. It is not a simple process to get healthy quick. There are slight changes over a long period of time before one can see the effects of poor nutritional status. An innate intelligence is present in all of our bodies that allow us to adapt to other stressors. For example, a well-nourished person may feel tired (due to protein depletion), but only for a short time. The body "realizes" alternate fuel reserves until a regular balance is once again maintained. However, if nutritional status is not re-established continued compensatory mechanisms will mean further adaptation. Adaptation will continue, on a worse level.

There is an "organ hierarchy" in all of us. We are designed to preserve our most vital organs at the expense of the other organs. Our body will continue to break down until dis-ease and then death occurs. Sounds terrible, but true and inevitable unless recognition and intervention is caught early enough to reverse the process. If you or someone you know someone who falls in the following categories, you may want to help them regain optimum health:

One of the largest of these categories is the elderly. South Florida has one of the highest concentrations of elderly compared to other regions of the USA. And unfortunately they are often not paid attention to as if getting old is a disease in itself! I think of it as another rite of passage and should be welcomed and celebrated! Yes, the body changes, but it should not deteriorate as some of us let it. I see patients who are 80 years old flying their private jet, or are out playing tennis: biological age unmatched by their chronological age. Why are other people not experiencing the same as with their same aged counterparts? They are suffering with depression (which may be due to an amino acid imbalance), lack of teeth (and therefore cannot chew their food), or medication (causing adverse side effects). As a result, anorexia may result and loss of nutrients is available, thus decreasing the availability of the body to do its proper work.

Obsessive dieters also are reaping the effects of micro-nutrient deficiencies. Diet fads that stress one type of food that's predominant will offset the body's systems. Some people have a higher food demand for a particular type of food, such as athletes who exercise too hard. These individuals need more protein and complex carbohydrates, and supplements. They will find themselves subject to lowered immunity and resistance when their body make up is changed with accompanying chemical imbalances.

Chronic alcoholics suffer from impaired gastritis, impaired absorption of the stomach and intestine, and therefore eat empty calories with no nutritional value. They suffer from a low thiamine status, necessary for the body's energy intake.

Adolescents are susceptible to media marketing. Unrealistic expectations of perfect body proportions are forced into their psyche. Average weight girls think that they are obese. Well-developed boys think they are too thin or lacking in muscular stature. Strange rituals and eating pattern then cause diseases such as bulimia (throwing up food), diuretic use, anorexia, food fads, etc. This can then become apparent in lack of growth, impaired energy levels, moodiness, and irritability.

Infants of low birth-weight or those with birth defects often have eating difficulties and low stores of nutrients. Lack of vital nutrients will manifest later in life if not intervened.

Young children with rapid growth spurts have greater nutrient needs. Without the proper nutrition, poor growth and development will follow. This also will affect mental function and capacity.

Optimum health is not free. It is not an inevitable right. We do have the ability to change and reverse the direction of our health. However, holistic changes take longer than pharmaceuticals. However, my opinion is such that natural is better when given a choice and if reasonably possible. For one, you do not suffer severe drug side effects. Another reason is that you are merely putting a band-aide on the problem, rather than to find the cause. Keep in mind however, for every week of a certain nutrient deficiency, it takes approximately four weeks for re-establishment of normal levels in the body.

Dr. Gary Gendron,


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Omega Three And Heart Health

By Kirsten Whittaker

A diet loaded in omega-3s is understood to be good for your heart, helping to chop the risk of toughening of the arteries, unstable pulse, coronary, unexpected cardiac death and even cardiac arrest. And the link between Omega three and heart health is only the start of the many benefits of these good fats.

Doses of omega-3 fatty acids are not just good for helping the hearts of healthy folks, these nutrient elements also have benefits for those who have existing heart problems according to new research based primarily on several huge studies that concerned more than forty thousand subjects.

These results, broadcast in the journal of the North American University of Cardiology, involved a review of four studies on omega-3 and heart problems prevention and have inspired mavens to recommend omega-3 fatty acids be part of all healthy diets.

Our bodies can't make these omega-3 trans-acids all alone, so 5 hundred milligrams a day of components EPA ( eiosapentaenoic acid ) and DHA ( docosahexaenoic acid ) is what's commended for healthy adults.

Anyone with heart problems or heart failure will want to double the sum to a range of 800 to one thousand milligrams a day, as the report revealed this to offer a robust protective effect. Daily augmentation of DHA and EPA for these patients was discovered to bring a thirty percent reduction vis heart related death.

When it comes to heart failure, adding omega-3 additions displayed a definite preventive effect, reducing deaths in those with cardiac arrest by 9%. Considering the grave diagnosis regularly given these patients, this number is encouraging.

Omega-3 fatty acids work at the cell membrane level and should be what helps the electric activity of the heart as well as improving muscle tone, stabilizing plaque, blood pressure and other things related to a healthy heart.

The standard American diet has a proportion of bad to good fats of twenty to one, that is's one omega-3 crushed by lots more of the more deadly type of fatty acids.

Getting good fats from food is the only way to go as 90% of the nutrient ( vs. Half of the supplement form ) is soaked up into the body. Natural sources of good fats include walnuts, canola oil, broccoli, cauliflower, kidney beans, spinach, grape leaves, cantaloupe, Chinese cabbage, flaxseed as well as fish like herring, mackerel, sturgeon and anchovies.

If you choose to use fish oil or other additions to get the omega-3 you want, remember that these products are not as regulated as they may be, even in the U.S.

Beware 'too good to be true' claims or studies of dubious quality that isn't published in a respected journal. Don't settle for anything less than quality manufacturing, credible companies will trumpet this fact.

Know too that fish oil capsules are likely to contain the same contaminants as fresh fish, and have been known to leave you with an unpleasant odor to your body.

The linkage between Omega 3 and heart health looks to be getting stronger all of the time, so have a look at your consumption levels and make sure you are getting plenty of. - 17268

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Simple Ways to Achieve Six Pack Abs

By Isaac Connor

The truth is, for most people getting six pack abs is not an easy task because it requires dedication and motivation... but it is certainly possible. Nutrition is the single most important part of the puzzle, hands down. You can have the most impressive set of abs, but if they're covered with a layer of fat, you won't see them! Break up your day with 5 or 6 mini-meals because this jump starts your metabolism.

Hard abdominal muscles can make a person look healthy and attractive. But it requires hard work in order to achieve six pack abs. No matter what you have heard from the commercial world, there is no magic pill you can take or no one exercise that will help you achieve it instantaneously. It takes dedication, hard work, and most importantly a healthy lifestyle.

Many people looking to build six pack abs are not aware that they likely already have well developed abdominal muscles, certainly more than they think, without needing specific ab exercises. However, any abdominal muscles they have are often hidden by the layers of excess fat most of us carry around our waist and abdomen. This highlights one of the keys to building the physique you desire - you need to lower your body fat percentage so that your abdominal muscles are visible.

We all have abs, right now. The problem we face is that they're hidden under a layer of fat. We are trying to lose that fat and this requires a very good diet. One of the simplest things you can do is start eating smaller meals more often. By doing this, you actually increase your metabolism which will result in your body losing more fat.

Do you want to strengthen your abdominal muscles, lose body fat, and get six pack abs? The concept is generally simple. What makes it hard is how you put the concept into action. It takes your great dedication, patience, time, and determination to finally achieve leaner abs but in the end, your effort is more than worth everything.

If you want to succeed at a diet for six pack abs, guess what? Your aim should be to burn fat, not lose weight. Remember that following your average diet results in losing weight. That weight however is usually just water and muscle. So the emphasis in a diet is what are you actually losing? Are you losing fat or losing false weight? - 17268

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Discover About How Strength Training Helps To Boost Your Immune System If You Are Over Fifty

By Scott Fisher

As you have gotten older, you may be taking more and more sick days. You probably have found that you contract colds and flu more often than when you were younger. You might also have noticed that it is now harder to recover from these bugs.

In fact, the average person over 50 is likely to catch 2 to 4 more colds each year than men and women between 20 and 40. These bugs often escalate into sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, or worse. Seniors represent more than 60% of the 36,000 annual flu related deaths. Long waits, inaccurate formulas, and shortages mean that you cannot always count on a vaccine to save you.

If you do not want to become one of these statistics, it is important that you boost your immune system. Fitness over 50 is one of the best natural ways to improve your immune health. In fact, many fitness experts recommend bodybuilding as a method to improve your overall health and increase your immune system.

Bodybuilding builds muscle and this helps your immune system on several levels. Muscle burns more calories than fat, therefore it prevents weight gain. Doctors know that people who are overweight are more likely to have poor immune health and get sick. Also, bodybuilding improves blood circulation. It strengthens your heart and lungs, but it also helps build up vessel walls. This makes it easier for nutrients and antibodies to easily travel throughout your body fighting colds, flu, infection, and many other ailments. This means that you can more easily resist colds and flu and you can get well sooner.

You must get adequate rest to support bodybuilding over 50 and improve your immune system. Opponents of bodybuilding will claim that it can lower your immune system. Actually, overtraining is what risks your immune health and the health of your total body. If you perform a high intensity training program with a short cycle time, you are not giving your body adequate rest. You will be more likely to get sick with a longer recovery. This is because a short cycle forces the body to focus on muscle building and ignore the immune system.

However, bodybuilders using low intensity training often dramatically reduce their number of sick days annually. Typically this is because their training cycle has adequate time for improvements and total body renewal, including your immune system. As you age, you will need more time for rest and renewal. Therefore, you might want to start with a training cycle that includes one day of rest to each day of training.

Your diet should also compliment your bodybuilding and increase your immune health. A diet rich in proteins and complex carbohydrates is a good choice. You also need to get plenty of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals in your diet or through supplements to boost your health during training.

No one can completely prevent ever catching a cold or flu. You can control how often you get sick and your recovery time. These illnesses can have serious repercussions for people over 50. If you want to stay well through the next cold and flu season then you need to focus on fitness now. - 17268

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