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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

BowFlex Classic At Home Fitness System

By Aimee Jones

Who would have wanted to get something that is not worth the price? A lot of time, we often see products that are cheap and instantly judge it with poor quality while some of those that are expensive are not the best there is. The Bowflex Classic wanted to help people build a stronger body by offering this equipment at a very reasonable price but not by taking of its quality and performance.

The Power Rod technology is what makes the Bowflex Classic stand out from its competitors and also makes it a great machine as well since higher model of the Bowflex home gyms make use of the same technology as well. The Power Rod gives its users resistance, or weight, that feels as good as or better than free weights but without the inertia or risk of joint pain usually associated with free weights. Bowflex Power Rod units are precisely manufactured under high quality control measures, then sheathed and tested to ensure quality and durability.

With the resistance coming at the same angle simply sit upright on the bench for a shoulder press, stand up for a front shoulder raise. The ability to cross over the resistance gives the side of the shoulders (deltoids) their workout and more.

The back can be worked on with a seated row, and then you can reach up for a lat pull down with your grip in various positions to target different areas of the back. From here you also get a triceps pull down and you can do a triceps extension. The biceps get their resistance with a curl and even the abdominals can have a resisted crunch to get defined abs.

The Bowflex Classic also works great on your legs, both front and back along with the calf. And with so many workouts that you can do with it on different parts of your body, the this machine would really be a great help for building strength and shaping your body, Combine this with a cardio rowing station and this gym covers all the bases where your personal fitness is concerned.

The machines specifications are as follows: * Dimensions: L 6'10" x W 3'5" x H 6'10" * Workout area: 8'4" x 6'6" * Maximum resistance: 210 lbs * Maximum user weight: 300 lbs * Exercises available: 30+ * Leg attachment: Included * Lat tower: Included * Aerobic rowing: Included

Looking at the actual exercises and body parts this gym can work, the Bowflex Classic can do works on your Chest, Shoulder, Arm, Legs as well as Abdominal Exercises. And with more than 30 workouts that you can perform with the Bowflex Classic, you wouldn't get tired of doing the same routine over and over again.

When you purchase your Bowflex Classic, the items that are included would be the 210 lbs of Power Rod Resistance, 4" upholstered roller cushions for leg extension, Horizontal bench press, Triple function hand grips for Lat Pull Down, Built-in cardio rowing station and the Folding unit.

For those people who wanted to start on doing workouts as part of their daily routine, the Bowflex Classic would be the perfect start up machine for you since it would not only help you burn fats but also strengthen your body. The Bowflex Classic is being offered for the price of $649.00, and compared to other similar equipments this is definitely worth it. - 17268

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Tonsils Deal With The Germs Before They Reach Mouth

By Nigole Bader

Tonsils are two tissue balls located at the back of the throat. They play a vital role and are an important part of the body's infection fighting mechanism by helping to fight germs and diseases. Tonsils deal with the germs before they reach mouth, throat, or sinuses. When these infection fighters are infected by viruses or bacteria.

The symptoms of tonsillitis are: as the time passes, eating, drinking and swallowing things become difficult. The pain can be accompanied with fever, earache and headache. The tonsils can be seen too. Just open the mouth wide open and the two masses of tissues at the either side of the throat are tonsils. They are usually dark pink in color, but when they get infected they turn red. A white or yellow coating can also be formed on the tonsils. There is an obvious change in voice as it becomes hoarser. The infected child can also develop bad breath. The infected kid can also get abdominal pain and can throw up what he eats. Tonsillitis is caused by both bacterial infection and viral infection. Bacterium known as streptococci causes infections which require special treatment.

When the child gets tonsillitis, the parent should give lots of fluids to drink. Smooth food should be consumed to ease the pain caused by swallowing coarse, crunchy, and hard food. Food like soups, ice creams, applesauce, and gelatin are a good option. Spicy food should also be avoided. A humidifier or cool mist vaporizer can be placed in the child's room as that will make breathing more easily. The kid must be given maximum rest and complete bed rest for at least two days is recommended. The bacteria and viruses cause tonsillitis to spread by sneezing, coughing or touching. The infected child must cover his/her mouth while coughing and sneezing. A disposable tissue can be used instead of a towel or handkerchief. Things such as utensils, towel, clothing, etc. of the sick kid should be separated so that the rest of the family doesn't get affected.

The doctor inspects the tonsils using a wooden stick known as tongue depressor, which will lower the tongue, so that the doctor can have a good look at the tonsils. After that the doctor checks the ears and nose. Heartbeat will be checked. If the doctor suspects strep, he/she will take a sample of saliva from the back of the throat using a long cotton swab, which can suffer up the child a bit. After a day or two the results are received. Some doctors conduct a similar test known as rapid strep test, which give results within few minutes. Antibiotics are given when the test results come positive for strep. The bacteria get killed only when the course is completed and the correct dosage is taken at correct time.

If virus is the cause of infection, there is no medicine for it and instead the body is capable of fighting the virus on its own. When the tonsils infection becomes frequent and the child finds it difficult to breath because of tonsillitis, it is recommended to get the tonsils removed. But it is the last resort after all other treatments do not do the trick, because tonsils are very important to the body's immune system.

The tonsils are taken out by surgery known as tonsillectomy. After the surgery, the child won't suffer from sore throat and breathing problems anymore. The surgery won't even leave any scars. A day before the surgery, the child cannot take or drink, to keep the child from throwing up during the operation. The operation is very short and last for only twenty minutes. Because of the anesthesia, the child won't feel a thing during the operation. And during the surgery, the tonsils are removed using an electric cautery, which is a burning tool, or a cutting tool. After the surgery, the child is given lots of fluids and after a day soft foods can also be given. Usually it takes about two weeks to completely recover from the surgery and the child can return back to normal activities. - 17268

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