Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What Are Bioflavonoids and What Can They Do For Me?

By Carolyn Cooper

When you are looking for a bruising treatment that is really effective, or you are searching for a program that lets you work on healing bruises in general, you'll discover that bioflavonoids are mentioned over and over. It seems like almost everyone is talking about them, but what is it that you need to know about them? It's always a wise idea to learn more about supplements that are you curious about, and there is a great deal of interesting information relating to bioflavonoids themselves as well as how they can provide you with a great bruise treatment.

Bioflavonoids originate from plants, where they aid the plant to do things like create pigmentation and protect the plant from bacterial attack or other forms of illness and harm. They are common in most plants, although they will vary in amount and intensity depending on what plants that you are examining. There is very strong experimental proof that points to them as being very helpful when it comes to helping our bodies to react appropriately against a host of things that include viruses, cancer-causing agents and allergens. They can also act in an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-cancer manner.

There have been more than 4000 bioflavonoids that have been identified and virtually all of them are useful to your body. In the past, they were formerly known collectively as Vitamin P, but as we get to know more about them, we are learning that there are several groups and that they all have their strengths.

Proanthocyanidins, which are abbreviated to PCO's, are extremely potent and can be found in things like grape seeds or the bark of the maritime pine. Likewise, quercetins are the most active of the bioflavonoids, and they often make up a very potent part of the other bioflavonoids. Citrus bioflavonoids are the ones that we find most readily available, and they are the ones that are most often used to treat people who bruise easily. They may also be used for treatment of things like hemorrhoids, varicose veins and capillary permeability.

What part do bioflavonoids play in our ability to work on healing bruises and why are they such an effective bruise treatment? In the first place, taking them and making sure that you are getting enough of them is a good way to heal your body when there has been any kind of trauma at all to it, and that is essentially what a bruise is, whether you remember getting it or not. A bruise is essentially a capillary under the skin getting broken and seeping blood to the surrounding tissue, and taking bioflavonoids can help you heal up the damage much more quickly. - 17268

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Ten Sensible Ways to Reduce Your Waistline.

By Drew Wellingham

Dropping a few unwanted pounds is really a matter of common sense. For example, you can't eat 1/2 of a grapefruit and a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, then reward yourself with a greasy, fast-food burger for lunch. Sorry, but the breakfast doesn't cancel out the burger. Healthier living is a mindset. So if losing a little flab is high on the list, consider these 10 common-sense approaches:

1. Scale WAY back on the cake, soda, ice cream, etc. No, a piece of cake for Grandma's birthday isn't going to do significant damage. But if you're trying to drop some pounds, why would you risk it? These processed foods often contain extra fat and sugar that you may not even be aware of -- even if you read the labels.

2. Get off the sofa. The more idle you are, the more apt you are to convert those empty calories to fat. Even if your health prohibits anything too strenuous, a leisurely walk around the block will help. I'd ask my doctor first, though; especially if you have any concerns.

3. Be conscious of your fat and carb intake. Obviously, if both of these are high, you're going to gain weight. You want to find the right balance based on your daily calorie intake. Cut back slightly on one until you see the results you want. You can't cut both out completely. That's not healthy either. You need to maintain certain fats in your diet to help break down others.

4. Cut out the fat. Read the labels. If you're a meat-eater, choose low-fat varieties of fish, skinless chicken, reduced-fat ground turkey, etc. When I cook chicken, I use my kitchen shears and cut off all visible fat. A pain in the neck? Yes. But my health is worth the effort.

5. Be wary of sugar. A little certainly won't be a big deal, but if you absolutely feel you need to use it in your cooking, be smart about how much you're using.

6. Don't overdo the booze. If you drink too much, it changes to fat. Bottom line.

7. Don't starve yourself during the day. Don't think that not eating will give you free reign at dinner. Not a good idea. If you do this, you'll tend to eat more. Keep yourself satisfied during the day by eating several small meals, but make sure they contain lots of fruits and vegetables.

8. Get a hobby. Anything that will divert your interest in eating is beneficial. People tend to eat when they're bored. If you're doing something else, you don't have time to eat.

9. Eat healthier foods. That might seem overly obvious, but fruits and vegetables will provide fat-burning properties that you just won't find in processed foods.

10. Reduce your portion sizes. You'll find that a lower-fat diet will leave you feeling less satisfied. This is because you're not taking in the foods that filled you up before. You may find the need to snack more. If that's the case, just pick things that are satisfying but healthy. A Twinkie is not a good substitute for celery.

It may be difficult to make the adjustment at first. But if you stick with it, you'll see results. Just don't do anything drastic at first. Slowly begin to tweak your diet and see what works best for you. - 17268

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5 Little Things to Keep Your Diet Under Control Easily

By Thong M. Dao

If you are attempting to lose weight, a correct diet is the way to go. Because of our hectic lifestyle, we tend to cheat every now and then. But you should always stick to certain healthy foods on a daily basis.

Should you divert from your ideal healthy eating plan, these 5 steps will bring you back on track and prevent your body from falling too far from your ideal weight.

1. Organic fruit. A minimum of 2 helpings of fruit should be eaten each day. You can also consume fruits by making a smoothie and dividing it into 2 parts, so one is ready for later. It will keep you on track and it's delicious, too.

2. Organic veggies. We all need to consume veggies on a daily basis. Fiber is taken in from vegetables so this helps your body in lots of other areas.

If you don't enjoy consuming vegetables, try including rich, leafy veggies into your smoothie every day. It would be a nice surprise to you that this is so delicious.

3. Sprouting is actually easier than most people think. Simply grab some seeds that you can germinate, such as lentils or wheat berries, put them in a jar to soak for a couple of hours and then drain the water off.

Lightly wet them 2 times per day and they will germinate fairly quickly. Get some of these whenever you feel hungry for their marvelous health benefits.

4. Meat and fish are good sources of Omega 3 fatty acids, but the best source is flaxseed oil. Include this in your everyday routine and you would be startled at how much of a difference it's making in your health.

5. Even though it's not a solid food, water is an important part of your diet and health. It's suggested that you should consume half of your body weight in ounces daily and add a pinch of sea salt per 16 ounces.

This will make a surprising difference in your health. See the difference it makes for you after you take it for a week. - 17268

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Rock Hard Abs - Training Your Abs Functionally

By Jose Loni

You want rock hard abs? Functional strength training is the way to go to lead a fit and healthy lifestyle. Training your whole body and working the muscles of the core and abdominals will really give the strength and appearance of rock hard abs.

Functional training is perfect for people with an active lifestyle. Training the body in a functional way will increase the quality of life, as we carry our children, do household chores or walking the dog. Basic strength is essential to an active and happy way of life.

Functionally training your abs is a great way to increase your overall metabolism and strengthen your body. Increasing multiple joints and muscle groups allow the body to use more energy as it needs to exert more effort. The increased energy requirement tells the body to consume more calories and results in more fat burning.

Push-ups, lunges, dead lifts and squats are great exercises that recruit many muscle groups and helps kick start the body's metabolic activity. The increased muscle mass, which results from the training, also increases fat burning as well.

You can even incorporate daily activities such as doing the laundry, cleaning or cooking into your workouts. Just a few exercises a few times a day will help you increase your functional strength. While waiting for something to cook, you can do push ups, while standing and placing your hands against the counter or while picking up your laundry basket, you can squat down several times to work your legs.

Training the core is the perfect complement to increasing your overall strength. Core exercises train the body in unstable positions that will force the body to stabilize and increase strength. Many muscles throughout the body must fire to hold these positions and results in more energy used, which in turn burns more body fat.

Isolation exercises and ab crunches don't work if you want rock hard abs. Your body becomes more efficient, when you incorporate overall body training. You end up burning more calories and increasing your metabolism. In fact, by kick starting your metabolism, your body ends up burning fat throughout the day as it burns fat to replenish, repair and nourish the muscles that you trained, a process that can last for several hours after your training session.

Functionally training your abs and rock hard abs are the way to go, for a fit and active lifestyle. Functional strength through ab core training and increasing your metabolism will also increase your quality of life and really give you rock hard abs. - 17268

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Muscle building and the importance of the recordkeeping

By Jon Cardozo

On the road to building huge amounts of muscle (or even moderate amounts of muscle for that matter), the two critical factors are obviously progressive resistance and a proper weight gain diet.

You have probably heard this many times before, yet it may not be so simple. How exactly are you supposed to know if your program is working out or not? So many people don't take the time to satisfy a basic requirement of weightlifting and just about any other goals you want to achieve. If you want to succeed, you'll need to begin to write things down, including how much you're lifting and what you're eating every single day.

It's a simple procedure that can go a long way towards improving your muscle building program. It's really not that difficult once you get used to it. You simply have to discipline yourself to take a few extra moments and write down a few things. Start with how many calories you're eating, how many grams of protein you're eating, and what kind of exercises you're performing.

If you have doubts about your current meal plan, you can simply look at your records and see if you've been eating enough calories or protein. Likewise, you can measure your progress in the gym and decide if you're truly headed the right direction. If your progress halts or slows down (that is you're no longer building muscle), the problem is either with your training or with your meals.

You can make adjustments as necessary, such as increasing your calories or reducing your fat intake. You can lift heavier weights or increase the repetitions all based on the records that you're keeping.

As for weightlifting exercises, your record keeping is just as important here. Your goal should be to gradually lift more weight from week to week, and you'll easily be able to see if you've met this requirement by writing things down.

It really is necessary to write things down because you're simply not going to remember later on. Having this set of records will help you change things as necessary.

Simply put, record keeping is an essential part of a comprehensive muscle building program. - 17268

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Wu Yi Pixie Pack Energy Drink Review

By Collin De Ruyck

The appetite suppressant in Wu Yi Pixie Pack works perfectly. I drink my Wu Yi in the mid after noon everyday because that is when I start getting the munchies and my Fiance drinks it while she is working out at the gym. Before she started drinking Wu Yi Pixie pack, she told me she was always starving when she left the gym, now shes not!

When my Fiance and I started drinking Wu Yi Pixie Pack we both noticed and increase in our energy levels. For myself, my routine of taking an afternoon nap was removed due to my increased energy levels. That was a good thing for me to experience because I use to not be able to get to sleep until real late because of those stupid naps.

The convenience of the little pixie packs.

Each packet containing the Wu Yi Pixies are packaged perfectly so you can just add the mixture into a bottle of water. Transportation is simple and easy with no bulky containers. The actual packs them selves which hold the Wu Yi and very slim and fits into almost anything you can think of.

Not only does Wu Yi Pixie Pack taste like fruit punch, but the fact it is so easy to take anywhere is also a big plus for me. I have even taken some to my family dinner night at my Dad's house because I didn't feel like drinking what was offered. I ended up drinking coffee after everyone that was there tried and loved the Wu Yi Pixie pack. Keep hat in mind if you want people to try it. Bring extra's just encase they become pigs and drink your whole bottle.

Hardly any calories at all!

Another thing we both noticed and loved about Wu Yi Pixie Pack was that fact there is hardly any calories per severing. There is only 7 to be exact so if you are on a calorie wise diet where you can not consume more then 2000 calories a day, drinking Wu Yi Pixie Pack fits perfectly into that diet. - 17268

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Easy And Free Weight Loss At Home

By Ron C

There is a special occasion and you have to wear that old dress or suit but it does not fit so now you have to lose weight fast. Lose weight too fast and you could harm your body. A loss of muscle tone or even heart disease and issues with other internal organs can result from fad diets, miracle pills and extreme fasting. Here are some tips to safely lose weight fast.

Because losing weight is simply expending more calories than you take in, figure out exactly what you take in. Maintain a written record of every morsel, for at least a week. Don't take short cuts that's cheating. Cheating on this only harms you. Then write down the calories in each of these foods and drinks. There are many sources such as that can help with this.

Now that you know the calories you consume, start reducing. This can be as straightforward as cutting down on portion sizes. Serve sizes are generally too generous both at home and in restaurants. There are a lot of other easy cuts that you can make that don't extensively modify what you eat and your lifestyle. These include salad dressing, butter, candies, as well as juice or soda. Salad dressing is the prevalent source of calories on most dinner tables! Getting used to the delicious taste of a salad with a pinch of lemon juice makes a large difference to your diet. Also note that empty calories such as sugars and white breads (carbohydrates) are the earliest things to reduce. These can with no trouble at all be substituted with sugar substitutes and whole grain breads.

But I really like the side dish? This part of the meal is often a minefield of bad food choices including French Fries, macaroni and cheese and potato salad. Replace these items with healthy alternatives such as steamed vegetables, cottage cheese, or salad (minus dressing.)

Build up some muscle to increase muscle mass and metabolism using exercise. That leads to burning extra calories even when sitting still. Aerobic exercise is the best for calorie and fat burning. Many experts say to do aerobic activity for 30 minutes a day 3-5 days a week. Hog wash! Find an activity you can sustain for seven days each week, and forever and one that you enjoy..

You have your orders. So get moving! - 17268

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Curbing Mistakes: Important Advice for Gaining Muscle

By Brad Morgan

Starting any kind of fitness program can be difficult because of the sheer amount of advice out there. It is often hard to know where to start your muscle building efforts.

There is more than one way to build muscle, more than one exercise that works, but there are also many things that can hurt your efforts to build muscle. Let's take a look at some things to avoid.

1. Paying too much for a gym membership.

You may think that they only way to get a good workout is to go to a gym: they have stack-pulley, computerized, and hydraulic machines that you could never afford. And they're safer, right? Not necessarily. Often, the low-cost exercises that you do at home are much more effective and safe. If you are considering a gym membership, you may want to save yourself the expense.

From working with relatively inexpensive free weights to doing squats and lunges in absolutely no equipment, you can get a great muscle building workout. The best equipment you have is your body and a few free weights.

2. Letting your body get bored.

When you start working out, you may see results and be so happy that you stick with the same routine. After all, it worked, didn't it?

Your body is a remarkably efficient machine: doing the same workout causes your body to become used to it. It is much less work to execute moves you've done over and over. Once that happens, it uses fewer calories to complete the exercises, making the workout much less effective.

Therefore, doing the same workout routine causes your body to burn much fewer calories. Add some variation. Up the intensity. Never let your body get used to anything ? it needs constant challenges. The upside is that you won't get bored with your exercise routine.

3. Not doing any cardio.

Some people who are trying to build muscle focus exclusively on weight training. While this is obviously important, they are ignoring an integral part of success: cardio.

We all know that cardio can help you burn fat. For muscle builders, it also helps the body rest and recover from weight training. To get the best results, do intervals of high intensity cardio for about twenty minutes right after your weight training session.

4. Not resting enough.

Your body builds muscle while it is resting, so it is important to take breaks for your training regimen. Take two or three days off per week and allow your muscles to rest.

Also, alternate which muscle groups you work on. For instance, if you work on your arms and back one day, the next day do your abs and legs. This will keep the muscles from becoming fatigued or injured and allow them to do their work.

5. Ignoring Diet

Many people neglect to consider their diet when they are trying to build muscle. But because food is such an essential part of your body's health, you need to eat to gain muscle.

Especially important is protein, which is essential to muscle building. Make sure you get plenty of lean meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy in your diet, and eat a protein snack within thirty minutes of your workouts.

6. Quitting.

Everyone's body is different, and it takes some people longer to build muscle than others. Quitting because you are not seeing results fast enough is a huge mistake.

If you feel discouraged at your progress thus far, it is a good time to look at your routine. What can you do to change it? Should you add some intensity? Are you resting enough? Do you use supersets or compound moves? It may be that you simply need to stick with it a little longer in order to start seeing results.

Either way, quitting won't give you the body you want. Keep up with your efforts; if it is not working, then by all means change something. Just don't give up. - 17268

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6 Pack Abs - Core Based Exercises

By Dan Solaris

Losing love-handles or a protruding belly is the main reason most folks decide to hit the gym and start working out. Having an unflattering midsection is one of the things that keep countless people from having fun in the beach or in a pool during summer.

Of the total number of folks that are enrolled in health clubs and gyms around the world, only a small fraction are actually satisfied. Without expert instruction, it's easy to get the wrong idea about which exercises to do. Most of those that don't see fast enough improvements from their efforts lose motivation and give up after a while.

Exercising effectively is the best way to stay motivated and keep hitting the gym. Doing the right exercises will produce visible results in a shorter period. In this light, it's quite ironic that only a few people are maximizing their abs workouts considering getting 6 pack abs is one of their main goals.

Though most people are unaware about them, the power of core exercises in producing a rippling set of 6 pack abs cannot be stressed enough. Common flat-platform sit-ups and crunches can't compare to the core-strengthening movements of Pilates or improvised ab exercises done on a Swiss ball. Core based exercises entail more muscle effort leading to a leaner midsection in less time.

An overwhelming number of fitness buffs go about core based exercises the wrong way by focusing just on the abdominal muscles. If the other core muscles (lower back and obliques) are left out, this can throw the body's balance out of whack and cause back sprain.

Doing exercises on an unstable surface will cause other muscles of the body to be included in the effort of to keep balanced. A well-developed core means the ability to do natural movements of the body with less effort. Swinging a bat, driving a golf ball or throwing a football will be much easier and way more fluid.

For the countless folks aiming for fat loss and 6 pack abs, core based exercise together with cardio and resistance training lead to sure success in lesser time. Targeting body fat by maximizing calorie burn will ensure fast weight-loss and inches off your waistline.

Getting 6 pack abs is far from being an easy task, mind you. But equipped with an exercise regimen that develops the abdominal muscles quickly and boosts the metabolism to efficient fat-burning levels, anybody can get a lean, shredded physique sooner than through conventional methods. - 17268

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What makes acai supreme great for you!

By Casandra James

Acai Supreme is yet another acai berry supplement that focuses on the benefits of the amazing acai berry. There is one question though that I think surrounds all the acai berry supplements and that is - what makes one better from the rest?

Acai Supreme is by far one of the most effective acai supplements online and the results confirmed over other products like juices, pills, and powders. My professional guess would have to be because of the higher levels of dietary fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin E, amino acids, and healthy Omega fats, which have all helped to put this supplement on top.

Most people are receiving their free Acai Supreme bottle within 3-5 days of ordering. There have been no complaints about being shipped the wrong item or being charged full price for delivery. The free trial is a full 1 month supply. At the time of this review, the price of a bottle after the free 1 month trial is $79.95, which is on the high end of Acai supplements, but as with most health related products, you get what you pay for when it comes to the Acai Berry.

While using Acai Supreme, users experienced weight loss, a noticeable improvement in skin tone and decreased acne, and a higher metabolism with less fatigue throughout the day. These results were noted within just 2-3 days after starting the supplement. Average weight loss seems to be between 6-8 lbs after the first week of taking Acai Supreme.

If you are looking for an improvement on your current formula, you cant go wrong with Acai Supreme, that is, if you have tried one before! - 17268

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How LDS Food Storage Can Save Your Lives

By Greg Shuey

One of the things constantly being taught to us by The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints is that we must always have emergency food storage. LDS individuals and families have taken the need for emergency food storage seriously. And we cant blame them. Its always better to be prepared when disaster strikes.

According to them we must have LDS food storage that will last for at least 3 months. Together with that, we must also have 72-hour survival kits. The Prophet, together with his counselors, through divine guidance, knows that difficult and troubling times are going to come to us. And since we have the advantage of knowing that fact, it is best to be prepared.

Having food storage is essential for every family. It must be considered a top priority in every household. Taking this very important precaution will ensure that you and your family will have enough food and basic necessities to sustain yourselves for a period of time. Youll never know when disaster will strike. It acts like a thief in the night so you must be fully-prepared to tackle it head-on. Its better safe than sorry, right?

What are the things you need to remember when stacking up on LDS food storage?

First of all, you must make sure that it has the most basic items that will keep your family well-fed and healthy in tough times. Having said that, prioritize food items that have high nutritional value, and not just any food. It doesnt matter if you have something to eat when your body is not getting the right nutrition it needs.

Choose cereals, wheat, biscuits, canned goods that have high nutritional value and easy-to-prepare meals that are healthy. Avoid junk foods.

Keep from stacking bread and other perishable foods. Since your goal is to have something stored for future use, dont store foods that rot. You can go for biscuits instead.

Second, have enough water supply. Drinking water is very important to sustain you for long periods of time. You can go on without food for days as long as you drink water. During times of emergency, water lines may be damaged by calamities, cutting your water supply. Having a barrel or gallons ready for storing water will be of great help in the long run.

Lastly, orient your family members as to where the LDS food storage should be kept, what goes into it, and how to properly utilize its contents when the need arises. Emergencies can disorient a person and will make them unsure of what to do. Knowing where to get it when disaster hits will make things easier for you. - 17268

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Fish is Food for a Better Brain

By Michael Byrd

Grandma was pretty smart. She knew eating fish was good for your brain long before scientists proved her right.

Hardly a day goes by without reading about a scientific study that shows how fish oil is good for the brain. Research shows everyone seems to benefit from fish oil brain benefits - from the baby in the womb to senior citizen Alzheimer's victims.

Omega 3 DHA and EPA fatty acids constitute about 70% of a baby's developing brain. These fatty acids are essential for a baby's brain development and emotional wellbeing. The optimum development of a baby's brain and emotional wellbeing depends on these fatty acids. And the only way a baby can get this nutrition is from its mother's diet. That's why the National Institutes of Health (NIH) suggests that all pregnant and nursing mothers take 1200 mg of DHA and EPA on a daily basis.

However, studies show that most pregnant and lactating women are getting far less (only about 18%) DHA and EPA than what their baby needs for optimum brain development. And only 3% of expectant and nursing mother's are getting the DHA and EPA their babies need.

If the fetus doesn't get the DHA and EPA necessary for optimum brain development from the mother's diet, it takes what it can from the mother's brain. As a result of this depletion of DHA and EPA, many women lose as much as 3% of their brain mass during pregnancy. Many researchers think could be a major cause of post-partum blues.

And, if mother's not eating fish, you better believe her adolescent and teenage children aren't getting the DHA and EPA they need. The resulting omega 3 deficiency has been linked to the childhood behavior problems, temper tantrums and learning difficulties of ADD and ADHD.

A recent British study reported that fish oil supplementation, however, helped reduce the symptoms of dyslexia, ADD and ADHD. After the research team gave omega 3 capsules supplements for six months to children with behavioral problems, social difficulties and learning disabilities, the children tested six months higher in spelling and more than a year higher in reading skills.

Adults can also get a lot of brain benefits from eating fish a couple of times a week and/or taking daily fish oil supplements.

While at the same time, these conditions have been significantly treated and relieved by eating more fish and/or taking daily fish oil supplements.

Alzheimer's disease now affects some 5 million Americans and that number is expected vastly increase over the next twenty years as the baby boomer generation begins to age. Studies have shown that people who ate the most fish and had the highest DHA levels had 47% less dementia and 39% less Alzheimer's.

Stroke or "brain attack" can also be prevented by eating more fish. The Harvard Medical School studied over 43,000 men over a 12 year period and discovered that the men who ate fish only once a month reduced their risk of ischemic (blood clot) stroke by 44%. A daily aspirin, however, reduced stroke risk by just 21%.

So, like I said, Grandma was right. Fish is brain food. So be good little boys and girls and listen to Grammy's advice. - 17268

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