Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Looking For A Nutrition Tea That Can Improve Your Daily Life?

By Aoife Joyce

Are you aware that Green Tea as a nutrition tea is immensely beneficial to your health on a whole? If yes, are you conscious of the reasons why? When you have finished reading this, you will understand exactly why and you will most likely go and make yourself a cuppa!

Green Tea, Oolong Tea and Black Tea, were each derived over 4,000 years ago in China, and they have all been drank on a daily basis ever since to maintain whilst improving general health. However, it is only in recent years that the dietary properties and the effects these teas have on health as a whole have gained universal acknowledgment. Throughout the world, there have been massive amounts of scientific and medical studies completed in an attempt to learn just how significant Green Tea can be to you, and the overall conclusions to date prove that it prolongs and considerably improves vitality and life span.

Green Teas chief element that gives it its 'marvel tea' authority are catechin polyphenols, in particular epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), more commonly known to majority of us as antioxidants. How Green Tea as a nutrition tea differs from Black and Oolong Tea, is that the leaves of Green Tea are steamed during production, and in doing so oxidization of the powerful EGCG's is prevented. Oolong and Black Tea leaves on the other hand are fermented, which converts EGCG's into other compounds. This detail is what has Green Tea distinct from other teas.

While Green Tea proudly holds 27% catechin polyphenols, it is proven to be 100 times more valuable to you than its contender Vitamin C and 25 times more valuable than Vitamin E! You now have your first thrilling reason to instantly become a Green Tea convert!

Three Essential Health Benefits Of Green Tea You Did Not Know, Before Now... 1.Powerful as it is, EGCG effectively destroys cancer cells, at ALL stages of the illness! This is due to its ability to inhibit tumours from developing, eliminate tumour supporters, hinder chemical carcinogens and neutralize enzymes that yield cell construction. 2.In addition, these outstanding antioxidants lower LDL cholesterol concentrations in the blood, by affixing to the cholesterol droplets preventing them from becoming set to, for instance, the arteries linings. Furthermore, they deter blood clot development (Thrombosis), which in turn warrants prevention of strokes and heart attacks. 3.Electrons that are in an 'unpaired' state are called Free Radicals. Certain amounts are produced in the body naturally. Attributable to their 'free' state they are capable of harming cell membranes and as a result internal structures, allowing growth of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and also have the capacity of injuring DNA. In saying that, in frank terms, EGCG (antioxidants) has the remarkable ability of destroying Free Radicals!

After soaking up the main benefits above, you may now understand why for over 4,000 years Green Tea has been consumed as a nutrition tea for healing purposes with general well being, in countries throughout the Far East. After learning of how advantageous Green Tea can be to you, you may be prone to assuming that it will fail to bring a desired aroma, however differing from this, it actually delivers an exceptional zest and is wonderfully light and invigorating as compared with standard coffees and teas! - 17268

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Huge Trapezius Muscles are Easy When You Know What To Do

By Klint Newton

There are many exercises that can be done to target the "traps" or Trapezius muscles. So many times people get stuck on one tired method and use it over and over. There are many weight trainers that think the only way to work their traps is to use an unreasonable amount of weight, which results in ineffective training.

So I asked him why he was doing what he was doing. He said, "Traps are where it's at!" I tend to agree with him.

The "traps" or Trapezius muscles are above your collar bone on top of your shoulders and extend from your neck to the tip of your shoulders.

Your traps are not just used to lift things, they are a means of communication, they send a message. They are what send the signal that you are truly serious about weight training. Big traps can be an awe inspiring sight, they can also be downright scary. They set the men apart from the boys, or more importantly, the fitness models apart from the body builders. What kind of message are your traps sending?

Trap Exercises

Most people associate building big traps with "Shrugs." The shrug is a good exercise for trap development, but it's not the only one. The shrug has been around for years and is a staple for building traps just as the bench press is for the chest. I can't deny that the shrug hits the traps well, but I would like to assert to you that there are others moves that can be effective in developing the coveted traps. Below is an effective trap building routine that will deliver excellent results.

1. Shrugs 3 sets X 10 - 12 reps

These had to be included, they are the key to a successful trap training. Now I know we have all done shrugs before, but I would like to included a few tips. Now I know that when I use the standard shrug form and fully contract my traps, they end up hitting my neck resulting in a limited contraction. If you push your head as far forwardas possible, it will remove your neck from the range of motion and allow your traps to fully contract. Once you have flexed your traps, hold the position for two seconds and slowly release. It is also good to sit on a bench to avoid cheating.

2. Lateral Raises, with Traps Flared 3 X 12 - 15

This can be a much harder move than the shrug. The first thing you want to do is flare your traps with the dumbbells in your hands. Next you will perform a lateral raise. This is just like a lateral raise done for shoulders, but with your traps flared, most of the pressure is put on your traps. You will want to start with 12 to 15 reps and not very much weight to maintain proper form and get used to the movement.

3. Bent over lateral raises, with Traps Flared 3 X 10 - 12

The bent over lateral raise is just like the last move but obviously bent over. This is good for hitting the back of your traps which helps you look more built, defined and strong from behind. You will want to bend at the waist at about a 45 degree angle.

These are two unpopular exercises that will really improve your trap building results. You can just add the exercises into any workout, they would be perfect if you do a split and have a "shoulders day."

Throw these exercises into the mix and watch your results go through the roof! - 17268

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Top Proteins For Losing Fat And Building Muscles

By Josh Wintrop

For burning fat to take place more efficiently in the body there is need to have sufficient develop sufficient muscles in the body. This is possible by planning to have a healthy diet along side a consistent fitness plan. Such a program can bring success only when it is followed constantly over a long time frame. You also need to exercise patience with such a plan for it to bring positive results.

Useful foods to help you build more muscles in the body are available from protein sources. They contain essential nutrients to the body which allows proper development of healthy lean mass. This increases the surface area used to burn fat which can bring a significant loss in weight.

Getting nutritious sources of proteins in the body builds lean mass. This can change how metabolism takes place. Availability of more muscle layer increases the rate of metabolism in the body. Taking rich sources of protein is ideal. Avoid foods that have too much fat or are high in calories. How the diet is prepared can also affect its nutritious benefits to the body.


It has vital nutrients that are mandatory for building healthy muscles. Proteins nutrients are available in just the form the body requires them. This makes it easy for easy assimilation and absorption of such compounds to develop and repair lean mass. Muscles formed from such proteins are useful in sustaining metabolism at high levels.

Sea food

A diet rich in fish provides the body with all the essential amino acids. These allow proper growth and development of lean muscle. The compounds also help in maintenance of the good health of muscular tissue. This provides sufficient sites which maintain active metabolism where calories are burnt more efficiently.


Eggs contain all amino acids required by the body. It is one of the richest sources of proteins and they are available in the right proportion. These compounds develop lean mass which is necessary for maintaining active metabolism. This allows burning of excess muscles continuously through the day which results to loss of fat.

Low fat dairy products

Milk contains all the essential amino acids required by the body. These compounds are useful in the development of lean tissues and maintaining the good health of muscles. It is important to only take low fat dairy products in a weight loss program. Whole milk contains fat which is stored in the body as excess fat.


In addition to providing rich amounts of proteins to the body, they also have good amounts of fiber. Both effects are useful in helping the body lose weight. They also have low cholesterol. Your body also benefits from their water content. These are useful benefits to a fat loss plan. - 17268

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As A Personal Trainer You Can Be Your Own Boss

By Jaque Moss

Being your own boss is a dream many people have. However, making real that dream is another matter altogether. It is not easy, particularly the part wherein you are supposed to be raking in profits. There is one way however to do it in an easy way and at a mere $34.97. That is through Personal Trainer Job.

This program will guide you through the things you need to know to become a personal trainer and start working with clients who need and appreciate your services. There is a big demand for personal trainers and you will know the rewards of being your own boss. Find out more about this opportunity at

Joe Dynasty created this program to help other enjoy the same success he has found. Joe is a sought after personal trainer with a successful business. He wants to share his knowledge with people like you and help them achieve success and independence.

The website is well presented and will give you information about the opportunities available in this growing field. It will present the steps you need to take to become certified as a personal trainer. The investment is small since you don't need inventory or a dedicated business space. You can work from your home and make a good living.

This guide shows you all the things you need to know to start your business and make it a success. Your services will be in demand and you'll be able to decide how much you want to make.

A personal trainer isn't tied to a store or office, he doesn't need to work nine to five. You can set your own hours and work when you want. You'll get satisfaction from helping other people stay fit and healthy.

The site will also provide you with the forms you will need for your new clients. There is a form for medical history, exercise history and a pricing sheet. There is also an initial consultation form and a liability waiver. There are forms which explain your refund and cancellation policies.

All these form can easily cost you $80. With Personal Training Job however, you need not pay anything. It is already included in the price package of the guide.

You can get started right away because the guide is a downloadable ebook. You don't even have to wait for an email. The guide takes you through each step along the way to certification and explains how to carve your special niche in this business so you can shine.

The language used in the site is clear and easy to read. You can find out all about this exciting field and how you too, can be a part of it. It's easy to navigate the site and find out everything you need or want to know before making your investment. Even if you thought you could never have your own business, this site will show you hoe it's possible.

You can look at the site for free and you owe it to yourself to make this visit. For only $35 you can change your financial future and become independent. Find a job that you love on your own terms, and get started in your very own personal trainer business. - 17268

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How to Help a Cancer Fighter Take Medication and Supplements

By Angela Peterson

Vitamins, herbs, and natural remedies should be researched. Mom took Selenium, Vitamin C, E, Potassium, soy protein, beta-carotene, and food enzyme to aid in digestion, and an antioxidant blend. Selenium has so little taste, we poured the powder into her protein shakes and that worked well for Mom.

Mom was never a good pill taker due to a inordinate natural gag reflex. A Nurse showed us how some pills (ask the nurse) and vitamins could be crushed into applesauce to help her get them in her system. Some things can be taken through an IV or as a shot.

Ask their physician to prescribe medications, especially pain medications, through a shot or IV. The reason is this: if they take a pill and then vomit (which happened often with Mom) they will not give them another pill until the next scheduled time since they were unable to determine how much of the medicine (if any) they kept down and ingested.

Usually, pain pills may be given every 4-6 hours, so this means your Cancer Fighter may be in horrific pain for hours waiting for their next dose. It is very important for their quality of life that they do not risk throwing up the painkiller and have to endure until the next scheduled pill.

There are also places that make medicine in liquid forms for patients with gag reflex problems if the IV and shot types of pain killers are not working for your Loved One- ask your doctor or nurse if you are interested. Tomato soup and sauce is an excellent source of cancer-fighting Lycopene.

"No other word can strike fear in a person or family member like the word, "cancer." As a professional pain management nurse, I cannot recommend this book ENOUGH! This book is timeless and is a MUST for any patient or caregiver faced with a diagnosis of cancer or life-threatening illness."

-Susan Brown, RN, BSN, Professional Pain Management Nurse Cancer Treatment Centers of America - 17268

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Can You Get Thin Arms By Increasing Testosterone?

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you are figuring out how to get thin arms, testosterone is your best friend. It's not just for muscle builders looking to get huge. It has its role in your body in terms of losing arm fat.

Unfortunately, most women juxtapose this hormone with bulging biceps. Now it does help out with muscle growth, but it also increases lipolysis-the incineration of fat cells.

Also, please bear in mind that men will have about 60x more testosterone than women. That's right, 60 times more. Thus, your nightmares of acquiring male characteristics are unfounded.

So without further ado, here is how to get thin arms by increasing testosterone:

1. Get your zzzz's. In addition to stabilizing your mood and a million other things, sleep lets your body produce high amounts of testosterone. And the majority of it is produced during the last couple hours of sleep. So make sure you aren't skimping here.

2. Get your fatty acids. Without dietary fat, figuring out how to get thin arms will be a nightmare. After all, solid exercise physiology studies have clearly demonstrated that substantial dietary fat intakes can really increase testosterone input.

3. Embrace weights. Learning how to lift weights with intensity is critical when learning how to get thin arms. You see, intense weight lifting with lots of volume maximizes testosterone production. You will also burn a surplus of calories.

4. Don't less stress overtake you. Short bursts of stress are fine. It's the relentless stress that never subsides which should be avoided. If you let stress chronically debilitate you, your testosterone levels will fall. So if you want thin arms, keep stresses restricted to short time intervals.

Are you convinced that testosterone isn't just for men? Well, I hope so! Because it will be a great ally for helping you get thin arms.

So please follow the tips in this article so that you can enjoy thin arm success. And remember that naturally increasing your levels of testosterone will NOT leave you looking like a man! Ignore this outdated belief and get the sexy arms of your dreams today, not tomorrow! - 17268

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Avoiding the Flu

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Since mid-Fall TV commercials have been trumpeting the horrors of the "flu season". "It's never too soon to begin fighting this year's bug" they blare. Public health announcements urge us to get our "yearly flu shot", as if this is something we have got permanently scheduled in our Blackberries. All the leading over-the-counter pain medications offer special seasonal "flu" mixtures, and their ads deluge daytime and prime-time broadcasting.

For the health consumer, namely us, it seems as if this annual "war on the flu" is received wisdom. We are just defenseless human beings at the mercy of the all-powerful flu virus.

What is wrong with this picture?

What's never mentioned in the "flu warning" marketing is the versatility and adaptability of our remarkable immune system. We are the lucky owners of a built-in state-of-the-art biowarfare system, on-the-job 24/7 to combat microscopic foreign invaders of our health and well-being. Once our immune system has detected a foreign protein it mounts an immediate defense, attacking and destroying the alien molecules. And, the memory of that particular invader is permanent, enabling a future immune response to be swift and effective.1

The big issue with influenza is that new strains appear each year. We've never encountered these germs before. But, the whole basis and strength of our immune system is flexibility. It is specially designed to respond quickly to new attackers. And, for the most part, it does this very, very well.

Of course, no one wants their dinner companion to sneeze in their plate of pasta, as Elaine did on an infamous episode of "Seinfeld". Through a typical cascade of unfortunate events, Jerry's and George's comedy pilot was almost scuttled because the network executive was Elaine's date. He got violently ill by being on the receiving end of her blast of micro-bugs.

In the real world, our immune systems can be weakened due to life habits, circumstances, and stress. Stress is a notorious compromiser of immune defenses.2 And, of course, being human, there's plenty of stress from dawn to dusk. If worry and anxiety pile on top of not-enough-sleep or sub-optimal nutrition, getting sick is a pretty likely outcome. So, developing and maintaining healthy habits of living and successful strategies for managing stress is really the key.3

If you do the simple things that keep you healthy and well, in the winter months you can pretty much "let the flu go around you". You can be confident, knowing you've done the work to fight off the latest flu threat. Someone else's germs are their germs, not yours. If your immune system is on the job, you're far less likely to "catch" something.

And, even if you do succumb, you have got a much better chance of getting well again quickly.

1Sompayrac L: How the Immune System Works, 2nd ed. Blackwell, 2002. 2Wein H:Stress and disease - new perspectives. NIH Word on Health, October 2000. 3The Truth About Your Immune System - What You Need To Know. Harvard Health Publications, 2007. - 17268

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Why Prenatal Nutrients Can Play A Very Important Part In The Health Of Your Baby

By Keith Woolley

If you are pregnant, congratulations! It is a wonderful journey and one that you will not forget. Part of enjoying your pregnancy is staying as healthy as possible and prenatal nutrients can help with this. There are a few nutrients that you need to make sure any supplement has, and you need to look for them when choosing which prenatal vitamins you will take.

Folic acid is the first nutrient you need to take. It is most important in the very early stages of pregnancy. This is because the brain and nervous system are developing in the first few weeks of pregnancy and folic acid is critical to ensure that they are properly formed. The issue is that because women are not always aware of when they became pregnant, if you are trying to have babies, you should routinely make sure you are taking a folic acid supplement even before you become pregnant.

This disease, spina bifida can have a number of negative results. The baby can be born with fluid on its brain and this can lead to mental retardation. It can also cause the spinal cord to be left exposed to the air which can cause paralysis and underdevelopment of the legs and lower body. The leak of cerebral spinal fluid can result in other very serious health problems as well.

Another nutrient which many women are low on during pregnancy is iron.

You are building blood for yourself and the baby and if you do not have enough iron in your system, you can rapidly become anemic and this can become quite serious if left untreated. There are two types of iron that are available in prenatal vitamins. They are ferrous fumerate and ferrous gluconate. The problem is that some women have a hard time keeping one or the other down. If you find one makes you queasy, you should try switching to a prenatal vitamin that contains the other form of iron. You may find it can reduce your morning sickness.

Calcium is critical for growing strong bones in the developing baby. You want to make sure you have adequate calcium levels since the baby will actually pull calcium from your body into its own in order to build strong bones. Women who did not take supplements containing calcium would often report soft teeth. At its worst, a woman can lose her teeth if she does not get enough calcium.

Food is always the best way to get any nutrients but in the beginning this can be difficult. Women often experience morning sickness which makes it impossible for them to get much food down. A prenatal vitamin may be the only way of getting important nutrients to your baby in order to help it develop properly.

If you are experiencing morning sickness, there are several ways that you can get prenatal nutrients that do not involve a pill. You may be able to get liquid or powder forms of your prenatal nutrients so that you can mix them with liquids. This may be easier to keep down than a pill, since many women find swallowing solid objects can lead to vomiting.

If you are a vegan, you may think it is impossible for you to find vegetarian supplements that do not contain animal products. These are becoming easier to find in many health food stores. Make sure that you speak to your health care provider so that they can evaluate the vitamins and make any recommendations about taking extra supplements. - 17268

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Body Building Tips You Can Use!

By Ricardo d Argence

The world has turned into a totally different place over the last few decades. It has made rapid progress and people are adopting a radical and revolutionary attitude towards life. The lifestyle of people all over the world has gone wholesome changes and people are living life styles which place a lot of emphasis on outward or external appearance and looking good is a very important part of a person today.

There's an old saying, "The first impression is the last impression." But while it is an old saying, it seems to be far more applicable these days. And everyone wants to make a great first impression with a fit, trim, perfect body.

What is body building? Body building is something which has always been something of a passion for most males and now definitely a few females. Almost every male is fascinated by the prospect of toning up his muscles and building up his strength and then flaunting these to the world and gaining appreciation.

Body building is basically building up muscles by the use of different techniques and competitive body building is the same thing only the body builder presents himself to judges and then he is evaluated for his aesthetic looks and a lot of other different categories. Body building was highly popular in the last few decades and there are a lot of professional body builders who tone up their muscles as a profession and take part in various body building competitions.

A few tips. Weight training is a highly integral part of body building and the right weight training is highly essential for an aspiring body builder to be successful and healthy.

An excess of weight training can cause damage to muscles and thus weight training needs to be done in the right quantities and without placing too much stress on a particular muscle group which can cause the muscle to be damaged and at times can cause irreparable damage. Weight training is of outmost importance to a body builder but prudent weight training can really serve a much higher purpose for a body builder.

The right nutrition. Another very important characteristic for a body builder that needs to be taken care of is nutrition. Eating right is highly integral to the success of any body builder and placing too much emphasis on a particular type of foods will prove detrimental to body builder's chances of making it big.

Body builders need to concentrate on the intake of carbohydrates as foods rich in carbohydrates can really be helpful to the muscles and can aid muscle growth and are a great source of energy. Foodstuffs rich in fibrous substances are also encouraged as part of the diet for a body builder as the fibres really strengthen the muscles and help in rapid recovery in cases of torn muscles or muscle pain.

Supplements are also recommended for aspiring body builders. They will provide extra energy for workouts and feed the muscles the appropriate nutrients for growth and strengthening. So consider adding a supplement to your body building plan, as well. - 17268

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Is Acai Berry Better Than Blueberry?

By Caitlin Ryan

The amazing acai berry has garnished quite a bit of attention. Acai supplements, extracts, mixes and juices are popping up all over the place. They might prevent cancer, heart disease and even slow aging and promote weight loss. It was not long ago that blueberries were the big superfood. Are acai berries really so much better?

Both acai berries and blueberries contain phytochemicals from the anthocyanin group. Phytochemicals are the components of plants meant to help the plant combat disease and cellular damage. They also help repair damage. In other words, they keep the plant healthy and when you consume these plants, that protective factor transfers to your body.

Have you ever wondered why blueberries are blue and broccoli is green? Maybe not, but the interesting thing is these phytochemicals not only benefit the plant, but they also give the plant their characteristics. Blueberries and acai berries obtain their gorgeous coloring from anthocyanins.

When you consume purple plants, the anthyocyanins have several benefits to your body. They contain a large amount of antioxidants which fight free radicals and repair free radical damage at the cellular level. We obtain free radicals from the environment via chemicals, industrial pollution, car exhaust and UV rays amongst others. Free radicals are also produced during digestion. Foods high in sugar, chemicals and fat contribute a large amount of free radicals. These free radicals contribute to overall poor health and aging.

You will also find anti-inflammatory benefits in anthocyanins. Systemic inflammation contributes to many diseases including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, weight gain and premature aging. Our Western diets high in animal protein and refined carbohydrates can cause systemic inflammation.

So, why are acai berries so much better than blueberries if they both contain anthocyanins? Are blueberries underrated?

Acai berries have an extremely high ORAC score compared to most fruits and vegetables. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorption Capabilities, and it is a measure of how much the food prevents free radical damage. Acai berries have around 5500 whereas blueberries contain 2400. Acai berries also contain a near perfect blend of essential amino acids which is rare for a plant.

Unfortunately, acai berries are not readily available in the produce department whereas blueberries are. If you want acai berries, you will have to travel to the Amazon OR purchase them in supplement or powder form. The juices often contain high amounts of sugar, so it is better to go with a supplement.

Your best bet is to enjoy the benefits of blueberries, acai supplements and a wide variety of plants in your diet. This way, you will benefit from all the phytochemicals, which tend to work together to improve health. - 17268

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Following HCG Protocol

By Amelia Handley

We've all heard about the HCG Diet. We all want to see those average weight loss results in ourselves. Who wouldn't want to have access to 1 to 2 pounds of weight loss per day (with high rates of successful maintenance). That's amazing! We all want to see that sort of weight loss.

And we all want to see that sort of weight loss in the amount of time required for the HCG diet. Most HCG diet practitioners offer a couple choices when it comes to length of the program. You can choose a shorter program or a longer program. Some are 15 days, some are 25 days, some are 40 days, etc. This choice depends upon your personal weight loss needs, your schedule and your ability to fulfill the HCG protocol.

The HCG protocol is simple. You need to follow the guidelines when it comes to taking the homeopathic HCG weight loss formula. Take the oral drops 3 times per day (this is according to the program offered by HCG Diet Direct). Other practitioners may have other guidelines, but the rule still goes. Don't break the rules you are given about administering the HCG.

The next piece of HCG protocol you've got to remember (and stick to) is the food limitations. You are only allowed a short list of approved foods while on the diet.'s a bit boring. Yes...there are no free days. Yes...there are no free foods. Everything counts. There's definitely not a wide variety of yummy foods while on the diet. It's VERY limited.

The HCG protocol also calls for very strict calorie limits on a daily basis. You should weigh/measure your foods in order to strictly control your portions. You can't just stock up on the limited list of approved foods and then go to town. You are only allowed 500 calories per day.

And that's it; that's the basic HCG protocol. You've got no excuses. It's easy as pie. Oops! Don't think about pie. It's definitely not on your list of approved foods. Think about apples...there you go! That's an approved food. - 17268

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