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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Vemma Mangosteen Juice Can Be A Natural Remedy For Diabetes.

By Julieanne van Zyl

The word diabetes comes from from a Greek word meaning to "siphon or pass through". In the assessment of diabetes it is often considered a nutritional disorder, a characteristic of having abnormally high blood-sugar levels and the subsequent secretion of that excess in the urine. The disease can result from a complete lack or reduced production of insulin which leads to abnormalities in the metabolism of carbohydrates and protein.

Two different types of diabetes are commonly diagnosed. Type 1 diabetes, also known as insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile onset diabetes, the body shuts down production of insulin or produces less than required to regulate the level of blood glucose.

Type 2 diabetes, when the body is not able to use the insulin that is secreted by the pancreas. It is also known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes or adult onset diabetes.

There is a third type of diabetes called gestational diabetes that occurs during the second half of pregnancy and ends with the birth of the baby.

Many people who suffer from type 2 diabetes contribute to their bodies to use insulin more efficaciously by making simple changes to their lifestyle. Some of those changes include decreasing their intake of carbohydrates and increasing the amount of exercise each day. Exercise aids the cells by enabling them to absorb more insulin from the bloodstream and thus maintain a normal blood glucose level.

Because the pharmaceutical industry is so competitive, medications and drugs sometimes slip through the Federal Drug Administration research process. Thus some drugs can be supplied to the general public which can have undue side effects or cause damage to other organs in the body. Therefore, many people are inclined to look at natural remedies for diabetes as a means of boosting their medication practice or attempting to replace their medication entirely.

In the present day, diabetes affects over 170 million people around the world and that number increases each and every year. Left untreated, diabetes will lead to cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, blindness and some joint problems. Individuals will lose circulation to their referral tissues meaning their fingers and toes, and leading to amputation.

Regulating the disease can often be a matter of losing weight, exercising and improving your diet. Persons afflicted with diabetes often find that increased protein intake assists in the repair of cell membranes. They should also reduce their intake of sugar and increase their intake of complex carbohydrates, but not simple carbohydrates.

People with diabetes may also find that using other natural remedies will assist in the control of their blood sugar even further. One of those remedies is Ginseng. Although there are several different types of ginseng most of the promising studies have been made using North American ginseng. These studies have shown that over long periods of time, ginseng may improve blood sugar control.

The diabetic drug Acarbose decreases the breakdown of starch (carbohydrates) to sugar. Recent research has shown that the pericarp of the Mangosteen fruit contains a nutrient that works exactly the same way in our bodies as the drug Acarbose. It is recommended that diabetics take the Mangosteen one to three hours before their largest meal or with the meal.

The metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, requires an essential trace element, chromium. Several studies have revealed that diabetics have low levels of chromium in their blood. Presently, further study is still needed to prove that using chromium supplementation will be an effective way of controlling blood sugar for a diabetic.

Further studies by other researchers have also found that chromium improves glycemic control in individuals who have insulin-dependent diabetes. So although the research may be varied it does point to the need for on-going research into the inclusion of chromium in the treatment of diabetes.

Another essential mineral that is found naturally in foods such as nuts, seeds and whole grains, is magnesium. Researchers have found that individuals need magnesium for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Some studies suggest that low levels of magnesium may impair glycemic control in individuals who have type 2 diabetes.

Studies have also found that the use of cinnamon will improve glycemic control. In these studies the improvements were slight but statistically consequence.

It is essential for people who suffer from diabetes, not to ignore the consequences. Lifestyle changes and their potential lifespan will be greatly affected. The care and advice of your healthcare practitioner is most important when you consider treatment protocols for your diabetes. - 17268

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Are you sick of drinking protein shakes?

By Jon Cardozo

I woke up this morning excited about my day and went straight into the kitchen to fix myself some breakfast. As I looked into the cupboard (do people say "cupboard" anymore?), I was disappointed to see the same boring protein shakes staring back at me. I know that I have to get enough protein everyday to complement my weight lifting. If I don't get enough protein, then my muscles won't be able to grow, right? But does it have to be so bland?

If you're having the same problem and want to spice up your protein shakes, you can start by adding some simple flavors. Natural peanut butter or almond butter would be a good start since you need extra calories. But sometimes it's still not enough. What if you're still tired of taking the same drinks every day. Well, you could simply stop drinking them all together.

Most of your meals should be coming from whole foods anyway. You need to get plenty of fiber, vitamins, and other nutrients which are often not available in your everyday protein powders. Even if they are, it just isn't the same, is it? Remember why protein shake supplements were created.

OK, they were made to make money, but besides that they help to fill in gaps when we can't get enough protein from other sources. Most of our protein sources are less convenient for our busy lifestyles. We can't always drive around with chicken, milk, tuna, or almond butter (trust me when I say that all you'll get is a dirty shirt and a bunch of laughing coworkers).

Nevertheless, these whole foods should make up the bulk of your diet, at least the protein part of it. This will make life a little more exciting, and when you do need to add some liquid meals they won't be such a drudge. When you consider that many experts recommend 1.5 g protein per pound of body weight each day, you will likely need some protein shakes as part of your overall weight gain plan. Just mix it up a bit, and you'll be fine.

It might go without saying, but I'm going to say it anyway. If you're increasing your calorie significantly, you will gain weight. However, you have to incorporate the proper strength training workouts if you don't want your calories to simply become fat. More people than you think fail to execute this properly.

You should know this by now, but it never hurts to repeat fundamentals. You simply will not gain muscle if you don't stimulate the muscle with weights. Your body won't get stronger just because you gulp down a bunch of protein without doing the exercises.

These are the basic principles of bodybuilding and muscle building which you must master. Weightlifting supplements, including protein shakes, are no substitute for a solid weight training program and muscle building diet plan. - 17268

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How to Design a Healthy Menopausal Diet

By Ricardo d Argence

While we know the cliche that only two things are certain "death and taxes." There is another event that is inevitable for women. Menopause is a change of life that happens to the bodies of females when they hit their 40s. As hormone levels in the system change, exciting and emporwering events begin to take place.

Doctors will agree that this is a natural occurence and it happens as you are no longer able to bear children and are moving on to a new time in our life. You will begin to experience hot flashes, mood swings and your body takes on new curves.

It certainly doesn't seem right to have to deal with weight gain in addition to the other effects, but unfortunately, it does happen. When estrogen levels begin to naturally decrease during menopause, it can lead to weight gain.

During menopause, when women are in their mid to late 40s, they typically gain about 10-15 pounds, with a minimum weight gain of 5 pounds in one-third of women. Less than 50% of the women according to the studies maintained their weight throughout the menopausal years due to extreme dieting and determination.

Since increased pounds can also raise the danger for several diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke and heart failure caused by increase in weight it is advisable that this be managed or avoided. You need to exercise to keep a healthy weight and females need to do both cadio and weights to maintain proper weight.

A woman who is going through menopause should eat a diet rich in nutrients and minerals. Pre-menopausal women need to focus on consuming more fruit and vegetable, lean meats, whole cereals and calcium rich foods.

You should always take vitamins and minerals and eat food that are good for you, as they are the main factors to stay healthy and help stop a lot of menopausal symptoms if you make changes to your diet.

Some foods you should avoid are: sugar, processed foods, salt, edamame (soybeans), soy based products like tofu.

It is easier to make it through menopause if you incorporate healthy foods and exercise into your lifestyle. The second half of your life can turn out to be the best years as you will be transforming yourself to a stronger, healthier, and an even more radiant person than before.

Foods that should be in your Diet: Vitamins A, D, C and E, Vitamins and supplements that include B-12, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, fiber, phytoestrogens, and isoflavones; skim or fat-free milk; cottage cheese; yogurt; leafy greens like spinach, kale, and broccoli; seafood, especially fish; whole-wheat cereals and breads.

When you bring a new healthy diet and exercise program into your life you can meet those menopausal months with a bright smile. Many of those annoying symptoms can be decreased or eliminated and you can sail through this normal transition in style. With increased activity and natural, whole foods it is possible to make this new time in your life the best and most productive years of all. - 17268

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How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs Fast

By Frank T. Boatman

How to get rid of man boobs. In this article we will have a look at what man boobs are, and a few of the best ways to get rid of them.

Nobody likes to have surgery. Onder a few conditions, you don't need surgery either to get rid of those man boobs.

To begin with: Man boobs (or male breasts as some people call them) come in two varieties.

The first variety is gynecomastia. This condiction usually affects only teenage males who are hitting puberty. Because their testosterone levels are decreasing and their estrogen levels rising they can get this condition.

So in this case getting rid of man boobs has nothing to do with loosing fat. Boys this age are simply developing mammary glands, just like girls do.

Normally this condition will not need any intervention to disappear. The boy will grow over it soon enough.

The other cause of man boobs is surplus fatty tissue that surrounds a mans chest region. Fortunately, to get rid of man boobs of this type is much easier than loosing glandular tissue that's hardened.

If your excess breast tissue is just extra fat, your body is able to naturally decrease it on its own. Fat cells shrink through better nutrition, a better hormonal profile, and exercise.

If the man boobs are made up by mammary gland tissue though, it will not be so easy to get rid of. There are two hormones, estrogen and prolactin, responsible for hardening the tissue. Once this has happened it can only be removed by surgery.

In this stage it doesn't matter anymore how hard you work out, how healthy you eat, or what medicine you take to reduce your hormone levels. The tissue will stay the same.

If you want to reduce your man boobs by loosing weight, this can prove quite difficult as well some times. Because it is tricky to lose weight in only one area of your body, especially when it is the chest area, you will have to aim at losing weight in other areas as well.

So although this type of man boob is the easiest to get rid of, you would still have to train pretty hard to get the results you are looking for. And of course healthy food will help you as well. - 17268

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5 Ways To Lower Your Glycemic Index

By Gwen Ann Wilson

In todays fast-paced lifestyle, it has become more important than ever to take care of ones health. People are going for various healthy diet plans to reduce weight and to stay fit. One such method is to eat low glycemic index diet.

Carbohydrate values of foods are being ranked by glycemic index from 1-100. Foods that has GI value lower than 55 are considered low GI foods. Foods that is within 56-59 levels has a medium GI value. And lastly, foods that has value higher that 70 are considered high GI foods.

High glycemic index foods are strictly not recommended for those suffering from diabetes and heart diseases. Low glycemic index foods lower the blood glucose level and help in maintaining good health. This article discusses 5 ways to lower glycemic index and to lose weight.

1. A Healthy Breakfast: Breakfast kick starts your metabolic system for the day. A breakfast with low glycemic index value foods will help you curb hunger pangs and will energized you throughout the day. Eating a cereal based breakfast with oats, barley and bran bread is a good start. You can also add low fat yoghurt and low fat milk to your diet for a wholesome breakfast.

2. Method of Cooking: Researchers proved that foods that are not overcooked have lower glycemic index value compared to overcooked foods. It is best to cook your food at optimum heat, avoiding overcooking because it raises the GI value. A good example is pasta, overcooked pasta has a much higher GI value.

3. Eat Good Carbs: When you are aiming for a low carb-low glycemic index diet, it is important to understand that low carbs dont mean less carbs. You could be eating fewer carbohydrates, but if those are high in GI value then it doesnt serve the purpose of the diet. The solution is to eat foods that have good carbs rather than reducing the amount of carbohydrates intake. Limit the intake of carb rich foods like rice and pasta to give your diet a balanced proportion.

4. Eating Fruits: This is great news to those who are fruit lover. Almost all kinds of fruit has low GI value except for watermelon and dates. Example of fruits that has low GI value are apples, bananas, plums and mangoes. Eating fruits will surely benefit you if you want to have a balanced diet. Not too mention the large amount of fiber that we can get from them.

5. Eating at Regular Intervals is Important: Dieting does not mean that you have to totally starve yourself to get the benefits. Eating small meals at regular interval is useful to maintain your body glucose. The best way is combining low GI foods with high GI foods to get a balance diet. This will give you more energy throughout the day. - 17268

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Marketing Tips to help you Succeed

By Natalie Michaelson

Zrii is a Billion Dollar Brand in the making. Zrii and the Original Amalaki are registered trademarks of Zrii LLC. Zrii is currently the fastest growing network marketing company on the planet.

With United States Zrii doing so well Zrii Australia will follow suit and launch in early 2009 with many eastern Asian companies to follow. The popularity can be attributed to the amazing compensation plan.

With a Zrii review you can obtain competitive analysis to discover the benefits of becoming a member of the Zrii team. The Zrri meeting will compare Zrii with other MLMs.

By using Critical Thinking you can analyze Zrii reviews point by point. It is possible to learn more about this industry and wellness company industry leader by reading a Zrii review which takes special note of important elements to evaluate.

Zrii meetings are an important and useful way to build your business. There are usually Zrii meetings going on all the time. Examples of such contact and communication may include, but are not limited to: newsletters, written correspondence, personal meetings, telephone contact, voice mail, electronicmail, and the accompaniment of down line Independent Executives to Zrii meetings, training sessions, and other functions

The Zrii meetings are well known for having excellent business skills and professional advice for the independent executives. The speakers for the Zrii meetings are personable with sellers and can advice on the best way to properly grow your business.

Not all independent sellers and independent executives are born sales people. This is why its important for their business success that they attend Zrii meetings.

An exceptional MLM business knows this and will provide their sellers with the necessary tools to make and grow a business that fits the needs of their customers and practices good business skills by teaching them at the Zrii meetings. - 17268

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Health Infos - Common Cold in Children

By Jan Maurer

Common Cold is caused because of upper respiratory system infection due to cold virus. This infection affects parts such as ears, nose and throat. There are about two hundred known viruses which are responsible for common cold, out of which rhinovirus is the most common. Because of this great number of viruses, there isn't any shot or vaccination available which helps in preventing cold. The best solution to the cold is human body immune system. Majority of a child's visit to the doctor will be because of cold. According to an estimate, a child catches cold nearly eight times in a year and each time it last up to a week or so.

Cold viruses usually spread by sneeze or cough from the infected person. The wet and slimy substance inside the nose, called mucus, is the carrier of the virus. When a person cough or sneeze, the mucus drops come out of the mouth and when other persons breaths in these droplets they catch cold. Cold can also spread by handling of contaminated stuffs like towel, door knobs, school desk, etc. If a person touches a contaminated towel and then touches his nose or eyes, there is a great chance of getting an infection. Therefore, it is a good habit to wash the hands regularly and keep them germ-free.

The cold viruses have docking points which helps it to stick to the interior of the nose. It then controls the nose's cell lining and begins to multiply into more viruses. White cells are responsible to fight these viruses inside the nose. They even kill them and finally get victory after seven days. Sneeze and runny nose actually prevent the viruses to affect the rest of the body parts. A mortal sneezes when the nerves inside the nose detect irritation and take the help of the lungs to near them out by letting out a blast of air through the mouth and the nose. The air, while sneezing, comes out at the speed of hundred miles per hour faster than cars on the road.

Once the child contracts cold viruses, they take two to three days to develop and show symptoms. There are many symptoms of cold. The child becomes cranky. He will complain of headache, blocked nose, cough, sneeze, sore throat, muscle ache, nasal cavity congestion and will become exhausted. Low fever can also accompany, along with body chills. Medicines do not speed up the process of healing as the viruses complete their cycle irrespective of the intake. But they do suppress further growth and make the child feel better.

Children shouldn't take any medicines on their own, thinking that it's just a cold. Parents should supervise the dosage and medicine being taken. And in turn, the parents should follow a doctor's prescription. Decongestants help to decrease the wise of the swollen nose lining, which makes breathing easier. Antihistamines help to dry the mucus and stops sneezes and runny noses. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be given if the child is experiencing headache and muscle ache.

At home, parents should give hot food and drink to the child as they help to soothe soar throats and coughs. The heat also clears up the mucus. Chicken soup is an age old remedy for common cold. Steamy showers are another good option as they help with stuffy nose. Itchy eyes, scratchy throat and stuffy throats can also be treated with humidifiers which spray cool and fine mist. They also loosen the mucus. The nose should be blown regularly to let the mucus out of the body. It is a good idea to use disposable tissues instead of regular handkerchiefs. Complete bed rest for a day or two is greatly suggested.

The best precaution that can be taken is intake healthy food and balanced diet so as to strengthen the immune system. The child must exercise regularly in order to stay fir and sleep adequately. Children who are stressed out more frequently are more prone to have cold. Therefore, it is good if the kid takes extra rest and goes to bed primeval on some days. And when the child is suffering from cold, he should relax and take bed rest as much as possible. - 17268

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Causes and Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

By Todd Titus

Hemorrhoids are not only pain in the butt but real pain in medication. Most people with this burden avoid seeing the doctor due to some personal reasons and instead go to the over the counter medications. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins just inside the anus. They produce pain if they come out of the anus with a bowel movement because of constriction. Once they come out, the skin around them and the veins themselves are inflamed. So the next question you might be asking is What causes hemorrhoids and their symptoms?

When there is pressure on the vein that prevents the blood flow from returning to the heart, sometimes the veins just inside the anus become swollen for they become constricted due to the large amount of stool that stays. Also, a job in which a person sits all of the time can produce hemorrhoids. Straining and sitting a long time on the toilet trying to have a bowel movement is also thought to produce hemorrhoids and diarrhea causes hemorrhoids by the same mechanism.

Increased intra abdominal pressure from heavy lifting or a chronic cough from asthma, smoking or any chronic lung disease causes hemorrhoids because the increased pressure is like straining at stool that obstructs the flow of blood through the veins that cause the swelling. Obesity can also cause an increased intra abdominal pressure just by the weight of the abdominal wall. It is associated also with hemorrhoids. Pregnancy produces swollen veins and hemorrhoids due to a moderately increased blood volume, and also because the pregnancy itself may slightly block some of the return venous blood flow from the lower pelvis and rectum. Rectoceles can also be associated with hemorrhoids when the rectal wall protrudes out of the vagina and obstructs the veins in the wall of the rectum below.

If one or more of the swollen veins becomes "scratched" by hard stool, it may cause bright red bleeding. Often this is painless bleeding and comes out in the toilet bowl water or on toilet paper. Most bright red rectal bleeding is due to hemorrhoids but there is always concern that a rectal cancer could be present. So next time consider a rectal exam by a physician to avoid even more trouble in the future. - 17268

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Diabetic Weight Loss Diets

By Dan Reto

The problems of diabetes can be treated to diminish symptoms if the proper steps are taken. More and more individuals are suffering from diabetes yearly, and it is important for people (both diabetics and non diabetics) to control their eating and exercise habits.

Exercise aids your body in using insulin more effectively so that your bodies' glucose is converted into energy for cells. Now, aside from exercising, as mentioned before, it is essential to keep a healthy diet for diabetics. People with diabetes tend to notice that they gain weight much easier than people who do not have diabetes. No worries though, as there are diets that can help you.

Broadly Speaking, diabetics should try to have around 1200 calories per day. This is just an approximation though, and may vary depending on factors such as age, sex, size, etc It is also important to eat very regularly. Do not go on for more than 3 to 4 hours without eating.

This will help keep your cravings down throughout the day. This is much better than not eating for 10 hours and then end up having an eating rage. On another note, it is crucial to have at least 45 minutes to an hour worth of exercise per day, or at the least 5 times a week (for those who have a busy schedule).

Try to select a diet that is healthy for you. Do not pick something that you know you will not be able to go through with. A diet takes dedication, and realistically, some diets are VERY hard to follow, so make sure it is something you can stick with. It is important to not give up if you do not see results after a couple of weeks. Diets are not meant to show big results within weeks. Diets take time to work, so do not give up! - 17268

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Discover Some Effective Ways to Exercise and Build Muscle Quickly

By Brad Morgan

Some exercises work better than others when your goal is to build muscle. These exercises can help you get the most out of all your workouts.

What are the keys to building muscle and keeping it on?

1. Work complementary muscles with consecutive supersets.

Making your workouts short and intense is the best way to get results. When trying to build muscle, your body responds better to challenging bursts of strenuous activity, not long exercise sessions.

The best way to challenge your muscles is supersetting. This is when you pair two exercises with no rest period in between.

Supersetting involves working two different muscle groups. In between sets, there is a very short rest period. The benefits are that you work more muscle in less time and reduce your risk of injury because the strain any given muscle or tendon is less intense.

When you couple bicep curls with tricep kickbacks, you are performing a superset. Other examples of muscles groups that you can pair include back and chest muscles or quadriceps and hamstrings. You will notice that your workouts become much safer, more efficient, and best of all, you'll see results in your body.

2. Compound exercises increase workout intensity.

When you are trying to build muscle, intensity is the key. While your workouts are short ? not more than 35-40 minutes ? they should be very intense and difficult for your body.

To build muscle even faster, use compound exercises. To complete the move, you need to use more than one muscle. Some examples include:

* Walking lunge with overhead press

* Pushups with side planks

* Pairing squats with overhead presses

* Doing lunges with bicep curls

* Executing pushups with one armed rows

Compound exercises help you improve balance and coordination and functional fitness, as well as reduce your risk of injury. Your workouts will be much more efficient, which means you will see results sooner.

3. Muscle growth requires rest.

While it may seem counterintuitive, muscles actually require rest for growth, development, and retention. This is why rest is so important in your routine.

If you continually strain your muscles with daily workouts or by working the same muscles for more than one day in a row, you are not allowing your muscles to build. In fact, you are sabotaging your own muscle building efforts.

Here is an example of a good workout routine:

* Exercise only three days per week.

* Work a different muscle group during each workout (legs one day, chest, shoulders, and triceps the next, and back and biceps on the final day).

* Build in rest periods.

* Get back to work after resting.

A schedule like this will help your body build muscle and also prevent injury, which can further delay your results.

When you add supersets, compound moves, and rest into your workout, you will be able to build muscle fast. These are the most effective means of increasing your workouts' potency. - 17268

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Do you know what to do when you don't feel like exercising?

By Caleb Lee

Sometime throughout your fitness journey you'll feel like missing out your strength training session.

There could be lots of reasons. You may be pressed for time, you may be unmotivated, you may feel tired or sore from your last session whatever the case, you don't feel like getting off your butt and going to the gym.

It's times like this when you get the opportunity to build your resolve, strength of mind, and "never say die" attitude.

Now is actually is one of those days for me...

My quads are really painful even now from the high intensity tabata protocol I did yesterday on my rest day, plus I didn't get adequate protein to help restore my health.

And I must of ate something bad last night because I puke when I woke up at 4am this morning...

So now I have two options: 1.) skip my strength training session today or 2.) Do the session as planned, but adjust as needed.

What am I going to decide on?

I'm going to do my session as planned and adjust as needed!

So How Can You Get On When You Don't Want It?

When I come in the weight room today, I might notice my warm up sets are feeling extra hard. It could be the weights aren't moving as easily as I wish for.

I'll probably still do my first set at the suggested poundage, however I may have to move away slightly on the next two sets in any case.

Consistency Is The Answer

The answer is I'm going to get in there and carry out my strength training session just like I had planned. Why? Since I know it'll ultimately be the cause of my good health.

Even though I can't perform at maximum it's all right. I'm still getting a TON of other benefits just by keeping fit.

Besides, I'm building the not giving up the habit.

Besides - you'll certainly not going to make steady progress over and over again - you will have great days, not so great days, and downright crappy training days it's completely just a part of the game.

The secret is to complete what you established and bring in the rewards for being consistent. - 17268

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Goji Berries to the Rescue.

By Anne-Marie Pannu

A study from Tufts University in Boston ranks the antioxidant value of commonly eaten fruits and vegetables using an analysis called ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity). This is a test tube analysis that measures the total antioxidant power of foods and other chemical substances

What are antioxidants? They protect agains cellular damage, and oxidation caused by free radicals that are around us every day. They are effective to prevent retinal diseases like macular degen. Some antioxidants that we know of are Vitamin C, E, and beta carotene to name a few. Some people forget that some vitamin antioxidant supplements are very popular but the most important part of the nutrients is in the foods we eat.

Ratings for fruits ORAC units per 100 grams (about 3" ounces) Fruits: Goji Berry- Up to 25,000 ORAC levels, only certain companies look for the best, Prunes -- 5570, Raisins -- 2830, Blueberries -- 2400, Blackberries -- 2036, Strawberries -- 1540, Raspberries -- 1220, Plums -- 949, Oranges -- 750, Red grapes -- 739, Cherries -- 670, Kiwi fruit -- 602, Grapefruit, pink -- 483

Goji Berries (Lycium barbarum) have long played an important role in traditional Eastern medicine, where the berries are primarily renowned for promoting longevity. They are thought to extend the life of a person through their powerful antioxidant action, thereby protecting them from premature aging. They are used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), where they are believed to enhance immune system function, improve eyesight, protect the liver, and improve circulation, among other effects.

Goji berries contain 19 amino acids, including all 8 essential ones, 21 trace minerals, including germanium (anti-cancer, rarely found in foods), 13% protein, a complete spectrum of carotenoids (the richest source of all known foods), vitamins C, B, E, and essential fatty acids. They contain compounds known to be anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and active against all forms of leukemia. In addition, goji contains bioactive polysaccharides - produced by some plants as an extremely effective defense against attack by viruses, bacteria, fungi, soil-borne parasites, cell mutations, toxic pollutants, and environmental free radicals. - 17268

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