Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Cellulite Diet Tips

By El Bilson

Ladies here's what you've been waiting for - some cellulite diet tips and the best foods to incorporate into your diet to get rid of cellulite! To follow a diet that is specifically designed to reduce cellulite does not necessarily revolve around weight loss. It does involve minimizing the foods full of toxins which can lead to cellulite.

With a diet for cellulite, a person needs to include as many iodine rich foods as are available. Among other things, iodine is required for normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Iodine is needed by the thyroid so that it may produce T3 and T4 which are substances required for normal body functions.

It is important to remember that yo-yo dieting is thought to make cellulite worse. When planning a diet for cellulite be prepared to make permanent changes in the foods you eat. Some of these changes will be easy because they are foods that are healthy and you enjoy eating them. The challenge is in avoiding the foods that are not a part of the cellulite diet. Change the foods you eat permanently for long term results in reducing the appearance of your skin.

If you are serious about a cellulite reducing diet, you might consider investing in a juice extractor. These juicers come in a variety of sizes and price ranges. There should be one to fit your needs and within your budget. Vegetable and fruit juices extracted from fresh produce are one of the best ways to get the nutrients the body needs. This can lead to healthy skin and detoxification of the body.

Many of us know we should be regularly consuming water. Water is needed in order to flush out toxins from the organs. It is important to be well hydrated for the body to function correctly. The rule of 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is a good rule of thumb. However if you would like a more personalized requirement amount, you can divide your body weight in pounds by 18. This will give you a daily water consumption requirement.

Eggs, milk and cheese"eggs are high in protein and easy to prepare. Make sure to have them boiled or poached. Stay away from frying them in oil, butter or margarine. Cheese is okay to consume but choose the low fat versions. For example, cottage cheese contains about 4 grams of fat per 100 grams. And regular cheddar cheese contains about 32 grams of fat per 100 grams serving. Milk is high in calcium but a good rule to follow is to always choose skim or 2% milk. Some people feel diary may cause cellulite - you may want to avoid it all together.

Fresh fruits that are water rich such as melon or cantaloupe are great snacks. Due to their high water content, they will aid in the detoxification process. Other fruits to include are bananas, strawberries, grapes and pears. Vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals. Try raw veggies thinly sliced in a salad to add crunch. Since they arent cooked they retain all their nutrients. Vegetables to include are radishes, asparagus, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, leeks, artichokes, turnips, onions, watercress, string beans, mushrooms and lettuce. You can even grow your own veggies in a garden! Look to buy organic fruits and veggies as much as possible. Pesticides can remain in the body and lead to cellulite.

Our bodies need some protein for proper functioning. Always choose lean cuts of meat and make sure to remove any extra fat or skin from poultry or meat. Fish and seafood are iodine rich and contain the omega fatty acids. Omega fatty acids are very beneficial to the skin. Seafood is also high in iodine to boost thyroid functioning. Be sure you try a vegetable source of protein such as soy or tofu. You might enjoy them and they can be used in a variety of recipes.

There are many foods to avoid consuming when on a cellulite diet. These include processed foods such as chips, pretzels, pickles and candy. Also anything with a high salt or sugar content, and large amounts of caffeine should be avoided. I know this is a wide range of the foods available to us - it can be hard to eat healthy! When eating out, ordering a salad is a good choice. You should be aware that most salad dressings at restaurants contain MSG, a high sodium preservative.

If you are taking vitamin supplements for cellulite reduction, always take them with meals for maximum absorption. Be sure to consult your physician before starting a special diet if you are on any medications or have special health concerns. - 17268

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How To Get A Flat Stomach With Exercise

By Jose Loni

The secret as to how to get a flat stomach the right way? Exercise. Daily physical activity, high intensity training, and training in bursts of energy are all what's needed to get a flat stomach the right way. Engaging in these types of activities starves our muscles of oxygen, which kick starts our metabolism and fat burning ability into high gear.

The goal is to build and develop muscles through exercise. The more lean body mass that we have, the more calories are used up as energy from our food intake, as well as from excess body fat, since muscles need more fuel to function.

Regular physical workouts are necessary to spur our body to maintain a higher degree of metabolic activity in order to meet the greater demands of increased activity. The more disciplined and active we are, the more our body maintains its increased metabolic rate.

An intensive workout is determined by training within our target heart rate zone. Training within that intensity will yield the best results because our body is made to work harder, allowing us to get a flat stomach faster.

Programs that incorporate interval training have been shown to increase the body's metabolic activity and force the body to adapt to the intense training session. The body must generate so much force and exert so much energy, that the muscles demand more energy from the body. The result of which is the increased breakdown of excess fat in the body to provide fuel to the muscles used in the activity.

In addition, using weights while doing this type of training burns fat even more effectively. Our muscles work harder when weights are used in rapid bursts, and then letting them rest and recover. When we repeat this cycle a few times, the muscles will get hungry for more fuel in order to sustain the intense training.

All these exercises cause the muscles to go into oxygen debt. This means there is more carbon dioxide in the muscles than there is oxygen, which leads to more lactic acid in the muscles. The resulting imbalance now spurs the body to increase its oxygen supply to clear away the lactic acid and help the muscles recover, at the same time, raising metabolism.

Through regular exercise, training with increased intensity during our exercise programs, and incorporating interval training, our body will adapt to the metabolic changes that resulted from the increased training. As a result, the body becomes a very efficient fat burning machine that will give you a flat stomach. - 17268

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Pizza -Are Your Choices Run of The Mill or Exotic?

By Claudia Venanzetti

If you are like me you can stare at your pizza coupons stuck to your refrigerator door for seemingly hours, not being able to choose the pizza you want? That would be especially true if you are very hungry and you want one of each, or if you have children.

Having a group of people deciding, especially when they are kids involved makes it exponentially harder. Sometimes more is not merrier at all.

In your house you probably have some definite favorites as far as toppings go. Did you ever wonder how average, or shall we say normal your family is when it comes to pizza toppings? What are the favorite pizza toppings ion the US? Well, the gold metal comes as no surprise...

It's the old standby, pepperoni. Something like 25% of all pizzas sold in the United States are pepperoni and cheese pizzas. Sausage is in second place, which again should be no surprise to most people. And you can probably guess number three, too. That's right, it's mushrooms. And about 70% of pizza places use canned mushrooms, not fresh ones. Most people ordering pizza seem to prefer the canned, although fresh mushrooms are gaining in popularity.

After that come the veggies (assuming you don't count mushrooms as a vegetable.) Onion is a popular choice for a lot of people, coming in number four on the list. Olives are number five, with black olives being more popular than green olives by about two to one.

After these top five pizza toppings, it's pretty much a tie for the bottom half of the top ten. Ham, bacon, peppers, hamburger, and tomatoes round out the list. Just for fun, make a note of this list, and the next time you whip out your pizza coupons to order for the whole family, see how your family's topping choices fit in. - 17268

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Burn the Fat and Feed the Muscle Review

By Martin Knight

I am tired of all the hype and bull around miracle diets!

Ever feel like you're the unwitting pawn in a corporate greed tug-of-war??

On one side, you have the vested interests that push every kind of junk food and fast food ever created...

who all want to sell you, and sell you, and sell you again, on their latest flab building "food."

On the other side we have one "miracle" diet product after another, which, by the way, do NOTHING to help you lose weight and EVERYTHING to make you feel so discouraged you just want to give up and go pig out on more junk food!

Aren't you sick and tired of all this bull????

That is why I have sworn to NEVER EVER go on another miracle diet...

...because diets do not work!

What is the point of losing 20 pounds, and then gaining 30?

I know that the ONE and ONLY thing that does work is to IGNORE everyone who is trying to make money by telling you what diets to eat and what supplements to take...

...and find someone who ALREADY LOOKS the way YOU want to look...

...and learn what THEY do to look that way!

Doesn't that make sense?

It sure does to me.

I work at Fitness-Programs-Review where we test fitness programs to find the fitness programs that ACTUALLY WORK.

So I went on a quest to find SOMEONE who can tell me for a FACT what works and what doesn't when it comes to losing fat, gaining muscle and looking and feeling GREAT.

There are plenty of people out there who CLAIM they can do this......and almost none who can back up what they say.

Most diet and fitness programs do not work. They just give you silly advice about exercising regularly and repeat what they've heard others say..."Burn more calories then you take lots of veggies...avoid fat and carbs....blah blah blah."

If this advice was enough, we'd ALL be slender, shapely and fabulous.

I did find a couple of programs that sounded promising, but I had to wonder why the authors weren't showing off their own bodies.

Didn't they follow their own advice?

So I said NO to those.

Of course, I also used objective criteria to evaluate if these programs worked. This included: lots of happy customers, a money back guarantee, an inexpensive price, a low return rate, credentials of the author, and no ridiculous claims.

In the end, only 4 programs passed out of 48 tested fitness programs.

All of these 4 programs are excellent, and 1 stood out as my favorite.

If you went to this site right now and look at the author's photo....

I think you would agree with me...

3.7% body fat!!

Now here's someone who is following his own advice, which means his advice is worth following. Since he looked quite different before, following his advice can help you change your body.

We also found that his program does not make outlandish claims, is filled with usable information, has lots of happy customers, doesn't cost very much, does not require a gym membership, and even though it is unconditionally guaranteed, only 3% of his customers have asked for their money back. In short, the program works.

But how did he learn the secrets to looking like THAT??

It seems he's been working at it for 14 years, perfecting a system that works not just for him, but also for the people he teaches it to.

Where did he get his facts?

From competitive natural bodybuilders and fitness models.

These are people who HAVE TO look good for a living.

Notice, he studied "Fitness" models. He did not study anorexic or drug ingesting fashion models.

These are people paid to look fantastic but also HEALTHY, not anorexic.

I bet I'm going to get letters on that last comment. ;-)

Anyway, if you want to know how to do something, find someone who is already doing it, and do what they do.


And Tom Venuto is, frankly, OBSESSED with bodybuilding, fitness and nutrition.

He's spent almost his entire adult life studying everything on nutrition he could get his hands on, trying every diet ever created.

That's how he found out for himself that diets and weight loss supplements are a total waste of time and money, and can even be detrimental to your health and cause you to GAIN weight, not lose it.

Based on his research of what DOES work using the secret techniques of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models, Tom has developed his own complete fat burning system.

...and it comes with a full 56 day money back guarantee.

Meaning if it should turn out that Tom's Burn the Fat and Feed the Muscle DOESN'T deliver on his promises of showing us how to get a gorgeous body like his, we get our money back.

Can't beat a deal like that!

P.S. You'll notice a loooong list of bullet points on the home page at Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle.

Here are my 5 favorites:

...these alone are worth the price of the entire course!

--How to almost INSTANTLY boost your energy levels higher than you ever thought possible, starting from day one...

--How to eat 50% more while storing NONE of it as fat...

--The worst twelve foods you should avoid like the plague...

--The top twelve wonder foods you should eat all the time...

--How to be practically "hypnotized" into eating properly and working out consistently... No willpower required!

You can go read the bullet points to find your favorites...

... or begin your journey to lean, muscular and sexy right now... - 17268

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Quick Abs - What You Eat and What You Do

By Jose Loni

We hear of all these ab exercises, fad diets and machines that promise you great abs. To get quick abs, just focus on diet plus exercise. By having a balance between what we eat and regular exercise, we can get quick results.

Diet plus exercise are the keys to getting quick abs. By controlling what we eat, we ensure that our body will not store any more fat. Then by increasing our exercise activity to affect our metabolism, the body will burn more body fat and make the abs more visible.

The food we choose to consume contributes to the quality of fuel our body burns. Eating lean proteins, complex carbohydrates and fibrous foods allow our body to burn energy more efficiently, whereas, sugary, fatty foods overload our systems. As a result, not all the calories are burnt off and now remain in our body as fat.

Having small, frequent meals in a day helps control caloric intake and keeps us from feeling fatigued. Digesting these meals also uses up more energy so there are more chances to use up excess body fat.

When we work out regularly, our body's metabolism starts increasing and begins to use up more stored calories during the workout period as well hours after the session. This means the body is now more efficient at burning fat.

Workouts that involve almost the whole body like lunges, pushups, squats and chin ups are the best ones to do because they use up more energy when executed properly as compared to just doing leg lifts or bicep curls.

High intensity exercises using intervals or weights makes the body work harder because the muscles have to function even with lower oxygen content. The body now has to continually use up energy to restock with oxygen, repair and remove waste from the muscles leading to greater body fat loss.

What you eat and what you do are major factors to getting great abs quickly. A balanced diet but no physical activity will not let you burn fat and reveal those abs. The reverse is true as well. The key is to balance these 2 factors out. Only then can you get flat abs quickly. - 17268

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Is The Mediterranean Diet Healthy

By Ron George

The Mediterranean diet is a diet based on consuming the foods individuals who live in the Mediterranean basin eat. The Mediterranean basin includes portions of Italy, France, and even the Sahara Desert a generally mild winters with long, hot summers.

The most known form of the Mediterranean diet was created in the mid-1990s by a Harvard health professor named Walter Willett. The diet calls for regular physical activity, along with abundant plant food, fresh fruit as a dessert, olive oil, dairy products, fish and poultry, up to four eggs each week, red meat in small amounts, and wine.

The fat in this diet is controlled, only up to 35% of calories, saturated fat at less than 8% of total calories. For this reason it's categorized as a low fat, high fiber diet. It became popular in the 1990's, but the Mediterranean diet has been around since 1945.

The Mediterranean diet substitutes olive oil in place of animal fats used by many Americans. Olive oil is known to lower cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as blood sugar and blood pressure. Studies show that olive oil helps prevent ulcers and is an effective treatment for certain types of ulcers, as well as important for preventing cancer. Antioxidant elements in red wine, an important part of the Mediterranean diet, are also beneficial.

The Mediterranean diet is really a series of diets partially recommended by the American Heart Association. The association is uneasy about the high amount of fat in the Mediterranean diet. The AHA points to the growing obesity problem in the Mediterranean region.

The AHA does take comfort in the fact that mono saturated fats such as those found in olive oil don't raise cholesterol levels. It could be that increased health in the basin comes from increased physical activity, rather than from diet.

A Google search is a great source of information on the Mediterranean diet. - 17268

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Neutrogena Anti-Wrinkle Cream for Youthful-Looking Skin

By Jodi Nephali

As you age, your skin will inevitably develop the characteristics which will make you look older. You'll find that crow's feet will start forming around your eyes, lines will develop around your mouth, and you'll also start seeing dark under-eye circles and age spots. No one wants to see this happening to them, because on the inside they still feel young. If you feel a shock when you look in the mirror and see the telltale signs that you're growing older, then you undoubtedly would like to find a way to reverse the trend and give your skin back that healthy glow it had when you were young. This is a time when Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream with Retinol will create visible results.

You'll want to use a product that contains Retinol, because it has been clinically proven to work deep in the skin to reduce the occurrence of wrinkles, creases, lines, and age spots. Neutrogena Healthy Skin contains this important ingredient as well as vitamins B5 and E and additional moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated, smooth, and supple. As you get older, your body no longer produces the natural oils that help keep skin moist, so the skin gets dry. Dry skin is prone to more wrinkles and will look old much sooner than skin that is kept adequately moisturized.

The creamy, non-greasy formula with which Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream is made is absorbed easily into the skin. It makes a perfect base to either wear alone or under make-up. It can take up to 8 weeks of applications before you'll see any results, but be patient and they will come. In the meantime, if you've purchased the cream that contains SPF 15, you'll be effectively protecting your face from the damaging effects of exposure to sun.

Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream is also available in an intensive night cream formula. Although the tube you get seems small, it will actually last you up to 2 months. You only need to use a drop the size of a pearl to get all the effects this product can give you. If you have sensitive skin you'll like the fact that there are no oils, fragrances, or dyes in this cream to cause you skin irritation. You'll also enjoy the fact that the cream is very lightweight to wear, and it's guaranteed not to clog your pores.

If you need further proof that this is the right anti-wrinkle cream for you, consider the fact that it is the #1 product that includes Retinol recommended by dermatologists. Although many of the age-defying creams that are available have never been clinically-proven, Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream has been given a great deal of testing and is known to work as it claims to. If you do an online search, you'll find many positive comments left by customers who say they couldn't live without their cream. If all these people are impressed by what this anti-aging cream can do for them, don't you think you should give it a try? - 17268

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Product Review for the Montage Premier Massage Chair

By Steve Esquire

Omega Massage has a full line of massage chairs with effective massage therapy. This review will take a look at their best massage chair, the Montage Premier. The Montage Premier boasts some of the most comprehensive therapies built into a massage chair recliner. This review and evaluation takes an in depth look at the advanced features and functions of the Montage Premier as well as touching on the warranty coverage.

We will first go through the warranty coverage with the Montage Premier massage chair. Omega gives you 5 years protection from defects on the frame. You get 3 years coverage for both parts and labor. Free shipping of parts is provided for the first year of ownership. You also get 90 days of in house technician service. This is certainly comprehensive warranty coverage provided by the manufacturer.

So let us take a look at the features and functions of the Montage Premier. When you start an automatic program, the massage chair will make a body scan of your back. It takes a reading of the position of your neck and shoulders and also maps your acupressure points. All of this information is feed into the chair's computer. The program is then adjusted based on the readings of each individual for a truly customized massage treatment.

There is a vast array of massage techniques available in the Montage Premier. There are 5 one-touch automatic programs, 4 manual massage techniques and 6 back and shoulder massage courses. The 5 automatic programs have certain themes like nighttime, relaxation, activation which tailor the massage for particular results. One very unique massage is the upper neck and the shoulder and neck massage. You can pinpoint these areas with your favorite technique for soothing relief.

Your lower body is in for a treat with the Montage Premier. Omega incorporates an air massage system driven by an air compressor. The air compressor feeds strategically placed and specially designed air bags. The air bags are placed throughout the massage chair to target the hand, arms, buttocks, hips, calves and feet. The intensity of the air massage can be tailored to four different levels. The compression style massage is excellent for relieving soreness in the lower body.

Omega created the Montage Premier to provide a massage chair that can fit taller individuals. This massage recliner can fit people up to six foot six and weighing up to 300 pounds. This is the first and only massage chair that really fits people taller than five foot eleven. This is certainly a breakthrough for taller individuals who have had to seriously compromise with the massage chair recliners of the past.

One innovative feature integrated into the Montage Premier is Omega's exclusive Footflex technology. The Footflex is a combination of a soothing foot massage complimented with a reflexology massage. Airbags are used to focus on both the heel and the arch to stretch and soothe the feet. Reflexology nodes are used to stimulate the trigger points in the feet which help to relax the rest of your body.

The Montage Premier comes with some vital extra functions to compliment the arsenal of massage therapy. It has lower body traction to stretch out the legs. To relax your mind, an MP3 player is built in and comes with headphones. Tune out the world and relax your mind. The Montage comes with full body heat with individual heater controls for the back, seat and leg rest. You can even synchronize the massage movements to the tempo of your music with the music-sync function.

When you add it all up, the Montage Premier is simply hard to beat. You get the most comprehensive warranty coverage. There is a virtual arsenal of massage therapies and treatments to choose from. You can target many regions of your back including the upper and lower neck. The Footflex technology provides and outstanding foot massage for soothing relief. You get a lower body traction system to stretch out the legs. There is a music player to create a total relaxation environment of your own. The Montage Premier is certainly one of the best massage chairs available on the market today. - 17268

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Acne Remedy Tips - The Natural Choice

By DC. Clayton

Whether you are twelve years old or forty years old, there is nothing fun about dealing with acne. With all of the products out there on the market claiming to be the very best, there is no telling which way a person should turn for a proper acne remedy. No one likes adding harsh chemicals to their face with only a chance of seeing any improvements with their blemishes. The perfect way to get rid of acne is something that many people strive to find.

If you are researching an acne cure using an organic method, what you will find may surprise you. There are many holistic treatments that can relieve an acne problem. Take the black currant seed. It can be used in a capsule form that the user ingests three times a day. The general dosage is five hundred milligrams in a capsule. Evening primrose oil is another capsule which taken in the same amount can produce striking results.

There are numerous flora and fauna that can be found to help reduce acne. Since there are different types of results for each person, it takes some time to find the perfect cream or mixture. Tea, nettles, cleavers tincture, and other natural ingredients of the earth have been tested and are known to solve the issue of acne. It should not surprise you there are certain causes of acne that natural ingredients can help reduce. Stress for example can excrete sweat and other chemicals of the body which can clog pores, thus increasing acne. By finding a treatment for stress, you might find a cure for your blemishes.

Chamomile or the scent of lavender has often been used to reduce stress. Both ingredients can be found in teas or fragrances. You can always try other products on your search for a natural treatment. Vitamins can sometimes help you naturally reduce your acne issues.

Zinc has been found to be a strong fighter in the battle against acne. It can be one of the most beneficial ways to gain control over acne and provide an acne cure. Taking Zinc every day can not only help clear up your acne problems, but it can also be very healing to your skin.

Chromium is another natural chemical your body has been known to produce. If you are not producing enough, you might consider adding a little to your diet. Chromium breaks down a substance called glucose. As you may know, glucose or sugar is definitely a factor in blemishes. B-6 at 50 milligrams per day is also a vitamin to add to your regimen. Vitamins are used for more than just solving a little issue with acne. They are to help you maintain a healthy existence.

When you search for an acne treatment to help reduce zits, consider a natural treatment. You do not have to deal with your problem of acne for more years than you already have. There are just too many treatments to try and find one that will be successful to give up and live with the problem. You have to keep in mind that what works for one of your friends may not work for you. Do not let a small set back keep you from finding the right solution.

The key to using any organic acne remedy is consistency. It takes a combination of things to relieve the problems of acne and it won't happen overnight, but it will happen. You need to stay hydrated with a lot of water, eat a balanced meal, and try the natural acne treatments that have been discussed. Once you have the ideal regimen, you can count on having beautiful acne free skin. - 17268

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Exercise Videos - Pros and Cons

By Jose Loni

Exercise videos are here to stay. We like them because they make our lives easier, are inexpensive, and allow us the privacy to ease into a healthy lifestyle at our own pace. But what are pros for others become a major con for some especially those who need a more social environment to keep them going.

Remember the Jane Fonda exercise video craze? Or how about Suzanne Somers? And who can forget Richard Simmons?

Nowadays, there's belly dancing, pilates, yoga, tae bo the list goes on. No doubt exercise videos have made their mark on us that's why they are still around.

First on the pro list is convenience. Exercise videos don't require much trouble and effort on our part. We don't even need to leave our homes and get hassled driving or dealing with the weather, traffic, parking, and gym sales staff. Just clear a space, press play and workout anytime.

What about the cost of the workouts? At an average of U$20 per video, doing the video 3x a week for 2 months gets you back its retail cost. But gym memberships entail a bigger lump sum output with hidden costs like gas, parking and drive time.

Then there are those who are still trying to get used to the routine of a workout. For many, the exercise movements may be awkward especially for those who are overweight. Some can't get into the positions, while others can't last the number of sets required. Others are self-conscious and embarrassed to show up in their camouflage workout clothes as compared to the regular lulu lemon gym rats.

That said, there are the social butterflies who like the interaction they get in gyms. They prefer real time feedback from their instructors and look for encouragement and support from their peers. In fact, the setting inspires them to achieve their goals.

There are definitely benefits and consequences to exercise videos. Convenience, cost, self-image and social interaction are all factors that affect our choice, but whatever we decide to go with, the most important thing is to be aware of these factors so we can make the best choice for us. - 17268

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At What Age Can You Drink Acai Berry?

By Carter Sinclair

Acai berry is a very healthy fruit that contains many beneficial minerals and vitamins. There is no age at which you cannot eat fruits and vegetables. Medication is measured by body mass and age but fruits and vegetables aren't. The Acai berry contains many nutrients that adults and children can benefit from.

Man locals to Brazil and the Amazons have ate Acai berries in their meals to have a healthy nutritious diet. Acai berry is used for many different purposes even as juices and drinks. Acai is also used for the locals medicinal purposes because of all its healthy qualities. It is very good for the elderly to take Acai berry because it contains so many nutrients.

There are no side effects to Acai berry. The reason some have reported side effects from Acai is because they are not getting the organic natural version of Acai they are experiencing these side effects from pills and supplements with additional additives. Many are adding acai to the ingredient list of weight loss and health products just because Acai is so beneficial and they just want the name on the label.

Acai berry is very save and healthy for all types of ages. There are some pills in the diet market that mix acai berry with gurana and this isn't suggested for youngsters. Gurana is a supplement that is a stimulant and suppressant. All natural and pure acai does not have the negative side effects like thses for your teenagers(s). Acai has been proven to improve your health and fitness.

Acai contains a very high antioxidant count that helps to fight off harmful free radicals. Acai berry benefits include " a healthier immune system, better bodily functioning, and improvement to your focus and energy.

The only disadvantage is that acai only grows naturally in the Amazon and Brazil and it would take more than a day before the crates reach us. Acai fruit loses most of its goodness in 24 hours, this is why it is essential that they are already processed fresh after picking. This process - called freeze drying - is the only way to keep the healthy substances of the acai intact. - 17268

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Using Melatonin to Help You Fall Sleep

By Mark Sanderlix

Thinking back to when I was a kid, I think I've always had some form of a sleeping disorder. Mild as it may be, I've always had a hard time falling asleep at a reasonable time; most nights I can't get to sleep before midnight. While this helps the ratings of all the late night cable shows, it certainly doesn't help me perform at my best in the morning if I haven't gotten enough sleep. From school classes to work meetings, if I'm not well rested in the morning, I can't do my best and perform at the highest level. I've tried many solutions for this, from drugs from the drug store, to powdered drink mixes, to changing the area around me to be more conducive to sleep; nothing has provided anywhere near the results, without all the nasty side effects, as melatonin.

If you are like most people, your first choice for getting to sleep is probably either TheraFlu or NyQuil. Most people already have these in their homes, anyway, so its easy to just take one or the other as both are very effective at putting you to sleep. The problem with these, for me, is that there are also drugs in them to help with a cough, headache, sore throat, or stuffy nose since these aren't made for sleep alone. That meant that these weren't a good, long-term solution for me. So, then I started investigating things like Tylenol PM, but I didn't like that they weren't an 'all natural' product. I didn't want to rely on a drug that wasn't naturally occurring in my body already.

I also tried just changing my surroundings. Experts recommend removing the TV for your bedroom, so I tried that. Unfortunately, it didnt help me fall asleep any easier. I still ended up sleeping around the same time it was just a lot more painful because the TV wasnt there to help the pain go by. I tried playing light music, but that didnt help, either. I just kept thinking to myself what artist played it, or what instruments were being used, etc. I came to the conclusion that changing the surroundings didnt help me with getting to sleep.

This all changed after a night at a little get-together. I overheard two women talking about sleeping problems, and how one of them was using Melatonin to help her fall asleep easier. I was excited to hear this, I hadn't heard of Melatonin before, but she was going on and on about how it was a natural substance that is in your body anyway and that it does a great job of easing you into sleep without any ill side effects that she could think of. I decided that I must try melatonin as soon as possible.

Immediately after the get-together I went straight to a twenty-four hour drug store. I really had to try Melatonin for myself. I searched and search but was unable to find it; after asking for assistance, I eventually found it in the Herbal Supplements section (not with the other sleeping pills). I bought a small bottle of a small dosage of melatonin and set out to give it a try the next day. I ended up taking it the next day about an hour before I was ready to fall asleep and sure enough, 45 minutes later I got that feel that I was "ready to go to bed". I was tired, but not knocked out. The melatonin eased me into sleep, and I slept great through the night and woke up feeling refreshed and rejuvinated. I didn't experience any side effects, such as grogginess or waking up in the middle of the night. I was so happy to find what felt to me like a miracle. I've taken melatonin many nights since then, and all had the same great result.

Since melatonin was working so well for me, I decided to do a little digging online to make sure it was safe. The first tip I have is to take a small dosage, the smallest you can find. In my case, that is 3mg. Many experts believe even 3mg is too much at once, so be very careful before ever using a dosage larger than that. Next, ensure that the melatonin you take is 'created in a lab' and not 'harvested naturally'. The natural stuff may actual contain bacteria or toxins that you shouldn't put in your body. Finally, it is very important that you consult your doctor first before taking melatonin.

My results from melatonin, as you can see, have been excellent. The supplement works very well at what it is supposed to do, and that is to ease you into a good night of sleep. Once it does its work, your body can take over and do the rest such as keeping you asleep and then waking you up after you are rested. Don't become depended or addicted to melatonin, I suggest you only use it occasionally as I do. - 17268

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