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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Weight Loss Success Tips

By Chris Robinson

Many fail to lose their weight consistently. Typically, those are individuals that try every new-coming slimming strategy hoping to succeed at last, but normally success pass them by.

The main reason for the failure for many is that they are blind to their own mistakes. Wrong doing isn't noticed and same mistakes are repeated. It's normal for each of us; we don't see things that we dislike.

Bellow you will find 5 things that should help you to make first steps to successful weight loss.

1) Keep track of everything you eat by writing it down.

Many think that their diet is healthy enough but are wondering why they can't lose weight, not a single pound. To find that out, start writing down everything you eat. Get a notebook and start writing.

Everything should be there - sweets, tiny piece of cake, pizza leftover and even thin slice of salami should be added to your list. After running through your list you will be surprised how many diet "friendly" products there can appear.

2) Drink only when you're thirsty and eat only when you're hungry.

Every time you want to eat or drink something ask yourself: "Why am I doing this?" Possible answers from many could be: because you're tired, bored, excited, sad, happy; only answers that are accepted should be "because you're hungry or thirsty". Do something else if you are not hungry but don't eat and same is with thirst and drinking.

3) Do not starve yourself.

From the first view it looks correct; body weight increased because you ate too much and doing complete opposite you will start losing weight. Unfortunately it's wrong. First point against starvation is that you will break sooner or later and then you will eat what you can get (anything). Second thing is that our bodies know how to survive and in the case of emergency they will switch into a power saving mode saving energy and using less of it.

Forget about starvation and start eating healthy meals. Have 3 (better 5) well balanced meals every day and drink plenty of water. Your usual unhealthy snacks replace by healthy options like nuts or fruits and vegetables.

4) Have a treat.

Don't exclude your favourite foods from your diet completely but treat yourself with them, once a week let's say. Remember of moderation of course and don't forget that you're on a diet. This will help you to keep going and you won't feel that bad and depressed.

5) And exercising of course.

There is no healthy weight loss without the exercising and you won't be an exception. Don't get scared by that word. Start small and slow. Five minutes a day for the beginner is completely acceptable. Increase that exercising time by another 5 minutes every week and soon you will do your 30 minutes or even more. - 17268

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Acai Berry Juice Can Sustain the World

By Dr. Tim S. Hollingshead

Before the arrival of the diminutive purple acai fruit and much less the knowledge of such to the United States, and more broadly the entire world the people of the Amazon Basin have enjoyed its life sustaining power. Now these local river dwellers or "Riberinhos" are enjoying a new sustaining force from the acai: economic sustenance. The indigenous Amazonians are not wafer thin from consuming the acai but rather hearty and healthy. They eat acai because it is a readily available source of protein, fiber, fatty acids Omega 6 & 9, polyphenols, plant sterols, and immune powerhouse anthocyanins. To them it is a complete food source. Acai has been a staple to their diets for years.

The first knowledge of acai are found recorded in the history books by early explorers and scientists. In 1768 the botanists Joseph Banks accompanied Captain Cook on his legendary voyage around the Pacific Rim. The Scientists that made the expedition to Brazil were interested in what foods the natives consumed. Banks made an entry into his journal dating back to December of 1768, where he documented the newly discovered Acai berry as a fruit eaten by the natives. He records in his journal that the "Acai palm berries (that) appear much like black grapes but for eating have scarce any pulp covering a very large stone."

Portuguese explorers of the 18th and 19th century regularly visited the same Amazon region explored by Cook and Banks. Before the days of photography drawings were made during such journeys to better document and capture their discoveries. Drawings made during a journey through the Amazon flood plains by these intrepid Portuguese explorers. These drawings that were made during a 1791 expedition into the Amazon depicted Amazonian natives making their living along the banks of the river's tributaries.

One of the drawings made during this expedition depicted a native who was holding Acai berries in one hand while standing next to a basket full of them at his feet. This practice is still used today to harvest the acai. The Acai palm trees were also depicted in the background of the illustration.

William Henry Edwards, who was a well-known entomologist (a studier of insects), naturalist, and explorer, wrote a book entitled "A Voyage up the River Amazon". In his book he describes a common scene of that time along the streets of Belem in the state of Para, Brazil. "Everywhere are seen about the streets young women, blacks or Indians, bearing upon their heads large trays of doces, or sweetmeats and cakes, for sale. These things are made by their mistresses, and are thus marketed. Nor do the first ladies of the city consider it beneath their dignity thus to traffic, and we heard of some notable examples where the money received for the doces had accumulated to independent fortunes. From similar large trays, other women are huckstering every variety of vegetables or fruits; and not unfrequently meets the ear the cry of as-sy-ee, the last syllable prolonged to a shrill scream. What assai may be we shall soon explain."

"From various palm-fruits are prepared substances in great request among different classes of people; but most delightful of all is that from the Euterpe edulis, known as assai, or, more familiarly, as was-sy-ee'. This palm grows to a height of from thirty to forty feet, with a stem scarcely larger than one's arm. From the top a number of long leaves, their webs cut, as it were, into narrow ribbons, are waving in the wind. Below the leaves one, two, and rarely three stems put forth, at first enclosed in a spatha or sheath, resembling woven bark. This falling off, there is disclosed a tree-like stalk with divergent limbs in every direction, covered with green berries, the size of marbles; these soon turn purple, and are fully ripe. Flocks of parrots and other fruit-loving birds, are first to discover them; but there are too many for even the birds. The fruit is covered by a thick skin, beneath which, embedded in a very slight pulp, is the stone. Warm water is poured on to loosen the skin, and the berries are briskly rolled together in a large vessel. The stones are thrown out, the liquid is strained off the skins, and there is left a thick, cream-like substance of a purple colour. To a stranger the taste is usually disagreeable, but soon it becomes more prized than all fruits beside, and is as much a necessity as one's dinner."

As I have walked the streets of the city of Belem and the historic open air market "Ver-O-Peso", which means literally to "see the weight". I can easily imagine these early explorers coursing up the Amazon and learning of this remarkable fruit from the Indians. In fact I have eaten fresh Acai from an "Acaizeiro" or acai shop within a stones' throw of this incredible market. It is prepared as a purple porridge with the consistency of yogurt or pudding with a taste that is raw and similar to avocado. It is not naturally sweet so it takes adding some honey or sugar to make it taste good. The market place comes alive well before the break of day with everything from fresh fish brought out of the Amazon River to the fruits from the surrounding jungles to the handmade wares all arriving and put on display at the individual booths under the canvas tarps. The sights and smells are unforgettable with strange prehistoric looking fish and brightly colored fruits at every turn. Then there are the rows and rows of woven bushel baskets brimming with the purple acai berries, the new gold of the Amazon.

Acai fruit has been consumed for centuries in Brazil. It has only been within the last century that Acai was made available outside the Amazon Basin for consumption within the country. Most sources cite Rio de Janeiro and the "Carioca's" as being responsible for making Acai popular in Brazil. The most common form of acai found here is in sorbets, ice creams, jellies and juices. The Acai fruit is so delicate that only the "Riberinhos" get to enjoy it fresh. From Rio Acai traveled south into Sao Paulo the business capital of Brazil and from there the rest of the country and ultimately world.

About 10 to 12 years ago Acai made its way into the USA and was commercialized by a couple of surfers who had enjoyed the tasty purple pudding while on a surfing safari off the coast of Fortaleza. Acai is now available more widely in a juice form and or sorbet in the U.S. In some places it is possible to get acai as a jam or jelly. Acai is now available worldwide. The popularity of this fruit was brought to light on a talk show in the United States hosted by Oprah Winfrey. On a particular episode her guest was Dr. Oz who spoke highly of the health benefits of acai and the juice while not endorsing any one company. Since then many companies have popped up including Multilevel Marketing companies selling expensive fruit juice blends with acai and weight loss pills claiming to contain acai. The most credible of U.S. based acai products are available in juice form from reputable retail vendors. Only one Acai juice is endorsed and promoted by a doctor and that is Dr. Tim's Brazilian Acai. More doctors recommend this particular brand because of its high quality and the benefits reported by their patients.

Acai berry is a remarkable fruit for many reasons because it has physically sustained generations of Amazonian Indian tribes throughout the centuries and now potentially the world. The supply of acai is endless as it grows throughout the entire Amazon Basin. Its only real threat is the illegal logging activity and the old slash and burn techniques that are now outlawed. But with the world clamoring for more of this purple power the tiny acai fruit has the potential to economically sustain the Amazon region but also protect and sustain the rain forest. - 17268

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Nitric Oxide Supplements For Bodybuilding

By Tom Cruz

A number of studies have been done that show the effects of nitric oxide supplements. They have been shown to have several benefits for bodybuilders. Still, you should be aware of some things before you begin taking them.

Bodybuilders have been using nitric oxide products for several years now, in order to increase the blood flow in the body. This will get essential nutrients to the muscles a lot faster, enlarging them and reducing the inflammation and pain that often occurs when they come under stress.

When taking any kind of nitric oxide supplement a person should follow the dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer for the simple reason that these contain amino acids. Therefore the chances of a person actually overdosing on these supplements can actually occur. Also if too much of these supplements are taken it can lead to various side effects including diarrhea, nausea and weakness in some people. Therefore when first taking such products including Niox which although states a preferred amount that a person should be taking instead each person should carry out tolerance mapping instead. What this then means is that they take a small dose of the supplement for a week and note down any side effects as well as benefits that they feel it has provided to them. Then you should slowly increase the amount you are taking until you get to a stage where the benefits outweigh side effects completely.

After a while you will reach a point where the side effects and benefits meet and this will show you what your ideal dose is. If you are already taking a protein supplement for building muscle mass you should be aware that these also contain amino acids. If you plan on taking nitric oxide supplements you may want to cut back on your protein intake slightly in order to avoid ingesting too many amino acids.

At all times when taking any form of supplement and not just those that are there to help increase the production of nitric oxide in the body you should discuss the matter with your doctor first. - 17268

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What Can Sulfur Do To Help Me Overcome Easy Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you have decided that you want to end your bruising easily, you will almost surely conclude that sulfur might be the solution that you are looking for. Some people's only knowledge of sulfur is from the "sulfur and brimstone" context, but it might surprise you to learn that this stinky substance can be so beneficial as part of a bruise treatment. Try to learn what benefits sulfur can provide you for preventing bruises, and you will find that there is a great deal that this substance can do for you if you will learn how to add it to your regimen.

The first thing that you should consider when you are thinking about using sulfur as a bruise treatment is what sulfur really is. For instance, many people are not aware that sulfur is actually a nonmetallic element that can be found in many different things. When you are looking at the ways that you might run into it normally, you will find that it is often used as sulfates and sulfides in industry. Also keep in mind, though that it shows up often in our day to day life. Despite its bad reputation, you will find that sulfur is actually odorless; it is only when it mixes with hydrogen or oxygen that it can create a bad smell. Hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide are both regular offenders.

If you have decided to add more sulfur in your life, beneficial sulfur can be found in certain types of foods and in dietary supplements. An important type of sulfur to consider for use in healing bruises is called Bromelain, which is contained in a wide variety of fruits, especially pineapples. Bromelain contains enzymes which contain sulfur, and these sulfur enzymes will actually digest the blood that seeps subcutaneously forming bruises. Remember that a bruise is formed by blood pooling beneath your skin, and the more rapidly the blood is removed from the site, the quicker the bruise is going to vanish, and the quicker you can avoid those irritatingly concerned stares from your family and friends.

Another form of sulfur that can be instrumental as part of a regimen designed for bruise treatment and prevention is going to be Methylsulfonylmethane, which is often abbreviated to MSM. This substance is known to help people recover from soft tissue injuries, and these are what you need to worry about when you are bruising a great deal. It will also act as an anti-inflammatory, which will bring down any swelling or redness that might be part of the bruising process. These are the two varieties of sulfur that are going to help you overcome your bruising easily.

When you are looking for foods that contain sulfur, look for pineapple and garlic. While there are many more foods that contain sulfur, these two are great for this purpose. You should also consider the use of sulfur supplements. Always read any warnings about sulfur supplements, and if you are still nervous about it, consult your doctor.

Why make frequent trips to your local health food store to buy these two forms of sulfur just so you then can try to figure out just the right amount to add to your daily routine in hopes of overcome your tendency to bruise easily. You should consider a better approach of following an all natural, daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned. The Bruises Be Banned program contains both varieties of sulfur in proper amounts and other essential vitamins and nutrients formulated precisely to help you reduce bruising easily. - 17268

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Treadmill Versus The Elliptical Machine, Which One A Better Option?

By Paul Philips

Every time I go to the gym, which is never as often as I'd like, I end up spending about a half an hour doing cardio exercises.

There are many reasons that I enjoy doing this. Aside from the health benefits and the fact that it's a surefire fat burner, I experience some other benefits as well. Most notably, I simply feel better and more productive throughout the course of any given day whenever I've run.

After listing those benefits, I have to wonder why I don't exercise like this every day!

One thing that I've gone back and forth about recently is whether I'm better off using the treadmill or an elliptical machine as a means of getting my exercise in. Is one of them better than the other?

The best way to figure this out is by doing a quick pros and cons analysis. Here are a few key points about each.

As far as the elliptical is concerned, there's definitely some appeal here. Here are a few of the strengths involved with this machine.

People really enjoy the fact that it's a low impact machine, meaning that your knees, legs, and back don't feel the impact that they normally would if they were running on the ground. If you're concerned about the durability of these body parts, you'll like the elliptical.

I'm also a big fan of the fact that you can add resistance to your workout, meaning that there's a better opportunity to build leg strength via this means of exercise.

Then there's the treadmill, a much purer form of cardiovascular exercise. If you're one of those people who feels the need to run, you'll be much happier with a treadmill than the elliptical, which is more like a stair machine.

Some of us have busy schedules and only have a limited amount of time to spend in the gym. If this is the case, you'll appreciate the fact that a treadmill workout generally requires less of your time than the alternative does. - 17268

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Best Exercise Program To Get Rock Hard Abs

By Davis Stout

Looking for the best workout program to get very hard abs? Read the article and find out here. Burning fat and gaining muscle is likely the primary reason many people take up some kind of heart training. Over 50% of the people who perform cardio in a scheme to burn fat are wasting their hours of time! Most people aren't performing the right type of cardiovascular exercise programs.

Doing exercises is one thing and doing the proper exercises, the right way, in the proper numbers, with the correct target set in the mind is another thing. Always follow the latter and benefits are sure to come.

If you mix exercise and simple changes in your nourishment you could easily lose more weight faster. You must keep in mind 3 vital points while taking up any exercise regime.

You must do things that you will be able to stick with.

It doesn't do much good to you to work hard to shed pounds only to put it back on later. That's why many diets do not work- they don't seem to be changes that you can adhere to. The rule is just to focus on easy and easy changes. Changes that you can adhere to which will make sense for your lifestyle.

When such a concept is adopted and followed you find that with easy changes you will be able to shed pounds and keep it off.

The largest amount of calories burning comes from your basic metabolism. To hurry up the metabolism you want to pick the right exercise program. While researching for the best workout program to get very hard abs you'll find a number of workout programs. It becomes extremely tough to select the one that meet your desired goal.

Remember you cannot get a ripped abs and muscle overnight. You want a complete complete guide which will help you to shape your body in a healthier way. You have to precisely follow the guidelines and guidelines given in the program to succeed in your goal.

Exercise benefits are too many. But to get the full benefits you must know the proper way to exercise and how not to go too far. Workout programs designed by fitness expert, health experts and gym instructors can only give proper instruction and guidelines on how to get started. If you're really heavy to get rock hard abs, here you'll find some of the finest exercise program to burn fat and get ripped six pack abs fast. - 17268

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Is It Possible Tone Arms With Minimal Exercise?

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

What is the easiest way to tone up arms? With effortless fat loss because it requires no effort, for the most part.

Effortless fat loss is a system that lets you eat as much as you want.

All you have to do is change your patterns of eating so that you automatically and unconsciously end up eating less calories. And less calories translates into less arm fat.

What's the best way to practice effortless fat loss? Well, let me show you 4 steps you can take to get started:

1. Eat on a set schedule. Most people eat whenever they can, they are opportunistic eaters. And women who eat on a set schedule ever day end up eating 100 fewer calories per day versus women who eat erratically.

2. Never, I say never skip breakfast. If you are like most women you are probably skipping breakfast. Study after study has shown that skipping breakfast promotes weight gain. In fact, one study showed that women who skip breakfast are 24% more likely to become obese.

3. Eat more protein. Doubling your protein intake from 15% of calories to 30% can have you eating 441 fewer calories per day. But don't go overboard because too much protein a la Atkins will make your life miserable and will have a negative effect on your health.

4. Eat good protein. Good protein is free of chemicals and low in saturated fat. You see, an extremely interesting study showed that eating natural cod instead of low quality beef, produced an 11% reduction in daily calories consumed.

You can learn how to tone up arms the easy way or the hard way. Hopefully, I've taken you one step closer to the easy way. Getting the sexy arms of your dreams doesn't have to be an all out war. They key is to work smarter, not harder. Making the simple adjustments as mentioned above, will make life much much easier for you.

One more thing: taking action is the most important part of this process. You see, action is the only way to get results. - 17268

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Are Fad Diets A Good Idea for Quick Weight Loss?

By Lee Reid

The type of diet that gains immense popularity very quickly and then goes down, sometimes just as fast is called a fad diet.Fad diets are considered ineffective or just the latest craze by some people but not all fad diets are bad, some are actually popular because they are effective.

Nevertheless if you decide to follow a fad diet, it is imperative that you consider the results you would expect from the diet and also the effects of the fad diet on your eating habits.Fad diets are usually designed to promote a substantial amount of weight loss in a short amount of time.

Thus when following a fad diet, you must ensure that you would not gain the amount of weight you lost during the dieting period, once you stop. Even though the more conventional diets take time for you to lose the weight, they are better in the long run as you are able to keep away the weight you lose and also maintain healthy eating habits.

Having said that, fad diets are a great way for quick significant weight loss. Fad diets would be the best method if you want to lose weight rapidly for a special occasion or a day.

Presently, there are number of fad diets available. A fad diet that soared into popularity was the grapefruit diet. This fad diet worked mainly by allowing you to eat nothing but grapefruit for twelve days, along with the occasional egg and coffee. Basically the main purpose of this diet was to make sure that you would consume less then 600 calories per day. This fad diet was highly effective for quick weight loss. Nevertheless people found that the moment they stopped they gained back all the weight they had lost.

Although fad diets are highly effective for rapid short term weight loss, they are generally not healthy and therefore not suitable for long term use. It is more effective for you to follow a diet which ensures that you lose weight slowly and also does not deprive you of all the nutrients you body needs. Hence fad diets are great for quick weight loss, but at the end of the day it is better to stick to something that will ensure that not only do you lose the weight you want but also that you can keep it from coming back to you. - 17268

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Building Muscles Like A Pro, Helpful Tips

By Ricardo d Argence

Start as early as humanly possible: that's one of the best bodybuilding tips on how to build muscles. When you start at a young age, make sure to eat a healthy and nutritionally balanced diet, get ample sleep, drink lots of water and take the dietary supplements you need in conjunction with a well planned workout regimen, you can't go wrong.

You'll also need to make morning workouts a part of your routine; this will increase your metabolic rate for the whole day. This helps you to burn off fat and even increase muscle mass all day long. You'll have to be committed to reaching your body building goals and remember never to take the claims developed by the marketers of nutritional supplements at face value. You should also remember that this is all about you and your fitness goals; don't compare yourself to other bodybuilders.

You have to understand what you are doing as well as how or why you are doing what it is that is essential for building muscle mass with bodybuilding.

One of our best bodybuilding tips also means properly executing the exercises necessary for muscle mass growth. You have to understand that if you frequently change your workout routines that you are not stimulating your body properly. The body takes time to adapt to change.

So, you have to do something repeatedly in order to experience the change or growth of muscles. Growing and maintaining your muscles will a lot take time, patience and steady repetitious sessions or applications.

Keep in mind, however, that when growth of a muscle group reaches a certain point and seems to stop, you will need to change up your workout routine to produce more active growth. Find a weight-training routine that works you and then stick to it. When you notice it is becoming non-effective change it. It will more than likely work for you again at another time. Get as much as you can from it and then move on to another influential routine.

Keeping things simple means achieving your goal by sticking to the basics. Since there are so many products such as workout programs, supplements, pills, training methods and theories out there you will have to use your best judgment before believing any claims.

There are some supplements which you will need " you'll probably want vitamin supplements to give your body the nutrition which it cant get from your diet alone. You'll also want to get ample protein and creatine to assist you as you work to build muscle. Protein is the basic building block of muscle tissue and creatine will help you to recover more quickly from your workouts.

Compound movements are the best way to quickly build muscle. Isolation exercises build endurance, but to stimulate your body to produce the hormones which help your muscles to develop rapidly you'll also have to do some heavy lifting work. Train with weights heavy enough to give you results, but not so heavy that you strain yourself. As you continue your weight training, your lifting capacity will increase.

To get the best results you will have to pay attention to your diet. To ensure long term growth of muscles you have to be careful not to improperly diet down. Improper dieting can actually cause you to lose muscle mass.

There is a 60% loss of muscle and 40% of fat loss for every pound of total body weight you may lose. Do not starve your body of what it needs. Remember cardiovascular workouts will burn the calories and they should be alternated by days with your training routines.

Your body needs to rest and recover in between weight training to keep inflammation under control and keep building muscle over the long term. - 17268

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Discover 3 Good Bicep Workout Exercises

By Rob Maraby

Biceps workouts can be developed with a variety of exercises to get quality effects. Biceps are the most beautiful aspect of the body. It is one of the most worked muscles in the body, together with the arms and chest. The muscles get worn out after a strenuous workout. So it is vital that you do all you can to make sure they recuperate. To recuperate the muscles they need to be feed with proteins, minerals, vitamins etc. Big muscled arms must have more of these nutrients to recuperate. Proper diet is an essential ingredient of a successful biceps workout.

Here's an illustration of a very good bicep workout: you will be utilizing dumbbell curls. To execute this workout, basically sit on the edge of the bench with your back straight. Hold one dumbbell in each hand. Your arms should be hanging at your side. Place your palms ahead with the thumbs pointing out. Elbows must be kept against the hips and should not move. Then carefully lift the dumbbells and contract your biceps. Lower the dumbbells slowly, holding it under control. The dumbbells will activate the muscles of both of the arms and chest to an extent and assist in building huge muscle mass in the top body region. The age-old tested dumbbell curls are by far the best equipment for any biceps workout.

You can also grow big guns by employing compound workout routines like Barbell Rows and Pull-ups, despite the fact that they are created principally for the lats.

Another great movement to integrate to your bicep workouts includes the standing bicep curl. To execute this movement just take a shoulder width hold on the barbell-fingers must be around 12 inches away from each other and curl the bar with your back straight. When you reach the top of the move, flex your biceps to force stress on them. If you don't make a conscious attempt to contract the muscles the stimulation will be for the most part be focused on the joints and bones. A vital point while performing this exercise is that the elbows must be held immobile with the waist to have effective benefits from the following biceps workout.

These three bicep workout exercises can go a long way to develop mass. Use them and grow big arms in no time - 17268

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What is "Eating for Energy?"

By James B. Hussey

Have you heard about these raw food eating plans? It's gaining popularity and buzz, not just to lose weight, but a diet for a long and healthy life. We eat so much in the way of processed food that we don't even consider what we're doing to our health, and how far we've come nutritionally from our ancestral, agrarian roots.

A raw food diet means consuming food in its healthiest and most unprocessed form. There are several wise rationales for why this is such a great plan. Processing and cooking food can obliterate the basic nutritional value from the meal. Consider some of the common sense you've heard about during your lifetime, such as: If you cook pasta just to the al dente (or medium) stage, it will have more calories, yes, but it will have more of the nutrients in it than if you overcooked it. Maybe you recall hearing not to peel carrots or potatoes so deeply, because most of the nutrients and values are just under the surface.

Eating for Energy means eating unprocessed, unmolested in any way, organic, whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, dried fruits, seaweeds, etc. It is a diet that is at least three quarters uncooked! Cooking destroys flavor and nutrition from vegetables and fruits. Eating this way means eating more the way our great-great-great grandfathers and mothers did. They didn't cook often, and certainly didn't cook or process fruits and vegetables. They ate them whole. Their water wasn't from a tap; it was natural spring water. Maybe they drank some coconut milk on occasion.

Think of all the grease trapped in grease traps, under every restaurant in America alone. Imagine that's your heart--gross! Is a heart attack a part of your retirement plan? Cancer? This isn't some scare tactic, just pick up a newspaper and read about the rising cost of healthcare, and ask yourself if there's a correlation to our diet. Do you think there just might be a link between obesity, diabetes, cancer and all the other dire statistics--and our diet? Think of "Eating for Energy" as a way out of the mad feedback loop...a way out of the cycle of unhealthy family trees.

Doesn't it just seem right that this is how our bodies were created to eat? It's a way of eating that's in harmony with our design and in harmony with our own metabolisms. Our bodies were meant to work, and need to work to be efficient. That means exercise, certainly, but it also means eating wholesome, natural foods that require more energy to digest them. - 17268

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Is Acai Force Max Really Work?

By Jone Peter

Are you looking for a real man's solution? Are you able to figure out the potent man in you? Acai Force Max has emerged as the present blessing of science as well as nature to bang off your confusion. It has the world's #1 super food in it.

Acai berry is the most beneficial fruit, and it has been always on media rampage. It is the best anti-oxidants source that cleanses your body efficiently to ensure you a fit and strong body. It is the best super food in the world. It is known to be very rich in nutrient content that provides you numerous health benefits.

Acai Force Max works at its optimum capacity. It claims to give its 100% efficiency and safety, which many other health supplements lack. They cannot even dare to stand in the front of it. Many famous athletes and sports person have used it, and they are very well satisfied by its excellent job.

Getting ripped and chiseled body or losing weight overnight is just a dream. Acai Force Max may not exactly fulfill that but can for sure, helps to its fullest to help you out in a matter of days unlike other dietary supplements. Earlier it was regarded that there is no healthier way to get lose weight other than work outs and sensible food habits. However, advanced technology with nature's help has made it possible to a great extent.

Acai Force Max is so much filled up with the goodness of acai berries that it requires no inflated fake promises for its consumers. It has emerged as the right choice for its countless users.

There are tons of cheats in the market who are ready to fool you with bogus and ridiculous hypes just to extract your money. However, this new acai supplement is an exception. It has been specifically formulated to satisfy you with true assumptions and promises. - 17268

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