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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Healthy Weight Loss With Acai Berry

By Lori W Wood

The FDA just announced the recall of a popular diet supplement. It was recalled because of connections to cases of "serious liver damage and at least one death". This is just one more incident in a long line of recalls of weight loss supplements due to possible serious side effects.

In our society, being overweight has become somewhat of an epidemic. Food is plentiful, most of us work at sedentary jobs, and while the majority of people claim that they should exercise and maybe even want to exercise, there are many of us that just don't. We eat too much, we exercise too little and our waistlines continue to expand.

Which is why weight loss supplements such as the one just removed from the market have become so in demand. We want a quick fix. Unfortunately many of these quick solutions have been proven to be a serious menace to our bodies. Heart damage, lung damage, liver damage and more have been blamed on different diet supplements. These are very grim health concerns.

Being overweight itself is very detrimental to our health. However, it often turns out that the weight loss supplements we use to help us to lose weight are just as dangerous if not more dangerous than the excess weight. A human being cannot function without a liver and a heart! It would probably be smart for us to change the objective from just weight loss to excellent health.

Nature has provided us with foods that give us excellent nutrition. Human bodies react very positively to optimal nutrition. Our bodies function at their highest levels when they have the required nutrition to do so. Cravings can be caused be a lack of nutrients. Give your body the nutrients that it needs and your cravings often stop.

Optimal nutrition also provides us the energy we need to exercise, workout and live our lives to the fullest. Give your body outstanding nutrition and weight loss will definitely come easier and be more effortless.

The acai berry from the rainforests of Brazil can give our bodies excellent nutrition. This is why this little berry has been proven to be so useful for weight loss. As a weight loss supplement, the safety and nutritional levels of acai berry products is unsurpassed.

But the greatest thing about acai berry supplements for weight loss is that the acai berry is a totally natural occurring fruit found in nature. It can assist you in dropping pounds in a healthy manner and you never need worry about damaging your body. The acai berry will just give you the superior nutrition and that is what you body requires. With this optimal nutrition the weight loss may happen automatically. - 17268

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Unearth The Healthy Benefits Of The Acai Berry

By Mary V Smith

The tiny, little acai berry can give you an abundance of health benefits. It is jam-packed with antioxidants, essential fatty acids and amino acids. It is also delicious with a taste described as a cross between a grape, a blueberry and a raspberry or maybe even berries covered in dark chocolate.

The acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berry is one of the healthiest nutritional discoveries of this century. It has one of the highest antioxidant capacities of any food, a synergistic combination of healthy fats and an almost perfect essential amino acid complex. Even so, it is rather rare as it can only be grown in the Amazon rainforest.

An antioxidant is a molecule capable of slowing or preventing the oxidation of other molecules. While oxidation is crucial to life, it can also damage our cells, which can lead to premature aging, many diseases and even being overweight. This is why nature has provided us so many nutritious foods that are jam-packed with antioxidants. The acai berry has one of the highest antioxidant levels of any food on the planet.

The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) is a method of measuring the antioxidant capacities of different foods. The acai berry has the highest ORAC of any berry, at 10 times higher than grapes, twice as much as blueberries and even 10 to 30 times more than red wine.

It is unlikely for a fruit but the acai berry also contains essential fatty acids. The acai berry is high in monounsaturated oleic acid, which is like that in olive oil. Oleic acid helps make the cell membranes more supple, thereby helping all of the hormones, neurotransmitters and insulin receptors throughout our bodies work more efficiently. Poor insulin receptivity has been linked to many diseases, most notably of course, diabetes, but also cardiovascular diseases and metabolic syndrome and the related afflictions caused from that.

All of the research being done on acai berries point to the fact that this tiny little berry is a nutritional powerhouse. It has been dubbed a superfood. The term superfood is used to describe a food with a high phytonutrient content that is believed to confer health benefits as a result.

The acai berry is proving to be beneficial in weight loss, the prevention of age-related decline, and the protection against diseases.

The acai berry is only available throughout the world in its processed forms because it is exceptionally perishable. You cannot enjoy the acai berry in its fresh form unless you are in the Brazilian rainforest but you can enjoy the processed forms including juices, supplements and extracts. - 17268

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Can I Build Muscle If I Don't Eat Meat?

By Ricardo d Argence

Just before I tackle the main purpose of this article which is to show how to build muscle vegetarian style I will briefly outline the different types of vegetarians.

Vegans eschew animal products of any kind, including dairy products. Pesco vegetarians eat fish and dairy products, while lacto-ovo vegetarians eat eggs and milk but don't eat meat or fish. There are more sub categories of vegetarianism, but that will suffice for the purposes of this article.

Because of the nature of the food vegetarians do not eat, things like red meat and so on they have a lower risk of certain diseases including but not limited to hypertension, coronary artery disease, a variety of cancers and diabetes mellitus.

If you're thinking about become a vegetarian, congratulations. The reasons are certainly compelling, not the least of which is that it's easier on the environment, produces more food for less, and helps lessen practices of animal cruelty.

However, many people who want to become vegetarian may be hesitant to do so because they may think they'll have trouble building muscle mass when they work out. However, if you consume soy, this is a great way to build muscle. In reality, soy is higher in protein than beef and has all eight of the essential amino acids.

You can easily get soy from such sources as soymilk, tofu, and textured soy protein. However, as long as you consume enough calories in the forms of good foods like seeds, rice, beans, nuts, legumes, and vegetables, you should get enough protein, plenty to build a lot of muscle.

As far as vitamins and minerals go, the vegan diet can sometimes be short on necessities like calcium, vitamin D, zinc, vitamin B12, and iron. Other types of vegetarians should get plenty from their diets. Anyone who is vegan should take supplements to help prevent any shortfalls in the above nutrients.

If you're vegetarian but you eat dairy products, you're not going to have any shortages of B12. If you want to make sure you are meeting all of your nutritional requirements, you can try a nutritional replacement powder as part of your daily calorie consumption, too. And don't forget about great sources of vitamins and minerals like leafy green vegetables, and fruits. All of these things are going to help you build muscle as a vegetarian.

In short, there are lots of reasons as to why it's beneficial for you to become a vegetarian, and you won't have to give up your bodybuilding goals to do so. Of course, as a bodybuilder, you are going to need to plan what you eat, too, but that's true of people who eat meat as well. With these few pointers in mind, go ahead and engage in bodybuilding as a vegetarian, successfully. - 17268

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Must Have Body Solid

By Krasen Dell

Body solid is no doubt now becoming popular fitness equipment especially those who are working out for that perfectly sculpted body. Both men and women simply adore this particular gym equipment for its amazing features. It simply has the magic they need for the type of body they so desire to have. For these people who truly know what it takes to have a perfectly sculpted body, would surely find this kind of equipment amazing and one to reckon with.

Body solid is now considered as a little magical piece of equipment for muscle building. It is now seen both in regular gym and the ever becoming popular home gyms of the young professionals who simply do not have much time to go to traditional workout gyms. Many find these equipment an amazing piece to help them achieve that body sculpt they want as it is not only easy to use but also provides all the tools they need in one single machine.

You also need not spend a fortune for this. Because of the fact that it is now becoming popular, it is no longer hard to find this kind of fitness equipment. Many fitness equipment stores are selling body solid at fairly reasonable price and awesome warranty.

With these amazing deals, it is no wonder this kind of gym equipment is now becoming more popular. The fact that it seemed to have packed a whole gym in just one machine is more than enough reason for anyone to be enticed with these awesome features. It surely provides you almost everything you need to attain your goal and desires to have perfectly fit and nicely sculpted muscles.

The enticing features that this gym equipment is among the many factors that lured people to have it in their home gym. For regular gym operators this kind of workout machine is a must have as it gives them great saving on not having to buy many other workout gadgets. It also saves them space for having a whole gym in this one great machine. These are more than enticing enough to enhance your work out regimen and finally have that nicely sculpted muscles in just one machine in a body solid. - 17268

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Can Acai Berries Really Be The Miracle Fruit?

By Laura D Rodriguez

If you have been reading about the acai berry and acai berry products, you have probably heard some outrageous claims that say that this little berry can do everything from help you to lose weight to preventing serious disease. What is this amazing fruit?

Well the acai berry is exceptionally nutritious but it is just the latest find in a long line of extremely healthy superfoods. Superfoods range from blueberries to spinach and oranges to green tea. The list of superfoods goes on and on and there are many, many exceptionally nutritious superfoods.

To promote good health through diet you must consume a variety of nutritious foods. Our bodies demand calories in the form of carbohydrates, proteins and fats and the healthier we make those macronutrients the healthier our diet is and the healthier we are. Improve your diet and you increase your health and add to your longevity. Adding acai berry products can assist you with this but you really need a variety of nutritious foods in order to get the maximum benefit.

If you are on a weight loss program you will see advantages from the addition of acai berry products. However this alone will not assist you in losing weight. You also need to start a consistent exercise program and eat less. You can receive superior nutritional support from acai berry products but that alone will not help you. In addition you must also do other things if you need to lose weight.

Our bodies respond powerfully to superior nutrition. We were born to eat abundantly from nature's own bounty. That means a healthy combination of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. This does not necessarily mean that you must become a vegan because omnivores, or those who eat meat and animal products, can also have an exceptionally nutritious diet. However there are some animal products that are more nutritious than others and you may want to know where your food comes from but of course, that relates to fruits, vegetables and grains also.

The foods that we should avoid are the unnatural and manmade things. If your food will not spoil on its own within a certain amount of time it probably is not very nutritious to eat. If bacteria won't consume the food then humans probably shouldn't either! The acai berry starts to lose its nutritional content as soon as 24 hours after it is picked from the palm tree it grows on so it needs to be freeze-dried or frozen almost instantly.

The acai berry can be an incredible addition to your nutritious diet. It can help you in your weight loss efforts and it can assist in protecting your body from damage from free radicals and the oxygen damage caused from everyday living. This can help prevent diseases and other problems.

But the best way to get and keep great health through diet is to make sure that you are adding in a variety of many healthy foods including blueberries, spinach, salmon, walnuts, broccoli, tomatoes, green tea and of course, the list goes on. If you improve your diet all around you will also get the highest benefit from acai berry products due to the synergy of nutrients. Your health will improve in many ways. - 17268

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Discover Quality Acai Berry Products Online

By Tina A Simmons

One of the healthiest foods ever found on Earth is grown in the rainforests in Brazil. The small, purple acai berry is loaded with healthy antioxidants, essential fatty acids, an array of vitamins and minerals and even 19 amino acids. This tiny but powerful little berry has become very sought after with health-conscious individuals.

Acai berry products have been pouring into the marketplace. You can find products ranging from juices, to powders to supplements made from the extract. There are some high quality products out there but there are also some inferior items. Do not be taken in by glitzy and glossy advertisements but be aware of what you should look for when you purchase acai berry products. Make sure that you are buying a high quality product to ensure that you receive all of the potential advantages this amazing fruit can offer you.

The acai berry can only be found in the Brazilian rainforest. Also the berry has been proven to be extremely perishable. At this time it is not possible to transport the fresh fruit to other locations throughout the world. However, you can still get the advantages of the acai berry due to recent advances in processing methods.

Because the acai is so extremely perishable it must be processed within 24 hours after it has been removed from the trees. If this does not take place the natural deterioration sets in and the nutritional value is quickly lost. This is why you will never see a "fresh" acai berry unless you are in Brazil. Products are created from the freeze dried berries and the processed powder that is extracted from the fresh berries.

Processing methods will make a difference in the nutritional value of the product. The highest quality products are the ones that employ freeze-drying rather than heat and chemicals. Heat and chemicals can quickly deplete the precious nutrients found naturally in the berry. Before you purchase an acai berry product find out how that specific product was processed.

As you look at the product you are going to purchase, check out the nutritional label to see how much actual acai berry extract is in the product. Nutritional labels show ingredients by the amount contained in the product. Therefore, if the first ingredient listed is acai berry or a variation thereof then it is the main ingredient. If some other ingredient is listed then that would be the main ingredient. This may not be a problem but be sure that the main ingredient is a healthy one.

Acai berry products range from delicious juices, to capsules and supplements, to dried powder forms. Each of these products can be healthy and nutritious and it is up to you to decide your preference. These fruits have been found to support good health for everything from weight loss to serious diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Acai berry products can be a healthful addition to your healthy diet plans. It is an excellent source of crucial antioxidants and other nutrients and it can only benefit you and your health. - 17268

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Vitamin Shopping For longevity

By Anthony Smith

In order to find out less expensive vitamin supplements you just need to surf the internet. Earlier it was not the same, and people had to search for the apt vitamins. It is not new to human beings that vitamins are essential for their living. Scientists and experts believe that other than our daily food, people very well requires ample consumption of vitamins. Today, many companies bring out vitamin supplements in various forms. Divided into two major groups called water soluble vitamins and fat soluble vitamins, they do vary according to the types including A, B, C, D, E and K.

The intensity of the deficiency makes doctors prescribe vitamins. Nevertheless, this is not the case now, with the inauguration of online websites, immense collections of vitamin supplements are on the way. Moreover, these websites struggle hard to bring out the best in the market.

Online websites do avail many plans and suggestions regarding health as you shop with them. They do suggest exercise regimes and diet lists. Websites produce news on a daily basis for the popularity of their vitamin supplements as well as to assist your health. With the thousands of varieties available in the website, you will find difficult to select the one that suits you. Vitamins do play a major role in enhancing blood circulation and controlling blood pressure.

Vitamins play a vital role in reducing inflammation and thereby strengthening bones making them more flexible. Certain other vitamins cater healthy body and sharpen memory along by rejuvenating your brain. Some vitamins do function as a substitute for minerals thereby lessening inflammatory shifts in the prostate glands.

Vitamin supplements produced for men attacks prostate cells from the excess estrogen stratum working as an anti-aging. Thereby, these useful vitamins retain juvenile prostate and gland size. Online vitamins are exhibited in average costs. People who even consume healthy food are prone to take vitamin tablets. One of the reasons for this is many feels vitamins are essential for greater energy level.

It is ideal to read the terms and conditions before purchasing any sort of vitamins. You will also be happy to hear about the various forms of vitamin shopping coupons available in reduced prices. By placing the discount rates, expiry dates, and code numbers, you will be authorized to low rates. Moreover, each vitamin supplements bottles will provide you with the update information on health.

Vitamin Shoppe helps you to find out a handful number of vitamins from the entire list of products. Somehow or other it is always better to visit a doctor before moving into the habit of vitamins. People who are into the profession of sports can very well make use of such an immense variety of vitamins through online. - 17268

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Can Acid Reflux Really Cause a Sore Throat?

By Bob Cox

Many people are surprised to learn that acid reflux is a relatively common cause of a persistent sore throat. However as you'll see, it's probably more surprising that it doesn't happen more often

You probably realize that acid reflux refers to acid from the stomach refluxing into the esophagus. The esophagus wasn't designed to handle the acid, so it causes irritation. in a sense, "heartburn" really is a burn - an acid burn.

The most common symptom associated with acid reflux is a burning sensation in the chest. this is what most people mean when they say they have heartburn.

However if there's a lot of reflux, for example if somebody 80 really large meal and the stomach is very full, the acid can back up even farther. In that case people can have what amounts to an acid burn all along their esophagus and even into the back of the throat.

The acid backing up all the way to your throat is why acid reflux can be a cause of a chronic, persistent sore throat. Many people who have it find that it's worse in the morning when they wake up because when they've been lying down on night it's easy for the acid to reach the throat. And the sore throat isn't the only problem that could happen. Some people have asthma and other lung problems because the acid drips into their windpipe as well.

In addition to having a sore throat, another symptom that goes along with stomach acid reach the back of the throat is an unusual slightly metallic taste in the mouth.

I think you can see now that is not so surprising that heartburn and a chronic sore throat can have the same underlying cause. Someone that has a persistent sore throat because of acid reflux has a particularly severe case and it's very important that they get treatment. This is especially important to prevent possible lung complications. - 17268

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Weight Loss Tips

By Jacob Winters

Loosing weight has become a life principle of the present; it seems vital to know everything about weight loss diets, how to lose weight, diet pills and other weight loss based topics, as they are present in almost any discussion. Being more than a necessity, following a diet is a popular habit, which can improve significantly our health.

Ask yourself right now what it would take to make you content with your body. When do you get the chance to finally look in the mirror and see a reflection that pleases you? This is something that every person deserves, regardless of how much weight must be lost to get there.

Among the wide range of weight loss diets, only a few are truly effective and healthy. Most of them promote starvation, the lack of essential nutrients (lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates), leading to fatigue; thus, most of us quit in just a few days. Is it possible to get rid of the extra weight in no time? Read the following lines to find out more!

Losing weight is highly emotional and there are a lot of mental issues that can totally derail a diet or exercise program. Give some serious thought to the attitudes and mental patterns that may have contributed to your weight gain so far. Be prepared to deal with the emotional issues that come up, rather than hiding from them.

Most opt for the temporary solution to lose weight quickly, yet tend to gain the weight back and more. Many of the temporary solutions like crash diets offer nothing more than a short term help. Not only are they short-term, but they can be detrimental to your health.

You have to deal with the emotional aspects before you can shed pounds and not regain them. Ask anyone who has lost a lot of weight and managed to keep it off for a couple years or more. Very few go through this process without dealing with mental and emotional issues.

Actually, the weight loss process is typically slowed down when someone refuses to deal with the emotional issues that come up.

The key to losing weight, involves learning the right way on how to lose weight fast. Burning the calories that you eat and lowering the amount are the two essential things. Commitment is the other and support helps.

Diet Programs that combine diet and exercise, increase the likeliness for success. Often they will include things such as a support system, through meetings and things one the internet. Others will customize the program to fit the kind of lifestyle that you have.

Every person differs according to their needs and preferences. Researching the different programs, will give you better indication what kind of program is right for you. Without knowing about the different programs, it will be harder to find the kind of program that will work best for you. Additionally, you will not know about the different options that are available.

Now, you know something that few others realize at the very beginning of a weight loss journey. You know that you will have to deal with emotional issues and dig through your mental baggage. Now and only now are you ready to tackle real lifestyle changes. - 17268

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HCG Approved Foods:

By Amelia Handley

The homeopathic HCG diet requires dieters to learn to prepare meals of healthy food options. They inevitably learn to cook using healthy preparation methods. Because of the strict limitations, dieters who stick to the plan finish with a new weight in addition to new eating habits and healthy cooking abilities.

The new knowledge is what many say makes maintenance after the HCG diet so easy. Most diets leave people deliriously happy for about a week or two before they start gaining back the weight they lost. But the HCG diet has very high weight loss maintenance rates. This is due largely to the fact that dieters learn to have a different eating pattern while on the program. And actually maintaining their new, healthier weight results in increased levels of energy and self esteem in the individual who has finally been able to reach and stick to a goal weight.

And successful dieters take their new found self confidence and their renewed energy levels into their new lifestyle. Their new appreciation of healthy foods is one other very useful benefit of the program that dieters are able to keep with them after the program is completed. They are used to eating healthy foods. They are used to choosing healthy foods from amongst the wide array of foods at a gathering or party. They know which foods on a menu are most likely to be a nutritious meal.

HCG approved foods include: lean meats, a few vegetables, a few fruits, water and tea. And that's it. Dieters are strictly limited during the short time period on the diet and they learn to depend upon the limited foods as basics in their diet. Dieters are encouraged to use HCG approved recipes that stick to the diet plan in order to have a bit of variety and most adopt some or all of the recipes into their diet permanently. They allow the dieter to learn to use the foods; they're not just expected to eat the same food over and over with out any variation. They are taught how to create a variety of tastes with the healthy food options and a variety of preparation methods that keep the healthy nature of the foods intact.

While on the homeopathic HCG program dieters definitely learn to eat differently. Many are eating foods that they have never tried before they signed up for the program. But because they are so limited while on the diet, they learn the foods very well. They know them and are comfortable with them by the time the program is complete. And most don't have the desire to cut them out of their diet even after they are allowed to incorporate a wider variety of foods.

And there aren't many who would suggest that incorporating lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables and tons of water into a daily diet is a bad thing. It's something that most people have in the back of their minds constantly; to start eating more fresh foods or start eating less fatty foods. Successfully completing the HCG diet means that these lifelong quests to "eat healthy" are met. And once they're met it's not a big deal to keep going in the right direction. - 17268

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A Washington, DC Fitness Coach And A Washington, DC Personal Trainer Are Not The Same

By Josef Brandenburg

What is the difference between a Washington, DC fitness coach and a Washington, DC personal trainer? If you do not know, hold off a moment before hiring this professional. These two professions are seemingly the same, right? Not exactly and yet people often times make the mistake of hiring one without regard to what the other can offer. Your health and wellness is important. You want the best fitness workout, training and resources possible. So, which of these two professionals should you hire? Let's take a look at what each one has to offer.

What Does A Personal Trainer Offer?

At first, a personal trainer appears to be the ideal choice for most people. In other words, it appears to be ideal to have someone who is next to you throughout your workouts suggesting and advising you on various issues. It is certainly a better option than working out by yourself. But let us try to understand what a personal trainer really does.

* A personal trainer spends majority of time in observing your workouts. He is always with you assisting you and ensuring that you do not injure your self during the workout.

* A Washington DC personal trainer keeps track of your reps on your behalf. Later he uses this information either to increase your reps or increase your weights to develop your fitness levels.

* A personal trainer may offer some motivation to achieve the goals that you have. For example, they will stand by your side and encourage you to continue the workout.

* You need to have at least two, maybe three one on one sessions with your personal trainer to ensure best results. These regular meetings will help you in deriving best outcome.

* It is most uncommon for a personal trainer to provide you with a plan on paper that directs you on how to attain your goals. Personal trainers generally do not give any written plans.

If this sounds like what you want, consider what you could be getting from a Washington, DC fitness coach instead.

In What Way Is A Fitness Coach More Useful?

There is a huge difference between both these professionals. This is how a fitness couch can help you if hired.

* A fitness coach comes up with written plans for achieving your goals. They closely associate with you to understand what you are looking for - if you are aiming at building muscles or looking for overall health improvement or trying to loose weight. Workout plans are designed according to these goals.

* The focus is on results with a Washington, DC fitness coach. They are focused on getting you from point A to point Z around your schedule.

* A fitness coach develops and gives you a complete program for you to follow.

* A fitness coach is always with you even when times are not so good, making sure that you do not go off track. They constantly support you and encourage you to overcome all your hurdles.

* Even though a fitness coach is little expensive and charges you per hour, in the long run he will prove to be inexpensive because of the guidance he provides to make you successful. He may not be present during your workouts but his plan will definitely help you reach your goal.

The biggest difference between a Washington, DC fitness coach and the personal trainer is that the fitness coach is teaching you and empowering you to succeed at your goals. A personal trainer seems to be along for the ride. They may not be the best person for the job. - 17268

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Pointers for a Great Cardio Workout

By Jesse Regan

People who want to lose weight cannot do away with a cardio workout. There may be other means but this is the sure-fire way of getting rid of the fats. There is dieting, which prevents one to acquire more fat from food. There is also weightlifting, which is also good for the heart while developing muscles. A cardio workout, however, is indispensable as it burns the fat more rapidly and makes the heart function better.

Any cardio routine can be done in the comforts of your own home or in the nearest gym. If the weather is fine, you can go for a jog at the park. You can enroll yourself to a cardio course in a gym if you think you need some coaching. If you already have some equipment such as a treadmill or an elliptical trainer, then you can use them as long as it is best for you. It is not really important if you have to do it in a gym or anywhere as long as the routines can give you the results you wished for.

Before one starts his cardio routine, he should do some stretching first. This will make sure that he is not going to get any muscle and bone injuries while doing the workout. Spending about five minutes to stretch the major muscle groups and the joints before jogging or hitting the treadmill or aerobics mat also prepares the blood circulatory system for intensive use. A little breathing exercise will also brace the lungs for some heavy work.

Another suggestion is performing not just one or two routines. There should be a combination of three or even more cardio exercises. This is important in order to have a more balanced and comprehensive muscle growth and body conditioning. An example would be getting off the treadmill after a while and try the elliptical trainer so that the arms and the torso can also be utilized. For joggers, who are not using any equipment, they should also pause from running and do some minutes of jumping jack. Another great type of cardio combination is the alternate use of light and heavy intensity routines.

You have to admit that an hour of cardio exercise can be quite boring. Certainly, you have experienced that while on your treadmill. It is even more so with your exercise bike. You can, however, make these pleasurable. Let music or a book accompany you while on your exercise bike. Amuse yourself with a comic movie on your entertainment system while on the treadmill.

Sweating out can certainly make one lose weight but if he is not careful enough he may also lose more than necessary. It is best to keep water in handy while doing the cardio. Drinking during rests is important so that the body is hydrated enough during the exercises. Water is a natural coolant needed to prevent burning out the body.

These are only a few samples about workout that you can get online. - 17268

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