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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Why Natural Bodybuilding Is Your Best Option To Build Muscle

By Ricardo d Argence

Everyone has some point in their life where they decide that they want to develop their body and make it better. Maybe you are one of these people, and maybe there are a few different reasons that you want to do it. Maybe you want to look better, or maybe you just want to feel healthier, regardless you should know that this is a way for you to lose fat and get more muscle without using HGH or steroids, which is already a step in the right direction.

If you take steroids then you are exposing your body to something that it really shouldn't be exposed to, and you're risking both your life and your well being. Natural Bodybuilding really is a great alternative to these things, and it will help you to make real progress.

Natural bodybuilding may be thought of as a method to put something basic back into your bodies that should have been there in the first place. Steroids or HGH aren't something that belongs because we don't need them in nature. Muscles were developed simply because we required them, and things that we eat can help us to develop the muscles that we need once again.

Since you understand this, then you probably know now that Natural Bodybuilding is one of the best things that you can do for your body. Not only can your body handle it nicely, you can also monitor and control what sort of progress your body makes. It is quite predictable unlike steroids and HGH.

You will need to use a holistic method for your Natural Bodybuilding. Diet is an incredibly important aspect of the entire thing. Some things that you should eat include whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetable,s and even lean meats. You'll find that these are all quite critical for Natural Bodybuilding.

You need to make sure that you are monitoring what you are eating and how it is affecting you. For Natural Bodybuilding, you'll find that for the most part, your foods will break down into 30% protein, 20% healthy oils and 50% natural carbohydrates.

You need to stay away from the foods that contain way too much sugar or are processed in some way. Eating far too many such foods will give you a nice layer of fat, and as you know fat is not muscle. For this reason you need to watch what you're doing because that is quite contrary to what you are trying to do.

Instead, concentrate on proteins and what they can do for you. Natural protein is literally the only way that you can heal up the torn muscle fiber that results when you work out a lot.

If you are thinking about Natural Bodybuilding, you'll find that there are no short-cuts. Instead, what you get is a program that will help you effect great and natural change in your life.

It will be real progress that you are making, rather than something that is going to go away the minute that you break a cycle. This is strength that is being created in a healthy way, rather than in a way that will leave your body angry or wounded, and this is something worth considering.

It is very important to work towards the body that you want, and while there are a lot of different ways to get there, make sure that you take a look at Natural Bodybuilding and see what it can do for you! - 17268

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Washington, DC Weight Loss Expert Debunks 4 Weight Loss Myths

By Josef Brandenburg

The weight loss industry is overcrowded with pharmaceutical companies trying to convince you that their advice or products are the best, which is one of the reasons why there are so many weight loss myths floating about. Here are 4 of the well known myths that a Washington, DC weight loss expert is about to unmask.

Myth #1- All calories are equal- This kind of myth defies human logic. Think about the statement, if all calories were the same then you could eat your 1500- 2000 calories a day from a fast food place and never gain weight, right? For nearly 50 years, the authorities have known that where a calorie comes from is as important as how many of them you consume.

Here are the results of a study that was carried out, if the above does not make enough sense to you. Keeping the type of calories different, the subjects were given only 1000 calories a day to encourage weight loss:

* 1000 calories, 90% fat, weight lost: 0.9 pounds per day * 1000 calories, 90% protein, weight lost: 0.6 pounds per day * 1000 calories, 90% carbs, weight lost: 0 pounds - gained weight

Myth #2- Low Carb high protein diets are dangerous- Over the years quite a few studies have set the record straight about this myth. While vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and amino acids are absolutely essential, it is not mentioned anywhere that carbohydrates i.e. sugar, are required for survival. Aboriginal tribes never suffered from high blood pressure, diabetes or heart trouble even though they survived for many years on animal products alone.

Myth #3- Juices are good for you- There are a very few people that are aware that juices are not as healthy as you have been lead to believe, making this the biggest myth out there. Five oranges are required for a glass of OJ. But you most probably believe that juices are good for your health even though the sugar content of five oranges cannot be less than the sugar content in most sodas. Most of the vitamins are lost while the juice is being extracted, so the fact that they are good for you nutritionally even though they are high in sugar and calories is not true either.

Myth #4- Moderate Drinking does you some good- This myth has been going around for quite some time now. The results of the studies that have shown that drinking alcohol is good for you were incorrect. The purpose of the study was to prove that non-drinkers did not live as long as people who drank moderately.

They compiled a group of non drinkers that included people too ill to drink and former alcoholics, which was a major problem. A former alcoholic or a person who is too sick to be drinking is not expected to have the best life span, so the life expectancy results were totally distorted. Another deceptive concept is the red wine theory, because you do not need to drink wine to enjoy the advantages of grapes. Another point to note about alcohol is that it encourages the storage of fat and loss of muscle, so if you are trying to lose weight, you ought to stay away from it.

As you can see many of the myths that are making their rounds are dispelled just using a little common sense, you did not really need a Washington, DC weight loss expert to clue you in! Nevertheless, it is important to point out that these myths have been exposed by testing and 15 plus years of peer reviewed clinical research. If you want to lose weight, you have to move away from the myths and get the real scoop. - 17268

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The Vastly Nutritious Acai Berry Supplements And Their Advantages

By Jerome Pierce

If you are searching for a healthful and nutritious extra to your pattern of eating and workout program that can assist you in losing fat, hindering the declines of aging, and maintaining your great health you have most likely seen the advertisements for acai berry products. Many of the claims may see to be excessive, however, this diminutive berry is laden with a wealth of nutrients.

Reading some of the advertisements may make you suppose that the acai berry is a magical solution for assisting you to lose fat, retarding the wrinkles around your eyes and even a answer for male impotence. Then again, while this little berry is extraordinarily healthy it is not a miraculous answer and it cannot function that way. The acai berry can be particularly constructive when combined with a beneficial everyday life such as a nourishing diet and working out plan but it cannot function unaided.

Part of the appeal of the acai berry is that is can only be located in the Brazilian rainforest on the acai palm tree. The berry is extremely perishable and it must be processed within a very quick time after leaving the tree in order to sustain the very important nutrients. Because of this it has only been in recent years that acai berries have been offered further than Brazil.

Comparable to various other berries, this berry is full with a abundance of nutrition. It has a elevated antioxidant matter than any other singular food and it even contains a good for your health fat content akin to olives. Surprisingly enough, it also comprises 19 amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein in our bodies.

All of these dietary elements merge to tender excellent nutrition to our bodies. When our bodies are given excellent nourishment, we are better able to drop the glut weight, protect against aging difficulties and even fight off illness. Our bodies are intended to function at the uppermost levels when we afford advanced nourishment.

The rich antioxidant matter of the acai berry is extraordinarily advantageous. When our bodies use oxygen, we form unpredictable molecules in our bodies called free radicals. A free radical is fundamentally a molecule that is absent an electron. These free radical molecules make chaos in our bodies, which makes us grow old faster, maintain overload weight and even form sickness in our bodies.

Antioxidants come in and provide the lacking electron to the erratic molecule, thereby stabilizing it. Antioxidants are an crucial issue to good health and they can be located in many of the most wholesome and nutritious foodstuff. The acai berry in fact comprises a higher amount of antioxidants than almost any other food and that is the reason why so many people have had such good outcomes by including a complement of acai in their every day life.

When you give your body with great nutrition, you aid your own natural systems in assisting you to drop weight, inhibit aging decline and stop illness. An acai berry supplement can provide much of this excellent nourishment. - 17268

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Easy Digestion is the Key to Stop Aging

By by Dr. Lorna Mistranski

Research has shown that a traditional Mediterranean diet provides assistance in protecting the body from type 2 diabetes.

Mediterranean meals are rich in olive oil, grains, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and fish, but have very little meat, dairy, or alcohol.

Studies hint that such a diet plays a major role in cardiovascular disease, however, there are not any current studies in how this diet effects the diabetic population.

Researchers gathered 13,000 graduates from the University of Navarra in Spain with no history of diabetes and recruited between December 1999 and November 2007; each graduate had their dietary habits and health were subsequently tracked.

The subjects started the study off by answering a questionnaire that was designed to gauge their overall dietary habits. The 136 questions that were given to the participants, specific questions were asked on how they cooked their foods, what types of oils they used, and dietary products they used.

The participants were then notified every two years by a questionnaire that asked each about their diet, lifestyle, and other medical conditions. From this information, researchers were able to pick up new cases of diabetes

During the follow-up period (median 4.4 years) the researchers from the University of Navarra found that participants who stuck closely to the diet had a lower risk of diabetes. A high adherence to the diet was associated with an 83% relative reduction in the risk of developing diabetes.

Interestingly, those participants who stuck strictly to the diet were expected to have the highest prevalence of risk factors for diabetes such as they got older with age, a family history of diabetes, and a higher proportion of ex-smokers.

This did not happen. In fact the participants had a lower risk of diabetes which suggested that the diet might provide substantial protection.

The diet include a high intake of fiber and vegetable fat, a low intake of trans fatty acids, and a moderate intake of alcohol.

In addition, a key element of the diet is the abundant use of virgin oil for cooking, frying, spreading on bread, and dressing salads.

The scientist finished by calling for larger cohorts and trials to confirm their findings. - 17268

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Parents Getting Older

By Dr. Jason Fowler

The average age of Americans is increasing year-by-year. Approximately 77 million babies were born in the United States during the boom years of 1946 to 1964. In 2011, the oldest will turn 65, and on average can expect to live to 83. Many will continue well into their 90s. Most people continue to retain the habits they developed as children and teenagers. For many Americans, these habits include lack of regular exercise, sedentary activities, and poor nutrition.

As adults we no longer possess the free pass we had when we were kids. If we continue to eat high-fat and high-carbohydrate foods, we'll gain more and more weight. If we persist in viewing regular exercise as an unnecessary indulgence, we will continue to experience high blood pressure, heart disease, and weakened immune systems. Older adults who resist the importance of good nutrition and regular exercise are also missing the thrill and sheer joy of having a vibrantly healthy, high-efficiency body. In contrast, older adults can achieve high levels of fitness, or even satisfactory levels, and feel much more youthful than they have in years.

Young adults who are the children of older adults can set a good example for fitness. Of course, this strategy is the reverse of what we're used to, our parents setting the example for us. But good examples work both ways, and smart parents may be willing to take a tip from their kids.

The first good example is regular exercise. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends 30 minutes of exercise five times per week. Most Americans do no exercise at all. Get your parents into the routine by inviting them to go for a walk or bringing them to the gym and showing them a few basic exercises. For our parents, the key is to get them started. Keep encouraging them, not as something they "should" do, but rather as something they could bring into their lives as a "choice". No one wants to do what they "should". Make it an invitation - make it fun.

Also, begin to set a good example with nutrition. Take your parents out to dinner at a healthy place, talk to them about eating smaller portions, avoiding fried and processed foods, and food combining. Food combining means eating a portion of protein and a portion of carbohydrate at every small meal. For most people, altering their food habits-of-a-lifetime is pretty radical. Help your parents learn how to take small steps in the direction of healthy nutrition, rather than attempting to change everything at once. Again, help them have fun with it. Good nutrition is a choice.

For all of us, it is important to walk the talk. Our kids - and even our parents sometimes - will mimic what we do. We want our own lifestyle choices to be healthy and life-promoting, so our kids and our parents have a good example to follow. Your chiropractor is an expert in using exercise and nutrition as a means of helping patients restore good health. We will be glad to provide valuable information on both of these topics for you and your whole family.

1MetLife Demographic Profile. MetLife Mature Market Institute, New York, NY, 2006 2Howard RA, et al:Physical activity and breast cancer risk among pre- and postmenopausal women in the U.S. Radiologic Technologists cohort. Cancer Causes Control October 21, 2008 3Leitzmann MF, et al: Physical activity recommendations and decreased risk of mortality. Arch Intern Med 167 - 17268

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A Pet Bird's Health

By Emmanuel J. Hood

Birds may be much more difficult to care for than a standard pet, and by standard we're talking about a cat or a dog. You will find that a lack of care may end in major health issues, so you really want to make sure that you are doing everything properly. You want to make sure that your bird gets the right diet, and that it goes to the vet when it needs to. Want to know more? Keep reading and we'll tell you a few things that will keep your bird happy, healthy, and chirpy.

First, it's important to realize that every kind of bird will require different care. Birds don't have the same needs any more than dogs, cats, and hamsters all respond to the same diet and care. They may all be mammals, but they need different things. That's why you'll have to be careful and take the time to learn what's appropriate for your particular bird.

Believe it or not there are tons of different products out there, but some of them aren't going to benefit your bird at all; in fact they may end up doing more harm than good. There's not really any regulation on pet related products which is why you need to learn as much as you possibly can about your bird including what could hurt or kill it. When you have this knowledge you will be able to shop wisely.

Make sure that your bird has a proper diet that features the right nutrients. In most cases you will find that this is pretty easy because there are food packets that have the right nutrients for your particular bird. Sometimes though the seed packets are of low quality and you will need to add a few supplements in order to get the desired effect. That doesn't mean that all of them are inadequate but there are definitely a few that are so you'll need to keep an eye out for that.

A poor diet can make your bird more susceptible to infections, cause overgrowth of the beak and nails, or cause feather loss, among other conditions. Birds can be very fragile, but they may not look ill until their problems have progressed significantly. This is why it's important to make sure that you have a good veterinarian with experience working with birds already lined up, so that when you see something out of the ordinary, you can find the problem fast.

A change in your bird's attitude as well as fluid discharge in odd places such as nostrils or beak, will probably indicate that the bird is ill, or may even have a diet issue. If you find that your bird is sick, then know that the other birds in the cage will probably begin to bully it. This is something that you want to take care of immediately because it could result in death unless you take action.

Make sure that you pay mind to what the vet has to say regarding your bird, even if you don't actually agree. Some things that the vet suggests could be a change in diet or even a change in the actual environment. You might think that you set everything up right, but if the very says differently then you really need to make a change. After all, you want your pet bird to be healthy, right?

Learn all that you can and make sure that you take good care of your bird. If you learn a lot regarding diet, environment and everything else, then caring for the bird will be relatively easy. - 17268

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Great Workout Routine Recommendations

By Jesse Regan

Looking for an advice to help with you in your struggle to lose weight, burn fat, or build up your muscles is easier these days than before the internet era. Aside from the abundance of available fitness trainers and gyms everywhere, the internet alone serves as a gateway to a leaner and healthier body. It hosts scores of websites that offer professional help for a fee to anyone who wishes to do workouts. These also give out tips to make workout routines more effective. While there is seemingly a plethora of choices for a workout program, failures do still happen. These are not usually due to programs themselves but to the improper attitude taken during the workout. Here are some tips that have aided people in attaining the right attitude and, consequently, the good results from their workout routine.

You need to motivate yourself. The best motivation comes after setting up the objectives for the workout. You appraise yourself beforehand so that any objective made is practicable. Directly going to the workout without a clear objective is similar to sailing in a windless sea. The correct physical appraisal would guarantee a possible objective. As weeks pass by, you can fine-tune your objectives according to the changes.

Plan the workout. After setting the direction, making the action plan follows. This includes charting the schedule for the workout as well as deciding on the corresponding routines involved. A ladderized program would help towards achieving the target. This means intensifying the exercises, increasing the number of repetitions, or prolonging running time as workout days or weeks pass by.

Monitor the progress. Make notes of what is happening in the workout. Keeping an eye over the workouts development can provide the basis for further advances. Should less than expected results come out, one can immediately review his plan and introduce changes that may lead to positive developments. Once great results are discovered, while monitoring the workout, motivations become more firm to achieve the target.

Pamper the body at the same time. While the regimen could be tedious and harsh to the body sometime, give it what it deserves during breaks. Eat the most nutritious food without ever putting at risk whatever gain has been made in the workout. A tired body needs nutrients. Taking a rest is also necessary for the body. Doing workouts is not like undergoing forced labor so a few minutes of breathers would help.

Doing the routine on a daily basis can be boring soon enough for you. Maybe the first two weeks can be fine but not after a month. This is, of course, if you continue to do the same routine even if you no longer enjoy it. You should be able to introduce exciting alterations in your routine. You can do it yourself if you know the principles of the routine. Any improvement should encourage you to go through the process and gain positive results from the workout. That is just a taste of what invaluable information regarding workout tips you can find online. - 17268

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Overcoming Chronic Problems of Digestion With A New Approach To A Healthy Colon

By Bruce Alexander

There are many ways to treat constipation. Some involve taking over the counter laxatives, while other require a more advanced form of treatment such as colon hydrotherapy which is a procedure done by a trained medical profession. The most common for of medical treatments are enemas and purgatives.

In more recent times, people are resorting to colon cleansing programs to aid in the process. While there are plenty of benefits to flushing your colon, you should always keep safety first. The process of cleaning your colon is considered safe and the more informed you are, the more confidence you will have in the process.

The best colonic cleansers are always all natural or herbal. They are not only safe, but they also aid the body in maintaining a natural microflora level which good for healthy intestines. Natural products are not only your best choice; they also eliminate the need to put more chemicals in the body.

Even though more primitive societies have been using the power of nature to keep their intestines clean, herbal cleaners are not recognized by the Food and Drug Administration and therefore are not mandated. For this reason, you have to do your research before you decide on the use of a particular product. The FDA does not supervise the use of herbal products.

Here is a good tip: Only purchase herbal products that bare the GMP seal of authenticity. Products are only permitted to carry this seal if they are certifiably organic.

It is important to keep your body hydrated when you are going through a cleansing and detox program. You can dehydrate very quickly because the body releases a lot of fluids during the process. Drinking plenty of water and fruit drinks such orange or grape juice will help immensely.

The body tends to loose a lot of essentially vitamins and minerals when you are detoxifying the colon. Minerals and vitamins such as potassium, phosphorous, sodium and magnesium are very important to keeping your body healthy. Since a percentage of these are lost while detoxifying, you will have to replenish them.

Pregnant women and those who are nursing should stay away from intestinal colon cleansing. There are too many things that can potentially go wrong. The last thing you want is to loose a lot of essential body fluids when you are pregnant or to deplete yourself of essential nutrients while you are nursing.

Colon cleansing is not recommended for kids and should never be use on children. If you feel inclined to do so, see a doctor first and get his or her medical advice. They may be able to prescribe a more gentle form of laxative that is more age appropriate.

People suffering with allergies to exercise caution too. Many herbal products may contain allergens that you are sensitive to. The last thing you want is to have a severe reaction, especially since some allergies can be severely fatal. Read the ingredients of the package before taking any herbs you are unsure of. Herbal products are only safe to take when you practice diligence and prudence about your safety. - 17268

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The Healthy Chocolate Berry Drink, Acai Juice

By Max Wilson

There is a magic little berry that is gaining in popularity around the world " the acai berry. The taste of this small, deep purple berry's juice lies between chocolate and the wild berries. Although, it doesn't just taste great. This super fruit as been credited for giving many health benefits, healthy heart to insulin control.

What better way to good health than to just take some juice every day? Or if juice is not your thing then you can take it in a pill or capsule form. There is even a freeze dried variety and also a pulp. Whichever method fits into your daily routine, there is a product that will suit your style.

Those who have tried acai berry juice have felt their energy levels restored after a short while. Because of all its benefits, it is said in Brazil, which is the country of its origin, to be the 'Viagra of Brazil'. Perhaps one of the most important aspects of taking this supplement is the unique blend of vitamins and amino acids. People who are getting older have less ability to absorb specific vitamins. Their joints and tissues will suffer as a result of inflammation caused by this inability hence the aging process shows up very quickly with stiffness and painful joints.

Acai products encourage and have the ability to turn back this process. So, if you are eating the right oils " omega 3 " for your joints, the acai product will promote the uptake of the oil into the body. The pain in joint is substantially reduced and the joints become much more flexible.

Diabetics have reported a reduction in their dependence on drugs associated with the disease. After a brief period their insulin levels go down and stabilize which indicates they can decrease the medicine they take.

Other added health benefits include muscle regeneration. The muscle that works the hardest in the human body is the heart. Perhaps it deserves a treat? Add to this the anti-aging aspects of juice and you have a 'super' food which should be tried and tested. - 17268

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Diabetes Diagnosis: How is Diabetes Diagnosed?

By Barb Hicks

What exactly is Diabetes?

When there is an imbalance of insulin and glucose in the blood that causes glucose levels to be abnormally high, this is a condition called diabetes, or hyperglycemia. Insulin serves to regulate glucose levels to stay within normal values. In the absence of adequate insulin, glucose isn't changed into energy for the cells to use as fuel, leading to organ damage and complications.

Diabetes is defined as having an elevated blood glucose (sugar) level. It is caused by an imbalance of insulin and glucose. We need Insulin to regulate our glucose levels. When there is an insufficient amount of insulin in the blood, the glucose levels rise, which could lead to other complications of the disease process. Insulin regulates glucose levels by converting glucose into energy for use by the cells for fuel. When insulin can't do its job, glucose builds up in the blood and causes symptoms of thirst and increased urination.

Here are the two forms of diabetes:

Type 1: This form is genetic. With this type, the pancreas does not make insulin. This form is typically diagnosed in children. Type 2: This form of diabetes is based on metabolism. In this case, the body is performing insulin production; however the body is resistant to it.

Both types of diabetes create increased glucose levels in the blood that must be monitored on a daily basis.

You are at risk for the development of diabetes if you are overweight, have family members diagnosed with it, and live a sedentary lifestyle.

What are the signs and symptoms of diabetes?

Diabetes has many varying symptoms and not everyone will experience them. Some of the most common signs include:

- increased urination, extreme thirst, non healing wounds, fatigue, irritability and headache.

The body tries to protect itself by getting rid of the excess glucose through the kidneys. This results in frequent urination which then leads to dehydration. Dehydration cause headache and excessive thirst just as it does as a result of a hangover.

Excessive weight gain and a sedentary lifestyle are extreme risk factors for diabetes.

How Can I Find Out If I Have Diabetes?

The first step is knowing what the signs and symptoms are. Visiting a medical professional is the next step if you believe you are experiencing these signs. A doctor will perform specific diagnostic tests to determine your risk factors as well as determine if you in fact have the disease and which type. How do doctors diagnose it?

Your doctor will order diagnostic testing that tests your blood for glucose levels. Normal blood glucose is between 70 mg/dl-125 mg/dl.

What Is the Treatment for Diabetes?

Common treatments for diabetes include daily monitoring of glucose levels, dietary changes, exercise three to four times a week and insulin injections either by syringe, pump or prefilled pens.

The goal of treatment is to control glucose levels within the normal range to prevent complications and slow the progression of the disease. - 17268

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What Is A Healthy Diet? The Simple Truth Finally Revealed

By Jose Bautista

You know you need to eat a well balanced, healthy diet if you want to lose weight, combat disease, and improve your overall health. What you may not know is exactly what eating healthy means. Thanks to so much conflicting information and the booming diet industry, you are not alone. Millions of people are uncertain what "healthy" even is anymore.

Fortunately, eating for health and longevity doesn't have to be that complicated. You don't have to throw hundreds of dollars a week on specially grown organic foods and you definitely do not have to pay top dollar for frozen, prepackaged diet foods to be delivered to your door.

Eating for health doesn't even mean you give up everything that tastes good or has calories and fat. You don't have to deprive yourself! Healthy eating simply requires you to eat the foods that will give your body the most nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that it needs to function.

So, what are we really talking about here? What are the basic components of any healthy eating plan?

Let's start with carbohydrates. You don't need to eliminate them from your diet, but you do need to choose them wisely. There is absolutely no nutritional value in chips, soda, and cake rolls. Sugary sweets and white refined grains are going to do nothing but make you obese and sick.

Your carbs should come from whole grain pasta, rice, breads, and cereals. Lots of vegetables and fruits are essential as well, and all are extremely low calorie, fat or nearly fat free foods that will make you healthier than ever.

Combine those healthy carb choices with lean meats such as chicken and turkey breasts and some healthy fat sources such as extra virgin olive oil, and you are on your way to a healthy diet that will make you skinny, vibrant, and keep your entire body more youthful. - 17268

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