Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, March 27, 2009

What is the Acai Berry?

By Josh Irv

What is the deal with the Acai berry? It doesn't grow in America but that can't be why it's the biggest thing since orange juice, can it?

I figured there must be something more than meets the eye with the acai berry. So I did a little research myself.

The acai berry grows right in the amazon. I would say a river is a great place to grow some fruit.

One great thing about the berry is that it helps your BMR. Everyone wants to increase their metabolism and now you can by eating fruit!

Do you have high blood pressure? The answer is most likey if you live in the u.s. This fruit will help you control that to a degree.

What else could this amazing berry possibly do you ask? Well let me tell you that it is rich in protein. This makes it great for post workout drinks and shakes.

The acai berry is high in fiber too! If you are a guy you need fiber even more than a woman because low fiber means a higher risk of colon cancer.

And guess what, it tastes great! My opinion is that this berry does deserve the great reputation that it has. Want more info on the benefits of the acia berry? - 17268

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Give Beans, Peas, And Lentils A Spot At Your Family's Table

By Susanne Myers

If you have not been cooking with dry beans and peas yet, you are not keeping up with the current trends. According to a 2008 WIC "Food Shopping and Consumption Habits" Staff Survey, 79% of staff reported that they cook regularly with dry beans and peas. These folks know nutrition and value, so why haven't you hopped on that band wagon? Probably because you just haven't tried yet! Come aboard and let's get you cooking those legumes!

Why should I start eating dry beans and peas? Nutritional experts are eating dry beans and peas because they are an excellent source of protein, iron, and zinc. Vegetarians and other people eliminating or reducing their meat intake, eat legumes as an alternative source of protein. Besides protein, legumes are a source of dietary fiber and nutrients like folate, both of which have been declining in the American diet.

Even if you eat meat, poultry, and fish regularly, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends that you also consume several cups a week of dry beans and peas simply because of their high nutrient content. Dry beans and peas are a part of the Food Guide (Food Pyramid) "meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts group", but are also a part of the vegetable group. So, whether you're a vegetarian, substituting dry beans and peas for meat, or you consume dry beans or peas as a vegetable, you are providing your family with the properly balanced nutrition needed for good overall health.

We also have a list of dry beans and peas, courtesy of the USDA, which makes it a little easier when you step into the grocery store. To clear up any confusion, this is the list: black beans, black-eyed peas, chickpeas aka garbanzo beans, falafel, kidney beans, lentils, lima beans (mature), navy beans, pinto beans, soy beans, split peas, tofu (bean curd made from soy beans), and white beans. Jot down your list and let's go shopping.

When you get to the grocery store, head for the rice aisle. Somewhere nearby there should be bags of dry beans and peas stacked up. Grab one that you remember from the list and check out the price. Usually that's a good time to relax and smile. Now, turn the bag over and you'll notice the instructions for preparing your beans for cooking. It all seems a little easier now, doesn't it.

Once you have decided on the type of beans or peas, you'll notice that, along with the preparation advice, there are usually a recipe or two on the bag. This is just the beginning! Search the internet, read cookbooks, and ask friends for their favorite recipes, and you'll never run out of good dry beans and peas dishes to try. I'm pretty sure you've already made at least one legume recipe... how about Split Pea Soup? Keep digging for recipes and you'll have a collection before you know it. It will be hard to know where to begin!

By now you are contemplating the difference between using dry beans and peas and the canned type. Why buy dry and have to take time preparing them when you could have the convenience of canned beans? Most recipes will accommodate either kind of bean, like Black Bean Soup, which will work just as well with dry black beans or canned. Your budget may appreciate the dry beans and peas over the canned, however. Watch the prices and the sales to determine which is your best value. You should yield about 6 cups of cooked beans out of each 1 pound bag of dry beans. Do your math, compare the prices, and see if the convenience of canned works out for you. I do keep a few cans of beans on hand when I find them on sale, just so I'm prepared for an emergency meal.

It seems like light-years ago that you made your first Simple Split Pea Soup. It's hard to believe that you were so frightened of those little bags of dry beans and peas, isn't it? You've embraced the challenge of making your own Chickpea Hummus and Falafel. Your family loves your Lentil & Vegetable Soup, especially with the Dumplings swimming around on top. Of course, not to forget your Congressional Bean Soup, Lentil Chili, or that great Hot Kidney Bean Salad that your friends rave about. Now that you've crossed over to the dry bean and pea aisle, share the word, and your recipes, with others and see if you can't keep the momentum going. Great job! - 17268

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How to Choose the Weight Loss Supplement

By Adrian Rose

If youre planning to lose excess body weight and you have organized an exercise schedule with a healthy and balanced diet plan, you can complement this new lifestyle change by looking for a weight loss supplement that can help to meet your goal weight. Unfortunately, looking for the best weight loss supplement is not an easy task. Since there are hundreds of supplements for weight loss in the market, you can become overwhelmed by the choices you will face. In order to locate the best weight loss supplement for your condition, you need to distinguish your choices and understand how each affects your body. There are several kinds of supplements for weight loss, such as thermogenic or stimulant-free fat burners, carb or fat blockers, thyroid hormone increasers, appetite suppressants and cortisol products. By understanding how each kind of supplement works, you can find the best weight loss supplement based from your individual needs.

Understanding your Choices

If youre looking for the best weight loss supplement, you should never be contented with your friend or familys recommendations. This is because there is no single supplement that could work for all types of people. For an effective weight loss, you need to consider your health condition in buying supplements. One of the most popular weight loss supplements is thermogenic fat burners. These kinds of supplements have no ephedra, which can make a person jumpy or hyperactive. Ephedra-free weight loss supplements are best for people with heart problems or other medical conditions. Thermogenic fat burners work by increasing metabolism and burning fat.

However, if you want to avoid stimulants and caffeine, you should go for stimulant-free fat burners. Although results may vary, people who consume these supplements lose an average of 5 to 10 pounds. On your journey of looking for the best weight loss supplement, you will likely be faced with carb or fat blockers. Carb blockers are usually used alongside a balanced diet, exercise and other fat-burning products. On the other hand, fat blockers work similarly to carb blockers " binding fats in the digestive system, trapping unwanted fats to avoid fat build-ups.

Thyroid hormone increasers are the best weight loss supplement for people who are overweight due to thyroid problems. They work by regulating the thyroid to increase its performance and replace thyroid that your body normally produces. People who are usually stressed with work, academics or other factors can benefit from cortisol products that prevent bad eating patterns when you experience stress.

The best weight loss supplement will largely depend on your personal needs, lifestyle, age and sex, health condition and other factors. However, without regular exercise and a healthy diet, these supplements will not work effectively. - 17268

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Lose Weight Naturally With These 4 Steps

By Frances Lightmer

Have you had enough of these of companies that advertise their magic potions for losing weight or their new breakthrough diet scam?

These companies are taking advantage of your problem by offering you a quick, yet very unhealthy alternative to the natural way that our bodies function.

Let me tell you what you need to do to turn your life around. Follow these four steps and stick to them and you will lose weight, have higher self esteem, and increase your energy!

1. Step number one is perhaps the most crucial. It's the switching of your mindset from one of negativity to one of positive. If you are going to reach your weight loss goals, then I want you to focus on the future at least 15 minutes per day. Total focus.

This is all very important. I want you to take about 15 to 20 minutes everyday and just focus on this one thought. Before you begin, make sure you're mentally in a happy place. If you're not, wait till later or listen to some music or do whatever you need to do to get into a good mood.

2. Now you need to get rid of those awful eating habits. It's time to find a mentor or coach to help guide you along the way. Trust me when I tell you that it's much easier this way. Find an author or a health coach on the internet that is into eating naturally is the way to go. They have been where you are and they can relate.

The all natural approach to eating does take a little getting used to, but I assure you, once you've adjusted to this lifestyle, you're going to wonder why you didn't start sooner.

3. You will now add some exercising to the mix. As with any new activity, you should inform your doctor. Let them know of your goals and how you've already starting eating natural foods. They will give a list of what exercises are best to start with.

You definately need to start slow and build up. Start with more aerobic type activities, like walking, fast walking, riding a bike. Build up to jogging. Then start incorporating some weight lifting to tone your muscles. It's always a good idea to keep your doctor updated as to where you are in your training. Check out some local gyms or health clubs. For the seniors, most health clubs offer some great low impact classes.

4. Sleep is also very important. I don't really feel that this topic needs much explaining. I've heard some people who believe that their body is different and that it only needs 5 hours of sleep a night. Maybe so, but everyone else should try for at least 8 hours a night.

Remember too, that with the exercising that you will be doing, you should have no problem reaching 8 hours.

Well there you have it. 4 steps to losing weight the natural way. Again, follow these steps and you will lose the weight and your life will improve. Only you can take that first step. Go for it! - 17268

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Children - Swimmer's Ear in Children

By Melinda Mahrer

Swimmer's fruit is bacterial growth infection inside the canal of the ear. It is also known as Otitis Externa. It differs a lot from fruit infections which are dealt with on a regular basis, which is contracted at times when the child catches a cold. The common fruit infection is known as Otitis Media, in which the middle of the fruit is infected. Incase of swimmer's ear, the fruit canal which leads towards the fruit drum is infected by bacteria. The first symptom is that when the finger is stuck inside the fruit canal, it will hurt a lot. In normal cases, it won't hurt at all.

The skin within that are is very delicate and hence, is fortified by nature by a thin wax coating. Usually, water can easily glide inside and then outside the fruit without any problem. But when the water cleans some or all of the wax and if some of the water is retained inside, the bacteria will take advantage of this situation. Chemicals in the water aggravate the situation by increasing the irritation. It starts growing within the soft and warm fruit canal and can cause swelling and redness. A slight itchiness also accompanies it. But the child must be instructed to not to scratch, otherwise there is a greater chance of the situation becoming worse. If there is no itchiness, obviously there will be pain, which is the initial symptom.

Hearing can become difficult due to the bacterial infection as that will swell the ear canal and block the passage.

The pain and itchiness can only be gotten rid off by fighting the infection and killing the grown bacteria. In usual cases, fruit drops are prescribed by the doctor. These fruit drops have antibiotics which are meant to kill the bacteria. The dosage and number of days to use the fruit drops as told by the doctor should be strictly followed. If the doses are missed there is a possibility of bacterial re-growth. A wick is also introduced inside the ear, sometimes. This wick actually is small piece of sponge with absorbed lotion. The wick is left inside then.

This procedure is used when the doctor thinks it is important to apply medicine directly to the part of the ear canal which is infected. If the pain is unbearable by the child, parents can give pain killers, but only after taking suggestion from the doctor. Once the antibiotics begin working, pain killers can be stopped.

Swimmer's ear cannot be just attained cause of water entering the ear at the time of taking baths or showers. Children, who have joined the summer swimming camp, can complain of this problem. After the swimmer's ear is treated, the child shouldn't swim immediately. Doctor, usually, advices them to stay away from water for a week or two. The time period may sound very long, but it keeps the pain away for a long time. Special ear drops are available over the counter which can be put inside the child's ear after swimming is over. This will dry up any water inside the ear, if any. Swimmer's ear can also be caused when inquisitive kids try to stuff things inside the ear and thus damaging it. - 17268

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Reducing Calories Does Not Promote Weight Loss

By Carrie Hull

Reducing calories will not help you lose weight. Calories are not the enemy here. If you eat 2500 calories per day and reduce yourself to 1500 calories per day, you won't necessarily lose weight. Your body will simply burn fewer calories. You will reach a dieting plateau. This means that you may lose a few pounds; however, once you reach a certain point, it will be impossible to lose weight.

Let's begin with, how a person typically goes on a diet. One day you look into the mirror and see tight fitting close and you just don't look right. Your neck, arms, legs, and waist are larger than you remember. You put on a pair of jeans and they just don't pull on the way the use to, easily. They fit tight and are uncomfortable sitting down. Sound familiar? Anyways, on this day, you get angry and frustrated enough to finally put your self on a diet and decide to lose weight. And this time, you are going to stick to it.

Today you are filled with enough motivation, anger, and frustration that you are determined to do whatever it is going to take to lose that unsightly weight. You begin depriving yourself of all those goodies you love. You try and skip breakfast in order to "cut back" on calories. Unfortunately, this motivation doesn't last long because after a few hours you're hungrier than you've ever been before and you're feeling week and possibly have a headache. Your body is not accustomed to skipping meals like this and not used to being without calories for so long.

You feel miserable, but you bravely tell yourself that you can do this. You don't want to quit, and you want to actually lose weight this time. You still have enough motivation that at lunch you decide to have something small as you are still convinced that eating less is the key to losing weight.

By dinner time you have a headache and chances are you are hungry. Do you really want to go through this every day? But today, you are still motivated enough to say yes. You stick with this diet for the remainder of the evening.

If you are really brave, you may have held off for a week, but chances are you have gone back to eating the same way after only a few days. Even if you were able to stick with it for a few days or weeks, you will not have lost any weight. Well, any weight worth losing. You may have made matters worse though. Since your body now thinks it is starving, it will begin to store every calorie that you eat.

You may have lost a few pounds during this type of diet, but the weight that was lost is just water weight, not real fat loss. And all that water weight will be gained right back when you eat normal again.

If you keep trying this type of diet, you will never lose weight. Well, not fat loss anyways. Depriving yourself of calories is not the answer. Your body needs the right type of calories and in the right combination. You could be losing weight eating normally; you just need to know how. - 17268

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What Are The Benefits of Bananas?

By Rachel Greene

To put it quite simply, bananas, like any fruit, are good for you. Fruits and vegetables should play a daily part of your everyday healthy eating routine as a whole as they are a good source of vitamins, minerals and a load of other good stuff that can help keep you fit and healthy.

Bananas, however, stand head and shoulders above many other fruits when it comes to nutritional value. The benefits of eating a banana when you need a snack are therefore varied. So what kind of benefits will a banana give you?

#1 Vitamins and minerals -- bananas are a good source of vitamins A, B and C as well as potassium and magnesium.

#2 Fiber -- bananas are also rich in fiber and as such can help boost your overall general health. They are also easily digested which can help if you are trying to start eating again after a stomach upset or if you have ulcer problems.

#3 Health benefits -- bananas are incredibly high in potassium content which is held to help with problems with blood pressure and heart disease, for example. Potassium can also help alleviate the symptoms of exercise such as muscle spasms and cramps which is one reason why many athletes choose this fruit as a snack before or after training.

#4 Calcium -- the calcium content in bananas can help to increase the chances of healthy bone growth which makes them a good choice for children which is useful given how popular they are as a fruit with most kids. #5 Sodium content -- bananas have a relatively low sodium content so cannot cause any problems here.

#6 Sugar/energy -- bananas are packed full of natural sugars and energy which is another one of the reasons why they are so popular as a snack with professional athletes. A quick snack of a banana can give you an immediate sugar rush/energy boost that is healthy. Then as the banana is absorbed by your body you will be given a slow release of energy over a consistent period of time.

#7 Diet benefits -- bananas are quite filling and, if taken with a small glass of water, can actually leave you feeling quite full for a relatively long period of time making them the ideal diet snack. The slow release of energy here can also help you avoid having sugar cravings into the bargain.

Some people prefer to eat their bananas when they are quite ripe as this is supposed to be the point when a banana gives the best health benefits however this fruit will always be a good option for you.

Some people also think that bananas can have specific positive effects on your mental health as well as the physical benefits already discussed here. These claims are based on the fact that bananas are also a source of substances such as serotonin. These substances can help reduce the symptoms of depression and can simply make you feel better. - 17268

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Child's Weight Loss Management Program

By Adrian Paul

Obesity is becoming a major issue among both adults and children. Although adults can easily lose the weight through daily stressful tasks, losing weight for children can become a problem that they will suffer until they grow up. Be aware that excessive weight can endanger the health of your child and serious treatment should be undertaken. Child weight loss management is important because it can prevent possible health problems. Planning your childs weight loss plan involves different aspects to succeed. The first thing you should do is set the goals for your children. However, make sure that the goals you set for you child are attainable. When setting goals, a five to ten-pound weight loss is enough for your child to achieve. Be aware that when you set large goals, your child may become discouraged once he or she did not reach this monthly goal.

Child weight loss management involves both physical and psychological support from the parents. As a parent, you need to help your child limit the amount of fatty or high-calorie foods that he or she eats in the house.

Child Weight Loss Management Aids

Once you explained to your child about his or her monthly weight loss goals, you need to help your child go through the whole process. A helpful aid for your childs weight loss is a food diary. The function of a food diary is to determine all the foods eaten by your child and information about where and when it was eaten. Although this diary can help you determine calorie intake, it can also spot your childs eating patterns, which can help in eliminating problem foods in your diet.

If you child is overweight or obese, it is best to consult with a dietician and ask for a diet program for your childs weight loss management. A balanced diet should contain essential vitamins and minerals, but with fewer fattening calories. For a balanced weight loss program for your child, you have to encourage him or her in performing regular physical activities, such as sports. Exercise is an important aspect needed for an effective and long-term weight loss. You can also support your child with exercising (or playing table tennis, jogging, swimming, etc) with him or her daily.

Aside from physical changes, you also need to incorporate psychological aspects of your childs weight loss program. Make sure you teach your child on how to modify behaviors that may be the reason for his or her weight problem. Through every step of the child weight loss management, you need to be supportive of your childs development no matter how many pounds he or she lost each month. With a proper diet, regular exercise, behavior modifications and complete parental support, your child can be free from possible health problems cause by excessive body fats. - 17268

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Money Is Tight, But You Still Want To Eat Right-Healthy living Part 2

By Haiyan Lai-Heskin

Healthy eating is about getting the balance right, having enough fruit and vegetables, protein, fibre and starchy foods whilst not too much fat, sugar and salt.

Healthy eating on a budget is all about being creative with the money you do have. Make healthier food choices by learning about your guideline daily amounts and getting the right balance.

Fruit and vegetables provide us with fibre, vitamins and minerals and to get the greatest health benefits from them, The Department of Health recommends that we should eat at least 5 portions per day.

The unique package of nutrients and plant compounds in fruits and vegetables can help to protect against cancer, obesity and various chronic diseases such as heart disease, research suggests.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are usually very high in nutrients, but it will be more expensive. If you are on a very tight budget, learn to can or otherwise preserve these fruits and vegetables so you can have them all year round!

Having bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods at each meal to make up another third of diet. Because they provide energy and dietary fibre along with vitamins, minerals and small amounts of protein.

Milk and dairy foods contain protein, some vitamins, calcium and phosphoruswhich is necessary for strong bones and teeth. But high in saturated fat content, they should be eaten in moderation.

Meat, fish, eggs and beans includes both animal and plant sources of protein, which is a major functional and structural component of all cells. Protein provides the body with between 10 and 15 per cent of its dietary energy, and is needed for growth and repair. But limit your consumption of red meat to no more than 500g a week as they have been linked to certain forms of cancer.

Besides the foods, water is essential for the body's growth and maintenance, as it's involved in a number of processes. So drink six to eight medium glasses of fluid daily is necessary. Beverages such as tea, coffee and fruit juices count towards fluid intake, and may bring with them other nutrients or benefits.

Eating well to prevent diseases, such as heart attack and stroke with a variety of different foods in a low budget is not impossible. It can be done by taking a little bit of extra time and effort to plan your meals, and you can make good and inexpensive food choice in order to provide your body with excellent nutrition. - 17268

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How To Raise Hdl Cholesterol

By Adrian Fletcher

When you are told your cholesterol is too high and what you should do to bring down the cholesterol levels, your goal should also be to raise HDL cholesterol in the bloodstream. High HDL cholesterol levels are thought to lower the bad effects of LDL cholesterol, thus avoiding complications associated with the high cholesterol count.

If your HDL cholesterol is at a low level, you may have a greater chance of developing heart disease. Low HDL cholesterol levels will cause the LDL cholesterol to stay in the arteries where it can cause a blockage leading to a stroke. If you raise HDL cholesterol, this causes cholesterol to move from your arteries and go to your liver where it can be removed.

The first thing the doctor will do when you consult him about your high cholesterol is monitor your diet. A nutritionist can help you decide your diet, so that your LDL levels are lowered and to allow you to raise HDL cholesterol levels. This will include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet, and reduced amount of fat.

Reducing risk for heart disease requires work. The only way to improve your heart function, lose weight, raise HDL cholesterol and reduce your LDL "bad" cholesterol, is to begin an exercise regimen and keep up a daily routine of eating properly.

Another tip is to make the task of improving cholesterol a family affair. When you get used to a healthy diet, it will be quite simple and natural to follow the diet plan. Persuading your family members to join you will actually help in improvement of their health too. Your children should be taught the effects of nutrition on their health and the eating habits that will provide them with nutrition so this is good knowledge for them too. If we are able to do so successfully, this will help them throughout their life to maintain health and avoid health related difficulties.

There are various sources from which you can get information on how to eat and live healthy. Eating healthy as well as tasty food is what everyone would like, and these recipes can be found in many cookbooks. With the help of these books, you can cook food which will help you lower your LDL levels and raise HDL cholesterol levels.

It is possible to raise HDL cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol through diet and exercise alone but keep in mind that depending on the extent of your cholesterol levels and related issues, medications may be needed. Doctors are normally resistant to prescribing medication because it is better for the body to sort it's problems out naturally however you should discuss this with your doctor for the best results. - 17268

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Why Eat Bananas For Energy?

By Rachel Greene

If you watch athletics and sports events on the TV or go to a stadium live to see a meet or a match then you may quite often see athletes/sports people snacking on a banana. This isn't just about the fact that they may like the taste of this fruit, the fact is that the humble banana is a bit of an energy super fruit!

Bananas are a rich source of naturally occurring sugars so basically eating a banana can give you the kind of immediate energy rush or sugar hit that you might get from a candy bar. But, the energy rush you get here will be a healthy one which is why this fruit is often the snack of choice for people participating in sports or training.

So, eating a banana can give you a quick energy boost but what happens when this initial boost wears off? Well, the beauty of a banana is that, unlike the candy bar, the rush doesn't disappear almost immediately leaving you wanting more. A banana is absorbed relatively slowly into your system so that you get a slow and steady release of energy over time rather than that simple one-off hit.

So, if you are going to the gym or for a long run then eating one or two bananas before your workout can actually supply your body with the energy necessary to cope with the effort you'll be expending. And, as an exceptional source of potassium bananas can also help avoid muscular problems related to workouts and fitness programs such as cramps and spasms. This is another reason why athletes love them!

The energy giving properties of bananas can also suit you if you are on a diet or looking to eat more healthily. For many of us the changes in the foods we eat when we start to diet can be quite depressing and we can feel for a while that we lack vim and vigor.

A lot of the time this is simply down to the bad things in the junk food that we used to eat. It made us feel good but was bad for our bodies. But, bananas can help here. The energy that they can provide can be a healthy alternative and they can also help your body produce serotonin which can have a significantly positive effect on your mood.

In addition, eating a banana as a healthy snack is a great way of making your stomach feel that it is full as this fruit can be quite bulky. You may also find that your brain is less likely to tell you that you are hungry after snacking on a banana as the energy/nutrients that it brings into your body can take a while to be completely sorted.

So, if you are looking for an energy boost - no matter for what reason - then consider picking up a banana next time you need a lift. This is the healthy way to an energy boost that could keep you going for hours at a time! - 17268

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