Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Best Protein for Your Body

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

Whey protein isolate and whey protein powder concentrate is an examination very frequently sought. This question without a doubt is one that has crossed the minds of a lot of hopeful weight lifters when glancing at the shelves of an assortment of kinds of whey protein powder on hand in the health food supermarket.

Which whey protein is the one for you; concentrate or isolate?

The most significant difference between the two is that Isolate powder is processed at deeper levels so that the fat and lactose are detached. This more complicated technique provides a better quality of protein. The fact is that over 90% of whey protein powder isolate is protein calculated by weight.

This is valuable as lesser levels of fat are a benefit for the regular daily diet of bodybuilders and when whey is utilized for the purpose of losing weight.

A low level in lactose levels are also a benefit for individuals who are lactose intolerant and can also reduce the chance of that bloated feeling that can go along with some protein compounds. There are some side effects to using whey protein isolate nonetheless.

In view of the fact whey is high in protein ratio, isolate powder will cost you a little more. The filtering procedure isolate goes through is significantly more rigorous as it remove the components that are known as alpha lactoglobulins and lactoferrins which is important immune boosters.

Whey concentrate has lesser protein available and the protein content can range anywhere between 29% in upwards of 89% in some brands. Whey concentrate protein contains higher levels of lactose so anyone who suffers from lactose intolerance should to be very aware.

Whey protein concentrate powder does have an advantage because it cost less so this can be a better substitute depending on what your financial plan is. Whey concentrate protein powder also contains small levels of cholesterol, which is another benefit to think about for your diet.

Overall, dietary and medical conditions call for action to be taken into consideration when choosing the kind of whey protein powder you prefer.

Isolate whey powder may have the slight edge in regards to the biological value (BV) and will make available to you with more value for your money if you are needing a higher dosage per serving of whey protein. - 17268

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Body Building Workouts & Routines, Triceps

By Ricardo d Argence

Our arms are composed of a number of different types of muscles. Among these muscle types, it is the triceps that are always used with arm movements. As the name implies, triceps are comprised with three main muscles.

Strong and big triceps gives an individual the ability to lift heavy loads. Also, having well-developed triceps is a known characteristic of great and powerful arms. That is why so many people are seen doing military presses, bench presses and any other triceps exercises to develop lean and strong triceps.

Aside from strength and aesthetics, strengthening your triceps is essential in generally making the arms stronger. This is because the muscle takes 2/3 of the entire length of your arm. Hence, you cannot develop strong arms without having strong triceps first. But you also need to work out your biceps to end up having well rounded and proportionally developed arms.

Common workouts for triceps include: rope pull-downs, dumbbell exercises, and of course, push-ups. As with all exercise programs, it is vital that you first do a proper warm up' before commencing with your actual workout. Because warming up helps to prepare your body for more strenuous exercise, it's also helps to minimize the risk of injury.

Simple push- ups are without a doubt the most classic exercise for triceps. Not only are they the simplest exercise, but they're also the most effective with regards to toning the muscle. By incorporating dumbbells, you can increase the intensity of most exercises used for developing triceps.

To tone the muscle, you can replace the rope pull down machine with a dumbbell, hold it in both hands and position it at the back of the head. Maintain a position and gently pull the dumbbell up and down and feel the triceps flex.

For the most part, the rope pull down machine is the option of choice in most gyms. These machines work by making it possible for you to do exercises which are similar to those you do when you work with dumbbells. Once again, it's vital that you always maintain a suitable posture, not only to minimize the risk of injury, but also to ensure the correct execution of the exercise. One should focus more on the quality of movement rather than being able to do a vast number of reps.

Unlike regular triceps exercises, the advanced exercises are designed specifically to increase the stretch of the upper and lower triceps, and also to improve mass. Heavy weights such as the close-grip barbell bench and weighted dips are ideal for this purpose.

Likewise, for developing the upper triceps, one should focus on dips and cable press down exercises. For the lower triceps on the other hand, dips and weighted dips are known to be effective.

Interestingly enough, when you develop your triceps, you'll achieve better results if you make a point of training while your body is still fresh. One should bear in mind that according to the priority principal of bodybuilding, the triceps are considered to be relatively difficult and as such, it is advisable to target the most difficult muscles first.

Of course, it should also be noted that diet and nutrition are just as important as what exercise is when it comes to developing triceps. If your body is not receiving an adequate amount of nutrients, you'll find yourself not having enough energy in order to complete your workout. To the bottom line is; if you want to achieve noticeable results then you have to acknowledge the fact that exercise and nutrition goes hand in hand.

Remember, a decent weight training routine is one that combines equal attention to the exercise, well-balanced diet and sufficient rest in producing long-term gains. - 17268

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Does Colon Cleansing Help You Lose Weight?

By Jean Johnson

Just in case you were asking yourself does colon cleansing help with weight loss, I can tell you it really does. Colon cleansing is very helpful for dieters. In general, a small amount of weight is lost during the cleansing period itself. Depending on the cleansing product and the duration of the cleanse, you may lose up to 10lbs. However, substantial weight loss results will be accomplished when your colon is clean.

The goal of colon cleansing is to get rid of harmful toxins, bacteria and parasites that have accumulated in your digestive system and remove pounds of waste still sitting in your system. It also improves your overall digestive health and leaves your system functioning smoothly. Many people who have tried unsuccessfully to lose weight have found that colon cleansing was the key to getting rid of the extra weight. By eating a healthy, nutritious diet and having a colon that is working correctly, extra pounds can easily be gotten rid of.

To achieve the best results possible you will need to make some changes in your diet. You will need to eat more of the good foods such as raw fruits and vegetables. You will also need to avoid as much as possible the bad foods such as the empty calories in fast food. All processed carbohydrates and other processed foods should be avoided as well. This may not be easy at first but after you have become accustomed to the changes you will be happy you did and your colon will thank you as well.

At the end of your colon cleanse, there should be a noticeable improvement in your energy level and your digestive system should be working optimally. However, it must be stated that returning to old unhealthy eating habits will not yield good results. Maintaining a diet consisting abundantly of fruits, vegetables, fish and poultry will keep you going strong with your weight loss. Remember also, to add healthy fats like avocado, olive oil and olives. Consistency is essential to weight loss. An occasional treat may be added here and there (as long as its occasional and not habitual) and still continue to enjoy the good effects of your colon cleanse.

All in all balance will be needed in order to maintain colon health and a healthy weight. A healthy diet is important but we must be careful not to go to extremes. Allowances must be made for spontaneity and variety. Physical activity must also enter into the equation because colon health will be difficult to maintain without it. Also, an increase in the amount of water taken in on a daily basis would be helpful. Putting it all together, a healthy colon will be achieved through a consistent and balanced lifestyle. - 17268

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The Proper Length of Time for Atkins Diet

By Jesse Regan

The growing number of people who are obese propelled nutritionists worldwide to formulate diet plans which, if strictly followed, will result to reduction of weight. Good enough that there are famous people who publicized the good results of taking diet and being physically fit that ordinary people worldwide are encouraged to be on a diet as well by following any of the formulated diet plans. And so media outlets are bombarded frequently with news about the weight-loss effects of diet plans which glamorize the bodies of once obese individuals. However, no matter how great or efficient diet plans are in shedding off pounds of fats, there are concerns that should not be neglected so that these diet programs will not do more harm than good. In other words, following a diet has several considerations.

One of the most followed diets is Atkins diet which considerations should be known in order to achieve weight loss and physical fitness. One of the most frequently asked question regarding this diet is how long should a dieter stay on this diet. Hence, follow along and find out the answer.

According to the author of Atkins diet, permanent weight control is the ultimate aim of Atkins diet. The suggested meal plans are meant to control the amount of carbohydrates in the body so that fats can be used as source of energy. In the starting phase which is called induction phase, foods with almost no carbohydrate content are eaten by dieters to quickly reduce weight. After losing too much weight, healthy carbohydrates that come from vegetables are included in the meal plan of dieters.

But the question how long should a dieter stay on a diet? remains unanswered. The answer actually lies on the goals set by every dieter. In short, every dieter can only stay on diet unless he has achieved his desired body weight. But achieving the desired weight loss can be affected by several factors. These factors are metabolism rate, age, gender, and overall fitness of dieters. As studies revealed, the metabolism rate of any person gets slower as he gets old. Hence, a woman dieter who is in menopausal stage can have a hard time shedding off fats because she has lower carbohydrate threshold or slow metabolism rate. Moreover, a dieter who began to take a diet when his body weight amounts up to hundreds of pounds has greater period of time before he can achieve his desired body weight compared with another Atkins dieter who have lower body mass.

Having the desired body weight is not the ultimate aim of Atkins diet. After losing weight, dieters should still be watched the foods they eat to ensure that they only eat the right foods needed by their bodies. Moreover, they should also work out regularly in order to increase their metabolism rates even if they are approaching old age already.

There are nutritionists who do not recommend Atkins diet to some dieters, however, knowing the ultimate goal of the diet encourages people worldwide to follow it strictly. Atkins diet does not only help achieve physical fitness, but it also makes dieters responsible for their physical well being. These are some useful information you should keep in mind about weight loss . - 17268

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Facts on High Blood Pressure Sodium Intake

By Michael Byrd

Excessive sodium intake can bring about high blood pressure so put that salt shaker down at once! We always get this advice from health professionals. This advice is good but only if you follow it.

We all know that sodium is an essential mineral and therefore you cannot live without it. However, excessive sodium intake can do you more harm than good. Everyday our body only needs a little bit of salt to survive. Still, most Americans have much more than they should. Thus, we need to look for ways to overcome the high blood pressure sodium intake problem.

There are a few important reasons why your body needs sodium. One of these reasons is sodium helps to normalize the water balance in your body. However, you have to use sodium in moderation since too much of it causes water to retain in your body which can then lead to edema and an increase your blood volume. The increased blood volume can stress the circulatory system which then can lead to high blood pressure. Of course there are other reasons for high blood pressure but combined with other factors or even by itself it is still a cause.

So how much sodium does our body really need? Our body only needs around 500 to 1,000 milligrams of sodium daily to function properly. However, for most adults, as much as 1,100 to 3,300 milligrams daily is assumed to be safe and The American Heart Association also recommends that we get no more than 2,300 milligrams or approximately one teaspoon of salt a day.

How much salt are we getting right now? It is said that an average American consumes between 6,000 up to 15,000 milligrams of sodium a day and can even reach as high as 28,000 milligrams. This is why sodium intake is such a problem.

So how come we are getting more than enough sodium in our diets? This is because sodium can be found in almost every food that we eat. We can get it from packaged, processed and restaurant foods where sodium has been added. Every now and then we need to keep track of our total sodium intake since the numbers can add up real quick. We can do this only if we know how to read food labels.

When eating breakfast, lunch, dinners as well as all the snacks in between we need to keep our eyes open on all our food choices. If we want to reduce our sodium intake then we can always choose to eat natural foods like fresh vegetables and fruits, meats, whole grains and everything else that has no sodium added.

There is no quick way to reduce your salt and high blood pressure sodium intake so it will best if you begin with baby steps. For instance, stop using prepared foods and begin making it yourself. Do not buy canned goods and buy fresh products instead. Drink plenty of water instead of soda and if by chance you get to eat some packaged foods then choose only those labeled with low sodium.

Just follow these suggestions together with the other means of lowering blood pressure such as exercising regularly, having more omega 3 fish oil in your diet, and reducing stress and you'll surely see your blood pressure drop down naturally. - 17268

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Muscle Building and Man Boobs, How To Get Rid Of Them

By Ricardo d Argence

There's a lot of men who experience breast development (man boobs), or Gynecomastia, which is the swelling of breast tissue on the chest. It most frequently occurs as a temporary situation during adolescence, as the result of shifting hormone balances in the body, and periodically as the result of drugs involving hormone changes in particular, if the body reduces (or scavenges) the testosterone it produces, the amount of estrogen in the system goes up, and this can trigger breast budding.

For anyone who has man boobs, emotions such as humiliation, low self-esteem and embarrassment over physical appearance are common. Any social situation can often be a cause for great anxiety. If you want to get rid of them, what you need is to cut back on the junk, and fill up on the intensity. Turbulence Training is the fastest fat loss workout you can do at home. You will not need a gym membership or any fancy equipment.

Here, you can learn how to get rid of your man boobs. This is a fat burning program that focuses on building muscle and blasting fat with all sorts of push-ups, chest exercises, and intervals. It will help to convert those man boobs back into a real man's chest in just weeks, even if they are as big and bad as mine.

You can gain muscle and lose fat with short workouts. You don't need to be training 6 days per week or spending hundreds of dollars each month on fancy (but worthless) supplements. Soon you'll be the guy who is first to take his shirt off at the beach. No more hiding under sweats in the middle of July, or avoiding the water because you don't want anyone to see your man boobs.

And no matter what anyone says, you don't have to rely on surgery. Besides, that will leave ugly scars that will leave you just as self-conscious as when you had man boobs. The only fix is a permanent lifestyle change, thanks to the 3 short workouts per week of Turbulence Training. You'll see changes in your man boobs, love handles, and arm definition within weeks, going from male breasts to ripped abs in the process.

It is not like the other slow cardio programs you had maybe tried in the past. And it's not a wimpy machine circuit that just ends up being a waste of your time. If you are reading this lines, it means they didn't worked for you. It is a unique exercise system that you can perform in your own house. Combine that with Dr. Chris Mohr's sensible nutrition guidelines, and you'll have a new body, and a new chest in just weeks. Don't let this condition affect your sense of self and your social life. - 17268

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Herbal Remedies For Acne Exposed

By Jason Cartwright

Are you suffering from bad skin and looking for herbal remedies for acne? Acne is a skin condition that usually occurs during the puberty years. It is often seen as pustules or skin eruptions that occur mainly in the face, chest or back of an individual. Although, it commonly occurs during adolescence, it can also manifest itself well into adulthood.

Acne can be very inconvenient and can also lower self esteem as well as mar the face of the individual suffering from it. The main causes of acne are poor diet, poor hygiene and the hormonal imbalance that usually occurs during puberty. That is why many of us look for the best natural acne treatment.

There are many acne medications and herbal remedies for acne available today. Many people suffering from acne prefer herbal acne treatment compared to drugs or medications because these are usually mild and seldom have little or no side effects. Treating acne with medication based on chemicals can also be more expensive because they are often a long term pimple cure.

Herbal remedies for acne consist of detoxifying, refining and filtering your blood. The Burdock Root, Red Clover, Milk Thistle seed, and the Dandelion Root tincture are some of these home acne treatments.

Burdock Root can be bought from your local herbal store, it is then added in vegetable dishes and even uncooked, in salads. Red Clover is frequently extracted in hot water and drunk daily just like tea. To make your liver tougher and cleanse your kidneys, Dandelion Root tincture is taken..

Milk Thistle seed can come whole or as a tincture. The seed can be powdered and combined in your cereal and the tincture can be taken orally, like medicine.

Other herbal remedies for acne come as oils and ointments that are applied on the skin itself. These herbal acne treatments are Tea Tree oil, Aloe Vera gel and Calendula. Tea Tree oil works as an anti bacterial solution that helps to eliminate infection in acne prone skin and lessen the irritation.

Aloe Vera facilitates in cooling your face and has anti-microbial effects too that kills acne-causing microorganisms. Calendula assists to cure the acne area. All these creams and lotions are a few of the best natural acne treatment methods available.

A lot of people can get advantage by using these herbal remedies for acne. The rewards of using such cures are that they are low-priced, have hardly any side-effects and are readily obtainable to apply as many times as you wish. - 17268

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Sore Joints - What Could Be The Reason For Sore Joints?

By Mitchell Tyrell

The body's joints bear more stress than any other part of the human body. It is not surprising then that sore joints is a chief complaint. Joint soreness can be caused by a variety of factors. The most common cause of joint pain is osteoarthritis. However, overuse and other illnesses also have an effect on joint health.

Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of sore joints. Between the bones of a joint is a layer of cushioning called cartilage. As we age and use our bodies, the cartilage begins to wear away. Almost everyone by the age of 70 has some degree of osteoarthritis. In the worst cases, though, the cartilage wears away completely. Once this happens, the bones rub together. Bone spurs, painful growths of bone, can then form.

Tendons, ligament and bones can all be affected by overuse. Tendons connect muscle to bone. Repetitive motion can cause tendons to swell and the joints to become sore. This phenomenon is called tendonitis. One of the most common forms of tendonitis is carpal tunnel syndrome. Ligaments connect bone to bone within a joint.

Ligament strains are caused by overextension of the ligament. The overextension causes the ligament to tear and swell, thus causing soreness in the joint. A ligament sprain occurs when the joint is moved in an unnatural way. Ankles are a common location for ligament sprains. Bones are also affected by overuse. Runners often get stress fractures in the weight bearing bones, such as in the feet, shins, and hips.

Other illnesses that can affect joint health are other forms of arthritis besides osteoarthritis. Just a couple of these other forms of arthritis are rheumatoid and septic arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis has unknown causes but it is believed to be hereditary. It is an autoimmune disease that causes painful swelling in the joints. Septic arthritis is caused by a bacterial infection that enters the joint through the blood stream. - 17268

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Pros and Cons of Whey Protein

By Phil Ruth

Supplement manufacturers have done a wonderful job of confusing the fitness wanting public. For the last few years the bodybuilding community has gobbled up whey protein.

Studies proved that fast stomach emptying by many of the amino acids consumed via whey protein are burned up with enzymes. Casein manufacturers decided to increase the number of protein grams in a serving because excess protein would have to be consumed, and more protein was sold.

Soy found its popularity primarily among vegetarians. The Soy industry watched as whey protein sales skyrocketed, thus, in order to grab their own position, they capitalized within a "health" marketplace, primarily targeting women. Some of the referenced studies are valid, but are not representative of "the whole picture."

One study looked at two groups of healthy middle aged men that were given isocaloric meals with one group eating soy protein, while the other consumed animal protein. They wanted to find out if there is a decreased propensity of gallstones when animal products are replaced by soy proteins. Very often gallstone accumulation is linked to cholesterol crystallization, so they then examined the participants cholesterol levels.

The study showed that cholesterol crystallization was slightly retarded in the soy group extrapolating that soy can help in preventing gallstones. Here's what the study did not seem to address. There wasn't any control over fruit and vegetable intake. Soy is a vegetable, and it does happen to fall into the group of veggies that are high in isoflavones.

Isoflavones are very closely tied to many health benefits including a lowering of cholesterol levels. On the other hand, we've known for some time that the consumption of meat is linked with an elevation of the cholesterol level. This does not mean that people who eat soy will have better cholesterol than people who eat chicken, turkey, egg, fish, and other vegetables. This clearly shows that conclusions drawn from studies are very often taken out of their proper context and overemphasized.

Many studies show the cancer resistive benefits of a nutrition plan heavy in vegetables, we do not take this to mean that people who consume soy instead of milk, egg, and animal protein will be in better health, if an exercise is part of the plan conclusions in non-exercising people will always be invalidated.

Much of the information promoted specific to soy is published by companies with a vested interest in Soy product sales, like The USB (United Soybean Board). This doesn't mean that soy isn't an excellent source of protein, rather it shows that the health benefits have been taken out of context to sell Soy products.

Metabolically, recent data suggest that you should consume a mixture of casein and whey protein for optimal results. Unless you are a vegetarian, you'll see the best results from consuming a wide variety of foods as part of your nutrition program. - 17268

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How A Modern Bread Maker Makes Baking An Easy Process

By Chris Channing

Technology is great, considering that today we don't have to spend the long hours kneading and baking bread in order to get the taste of fresh bread. Instead we can use a machine that does all the hard work for us- but how exactly does the machine operate, and how easy is it to use?

Bread makers weren't around decades ago- so why start using them now rather than do it the "old fashioned" way? The answer is simple: you save a lot of time and effort by using a bread maker. The machine can control the mixing of ingredients, the rising, baking, and everything else necessary. The only effort you need to put in is to provide the right ingredients.

The most strength-intensive part of making bread was once kneading it. Getting the dough to the right consistency involved a little elbow grease, as the dough's viscosity became increasingly harder to work with. Bread machines today will instead do the hard work for you and only require that you put in the ingredients in which it will knead. In the end you save effort and time and let technology take care of it.

The rising of the bread is the next point of concern with the machine. Rising bread is done through increasing the temperature of the environment around the dough- which the machine will do automatically. The rising process should not require any interaction from the cook at this point. Once fully raised, the dough is then able to be baked until ready for cooling.

Since the start of the process, the cook has only had to enter ingredients into the machine and wait. For the final interaction, the cook needs to tell the bread maker how long to cook the dough and at what temperature to do it at. For a perfect result, follow the instructions that came with the recipe you are making. If you don't have the instructions you should check constantly and try to guess the amount the best you can.

Bread makers aren't as cheap as say, a toaster, but after seeing how much of the process they can streamline, this shouldn't come as a surprise. The bread makers of today can do a lot more than described as well, it all just depends on how much money you are willing to part with. The more money you decide to spend, the more bells and whistles you can expect to get with your bread maker.

Final Thoughts

You won't have to conduct your search long to find a bread maker that would suit you. Many retail stores stock them, from cooking stores to department stores. For the best selection you can go online to see how much the bread maker is going to cost you and to compare. - 17268

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Female Bodybuilding Tips, How To Build Muscle And Look Still Beautiful

By Ricardo d Argence

How does one create beautiful muscles for women? Of course you can build muscle by weight training, however, there is more to it than just that. The answer is weight training with the proper intensity, right form, and training just enough to stimulate growth.

If you can identify the 6 common women's bodybuilding errors you can tweak your training program and successfully make satisfying muscle gains.

1. Not trying to do your best is the ultimate muscle building mistake I have encountered. Granted, some women train hard, but few challenge themselves each training session. Increase in muscle mass can be obtained when a maximum force is applied through the use of progressive overload.

2. Failure to employ heavy compound exercises is another training issue. A compound exercise is a multi-joint exercise, where all the muscles and joints of that specific area are called upon to execute the movement. Compound exercises are the backbone to any muscle building program. If your training program is lacking compound exercises, it's lacking muscle growth potential.

3. The third mistake that I see in muscle growth is being inconsistent. You will not be able to build up muscle by working out casually. You must make out a detailed plan and follow the schedule meticulously.

4. Failure to give a program enough time to prove itself is another common error. If you want your muscle building program to give you results, you have to be patient. If you want to ensure muscle building success, log your workouts so you can visually see the progression, and be sure that you are challenging your muscles every workout.

5. A usual problem women bodybuilders have is contemplating fast changes. Changes can be made, but will not be apparent overnight. When you see well-developed built ladies, they worked hard for that physique. It wasn't as easy as deciding what weight they wanted to be and then changing their eating habits and achieving their goals just like that. These sculpted physiques resulted from adhering to the appropriate training guidelines and steered clear of typical errors made by women bodybuilders.

6. Another common female bodybuilding error is training too often. Don't say you are not guilty of it because everyone has trained too much at one time or another.

Weight training for muscle growth doesn't need to be a weight training marathon, and you don't need endless sets and reps every day in the gym. In fact, if you are guilty of overtraining, you will halt your muscle growth. - 17268

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