Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Accelerate Your Metabolism Naturally with Supplements

By Thong M. Dao

Our body is an impressive and natural mechanism. Usually, we are unaware of our bodies' multiple simultaneous tasks. All too often in our lives, there is certainly something that we take for granted.

If our health starts to go downhill, however, our body may be on our mind on a constant basis. It's preferable that we take good care of our bodies prior to anything going awry rather than trying to fix things when they go wrong.

Controlling weight is very important to many people. Sadly, it is quite a difficult task to accomplish in the extremely busy schedule that many people have. That is not to say that we cannot do it.

For instance, to ensure maximum assistance for our body we can keep our metabolism up at optimal levels. Using supplements, exercising, and eating properly can all get this done. Any one of these will work or you can try a combination.

It's pretty easy to boost your metabolic rate by using supplements. To kick start your metabolic process and keep it functioning well as the day goes on, consider taking a supplement.

Pick out something natural so that this vital part of your body won't be hurt. The use of artificial chemicals to alter the way your body operates is not a great idea.

Although there are a lot of different supplements which can increase our metabolic process, one of the safest and most efficient is green tea. You can either use this in its natural form by brewing it or get it concentrated in the form of a tablet.

Green tea contains antioxidants and can assist to keep the metabolic process up. If you make the decision to take this natural supplement on a regular basis, you should begin to see results comparatively quickly. - 17268

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Fish Oil Enriched Pigs

By Dr. Bill

A good friend of mine is from Minnesota, a small town town up near the Canadian border where it's beyond cold. He hightailed it out of there, soon after graduating from high school, and has lived in Florida for quite a while.

He does go back for a visit every now and then, usually in July or August, when it's warm, at least for that part of the country. He called me today to razz me a bit, and referred me to a study undertaken at the University of Minnesota.

I thought perhaps it was a psychiatric study, an examination of why a state would elect a fool for United States Senator, (Al Franken), after the experience they had of electing a fool for governor, (Jesse Ventura).

The study was actually done to isolate a gene that codes an enzyme that helps convert omega 6 fats, which are found in many grains, into heart-healthy omega 3s. The researchers used a type of nematode worm in the study. It's not like they were trying to create pigs that are enriched with omega 3s, to help consumers increase their heart health, but who knows, that might happen in the future.

In case you didn't know this, Brother Pig has a circulatory system very similar to humans, and scientists wanted to investigate the effects of internally produced omega 3 fats compared with omega 3 fats in the diet.

All this interest in omega 3s is being sparked by a number of completed studies that have shown omega 3 fatty acids, like the ones contained in pharmaceutical grade fish oil, can reduce the risk of a heart attack and sudden death...probably by slowing the heart rate.

A landmark Italian study documented a significant reduction in the death rate, by heart attack patients taking fish oil every day. The study lasted 3 1/2 years, and the death rate was cut in half.

It's also known that omega 3s raise levels of "good" cholesterol, also known as HDL.

Omega 3s have also been show to decrease levels of triglycerides.

Evidence had also shown that omega 3s may even decrease the risk of macular degeneration and other eye problems.

There is also evidence to show that DHA, (docosahexaenoic acid), can possibly protect the brain from succumbing to dementia.

There is also evidence that EPA, (eicosapentaenoic acid), can aid in the suppleness of the arteries.

The Omega 3s come from small chain fish, anchovy, and sardines, not salmon. Salmon production was one of the reasons that the Minnesota researchers were looking at the production of omega 3 pigs.

So will we ever have pigs that contain omega 3s?

I don't know, but it's fun to think about getting your EPA/DHA from bacon, or baby back ribs. Meanwhile, take your soft gels. - 17268

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How to build muscle in more ways than one

By James Hanson

Whether you are looking to build your body strength or simply improve your body image, muscle building training can give you both of this and a lot more. There are a variety of ways to achieve what you want - here, we list some of the best ways to fast build muscle fast.

The best way to achieve muscle growth is the natural way - with a good diet and regular exercise. Eating the right kinds of food and settling into an exercise routine that works out the right parts of the body can ultimately give you what you want. You can also burn any excess fat from your body and build muscle at the same time.

Using synthetic diet pills and any other drugs is not advisable as they can have several side-effects. Consulting your doctor before using these drugs is vital to ensure you're not hurting yourself. Not doing so could possibly give you the exact opposite results of what you were hoping for.

One of the best ways to build muscle is by lifting weights, simply because you can choose which parts of your body to work out. When deciding to lift weights, make sure you start with a weight you can handle - if you try a weight that's too much to handle, you can end up hurting yourself, so be careful!

Beginning your weight lifting workout with an iron bar is easy enough. When you feel it's too light, slowly add more and more weight to constantly work your body out to its limits. The idea is to work just a little more than what you can normally handle. By doing the extra repetition or the extra set, you'll be opening the doors to muscle growth - soon you'll find you can lift more and more weight with every workout.

Asides from weights, there are also many other methods to build muscle. You could jog around your village to strengthen your legs, do sit-ups to build your abs, push-ups for your chest, and pull-ups for your arms and back.

Diet is vital in making sure that you get the results you want. Make sure you diet is rich is protein and carbohydrates and that you consume energy drinks during your workout. You need to make sure that your muscles have a steady supply of energy throughout the day; eating small meals frequently can achieve this, in contrast to consuming two to three larger meals per day.

If you want to build muscle fast, you need to persevere. Make sure that you don't weasel out of your daily routine and that you stick to it until you get the outcome that you want. Setting your goal would be a good incentive to get you going. Always remember that persistence pays.

One of the key things to remember to build muscle is that you need to give yourself an all-round workout, so changing your routine every month or so will make sure that you exercise all of the areas you need to and make sure that your efforts give you the best results. - 17268

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Are You Even Thinking of Low Carb Diets?

By Amanda Gibb

Among all the various weight loss programs and methods, the low carb diet has survived a pretty long time. The question is, are low carb diets really effective for losing weight quickly?

While the low carb diet is pretty popular, its not a healthy long term weight control method. Low carb diets usually are undertaken together with high protein intake for effective weight loss. Depending on your age, this may or may not be good for your health in the long term. Low carb diets that are high in protein work well in the short term, and the best ones steadily introduce carbohydrates back into your meals once you have hit your weight targets.

When your body doesnt receive enough carbohydrates from your diet, it starts to burn calories from your stored fat, which makes Low Carbohydrate Diets work very well in the short term. Guess what? As your body burns up your fat stores, you start to lose weight.

Dont be lulled into complacency though, because there are risks associated with low carb diet plans. Even people who have a good health history have been affected by going on low carb diets, with supporting medical evidence. By going on low carb diets to lose weight, there may be longer term side effects.

In the short term, low carb diets can work wonders in reducing your weight. However, its recommended that carbohydrates be introduced into your diet back bit by bit over time to make sure your body is able to function properly. As you introduce carbohydrates back into your diet, avoid simple carbohydrates like candy and consume more complex carbohydrates like potatoes and rice instead.

So while you want to lose weight, the question remains whether low carb diets work?

The short and simple answer is that low carb diets work in the short term. However, for long term health, you do need to introduce complex carbohydrates back into your diet.

The purpose of dieting and weight loss is so you can not only look better, but also become healthier. It doesn't make sense to lose weight in the short term only to suffer for the long term, right?

There are several diet meal plans available that can help you lose weight quickly as well as balance out your dietary intake. Weve reviewed several of the top products in the market for your benefit. Diet plans like Fat Loss 4 Idiots, Acid Alkaline Diet and others. For more information on how you can lose weight quickly and safely, find out what we uncovered for some of the top selling diet meal plans. - 17268

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Food Emergency

By Eric Vanderham

Why does the idea of having enough food for emergency preparedness keep many of us worrying at night? After all, many of us live in countries where there is a lot of food in the stores, enough to see us through emergencies. The problem is that natural disasters, power outages, and living in remote areas can deter our ability to get to the stores. Even the recent volcano eruptions and earthquakes have limited the transportation needed to allow people into towns. Some people won't have the cash or access to bank machines or debit cards when needed.

There are people who have meticulously planned for food emergencies, by buying, packaging and storing staples of food, labelling them for expiry dates in order not to waste the food. The year or two goes by, the food has to be eaten, and replaced in order to keep that constantly emergency supply. I cannot speak against those who have done such a valiant job at planning for their family. The problem is that many of us do not have the time nor inclination to go to all this trouble yet we are of course worried about how lack of food storage for emergencies.

What I've found is a lot of food available that is prepared for much longer storage life such as 5 to 10 years, even up to 25 years. Freeze dried food, MRE's, these foods are what military personnel carry with them. For those of you unfamiliar with MRE's, they are individual pouches of food ready to slip into an MRE heater. THe heater is also a slim disposable holder that requires only one tablespoon of water to heat the MRE meal that you slip into it. The MRE will provide nutritious meals that are most tasty hot than cold, which is why you want the MRE heater with you. At about .99 for the heater, you can see what I'm talking about. The heater is not a piece of bulky equipment and does not require fuel.

A lot of us have never heard of MRE's nor the MRE heater, so I'm explaining in detail. The difference in the years of shelf-life for MREs is a result of the temperature you store them in. They keep best in 75 degrees farenheit or less and will last much longer than five years at those temperatures, but about 5 years in hotter climates or storage. You can see why these are so valuable to the military.

MRE's can be provide a 30 day supply of food in a box, with 2000 calories per day of meals per person. The 30 MRE heaters are also provided with it, depending on what company you by from. They eliminate the need for power or drinkable water to heat up the food, they are light to carry but have excellent food and last for years. You can carry them on hiking or wilderness trips, being ready for the unexpected such as poor weather conditions or being lost in the bush. You can keep a box in your home for easy evacuation as part of your emergency preparedness kit. They are fantastic to have.

There are also containers of freeze dried meals that last from 20 to 30 years, so once you have bought these, you will have taken care of your food supply. You can start storing cans of meals bit by bit until you have the variety of different meals you would want with you. One can has nine servings and indicate that it is lactose free, shellfish free, pork free, etc., Prior to ordering them, you will be able to see the nutrition facts, the ingredients, and how many servings it will provide.

Freeze dried food seals in the nutrients and are superior to dehydrated foods. They keep the shape, texture and taste, vitamins, fibre, color of fresh frozen foods. Some examples of the meals you may buy: vegetable stew with beef, chicken and rice, spaghetti and meat sauce, chicken a la king, beef stroganoff, vegetarian meals, beef or chicken teriyaki, lasagna with meat sauce, sea food chowder, incredible assortment of desserts, individuals cans of specific side dishes such as fluffy white rice, sweet corn, green beans, the list is vast.

You will notice that you don't have to be eating beans and canned soup every day, nor do you have to worry about the expiration date. One man wrote that the snack crackers he tried after 25 years of storage were still really excellent tasting. There are also single and two-pack pouches of freeze dried food for travel, hiking, camping, etc. Best sellers are Lasagna/Meat Sauce, Beef Stew, Beef Stroganoff, Chicken Teriyaki, Eggs/Bacon. Have fun trying these out! - 17268

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The Obese's Fear of Food Helps Keep them Obese

By Carlene Jones

Many of my new clients panic when I suggest that they eat whole healthy foods for fast weight loss. I can sympathize with them. As a child I would feel guilty if I ate a second apple in one day or if I wanted a second glass of milk. I had a bigger appetite than my thin siblings, but knew that to eat more than them proved to the world I deserved the extra weight I carried, even if that food was a couple of cucumbers for a snack in the summer. By the time I met my naturopath I weighed 256 pounds and was in a deep depression. I had gone armed with information and demanded blood work to see if my problem was liver/nutrient based. I made some great discoveries and was able to shed the depression and start a raw foods diet that let me lose 136 pounds in 9 months. When I returned to see the naturopath for my final blood work, she showed me the notes she took the first day we met. They said: "Patient views food as poison."

For the woman I was when I first met her, that statement was very true. After working with so many other obese women, I have learned that is actually a very common idea. Food has been our lover and our enemy. Most of us don't really know how we feel about it, but we all fear our relationship with it. The most common complaint I hear from dieters on why they quit most diets is that they just wanted to eat like a normal person.

One of the biggest concerns for the obese in our relationship with food is that we have no idea how to eat "normal." We are great on diets, but outside that structure, all we seem to know is how to overeat. It is that overeating that makes us obese and ill, so in our minds even though we love food and go to it for comfort and joy we know that it is killing us.

One of the first things that becomes very clear when new obese clients start my program, and what they actually all voice is: "I don't know how to eat like a regular person." When I tell them I want them to eat 1800 calories their first two weeks to find out what their true maintenance diet will look like, their eyes pop, their voices quake, and they stammer: "1800 calories, that is insane. I will gain weight." It takes me a while to convince them otherwise.

I check their food every day. The first week is always predictable. The food logs are packed with diet type foods in quantities that wouldn't satisfy a child. The calories rarely come close to the 1800. For that matter they rarely reach 1500. When I start to question the choices they actually defend the food saying they prefer it to other "real" food. After a long lecture on what we are trying to accomplish the second week is better, but it still takes a while to get them to give in to foods they feared all their lives and to eat enough to feel sated before leaving the dinner table.

I don't believe there is anyone diet that works for everyone. We all have different likes and dislikes and our bodies react to certain foods in both positive and negative ways. Some of us do better with low fat, some thrive on higher fats. Some of us are insulin resistant with some foods spiking our blood sugar while others can eat what they want. We also have different appetites that dictate if we are grazers or three meal a day type of eaters. There is no one right or wrong way to eat. Yet most obese men and women feel they have to conform to dieting standards which have always been about deprivation and obsession.

That fear of eating that has been hammered into us all these years has to be tackled. The only way to do that is to eat. Sounds simple enough, but in my experience I have found it is harder to get people to eat then it is to get them to diet. Why? Because all we know is deprivation or guilt.

My new obese clients are always tentative eaters. They tend to eat foods from their dieting backgrounds and always in small amounts. When I ask them what appealed to them in these foods, they squirm and even try to convince me they actually like all that diet food. When I stand firm that diet food is not on our program they are lost to figure out what they should eat. Some even swear they cannot live without their liquid diet foods and insist on including them in their new programs. I just shake my head. Drinking calories and calling it nutrition was a bad idea, people need to eat, and they need to learn to eat healthy satisfying foods in quantities their body and psyche can handle.

Making that switch is not easy. It takes me a while to calm their nerves and get them to trust the process. Once they do, they are surprised by the types of foods they can have in their lives and that yes, even with 1800 calories a day they can maintain their weight while feeling satisfied and full. But still that nagging thought that they are cheating, that they are breaking the dieting rules persist. Even when they are experiencing fast weight loss.

For so many years the obese have fought their inability to control their weight and take responsibility for their relationship with food. That loss of control makes food the enemy for some, and an abusive lover for others. But food is only as powerful as e make it. The obese must open their eyes to the true value of food. It is nutrition for the body. Like gasoline for a car. There is no need to fear it, there is only a need to build a solid relationship with it where we are the ones in charge. - 17268

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Belly Fat Needs Tough Love

By Jane Wilcock

Looking for a serious plan that will help you lose belly fat and keep it off for good? You can crush belly fat with regular work out routines and healthier eating habits. There is no difference in the fat around your abdomen and the fat that collects on your hips, thighs and buttocks. Belly fat is just the result of too many calories and too little activity and you CAN get rid of it.

Some people are more disposed to fat accumulation in their abdominal area. However, even these people can get rid of this flab and build the lean, sculpted midsection they really want. Theres no magical overnight solution, but watching what you eat and exercising regularly will make you lose belly fat.

A healthy diet is the best weapon you have to combat belly fat. Eating a healthy, nutritionally balanced diet will have you well on your way to a new slim and sexy you! The first thing to do is to look at your diet and reduce your caloric intake " empty calories are your worst enemy.

Fresh berries, especially blueberries are an important addition to your diet. A handful of antioxidant-rich blueberries twice a day help your metabolism to burn fat more rapidly; and its a delicious way to fight belly fat!

Of course you can lose weight by eating a low carb diet; but the carbs arent the real culprit! Any diet that cuts back on caloric intake will result in weight loss. If you want to lose those excess pounds and that unsightly flab, then youll need to not only eat less calories but also take up weight training and cardio exercise.

Here is a very useful tip about dieting. Any time that you eat protein rich foods your body will burn almost 5 times the amount of calories as it does for carbs or fats. This is why lean meats, protein shakes, and egg whites are all good choices to include in any healthy diet to help you lose belly fat.

Make sure to mix things up in your diet. When you vary the amount of carbohydrates you eat, this keeps your body from getting used to a certain level of carbohydrate intake. People who keep their diet varied in this way lose more weight and lose it faster than those who do not " and this also prevents diet burnout.

Instead of considering a diet as a temporary means of helping you lose unwanted belly fat you need to make healthy eating a lifestyle change. Likewise your exercising should become part of your daily life. Daily walking or aerobic activities will help you burn fat and when you work with weights you will help tighten, tone, and firm your entire body. - 17268

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Acai and Arthritis

By Carter Sinclair

Today many people are suffering from arthritis. It can catch you when you get older, if you have injured joints, low blood circulation, and not enough vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Many people are looking for treatments from this painful ailment. Acai is one of the newest supplements many are trying.

The Acai berry is very popular because of the number of beneficial minerals and vitamins it contains. It has everything from amino acids to antioxidants that are beneficial to anyone suffering from arthritis. The berry helps you body heal and naturally repair itself.

The acai fruit is very good at cleansing your system. The antioxidants in the acai berry reverse the effects of arthritis and are very powerful. There are more antioxidants in acai than in that of red wine and there is no alcohol in acai berry.

Acai berry contains soothing minerals that make your bones feel better and those that have taken acai berry say they have relief from the pain that they normally have to endure. The other added benefit of taking acai supplements is acai gives you more energy. This is important to those suffering from arthritis because exercise helps to make the joints more flexible and limber.

Because of the anti oxidant properties of the berry, the body will be able to better clear out the bad things which will make you feel better in so many ways. This is especially true with inflammation. People say that their arthritis is so much better if not completely alleviated due to the inflammation being taken care of with this berry.

Acai berry is one of the most powerful super foods out there. It should be noted that reducing inflammation is only part of the remedy acai berry gives you. Talk to your doctor about acai berry and see what he has to say about this amazing little berry. Keep track of your results and how you feel when you are and when you aren't taking acai berry supplements and you will be amazed at the difference. - 17268

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Acai Fruit Juice Genuine Superfood or Fad?

By Carter Sinclair

Over the past couple months Acai fruit juice has exploded on the health and food industry. It has been displayed and talked about on Oprah and Rachel Ray. Many people are wondering, Is Acai fruit juice a fad or is it really a superfood?

As is the case with any great new product there are going to be those out there who try to take advantage of its popularity and produce low quality products, just to make a quick buck. However, if you get your hands on real 100% pure Acai fruit juice it is indeed the real deal. Many people have used Acai to improve almost every aspect of their health and in turn their life.

Pay particular attention to any company selling the acai powder pills. Many of these are doing shady practices and are doing false advertising. These free trials that they are pushing often end up beging scams and your pocket book will be effected. Stay away from acai berry pills.

What they don't make clear is that if you don't cancel in 14 days after ordering they will charge your credit card $80 each and every month. Many people have complained that even after they try to cancel this subscription they are charged and they only way to stop is to cancel their card. On top of all of that their products are garbage and contain little to no real Acai.

So just do your homework and find out what companies are selling pure organic acai. These companies work directly with the people who harvest acai. They preserve all the vitamins and minerals of acai.

Those who drink Acai fruit juice have had their eyes open to a whole new world of health possibilities they never knew were possible, you just have to make sure you are getting the genuine real deal and not some imitator trying to make a fast buck. - 17268

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Kitchen Tools for Moms Who Want Healthy Families

By Jackie Tungsteiner

One common electronic appliance found in healthy kitchens is a vegetable juicer. Juicers are used as a way to quickly prepare all of those exceptionally healthy raw vegetables so you can get enough of them into your system. Eating them one at a time every day can cause you to learn to dislike them. If you turn them into juice instead, you can drink a cup once per day in a few seconds. That makes it much easier to get them in.

Stainless steel kitchen utensils are part of a healthy kitchen. Why is stainless steel so healthy? In short its because of plastic. By using stainless steel products instead of plastic ones, you can reduce the amount of toxic materials that can slowly seep out of the plastic containers and into your food.

When choosing between glass and plastic choose glass. Glass doesn't have the petroleum based components that may allow some seepage of unwanted materials into your food. Glass containers are normally pretty smooth and easier to clean. SO, food particles have a harder time sticking inside of containers made of glass as most of the other ones. Cleaner containers means less bacteria growing on the particles left behind after you wash them. Less germs means better health.

Look inside the kitchen of a health minded person and you might see a food dehydrator. Dehydrating allows you to keep the nutrient rich foods that you love to snack on without cooking away all of the really beneficial ingredients of the food. If you have healthy things to snack on, it will be much easier to watch what you grab when hunger strikes. Why not make it simpler to stick to a healthy diet?

Water filtration is one of the easiest ways a person can upgrade the health of a kitchen. The popularity of water filtration has caused many companies to get into this business. That benefits all of us by driving the price of these products down due to competition. If you do some more research online, you will see that there are a many toxins that can be found in measurable quantities in some water sources. It just makes sense to take one simple step in filtering the stuff that your body must have to live.

If you visit the kitchen of a really healthy person, you are likely to come across one or two really good cookbooks. It is easy to learn which foods are really good for us and which aren't. What is not so easy is coming up with enough different ways of preparing them to keep them interesting. Families will get sick of having the same old healthy meals every week. You've got to find a way to mix things up. Cookbooks are the perfect tool for doing this. Somebody else has already taken the time to find out what food combination's work well together. Why not learn from their experience?

Some kitchen appliances aren't great investments. Food processors are a worthwhile investment though. A food processor can drastically reduce the time required to prepare certain types of food. If you are making lots of soups or casseroles, having an electric gadget to do some of the prep work will make meals much less of a burden to prepare. - 17268

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The Amazing Acai Berry

By Kari Gambale

In the Amazon forest of Brazil grows a tiny berry by the name of Acai. For hundreds of years the natives of Brazil have harvested it for their diet.

The berries must be treated properly to preserve their natural properties. Only 10% of each berry is fruit. The rest is seed and has no nutritional value. Therefore it takes a substantial amount of these little berries to create a usable puree.

Though its always been popular in Brazil, American nutritionists, scientists and Doctors now are more than aware of its nutritional properties as well as the health benefits that the Acai berry can bring. These health benefits are exceedingly startling!

The Athletes of Brazil have learned that a healthy portion of Acai berry prior to a game has a tremendous impact on the amount of energy and stamina a player has. Acai berries have been discovered to have exceptionally high antioxidant properties that rid the body of free radicals, help muscle tissue repair itself and produce energy and stamina.

Another major nutrient in Acai berry is carbohydrates. It is carbohydrates in the diet that helps store and deliver energy throughout the body. They also work to help the body process food and keep the body, tissue and immune system functioning well. It has been shown that a 40 to 65% of our energy source should come from carbohydrates.

Especially in industrialized nations, such as the United States, the high levels of pollution, chemicals and additives in our diets has begun to create problems for our health. The free radicals that come from these things upset the natural balance of the body and cause damage to our cells. Antioxidants such as vitamin C and E help protect the body by removing these harmful elements. The Acai berry, with its tremendous antioxidant properties is an excellent option for dealing with free radicals and ridding our bodies of their negative impact.

The Acai berries have properties that have been shown to reduce cholesterol and help the body process nutrients, thus allowing it to function much more efficiently and effectively. The Brazilians are among the healthiest, most energetic people in the world. They have been able to avoid many of the illnesses that plague the western world. Scientists are beginning to think that this is a result of their Acai berry diet. Acai berry pulp contains Omega 6 and Omega 9, both found to powerful antioxidants. In addition the fruit contains essential fatty acids, proteins, fiber, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin B1, B2 and B3.

Because of the antioxidants, amino acids, essential fatty acids, as well as phytosterols which are naturally occurring plant phytochemicals, the Acai is thought to be helpful in reducing heart attacks. The ingredients will all work together to burn fat efficiently, process your food more easily, as well as working to make your body function healthier. Thus, the Acai berry is highly suggested for you to reach a more perfect weight if you are overweight. Also, those phytosterols will reduce human cholesterol levels by up to 15%.

The essential fatty acids and antioxidants work together to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL) in the body. The essential fatty acids also help you body absorb the important vitamins A, E, D and K.

The health benefits of the Acai berry extend to include anti-viral and anti-bacterial agents which will help your body resist disease and illness. The anthocyanins that help accomplish this also assist in maintaining good eyesight and ward off such conditions as glaucoma and macular degeneration.

Aiding the digestion, Acai berry has vital enzymes that aid the digestion process. If you suffer from digestive problems such as acid reflux, irritable bowel or the like, an Acai product may help cure this problem for you.

Acai berries are rich in Vitamin B that assists the body in regulating dopamine and serotonin levels. This helps your body relax, rest and sleep and we all know that a good nights sleep does wonders for our health and well being.

Acai berries have been shown to have such amazing health benefits, that they are an exceptionally good thing to add to your diet. - 17268

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