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Friday, September 11, 2009

Injury-free Weight Lifting Routines

By Jack W. Anderson

If you're looking to improve your overall health and quality of life, drop those unwanted pounds of fat, increase your muscle mass and tone then bodybuilding is definitely the way to go. There are a few things any aspiring bodybuilder should keep in mind during their workouts in order to avoid any unnecessary injury or harm. This article will cover the common risk factors and how to minimize them.

A physical checkup with a licensed health professional is the most important thing you can do before even beginning to plan your workouts. Bodybuilding is a great idea for most who are up to it, but if you have any physical conditions that may require changes to your plan you will need to know ahead of time by discussing this with your physician.

Safety precaution number two is to make sure you have all the needed accessories. Of course you will want some comfortable gym shoes and clothing, but more importantly you will need a good pair of gloves. Weight lifting gloves will improve your grip, prevent dangerous slip-ups, and also improve your performance by minimizing the strain on the muscles in your hands.

You should wear typical workout clothing when you are doing your weight lifting. You can find these items at sports stores and most apparel stores. For shoes you should opt for a good athletic shoe that will help you not to slip and give you good support.

Do not strain yourself by trying to start with more weight than you can manage at first. The goal is to work your way up to larger weights gradually by only doing as much as you can safely handle lifting at any give point in your progression.

As well you do not want to strain yourself by trying to push past your endurance level. As with weight, the length of time you work out should be increased gradually as you progress so as to avoid burnouts and wasted time spent recovering.

This may sound strange, but make sure you are breathing right. Some forget in the middle of their weight lifting regime to breath out and they will find their blood pressure going up. This can be very dangerous. Make sure you keep your breathing regular.

Finally, malnutrition is a major concern with any new workout routine. The vitamins and minerals your body has stored up will be used up very quickly under the new demands placed on it by your new routine. Be sure to keep your body nourished with the proper nutritional supplements. - 17268

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Pregnant Womens Exercise

By Janine Rose Morley

Pregnancy Fitness Ideas. When you find out you have a little one coming, your first thoughts are of the blessing that is on the way. Your preparation probably surrounds how to get the family, the house, and every other detail in order. But what about taking care of you? If you always were in shape, how do you stay in shape? And if your idea of staying in shape was a quick trip to the couch, is it too late to get in shape now? What are some good fitness ideas for staying in shape when you are pregnant?

Pregnancy Fitness Ideas.. We are going to start out with the same caveat we would bring to any exercise and pregnancy regime: consult your doctor first. If he or she gives you the green light, then put together a program. Then start with some stretching exercise. Try some rotations of the neck, arms, and shoulders. Lie on your back and try some light leg lifts.

If you are a fan of Yoga, you know it will fit into your pregnancy. If you are not already a fan, this is a fine a time as any to get with it. Yoga uses breathing and relaxing techniques, something every pregnant woman should become familiar with anyway. Yoga also will help keep your muscles in shape But what if you dont want to push yourself in the course of pregnancy? Can you jog? If it is satisfactory with the doc, you ought to be able to keep running as long as you are comfortable. Once you are about halfway to term, you must taper off. You also might aspire to replace your jogging routine with a power walk.

Pregnancy Fitness Ideas.. Swimming may also be a good way to get exercise, as long as you take it easy. The nice thing about swimming is that you can stay cool while giving your muscles a workout. The key to pregnancy exercises should be to get those muscles that you are going to need the most. Early on, you can focus on your abdominal muscles. As time goes by, leg muscles will become more important, so you should prepare them to.

Pregnancy Fitness Ideas.. Kegel exercises will furthermore help you focus on your pelvic muscles. This can become particularly important if you are trying to avoid incontinence problems. To test these muscles, try starting and stopping the stream of urine. If you are unable to end the flow, you should include pelvic floor exercises as part of your pregnancy fitness program. If you are feeling faint or giddy end the exercise intensity or discontinue exercising altogether and grab a carbohydrate meal or snack. Exercise can continuously lead to a better lifestyle. During a pregnancy, an appropriate plan can help you cope. Best of luck - 17268

Losing Weight With The Acai berry

By Casey Wigwire

The fitness boom of the 80's left Americans in somewhat better shape but often misinformed and over-working themselves and under nourished. It also led to the fad of diet pills, powders and the roller-coaster diet. The fitness fad didn't really go away going into the 90's, but the ill effects of these diet pills, crash diets and unhealthy eating plans left, for lack of a better term, a bad taste in everyone's mouth. As the new century broke, so did our outlook in fitness, exercise, diets and foods, along with how they relate to our bodies.

But the fact is that the quality of Acai berry, the fruit which is found in deep Amazon rain forest was literally unknown to the world for many years. This fruit is called as the miracle fruit in today's world as it is so beneficial to our health.

Coming from central and South America's swamplands and harvested from 15-30 meter plants, the life of an acai berry is very short, so they are often squeezed for their juice and pulp within a day or two from picking. Packed and sent off to be used in juice blends, smoothies, converted to powder form for supplements and compressed to make pills.

Even as it has a high antioxidant it prevents many diseases like cancer. The 'free radicals' inside our body are thought to be the cause of the disease like cancer. The antioxidant of the Acai berry combats the free radicals and assists the body to prevent from cancer and some other health problems.

Studies have shown that the antioxidant represent in regular ingestion of acai can help combat premature aging. Additionally, the antioxidants contain anthocyanins, these are thought to help combat and protect against certain types of cancer, diabeties and various bacterial infections, just to name a few. - 17268

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Most Effective Strength Enhancing Supplements

By Jack W. Anderson

If what you seek is an intense workout thanks to an increased overall strength and rapid gain in lean muscle mass, then the key to your search can be found in the performance enhancing properties of several bodybuilding supplements available today.

It's well known among bodybuilders and weightlifters that to achieve the fastest gains you need to take the right supplements from the start. On the other hand, you face serious risk of potential complications due to injury or illness if you choose the wrong form of supplementation for your workout.

No discussion about bodybuilding supplements would be complete without talking about creatine monohydrate. This is considered by many to be the grand daddy of muscle building supplements. Actually, you may not be aware of this but creatine does occur naturally in our bodies. It's produced from a combination of three amino acids; arginine, glycine and methionine.

Creatine is renowned for providing a short energy burst, which makes it beneficial to weight lifters and bodybuilders that are serious about reducing their lactic acid buildup, increasing their strength, providing more energy for your workouts and adding muscle weight gains in a short amount of time.

Another beneficial bodybuilding supplement is whey protein. This is considered to be the highest grade of protein and since protein is the building block for muscles it only makes sense that whey protein can help in this endeavor. Here's a fact that may surprise you. Whey protein actually contains some of the same ingredients that are found in a mother's natural milk.

One final bodybuilding supplement that deserves to be mentioned isn't just for muscle bound weightlifters. In fact it can be used by anyone interested in adding the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals that they may be missing out on due to the normal diet.

These vital minerals, nutrients, carbohydrates and proteins your body will need can be supplemented in a very quick and easy way with meal replacement supplements, or energy bars as they are sometimes called.

As you can gather there are literally hundreds of different bodybuilding supplements on the market and the three mentioned above provide the best hope of obtaining additional muscle weight and increasing your workout intensity levels and post workout recuperation. - 17268

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Getting Started On An Easy Weight Loss Plan

By Jessica N Hall

In this day and age, loads of individuals want to drop fat for health reasons and to look better. But many individuals get overwhelmed as they start, specially if they have a great deal of fat to lose. If you begin with small steps and just get going on it, the weight will in due course come off and if you sustain the superior lifestyle you can keep the fat off for good.

As most folks are aware crash diets are not always wholesome and they do not always deliver for the lengthy term. If you desire to drop fat for good you need to transform your routine. If you make a few small changes at a time you can gain some momentum and in time the everyday life changes that are essential will all be in place.

One of the greatest things you can do to enrich your lifestyle and begin dropping weight is to begin walking. Procure a pedometer and seek to get in at least 10,000 steps every day. If you make a game out of it and try to beat your preceding records you will end up having enjoyment and enjoying yourself. If you walk 10,000 steps you will need to walk much more than you are almost certainly used to. It is highly unlikely that you will be able to get in that many steps unless you make an attempt to go for more walks.

10,000 steps will convert to approximately 4 miles or nearly an hour of walking every day. One advantage is that you do not have to do it all at once if you are strapped for time. Take a 10-minute walk in the morning, a 30-minute walk at noon, and an additional 20 minutes in the late afternoon and you will perhaps have your 10,000 steps. Also, take the staircase, stroll down the hall instead of sending an email, park farther away from your destination. Keep in mind that with walking it all adds up.

Becoming more active is extremely helpful but to lose weight you will probably need to improve your nutritional regime. Every person needs a blend of fat, carbohydrates and protein. While an overload of any of these macronutrients can produce weight gain, the ones you need to pay attention to the most are the simple carbohydrates and the bad fats. Try to eradicate all high sugar foods and swap anything made with white flour with those made from whole grains. Whole grain foods are full with fiber and a profusion of nutritional value, you may discover that you have less automatically.

An eating plan that many people have found success with is eating 5 to 6 small meals each day in place of the customary 3 meals. This keeps your blood sugar level and prevents you from getting too hungry. Allowing yourself to get too hungry will derail any diet. Every meal should be a balance of protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. If you have only carbohydrates you will get hungry much faster than if you balance them out with protein and fats.

As you are creating your lifestyle changes keep track of your weight. Weigh yourself at least one time per week at the same time of day and sporting the same clothes or none at all. It may take some time to really see some decent results with a scale, so mostly you are watching to make sure you are not gaining weight. Your weight will ebb and flow, though, and if you are doing any form of weight training, you may see a weight gain on the scale because muscle is more dense than fat. Weight training is very useful for weight loss and health and you may want to consider adding in a weight-training agenda as you proceed.

In order to continue your new lifestyle it may help to add in some excellent nutrition. A daily multiple vitamin is a good suggestion, along with adding in high nutrition foods. One highly wholesome food that may be useful is the acai berry. Acai berry products have been reported to be highly useful for weight loss. The acai berry has one of the maximum antioxidant contents of any particular food and if you add it to your daily diet, there are many prospective benefits. - 17268

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How to Get Muscular Pecs: Tips For You

By Frank Hommes

Many guys wish they had large, muscular pecs that will impress everyone that sees them. While that wish could be a reality, it may also prove to be very difficult, especially if you aren't properly informed. The reason for this, is because there are a lot of errors that can easily be made. Here are some of these errors and what you can do to help avoid them.

1. The first blunder that a lot of guys make is simply overworking themselves. They think that the sure way to build up their pecs is just to lift as much as they can as quickly as they can. However, the truth is that this provides very little results and may actually do more harm to your body than good.

You must remember to always work out in moderation. The reality is that it's more important that you have a quality workout, rather than one that's just about quantity. Typically, it's best to do more reps than it is to add extra resistance, but doing too many reps can also be harmful to you, so pace yourself.

2. The second common blunder that prevents guys from getting muscular pecs is focusing solely on bench pressing. There are some people that believe bench pressing is the foundation for building the pectorals, but this is belief is not accurate.

The reason for this, is because bench pressing builds the entire upper body, so trying to concentrate on just the pecs is virtually impossible with this exercise. However, if you include flys and inclined bench presses, you can help to isolate the pecs and increase their bulk.

3. A third error people make, is in relation to their diets. A lot of individuals fail to understand that their diet may be preventing them from bulking up their pectoral muscles the way they want. A diet that is plentiful in proteins is very essential if you plan to build up your muscle mass and achieve impressive pecs.

4. The last error but the most common is not to follow a proven training program. - 17268

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Arthroscopy of the Knee

By Dr. Richard Edelson

Arthroscopy is the use of a miniature camera to view the interior of a joint. It is particularly useful when diagnosing and treating damaged or diseased knees. Using an arthroscope, an orthopedic surgeon can get a clear view of the inside of the knee and make a definite decision as to how to treat the condition.

Using high resolution cameras and state of the art arthroscopes, this technique is extremely effective in diagnosing and treating knee disorders.

The Structure of the Knee

Three bones make up the knee: The femur, the tibia, and the patella. They are cushioned at their juncture by articular cartilage, which allows the bones to work together smoothly.

The remainder of knee surfaces are coated with synovial membrane. This is a smooth, thin tissue that creates a fluid that lubricates the moving parts of the knee. This lubrication facilitates smooth functioning of the knee.

The largest joint in the body, the knee is (as stated) made up of three bones. The upper end of the shin bone, or tibia, supports the lower end of the thigh bone, or femur. There is a groove in the end of the femur that the patella, or kneecap, slides along. Strong ligaments between the femur and tibia support the structure. The thighs large muscle provides strength.

Click here for more on knee surgery .

Knee Difficulties

When everything is functioning properly, the parts of the knee work together smoothly. However, the knee gets a lot of use, and everyday wear and tear can cause problems. Sports, work, injury, weakened tissues, arthritis, and aging all take a toll on the knee. Over the course of time, these things can cause a lot of pain and reduce the ability of the knee to do its job.

With arthroscopy, a number of conditions can be diagnosed and treated:

When the articular cartilage is softened and/or the surfaces of the joints are damaged, it is called chondromalacia.

Crystalline arthropathy: Gouty arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflamed synovial membranes.

The patella or kneecap can become unstable or misaligned.

Arthroscopy can locate these problems.

Damage to meniscal cartilage can be visualized.

Loose and/or fragmented bone and cartilage can be located.

The posterior and anterior cruciate ligaments can become torn.

Arthroscopy is extremely useful to the orthopedic surgeon in locating and assessing all of these knee problems. The use of the modern technology helps todays orthopedic surgeon deliver efficient and effective treatment. - 17268

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Tips On Grilling Filet Mignon

By Ferdinand Emy

Numerous people think that grilling filet mignon is difficult and complicated but that's not the case. Grilling filet mignon can in fact be quite simple when you have a few consequential steps to follow.

The main problem that most individuals run into with grilling filet mignon is that while this cut of meat is tender, it is also mild. This means that it would not have a lot of flavor unless you know how to season it. In order to get the optimal end results when grilling filet mignon you must know how to sear it correctly so as to concentrate the flavors within the steak along with the seasonings that are added.

One of the most common misprints that many people run into with grilling filet mignon is that they tend to employ a meat fork rather than pair of tongs. When you utilize a meat fork it pierces the skin of the meat and causes the juices to escape. This method outcomes in a piece of meat that's dried out and that is something that you want to desist when grilling filet mignon. Instead, Always make certain you use meat tongs to turn the steak while grilling.

Furthermore, when grilling filet mignon, you want to make sure that you do not close the lid of the grill. There are times when closing the lid of the grill may be appropriate but when grilling filet mignon isn't one of them. When grilling filet mignon, you need to employ a heat that is direct and extreme. This will stop the steaks from becoming dried out. In addition, make sure that you do not turn the steaks too ofttimes. You should only turn the steaks once during the entire cooking time.

Plus, you require to make sure you never cook the steak excessively long. Don't forget that you may Always grill the steak a bit loner if it is not done to your liking, but once it is overcooked there's nothing that may be done.

When it comes to seasoning filet mignon, bear in mind that simplicity is best. Avoid over seasoning the steak. Filet mignon is mild but simplicity is optimal. Use a bit of freshly ground pepper. Avoid salt at this point as it may draw out the steak's natural juices. You can Regularly add salt when the steak is done cooking if you prefer more seasoning on your steak. - 17268

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Top Pregnancy Diet Tips

By Janine Rose Morley

Top Pregnancy Diets. Proper eating during pregnancy is critical. But what if you also concerned about weight gain? Although you should never try to lose weight during pregnancy, there are diets that are available during pregnancy that can cover your diet needs as well as account for your health and nutritional needs.

What top pregnancy diets must cover. Before we start looking at specific diets, lets briefly cover what needs to be part of your diet. You will need to have a diet that contains plenty of dairy, fruits, vegetables, proteins, and grains. You also need to make sure you get the proper vitamins such as folic acid, iron, vitamin C, and vitamin B12. You should avoid too much fat, sugar, and seafood that is susceptible to mercury. Stay away from alcohol and sugar substitutes. These are basic nutritional needs that a pregnant woman needs every day. Calcium is important, but you can fulfil your requirements with low fat milk.

Top Pregnancy Diets. Should pregnant women choose popular diets? Doctors do not recommend going on a diet during pregnancy, therefore many popular diets should be avoided. Since the first thing we did was tell you to ensure you hit all your food groups, the last thing we would tell you is to remove them from your diet. The Atkins diet restricts the intake of certain food groups to induce weight loss. These are definitely two no-nos.

You can do the South Beach Diet while pregnant, with a caveat. This diet is based on getting rid of bad carbohydrates and replacing them with good carbs. Since phase one is about temporarily getting rid of all carbs, you should skip this phase and go straight to phase two. And because phase three is about maintaining weight, the diet is a winner all around.

The Zone Diet, with its 40% carbs, 30% fat, and 30% protein would fall within the guidelines of an acceptable pregnancy diet, with proper modifications to ensure that all the nutritional guidelines are fulfilled

Top Pregnancy Diets for Vegetarians. Vegetarian diets will fulfil your pregnancy requirements. If you take pleasure in tofu or soy milk, it can be substituted for milk. Make certain your soy milk is equipped with calcium. For breakfast, a traditional breakfast of cereal, toast, and wheat bread (two slices) will take care of mother and baby. You must also include a small serving of fruit and a glass of fruit juice. Lunch should include either a tofu sandwich or else a healthy salad with heaps of greens. Also include selected fruit. Dinner should too include whole grains and tofu. You ought to also include beans, legumes, and nuts. Do not neglect snacking at least twice a day. Snacks should include legumes, nuts, or seeds.

Dieting during pregnancy must take a backseat to the needs of you and your baby. But if you follow the guidelines, you can ensure that you can slip back into your pre-pregnancy clothes while your little one is still cooing from his bassinet by following the outlined top pregnancy diets available to you. - 17268

Free Detox Menu

By Ferdinand Emy

If you live in a city, have a desk job (and a stressful one at that), drive an hour at least each day, and do not do exercise, then you probably are forcing your liver to do extra work trying to get rid of all that excess of toxins.

Why is my body full of toxins?

Toxins are generated from several sources. The most manifest one is the pollution in the air that we breathe in great cities. We similarly get toxins from all the chemicals that are in our food, peculiarly junk food or food that has been processed to the point that it loses its nutritional value. Some of these chemicals are preservatives and colorants in canned food. Plus, when we stress, we add our own toxins to the mix.

So as to cleanse our body from these toxins, a detox menu is recommended.

Why should I think of a detox menu?

A detox menu will get rid of those toxins in your body. You will feel healthier and more energetic when you follow one. Additionally, you'll make your liver's work much simpler, since the liver is the organ that takes care of the natural detoxification of your body. This will greatly reducing|shortening the danger of a serious liver failure or liver disease in the future.

What does a detox menu consist of?

While a detox menu varies from one health specialist to another, there are several common items to most.

Foremost of all, a common request is the prohibition of alcohol. Alcohol is very hard for our liver to get rid of. If taken in large quantities for a long period of time, it may start accumulating scar tissue on the liver, which will result in cirrhosis, a failure of the liver.

Another thing that is taken out of the picture by a good detox menu is meat, and peculiarly read meat. Red meat is also a problematic thing to handle for our liver, even though not as hard as alcohol.

Consuming raw foods is also common in a good number of diets. The reason that this is requested by a detox menu is that processed foods contain a lot of chemicals that are not natural and may rest in our bodies.

In Conclusion, the most common denominator of any detox menu is drinking water; lots of it. Water is not only the most natural of substances, but its the medium via which our natural detoxification system functions. It lets us to get rid of toxins naturally, and it is the most necessary component of our bodies. - 17268

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Strength Training - Common Myths

By Jack W. Anderson

1. 12 Rep Sets

The twelve rep standard is often prescribed in bodybuilding routines for gaining muscle mass. However, doing this many reps at once actually places the type of strain needed for strength and endurance, rather than gains in muscle mass. In order to develop strength and gain mass, you will need to include both strategies in your workout with the addition of sets of fewer reps of heavier weights to your routine.

2. Three Set rule

The truth is there's nothing wrong with three sets but then again there is nothing amazing about it either. The number of sets you perform should be base on your goals and not on a half-century old rule. The more repetitions you do on an exercise, the fewer sets you should do, and vice versa. This keeps the total number of repetitions done of an exercise equal.

3. 3 to 4 exercises per muscle group

The sad fact is that this is the most inefficient way to target a muscle group during a single workout. Instead of spreading all those reps out across three to four different exercises, it's best to do just fifty reps of one exercise during each workout. This way you are more effectively targeting each muscle group during a single workout.

4. Knees before toes

Due to a study performed by researches at Memphis University in 2003 where they discovered that knee stress during squats was increased by about 30% if you allowed your knees to extend past your toes, it is know a common myth that doing squats this way should be avoided to prevent that extra stress on your knees.

However, they also discovered that the stress placed on your hips by trying to hold your knees back and therefore leaning forward too much was increased by a whopping 1000%. The little extra stress on the knees pales in comparison.

5. Bodybuilding supplements

An entire industry was built nearly overnight with weight gain supplements. These products contained lots of sugar and in some cases even had cheap proteins. Guys were drinking these down by the gallon and even some hard gainers were finally building muscle but because of the quality of the ingredients the body preferred to add fat. The traditional weight gainer is no longer in vogue as supplement companies are more competitive with research and development so that they can create the next best muscle building supplement. Look for more nutritious supplements available these days. - 17268

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Cellulite and Salt Intake

By El Bilson

Many of us resort to dieting as a way to improve our skin, including the appearance of cellulite. However many diet foods are heavy in sodium. This can have an impact on the appearance of your skin. By reducing fat and salt in your diet you may find a way to reduce cellulite.

Many women that get cellulite are often predisposed to the condition. However the condition can be worsened through poor lifestyle choices. Cellulite can start to appear when the skin starts to lose its elasticity. For permanent reduction of cellulite symptoms, a lifestyle change might be necessary. Dietary changes can help improve the appearance of the skin and give you more energy as well.

Most people know that salt causes fluid retention. However you may not have realized that fluid retention can increase the appearance of cellulite. When your salt intake is high, the areas of cellulite will swell and be more noticeable because of the retention of fluid. Some foods that have high sodium/salt content are easy to identify. These include processed and packaged foods such as potato chips, pickles, soy sauce, and processed meats such as cold cuts.

It's usually a good idea to check the Nutritional Information box on any food product you buy. This way you can check the amount of sodium in the food you are eating. Salt will be listed as sodium and will be measured by portion size. By becoming more aware of the salt contained in the foods you eat, you can reduce your salt intake on a daily basis.

A reduction of cellulite in the body can be obtained over time with a low sodium, low fat diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. It is important to make sure you are not adding additional salt to the foods you eat. When cooking, it is helpful to reduce the amount of salt that a recipe calls for. If the recipe calls for a teaspoon of salt, reduce that to one half teaspoon. Most of the time you won't notice the difference!

It might be a good idea to invest in a book that lists the sodium content of most common foods. You will eventually get used to food being less salty. Most foods found in nature are low in sodium to begin with. Fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables have very little sodium. But those two slices of sausage pizza you had at lunch used up about 88% of your recommended daily allowance of salt.

The recommended daily allowance for sodium is around 2,400 milligrams. While this sounds like a lot, it can be easy to exceed this limit within one meal. If you are serious about reducing the appearance of cellulite on your skin, then a change in diet can be a great start. There is no need to starve yourself. Just make a few adjustments to your diet. Lower salt intake and increase consumption of water. Dont forget to reduce fat intake as well.

Beautiful skin starts on the inside. And the changes you make will not only reduce the appearance of cellulite, but will improve your overall health in many ways! - 17268

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