Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, January 11, 2010

Still Rolling on HCG...Day 16!

By Amelia Handley

I've got less than 10 days left on the low calorie portion of the HCG diet. That makes Day 16 one of my favorites so far. Here's a quick reminder of the program layout. It started off with 2 days of loading. Loading is eating a whole lot of food with a whole lot of fat content and therefore calories. While loading you start taking your HCG three times daily. It's supposed to increase the ability of the body to absorb the HCG product. After loading you start a 500 calorie per day portion of the diet. I chose to do the program that had me dieting for 23 days, but there are different lengths you can choose from.

After the 23rd day on the very low calorie diet comes the HCG maintenance diet. I'm kind of big on preparation (or some might call it unnecessary torture since I don't really have to worry about this extension of the diet for quite a bit). During the HCG maintenance diet you can eat as much food of any type of food you choose (up to 1500 calories per day). There are, of course, some heft exceptions to this eat anything rule. During the HCG maintenance diet you cannot eat: sugar, dextrose, sucrose, honey, molasses, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, starch of any kind, artificial sweeteners, fast food, trans fat, and nitrites.

Whew! That's quite the list I thought. So while the food intake is going to jump considerably I have to point out that I'm still going to be feeling strapped when it comes to what I can and can't eat. But that's just me. And I'm getting accustomed to the feeling. It's not too bad; especially when my weight is going down so drastically.

So that's a general recap for you; now let's move on to the details of day 16. I was at 156 this morning when I weighed. That's exactly the same as yesterday which is a bummer because I ate really well yesterday. I decided that I'd add some green tea to today's regimen in response (still don't like it, but it seems to work) and I tried to drink more water.

I'm fine taking the HCG drops three times per day. And I think the B-Total drops are really helpful. I'm thinking of getting online and ordering some more for when these run out.

On day 16 I focused on leftovers. At lunch I had leftover green onion burger with Melba toasts and grapefruit. For dinner I had leftover chicken (the last of it) with strawberries and more Melba Toasts. I drank a ton of water. And I'm hoping I'll drop down in weight again tomorrow; fingers crossed! - 17268

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Why Drinking Wheat Grass Juice Can Boost Health

By Jeanne Roce

Wheat grass is a grass which belongs to the family of grasses such as barley and rye which we are familiar with. The type that is used to manufacture juice is not grown outdoors but indoors on special trays. Much of the dehydrated grass that is around sixty days old is mainly used as nutritional supplements.

The juice made from fresh wheat grass is often mixed with sprouted wheat berries to produce a drink rich in chlorophyll. This juice is known to cleanse the body and to neutralize many of the toxins in our body along with slowing down the process of ageing and at the same time is believed to help prevent cancer. A lot of people are aware of the benefits of these juices after seeing those TV adverts for the Jack Lalanne juicer machine which extol the virtue of fresh juices.

A number of medical professionals have done studies to show that wheat grass can benefit a number of medical conditions. The herbal medicine is also known to have great healing power just like aloe vera. The theory can be better understood as many cats and dogs can often be seen nibbling on the grass especially when they feel sick or unwell. It is known to neutralize all the rotten food that produces toxins in our alimentary canal and the blood stream. Many of the enzymes that are found in the wheat grass have the power to detoxify most of the known toxins and additives found in our normal daily diet.

Chlorophyll is known as the life blood of the green plants. Most of the medical professionals feel that wheat grass should not be cooked as cooking could kill most of the chlorophyll and therefore destroy its beneficial effects on our body . Suggestions of the benefits of fresh chlorophyll comes from the observation that grass eating animals rarely get cancerous conditions. It is not the chlorophyll, however, that performs the detoxifying action, it is the enzymes within the grass that does this.

Many people who have purchased a Jack Lalanne juicing appliance will understand all too well the benefits of juicing. Producing a fruit juice with added wheat grass will give a delicious, refreshing nutritious beverage. These juices are full of many essential vitamins and minerals that can contribute very well to health.

For a long time fruit and vegetable juices have been known to have a cleansing effect on the body. Due to these cleansing properties many doctors advise drinking them when feeling unwell. Weight for weight, wheat grass contains more protein than eggs, fish and beans and more iron than spinach. This is a relatively little known but surprising fact.

Overall, wheat grass can be thought of as one of the superfoods. It is no surprise, therefore, that more and more people are discovering its health benefits. Experience the wonders of this grass and try adding it to your daily diet. - 17268

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How To Lose Flabby Upper Arms Without Touching A Dumbbell

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

It is possible to lose flabby upper arms without having to step on a treadmill for hours on end. Is this statement really true? Absolutely.

The secret lies in spontaneous fat loss. This method of losing the flab is the easiest one out there, I promise.

It's so easy because there is no exercise involved and no dietary restrictions. You simply tweak little things here and there and the arm flab goes away just like that.

So here are 4 awesome tips you should consider so that your flabby upper arms begin to melt away:

1. Consume foods with labels from undesirable locations. Now you have to be a little flexible here but it's worth it. A very interesting study showed that people who were given an alcoholic beverage with a label from an undesirable location, ate 500 fewer calories during a meal.

2. Stay away from high glycemic index carbohydrates. It was shown that boys who ate low glycemic index carbs consumed 621 fewer calories in a meal versus boys who ate high glycemic index carbs. Stay away from high glycemic index carbohydrates at all costs.

3. Eat a nice sized salad before the main course. If you have at least one and a half cups of roughage before the main course, you can expect to automatically eat 100 fewer calories. Studies have demonstrated this effect. Don't drench your salad with high-calorie dressing, however.

4. Substitute saturated fat with unsaturated fat. One study demonstrated that people eat 200 fewer calories per meal when consuming olive oil versus butter. Olive oil is an unsaturated fat and butter is a saturated fat. Follow the above tips and you'll notice a reduction in flabby upper arms with minimal effort on your part.

Trust me, the research backs this up. Losing the arm fat doesn't have to be a never-ending uphill battle. Take action today so that you can have sexy arms tomorrow!

Having said that, you will get much faster results if you add in some exercise. Please do not get the wrong message, exercise is still a great tool for toning your arms! - 17268

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Does Vince Delmonte's Program Help Women or Only Men?

By Caitlin Ryan

No Nonsense Muscle Building does not exactly scream "program for women" or does it? Though we all know that healthy and athletic is a great look, the media persists in portraying beauty as being skinny. Because of this, I think women are sometimes put off by the idea of building muscle, which is what Vince's program promotes.

Men naturally want to be "big & strong" and we view men who are big as being more powerful than men who are small. Not that this is true, mind you, but our ancestors relied on size and strength to further themselves. So, women sort of have a natural inclination towards bigger men. Men who are overweight are not viewed as negatively as women who are overweight, either.

For these reasons and more, many women may think Vince's program is only for men. Can it help women achieve sexy, attractive bodies as well?

Yes, more men than women use Vince's muscle building program to develop lean, chiseled, ripped bodies, but Vince's program is not designed just to build bulk. Women who desire a sexy, lean body will in fact benefit from Vince's program.

Why? There are two reasons why Vince's No-Nonsense programs will help women achieve the body they desire.

First, you need to understand that women who gain extreme muscle mass such as professional body builders have to work at this look for hours a day. This is their life. Women do not build muscle mass as easily as men. We tend to carry more fat because of our reproductive abilities. So, women who do gain a manly, muscular physique have to manipulate their bodies through the use of special exercises and supplements. Specialized trainers are on board.

Shannon Clark is a fitness expert and she helped Vince develop his program. She wanted to help him create a bodybuilding program that would be for women as well as men. She knows most women do not want huge, bulging muscles.

Once you begin to lose body fat and gain lean body mass, your body starts to use fuel more efficiently. You will store less fat and burn more calories. Lean body mass helps you increase your results whether you are working out or doing household chores.

You will have a viable means of keeping the weight off and avoiding a weight loss plateau.

Vince focuses on body type, helps you determine whether you are an ectomoroph, mesomorph or endomorph and teaches you how to eat and exercise properly based on your body type. You will find yourself on the path to a lean, toned figure in no time. - 17268

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